Sunday, April 3, 2011

Obama Is America's Modern Nero Caesar

If you’re unemployed, you may find this news interesting, if not perhaps you may want to look it over, or at least consider the reality of what it says which is intentionally being spiked by the organs of the alphabet soup media that want you to believe that the Great Recession/Depression ended sometime in September of 2009 – and I don’t blame you if you want to believe that, so do I, but there are too many evidences which point to something more ominous; something which indicate as many are now whispering that we are now heading inexorably towards a double dip recession. What they’re not telling you is that the country has been in the throes of a deep Depression since the beginning of this year, and that the stock market jump is nothing more than fed paper being injected by the five major banks into the stock market to ratchet up the levels and keep them up there in order to create the illusion of a recovery, when such a recovery does not exist.

The evidence is all around US; more than seventeen per cent of the overall American workforce is now off the charts, they’re not being included in the official unemployment figures being released by the Department of Labor; the actual unemployment figures according to Gallop – that is, those who are actively currently collecting unemployment insurance – is not 8.8 per cent, but at ten per cent, and in some sectors around the country, it is at 12 per cent and higher. What’s more, when factoring in the under-employed – those who work two part time jobs to earn what they used to with one before the economic meltdown of 2008 – and others who now work a full time job, but who earn much less than they used to, and another group mostly ignored by statisticians of the Obama Administration – those who work a single part time job – the figure stands at almost 19 per cent.

Also not included in these figures are the millions that collect welfare, who formerly worked, collected unemployment insurance, ran out of that, and now collect in another manner from the federal government. Another group not included in these statistics are the disabled who collect monthly Social Security Disability who also number in the millions.

When put together, all of the groups above stand at a staggering figure somewhere between 48 and 49 per cent of the overall workforce population of the United States! This is why, as Sean Hannity and others discovered late last year, that up to half of the country does not pay federal and state income taxes, while the federal and state budgets continue to balloon. This is the reality of early Twenty-First Century America, and this is being completely ignored by the partisan pro-Obama alphabet soup government-media complex. In this respect, both the Obama Administration and the news media are criminally negligent, because these are real people with real needs suffering in a very real way, who are being told daily by the administration and the media that the country is in a recovery and that the job market is turning around, when it is not.

The reality in the streets is far different than that in the White House and in the newsrooms of the nation. The people are feeling the real state of the country’s economic depression, but are being intentionally lied to by politicians seeking reelection next year, who are brazenly “cooking the books” in order to convince enough of their constituents to support them at the ballot box next year. We are seeing an almost Dickensian World descend upon the denizens of the inner cities of the United States, while the depression the country is currently in is now being seen and felt across the very heartland of America. Reports from those whose business takes them all across the US is that what they had never seen before, they had begun to see everywhere they go; shuttered businesses, closed and abandoned houses, repossessed buildings, empty malls, and closed and abandoned factories; not just in certain areas such as Milwaukee, Cleveland, New York, New Jersey, Ohio, Pennsylvania, but in almost all fifty states across the nation. There are now more people out of work than those working.

This forty-eight to forty-nine per cent of none working, non taxpaying sectors of the population has taken its toll on the nation’s infrastructure, which even with the various TARPs and Stimulus packages passed by Bush and Obama, has continued to grow. Bridges, tunnels, roads, and highways are dangerously in various states of deterioration. Some states are selling public property to private investors in order to raise revenue to be able to run their governments, while others are seeking new and ingenious forms of taxation and zoning laws to raise revenue for the crumbling operations. Local police and county sheriff’s officers are being used by the various municipalities in raising revenue through speed traps, check point charlies at various intersections, as law enforcement officers stop and scan incoming vehicles’ inspection stickers in order to ticket those that have either failed or expired stickers on their wind shields. These things have never been seen on this scale before, and as things get worse, the more the law is being abused by crafty politicians and crooked municipalities to keep local and state coffers at a level where salaries and benefits for public employees can be kept at current levels or made higher, as in the case of one California town which gained notoriety for its padded salaries earlier this year.

In what appears to be a frontal attack on our Constitutional rights, some Democrats are now advocating taxing the American public for every mile traveled, as if they are not being taxed already with the notorious gas tax at the pump they’ve been paying since Bill Clinton signed the measure into law years ago, while others have been advocating the federal government rifle private pension plans and 401Ks in search of new revenue for its profligate and irresponsible spending! Obama’s health care reform, otherwise known as Obama Care, has ripped five hundred billion dollars from Medicare benefits from seniors and the disabled for funding Obama Care. It has now been discovered that the health care reform bill approved tax money before the current congress could put a vote on it for Planned Parenthood and other so-called organizations that promote abortion on demand, and to exclusively pay for early retirees of states which supported Obama Care in what is now being known as the largest kickback ever enacted into the law in this nation’s history. Obama and his rubber stamp congress buried these and many other provisions within the mammoth two thousand plus health care reform law last year. They did this so that regardless of how this current congress votes to defund Obama Care, specific portions of the law would be funded before the new laws go into effect. The corruption this administration has brought to congress is unprecedented. The schemes and trickery it and the last congress and the senate headed by Senator Majority Leader Harry Reid (D. Nevada) have used to pass it are so numerous it would take a book to enumerate. The bloated pensions of public sector workers and the need for them to pay into these as the private sector does instead of from taxes in Wisconsin is only the tip of the ice berg. There are many more to follow, and we are now beginning to see it all around the country.

The housing market is being affected by this as there are a greater number of home foreclosures than there was at the height of the Great Depression, and there is no end in sight for the spiraling funnel that real estate is in throughout most sectors of the country, as property values continue to descend to levels predating the lowest levels which the market had fallen to in the 90’s. Obama’s Making Home Affordable, like every other policy of measure of his to “help the poor” and “those who are in danger of foreclosure and losing their homes” is an abject failure. Of the millions that the administration touted as helping when the program was launched, only a few hundred thousand have been able to use it to keep their properties and not be thrown out into the street. The question many are now asking is, “Am I any better now than I was in 2008?” ,and the answer coming back is an absolute, “No, I’m not.” In fact, more Americans feel they are worse off now than they were three years ago, when the Great Recession/Depression of 2008 began. It may have begun then, but it has hit most Americans full force only now.

The rise in real inflation is another area where Americans are being intentionally lied to by the government and by the organs of the alphabet soup government/media complex. Inflation has always historically been measured by the costs in energy and commodities such as food and precious metals. Well, this administration has intentionally excluded these from how it tabulates inflation because energy and commodities have skyrocketed to unseen levels the last three years. Like the unemployment figures, the administration wants you to believe that inflation is under control and that the rising costs you are experiencing at the pump and at the super market, and for goods and services is not inflation, but only a “slight uptick in oil which is having its effect on related sectors,” whereas the reality is that inflation is a reflection of Quantitative Easing 1 and Quantitative Easing 2 (QE1 and QE2) by the Federal Reserve, which has ramped up the printing of greenbacks and the purchasing with these inflated greenbacks of up to eighty per cent of the bond market , in order to maintain the illusion of a recovery, as it provides central banks with this liquidity which is injecting itself into the stock market in order to keep it artificially high. The Federal Reserve is intentionally collapsing the dollar as it builds the wealth of those who own it. Energy and food prices have sky-rocketed, and this is the true rate of inflation, and it is being felt everywhere but in the halls of congress and the Oval Office in the White House.

We are experiencing the throes resulting from the criminal activities of the most secretive, the most corrupt, the most devious, and the most partisan and self interested administration in the history of this nation. It is ironic that Obama promised when running for the presidency promised that his administration would be the most transparent, honest, and ethical of all. The meaning transparent, ethical, and honest have been turned on their heads, as this administration and its allies in the last congress led by Nancy Pelosi (D. California) and the senate led by Harry Reid (D Nevada) rammed through the most invasive, the most costly, and flawed health care law ever enacted by congress on the American people. Indeed it passed along party lines, with the Democrat Party being a rubber stamp for Obama’s radical Marxist agenda in “fundamentally transforming” the United States of America.

If this were a recovery the country would be seeing real investment in the private sector for durable goods, real job growth in the private sector and not in government, actual growth in the number of private sector jobs being released monthly, and a real uptick in real estate development, sales, with a real reduction in foreclosures, job losses, business failures, bank failures, and a real growth in capital from actual economic growth and not labor reduction, which has been the case up until now.

More banks have failed just the first three months of this year than had at this time last year, and if the trend continues, will be a record above last year’s which topped all others previously. If the economy were on the mend, bank failures, real estate foreclosures, unemployment, business failures would all be turning the other way and not increasing as they have and continue to do at this writing. What’s more, wages would begin to really grow when adjusted correctly for inflation, whereas the opposite is happening. These are not the signs of a recovery, and had they been evident during the Reagan Era, you would have been seeing the nightly news reporting just the opposite as it did at that time.

Abraham Lincoln is attributed to have made the following observation, “You can fool some of the people all the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you cannot fool all of the people all the time.” There was a time in America when the public could be lied to as it is being lied to by the government/media complex, and most of the American electorate would have believed the lies and take them right into the ballot box and perhaps reelect incumbents to office in perpetuity, as we had witnessed years before. Powerful political machineries by the corrupt two party system committed to preserving the status quo would have continued and thrived as it did for decades before, but with information no longer being monopolized by the government/media complex of the alphabet soup channels; the American electorate, armed with actual facts and figures, and experiencing for itself the reality of these rather than what they are being told by the misleading and corrupt government/media complex, went to the ballot box and expressed their displeasure and gave 63 corrupt incumbents in the US House of Representatives and eight incumbents in the US Senate their pink slips and sent them home last year. The state and local governments saw even greater change, and America made its voice heard clearly. Information is indeed power and the liberal Left no longer holds a monopoly on it as it did decades before.

Yet partisans like Chuck Schumer (D. N.Y.), and criminal public servants like Charles Wrangle (D. N.Y.) and slick politicians like Barack Obama continue their nefarious activities, working to undo what the American people demanded of them last year; that government bring its spending under control, and cut fraud and graft from government, and put into place measures which will help turn this economy around rather than sink it any further as it continues to deteriorate around them. The 14 trillion dollars of deficit spending Obama and the prior congress created is unprecedented. We are now in now in the third year of Barack Obama’s presidency, but by its second year, this administration had outspent every other administration in this nation’s history combined.

America stands at the precipice of bankruptcy. Its cities are bankrupt. It’s roads and bridges and highways in disrepair and crumbling. Its private sector shrinking, not growing. Jobs continue to go overseas where the cost of business is more favorable. More and more of America’s factories lie idle and abandoned. More and more people have had to move in with their families in order to keep from homelessness, while increasing numbers of others are losing their homes and businesses because the banks that were bailed out with their tax dollars are investing that money overseas and not lending on orders of regulators of this administration, and this in spite of the Fed’s inflating the currency, and there is not enough capital available for small business and upstarts to be able to stay in business, much less to begin them, while big corporations like GE and others are being given billions of tax dollars while not paying a single cent in taxes, as their CEOs and CFOs fly with the president to places like Brazil and throughout Latin America to invest in jobs outside of the US where jobs are needed most. For the president’s favors, they continue to funnel obscene amounts of money in support of his reelection bid next year.

The moral bankruptcy of this administration and most of American politics in general is evident in that Obama is seeking to make history again by being the first billion dollar candidate; in other words, the first candidate for president that will raise a billion dollars. In light of how the people of the nation are suffering from Obama’s current economic, tax, and energy policies; it is obscene that his priorities are to be reelected by raising a billion dollars for his campaign war chest as America crumbles around him. It speaks volumes about the man and precisely what he is about and where his priorities lay.

And while the president travels to far off lands to cynically curry favor with specific constituencies he believes he will need next year in order to be reelected, he does so at tax payer expense, outspending every other president that has sought reelection before him combined; while his detached foreign policies allow the world to spiral out of control with multiple crisis explode around him which he intentionally has ignored, and in some cases such as Libya, his administration has exacerbated. His mistreatment of Israel has never been seen before by an American president, and it is a wonder that even Jewish Democrats would consider supporting this enemy of Israel who pretends to by its ally while undercutting every security measure by Israel as Hamas showers Israeli cities with rockets in the south, and Hezbollah continues to be armed by Iran and Syria and is making preparations to invade Israel from the north. When a young Jewish couple and their infant and young children were massacred by Palestinian Jihadists last month, Obama was mum. Contrast that with how quick he has been to defend Jihadists here apprehended by our military or by law enforcement. His is the only administration in this country’s history that has given over nine hundred million dollars to Hamas, a terrorist organization in the guise of humanitarian aid, and it is undercutting Israel’s defenses behind the scenes as its envoys visit Israel’s worst enemies such as Syria, negotiating on behalf of them against Israel to give up land for peace.

In the most recent example of Obama’s efforts to undercut Israel’s security to date; earlier this year, the Obama Administration sent its envoy, Dennis Ross, to pressure Israel on behalf of Syria to surrender most of the strategic Golan Heights, and every negotiation, the Obama Administration has favored Israel’s enemies without any exception. Obama’s treatment of Benjamin Netanyahu is the most blatant of expression of open derision and disregard ever made to a foreign head of state in this country’s history, when Obama abruptly left Netanyahu to have lunch by himself without inviting him to join him or explaining to him why he left and was not returning to see him out of the White House. This is unheard of. Previously, Obama gave back to the royal family in England a bust of Winston Churchill given to this country as a gift by Great Britain as a gesture of friendship and allegiance, while presenting to the Queen of England a collection of CDs and DVDs of Obama’s favorite motion pictures in a format that cannot be played back in England. The US uses NTSB, whereas Great Britain and many European, and Asian nations use PAL. Does Obama know what he is doing?

And is if that were not enough, through his Attorney General, Eric Holder (a former lawyer for a law firm that defended 9/11 terrorists), has transformed the Department of Justice into a liberal policy enforcing think tank, as more radical attorneys are filling more key posts within it. Under Obama/Holder, the Justice Department has dropped investigations of terror cells, black radical intimidation of white voters, is seeking Constitutional rights for foreign terrorists and enemy combatants in custody, and is prosecuting more and more people who oppose Obama’s radical Marxist agenda in the guise of pursuing “potential extremists.” A memo discovered last year ordered law enforcement officials within the Department of Homeland Security to view veterans of the Iraq and Afghanistan Wars, and others like Christian groups as potential extremists and enemies of the state.

When the Green Revolution took hold of Iran last year, the Obama Administration did absolutely nothing on behalf of the Iranian people suffering under the brutal dictatorship of the Mullahs. Obama totally ignored the bloodbath that ensued, and has since turned a blind eye to its nuclear weapon program almost as though he wishes to assure that another radical Muslim nation has the ultimate weapon to use against the West. This is criminal negligence at best, and at its very worst, outright treasonous action on the part of a Chief Executive.

Obama waited thirty-one days, at which time he and his wife, children, and mother in law took a vacation in South America as others within his administration took action on Libya, yet afterwards they and then he made contradictory statements as to whether or not taking action on Libya was in America's interest, whether American forces were or were not leading the charge, and many other statements that only served to reinforce the public's perception of evidence that Obama and those around him did not in fact know what they were doing. This served to embolden America's enemies, and once again made America look weak in the face of crisis overseas.

As far as the trajedy in Japan is concerned, the Obama Administration has done little to nothing. Contrast how much and how fast it sprung into action last year in Haiti, and even in spit of this, how it has accomplished absolutely nothing that can be said helped the suffering Haitian people; the current administration has shown itself to be in league with rogue and incompetent corrupt regimes as they brutalize the people under them.

Under Barack Obama the military is becoming a place for social engineering as he has signed into the law what his rubber stamp congress has passed along party lines, dropping Bill Clinton’s Don’t Ask Don’t Tell policy for gays in the military and in government, as it has ordered the Department of Justice to no longer defend DOMA – the Defense of Marriage Act – another law passed by congress and signed into law by Bill Clinton, which defines marriage as it has been defined by this society for over two hundred years, and by civilization since the dawn of time, as the union between a man and a woman. This does not end here, Barack Obama has placed avowed pedophiles whose writings advocate sexual relations between under age children and adults to sensitive policy making positions within the government.

Either Barack Obama is the most inexperienced and incompetent president in this nation’s history, or he is its most corrupt, but make no mistake about it, he is one of these two, or perhaps even worse; both. His enablers have instilled in him a misleading belief of invulnerability and even more dangerous, infallibility; both of which have rendered him incapable of learning from his mistakes, and growing within the presidency; something almost every president – with rare exceptions such as Jimmy Carter – have learned as their time in the Oval Office has taught them. And because of this and because he is a committed ideologue, he will continue to promote policies which reflect his world view and philosophy, and we now have seen where this has taken US.

In all fairness, Obama cannot be blamed for all of the nation’s woes and problems, but what he must take responsibility for, and must “man up to” if indeed he is a leader, after three years as the nation’s Chief Executive; is the exacerbation of those problems and woes, and the creation of new and more dangerous ones under his watch. When after three months (90 days) a new hire shows that he or she is not up to the task and responsibilities of the job he was hired for, he or she is summarily dismissed or fired from that job and a replacement is sought to fill the post who can and will meet those responsibilities. Barack Hussein Obama, without any prior experience in business, or in any executive position, but only his role as local and state community organizer (A Saul Alinsky euphemism for Communist Agitator and revolutionary) who barely had begun four months as a junior senator of the state of Illinois, representing one of its poorest and corrupt districts when he decided to run for the highest, most sensitive, and most strategically important office of government in the land; has made it abundantly clear that he is not up to the responsibilities and tasks that the office of the presidency demands, and he must be summarily fired by the American electorate next year, and replaced with someone who is qualified for the task of Commander in Chief of the armed forces and Chief Executive of these United States. Barack Hussein Obama must be a one term president… Barack Hussein Obama must be sent back to Illinois and retired from ever holding any public office again… must Barack Hussein Obama must go, but most importantly than all; Barack Hussein Obama’s policies must be reversed as soon as possible before they do any more damage to this nation, or to its prestige and standing overseas, or to our allies, and to US, and our future prospects and those of our posterity.

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