Tuesday, April 5, 2011


I’ve often wondered how one of the foremost Christian leaders of Evangelical Christianity in America was pushed aside and removed from an organization which he founded, and why this happened, and the same conclusion would surface every time I pondered the reason for his almost abrupt departure and disappearance from Christian Radio since – Barack Hussein Obama. During the 2008 elections, James Dobson’s Biblically based views on abortion, infanticide, homosexuality, and sin came into sharp contrast with the ideas and public statements, and voting record of one prominent presidential candidate – Barack Hussein Obama.

What should have been a warning about just how thin skinned this junior senator from Illinois was, like so many other evidences coming up as the campaign got heated between Obama and the DNC’s then front runner Hillary Clinton; were overlooked. One of these was Obama’s almost tit for tat with Dr. James Dobson. It seemed Dr. Dobson’s views, which he articulated well on his morning radio program, Focus On the Family on the AM band, was grist for Obama’s ire. As he would do during the rest of the campaign, and has done up to the present even as president, Obama took a personal affront to Dr. Dobson’s Scripturally based opinions on morality, the inerrancy of Scripture (Old and New Testaments – the Bible), the family, sin, sexual behavior, government funded abortion on demand, and DOMA – the Defense of Marriage Act – passed by congress and signed into law by another Democrat President, William Jefferson Clinton which defined marriage as it had been defined by civilization since Pre-history as the union between a man and a woman.

Although at the time, candidate Obama claimed that he personally believed that marriage is the union between two opposite sexes, his public statements were so lukewarm and weak that few took him at this word. He has since conveniently modified his views on marriage and now supports marriage between like sexes – and advocates openly the homosexual, lesbian, bisexual, transsexual, transgender agenda. He has authorized his Attorney General, radical lawyer Eric Holder to order the Justice Department not to defend DOMA. Obama has signed into law the repeal of President Clinton’s Don’t Ask Don’t Tell Law for the military, and has placed into staffed key positions within the Joints Chiefs of Staff with career military line officers whose world view concur with his own.

Obama stood at polar opposite of every one of these issues, and as more and more of his public statements concerning these surfaced on You Tube and other venues – Hannity, the Factor with Bill O’Reilly, the Edge with Paula Zhan, On the Record with Greta Van Susteran, who replaced Zhan (who bolted to CNN) on Fox, and other shows – it became painfully evident that Obama’s public image needed working over. Dr. Dobson’s statements, which were heard by more than 1.5 million Americans and many more beyond those, stood in sharp contrast to those of candidate Obama’s own, and had to neutralized, while Obama’s public relations people went right to work before, as they saw it, Dr. Dobson’s words could penetrate any further the more than 61 million strong Evangelical Audience, and undercut Obama’s chances of winning the White House.

To this task, liberal evangelicals like the founder of Sojourner’s Magazine – a hard left Christian themed publication, mega church star faith and prosperity preacher TD Jakes, the Reverend Jesse Jackson of Push-Excel, Obama’s own Reverend Jeremiah Wright, the Reverend Al Sharpton, and many others from the far left united with the best public relations promoters George Soros’ money could buy from Madison Avenue; and it worked. Enough young Christian Evangelicals – who had become disillusioned with President George W. Bush’s compassionate conservatism and were looking for change, but without knowing what kind of change they were looking for – just change of any kind – were drawn to Obama’s message of Hope and Change, and Yes We Can, and No More Four Years of George Bush clichés, and went for Obama without realizing just how far he was from their core beliefs. The young Christian public bought the lines and clichés put out by Obama’s pr people and spouted with almost rhythmic and melodic tones over and over again by Obama throughout the campaign trail – a mind control and form of mass hypnotism – which when Obama focused on his audiences, had the effect of lulling their pliable minds straight to the ballot box.

Dr. James Dobson, paid a very big price for his opposition to Barack Hussein Obama, and his own organization, or rather key people within it, pushed him out and replaced him with another Christian leader who was more amenable to Obama’s public social policies. The story behind this has finally come out, and I cite it directly below this report for my readers to examine and make their own minds up as to what just happened over at Focus On the Family and why. The number of votes that candidate Obama garnered from among Christian Evangelicals and Roman Catholics is an indictment of just how far the fruit of Righteousness has fallen from the proverbial tree in America. The level of Biblical illiteracy among those who call themselves Christians in America is staggering. The fact that so many of them were swayed by Obama’s 900 million dollar public relations political machinery and that so many of their own spiritual leaders were themselves accomplices to this charade, explains how the fall and casting aside of such a personage, Christian leader and bulwark such as Dr. James Dobson could have come to pass. How it has been forgotten so easily is a testament to this reality.

As more and more Christian leaders of Evangelical, Pentecostal, and other Protestant denominations, as well as liberal Christian groups, and liberal Roman Catholics, and sundry leftist and black liberation theologically based church leaders flock to Barack Hussein Obama as they did in 2008, and clamor for his reelection, presenting him as they did back then as a Christian for whom devout Christians and observant Jews should cast their vote for; more and more of those who stand in the way, like those who have fallen before them; cast aside by the Juggernaut of Political Correctness and Universalism sweeping the nation in the name of “tolerance,” and “love.”

The Pepster
April 5th, 2011

Another Watchman Falls Off the Wall
by Todd Strandberg

Some funny business is going on at Focus on the Family. James Dobson is stepping down, ceding his microphone to new leadership. Mr. Dobson, a 73-year-old child psychologist, announced that he is going to launch a new radio show with his son in March. He said, "I cannot watch the world continue in a moral decline without offering guidance."

Founded in 1977 by Dobson, Focus on the Family has built an audience estimated at 1.5 million daily listeners in the U.S. and more than 200 million worldwide. Its mission is "nurturing and defending the God-ordained institution of the family and promoting biblical truths worldwide."

Jim Daly will be the guy taking the reins of the ministry. He is said to have a markedly different style and set of priorities. "I don't see evil behind everything," Mr. Daly said. He prefers to build bridges with others. While Mr. Dobson blasted President Barack Obama for "fruitcake" ideas, Daly praised the president for his devotion to family, and last summer attended a White House event celebrating fatherhood.

Focus leaders say they intend to join a growing movement in the evangelical community to broaden their agenda beyond abortion and gay marriage. Daly wants to adopt the bridge-building style of such evangelical leaders as pastors Rick Warren and Joel Hunter.

It's quite obvious to me that Dobson was forced out of his own ministry. He has been tight-lipped about his departure from Focus on the Family.

I see a repeat of the fiasco that NBC created when it replaced Jay Leno with Conan O'Brien. Only in this case, there isn't a multi-billion dollar parent company to cushion the financial blow. Focus on the Family's donor support has already been falling. Its budget for the current fiscal year is about $132 million, down from $151 million in the 2008 fiscal year. Now that Dobson is starting a new venture, he will likely drain away a large chunk of the ministry’s supporter base.

Several years ago, I wrote an article that pointed out that apologetics is dead. "In order to defend true Christianity against the encroachment of error, people must be active in finding the wolves who dwell amongst the flock," I said. "Sadly, ‘apologetics’ has become a dirty word. Few Christian leaders want to be the bad guys. They would rather make friends with the enemies so they won't lose out on financial opportunities that come with these alliances" ("Nearing Midnight," 9/27/04).

We are now at the point where it is time to declare that our nation has no moral watchmen. We still have some, but they are so small in number that they don't matter to the general population. Rapture Ready is proclaiming the true gospel message, but our effort only reaches the hundreds of thousands.

Most of the moral leaders of my youth are now dead or are too old to be of any service. We're left with preachers who write books that appeal to people’s carnal nature.

I can't think of a better example than Joel Osteen. He has the largest church in North America, he is the top-rated pastor on TV, and was named "Most Influential Christian in America" in 2006 by The Church Report. The Houston-based pastor refuses to mention the word "sin," and every one of his books has the word "you" or "your" in the title. A couple of years ago, Fox News Sunday host Chris Wallace brought up criticism of Osteen's lack of Scripture reference in his sermons, as well as his hesitancy to discuss sin as a common part of life. Osteen responded: "And I am ultimately trying to do that, but I'm trying to teach people how to live their everyday lives, and so do I focus on it? Probably not as much as some people would like."

It doesn't surprise me that Houston elected a gay mayor and Joel Osteen was the one giving the inauguration ceremony prayer. What shocked me is the silence in the church. I almost wish Osteen had said, "I'm here because God approves of homosexuality." Maybe that would have triggered a reaction that would let us know we haven't hit rock bottom yet.

One of the reasons I believe the tribulation hour is very near is that most people think there is room for a final warning. The lack of a moral watchman has given the false impression that everything is fine.

"Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some (not all) shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils; Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron" (1 Tim. 4:1-2). - http://www.rapturealert.com/2010/021510watchman.asp

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