Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Segregation & the High Tech Lynching of A Great American

When I heard that there might be the remotest possibility that Herman Cain might be dropping out of the race because of the accusations made against him by unstable and financially challenged people, many of whom have some pet peeve or some ax to grind against Mr. Cain, I contacted his campaign and sent the following e-mail:

Please get this to Mr. Cain. I have been trying to reach Mr. Cain, but without success. I will not give up. Please tell Mr. Cain not to allow the elites to take him off this race. He is the only candidate running for president WHO CAN DEFEAT BARACK OBAMA. I implore Mr. Cain to please call me at (xxx) MY CELL. That is my cell. I am only one person, but I believe that I am one of many Americans in this electorate whom the media has ignored, who do not want anyone but Herman Cain as the next President of these United States. He is the only candidate running who WILL turn this country around and bring it back from the brink. The elites know this, and this is why they want him to drop out. HE will put an end to their criminal activities. If anyone but Herman Cain makes it to the White House, we are finished, and so are those who will come after US!
Please, I know I am not important or famous, just a regular Joe Blow, but if Mr. Cain can call me directly and speak with me, I will give him a compelling reason why he must be our next president.

Thank you,
For America
What has happened to Herman Cain is beyond disgraceful. It is almost inhuman. Some of you may ask, “Now wait just one minute, don’t you think ‘inhuman’ is a little over the top when referring to the campaign of defamation and slander against Mr. Cain?” , to which I reply that when an enterprise – any enterprise – uses defamation of character, slander, and character assassination by innuendo and direct accusations made by individuals with questionable motivations for conducting them, individuals with a history, individuals who may be suffering from some form of mental illness at the very best, or may themselves be political shills for one of the rival campaigns – there is evidence as Anne Coulter and others have pointed out that two of the three women have connections to Obama’s cmapaigne – then we are seeing the selective and methodical deconstruction of a person simply by accusation; and as such, we are witnessing an inhuman act because a man is being stripped of his humanity; his character, his good name.

I was born in the era of segregation, in fact, my mother tells me that we were victims of it but in a reverse way when we went to the nation’s capitol when I was but only four years old, and she was securing a US passport for me in order to travel to her native country of Cuba.While in Washington, D.C., my mother asked a sailor who was waiting for a bus what bus she could take to get to a certain destination we were traveling to, and he motioned that she should cross the street and to the corner and take the bus that stopped at that corner. We crossed the street, and waited for the bus to come. When the bus came, we both entered it and went to sit down. She tells me that upon entering a bus, the occupants of that bus, who were all black, courteously told my mother that she and I needed to disembark and cross the street to the other corner where we could take an All White Bus meant for caucasians. That it wasn’t proper for white folks to ride in all black bus. My mother was shocked, because in her native country in the era of Batista they did not have segregated buses as they did here in the United States. There was prejuedice and there was a type of segregation in certain public places, but it was societal – more cutlural, and not enforced by the state – as it was here. This is not to condone such a system, but just by way of comparison of the differences between cultural segregation that people still follow everywhere you go in the world, and when such segregation is enforced by the state and government. But this was our first experience with segregation and the systematic marginalization of a sector of America along racial and ethnic lines.

Why do I bring this up? Because as one who lived through the period of segregation in this country, and witnessed the inhumanity of it, and the injustice it visited upon part of our population – our fellow Americans – our brothers in this great republic of these United States, who should be equally bound by and whose freedoms are protected by our national Constitution; I am appalled, yes appalled, at how the media and the GOP has treated Herman Cain. I really believed that segregation had ended in the Sixties.

But almost fifty years later, I see that it is still around and very alive in this country. Herman Cain has been put up to a public linching by the press and the organs of the mass media. They have collected and are in the process of collecting various unfounded and vague allegations by strange and unstable women and levelled these against Mr. Cain, as they attempt to end and this man’s candidacy for the president, because they know and sense that he is the only candidate that is running who can defeat Barack Obama and anyone the Democrats would consider running, even a third party candidate. They don’t care how they will do it, but do it they must, and they will resort to anything short of assasination – and there is a credible suspicion that this is also a possibility if they can’t get him off the ticket – which is why the Secret Service has now been protecting Mr. Cain for weeks.

What the media has resorted to is the lowest of yellow journalism, because organs like Politico and others, without first verifying the history of these women; rushed with the story and pushed as a main story all across the country in order to discredit and defame Mr. Cain, and force him to drop out. There is so much that a family can take of this, and they know it, which is why they are still at it. They know that regardless of what the elite media – the government/media complex of alphabet soup channel outlets – continually attempt to convince that Newt Gingrich will be the nominee of the GOP to run for president – the “Un-Romney Candidate” as they have dubbed Mr. Gingrich; that even with these reports, there is a powerful undercurrent all across the country (this writer included) who will vote for Mr. Cain, IF HE REMAINS IN THE RACE. And this undercurrent of supporters whom the media are now ignoring, much as they are ignoring Ron Paul’s, will not vote for either of the two Establishment’s candidates – New Gingrich or Mitt Romney.

Though Mitt Romney and his supporters don’t realize it, Mr. Romney’s inability to break beyond the twety per cent support mark in his own party, guarantees that he cannot defeat Barack Obama, even if half of Obama’s base does not come out, because just twenty per cent of the voting GOP cannot carry the vast numbers of independents out there, nor will a single Libertarian vote for either Mitt Romney or Newt Gingrich; that’s just an impossiblity, and without these three groups solidly behind him when running against Barack Obama in November of next year, they will not be able to defeat his reelection. The Establishment who wants one of their own to run on either ballot, will do everything possible to assure this, and to this end, it has its media hard at work producing the type of scandals that ironically could not bring down a serial philanderer like Bill Clinton, because the same media was behind him at the time; whereas it can bring down a man of integrity such as Herman Cain, and end the GOP’s only chance at defeating Barack Obama.

What this media has done, including many of the so-called Establishment conservatives like Karl Rove, and several others have done is put Herman Cain to a public high tech lynching; they have tarred and feathered him, and have given those who seek to derail Mr. Cain’s campaign grist to use againt him by planting needless questions and innuendos based upon clever arguments of their invention designed to create doubt and suspicion, and have given Mr. Cain’s accusers and the media amunition to continue their campaign at systematic deconstruction of this man before the American electorate. This is detestable. It is beyond anything that I have witnessed in my life, apart from the “boarking” of Clarence Thomas by the same Joe Biden who is now Vice President, but who held a key seat in the Judiciary Committee that reviewed Justice Thomas for the Supreme Court. The lesser crucifying the greater because the greater did not conform to Mr. Biden’s definition of what a black professional should think.

You see, it is acceptable for blacks and Latinos, and Jews, and women, or other “minorities” to be liberal; they might even be allowed to be radical, and of course, they must be Democrats. Such people will be touted by the media as nothing short of miracles of our society rising above poverty and prejudice to become examples and paragons of American success. But if a he or she is a conservative and hold to Judeo-Christian morals, the campaign by the elites in the media who are part of the Establishment, go into high gear to defame them and marginalize them as extremists, and as part of “the right wing.” If they’re white, they’ll be called racists, as the TEA Party has been labeled by the same media and politicians allied to it without a shred of evidence to prove it.

The same has been done to Mr. Cain. Without a shred of evidence, Mr. Cain has been subjected to being guilty by way of accusation, of being something he is not; a philanderer and a serial womanizer. Some have even had the temerity to call him a rapist, and suggested that he is mentally unfit to serve. They should’ve made those charges when Bill Clinton ran for the presidency, but at the time, the same media told US that such questions were personal and that a public official’s private life is not our business, and shouldn’t impact their effectiveness as they serve in office. Remember those arguments? What a double standard! At least with Mr. Clinton there was multiple evidence, even DNA, that proved the stories, but here and now the media is going full throttle against to imput guilt upon Mr. Cain for being accused without any foundation or evidence to support the allegations. And yes, these are only allegations, nothing more. And we’re supposed to live in a land where one is innocent until proven guilty.

That doesn’t seem to apply when it comes to minorities who are conservative, like Justice Clarence Thomas, Herman Cain, Senator Marco Rubio, or any other conservative who feels a calling to serve the nation in elected office. To the media, I would say, “You should all be ashamed of yourselves! Have you no sense of decency? Have you no sense of honor? Have you no integrity? Have you no self respect? What the media has done is practice the worst kind of racism possible – marginalize a man, and Herman Cain is not the only one, trust me – there are many others who have been the target of this media, who do not fall into the box that the Establishment has constructed and would like the people to live in and conform; and these won’t be the last. Yes, segregation is alive and well in America. It is being practiced under the guise of journalism by liberal establishment types in both parties against minorities who do not conform to their world view and whom they will do anything to keep from office.

If Mr. Cain were guilty of what these women allege against him, and he confessed as much, I would understand the media reporting it, but I will not stand and allow a fellow American be lynched by some in the media because he does not conform to their ideology and political party, or because they believe he will unseat their candidate who now sits in the White House, but may have to vacate it next year, if Mr. Cain becomes the nominee of his party to run against him and wins.

I need not go into the sorded details of the lives of these women, because their stories have already been exposed by writers such as Anne Coulter in her excellent expose, and in any event, it would be unseemly of me, criticizing this media for what it has and is doing to Mr. Cain, and turn around and do the same to these women, regardless of how vile and dishonest they may be. I will not not do that. But this I will do, I will state for the record that if Herman Cain buckles under the continual barrage of attacks levelled at thim by this media and by Obama’s political machinery via David Axelrod and others, and decides to withdraw his name from being nominated by the Republican Party for President, we are finished. And we will thank the media and yes, even a good many of ourselves for having listened to it, and against our better judgment, against that little voice that told US that these were nothing more than hit jobs by the same people who four years ago promised they would bring a new era to Washington and to the table of our national dialogue, but have done worse by resorting to this; then we deserve what we are going to get.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

The Simple Manipulation of Image for Political Gain vs. a Track Record that Does Not Lie

In 2008 then candidate Barack Obama promised that if elected president, he would clean Washington D.C., bring warring political parties together to work for the common good of our nation and our people, that he would implement policies which would reduce the high unemployment, which at that time was at about seven per cent, that he would heal the fractured relationships that war had brought between US and the nations of the Middle East and Far East, and that he would turn the ship of state around from what he called “the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression.” He promised he would do all of these in one term.

Perhaps the greatest promise he made that trumped all of these was to eliminate the decades long political infighting and corruption of lobbyists descending on Washington, and bringing accountability and transparency to the Oval Office and how government conducted its business – no more corruption and secrecy, no more politics as usual that predominated the Clinton years, and the second term of the Bush years – no more of the type of politics that characterized the mud-slinging, excrement throwing personal attack and hit job of large political machineries that characterized American politics for almost a generation. He promised he would do every one of these things.

Then he made his most audacious promise; he promised that he would “fundamentally change the United States of America.” The nation was experiencing an economic crisis unlike any it had experienced in thirty years, and it was ready for a sea change, and it voted accordingly. The 2008 elections was a watershed on many levels, and the press was there to capture the historical significance of it. But underneath what people were seeing on the surface, great changes were going on, significant changes being put into place that would secure unheard of power to the Executive Branch of government.

Almost immediately, people and processes were put into place that would all but make every promise Obama made a broken one, while on the surface the rhetoric and the image created and promoted to the public was one of a historical statesman at work to bring the nation around with new and bold fresh ideas. It wasn’t that Obama was not aware of what was going on, as some might assume; he was keenly aware of what was going on, in fact, his people – those in charge of the transition from the Bush Administration to his – were putting these very same elements, processes, people, and teams into place everything that they had planned before the so-called “Honeymoon period was over. The Honeymoon period is that time immediately after taking office when criticism of a new president or elected official’s policies are kept at a minimum in order to give them time to fit into the responsibilities of their new post.

Axelrod, Emanuel, and Team Obama were there to secure the great changes Obama would need to carry out his planned agenda early in his presidency. If they could be called efficient, they were in respect to doing what they wanted to do. Now whether what Obama and they wanted to accomplish was what was sought, with the results as we have had them this three years, is another question. There are those who claim that the economic downturn was planned from the beginning, and that George W. Bush helped set the stage for Obama’s election and facilitated the change Obama was about to initiate once in office. There are others who point to the abysmall history of command economies and the failed policies of socialist nations such as the old Soviet Union, Cuba, North Korea, the satellite countries of Eastern Europe, and Obama’s embrace of Marxism as inevitable failure; doomed to fail from the start. There is still another group of thought that believes Obama’s misled policies were not planned by him, but by others following the Cloward and Piven model of planned implosion; where an economic system is overwhelmed by the weight of its own spending that it collapses in on itself and allows for it to be replaced by another.
I am of the opinion that what Barack Obama has brought has been a combination of all of these, and much more, much, much more, as we have yet to see.

But, aside from this is the fact that not a single promise Obama made – to clean up Washington, to bring accountability and transparency to the presidency, to stop the decades long politics of recrimination that the Clintons developed into an art which had marked Washington for almost twenty years, to stabilize the Middle East by building strong friendships with our allies and understanding with our enemies, and bring the economy around by fostering an socio-economic policy that would encourage business growth and investment, thus spurring new job creation in the private sector – all of these promises, he broke, and all of these, his policies on all of them without exception; have had the opposite effect of what he had promised on the campaign trail. Obama is a failure, or he is exactly what he wanted to be; the one who would “fundamentally change the United States of America.” After three years, we have a track record to go by of his vision for change, and it is not a good one, and it is not one which the American electorate voted for.

2008 was a watershed. Obama, a Neo-Marxist/Leninist with Maoist leanings and an ideology and world view based on the teachings of Black Liberation Theology couple with pro-Muslim proclivities secured the White House, and the Democrat Party secured both the US House of Representatives and the US Senate. They, that is the Democrat machinery already had significant control of the courts throughout the country, especially the federal courts; now they controlled both houses of congress and the presidency. They knew they would never again get such an opportunity to secure their power and solidify their operations throughout the country, though they had done successfully for decades since the Great Depression of the thirties and the post war period. But, now they had unheard of power, and they used it accordingly.

For the next two years – from 2008 to 2010 – Democrats in the US House, led by Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi (D. Cal.), Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D. Nev.), worked with the Obama White House to pass every measure, every piece of legislation, and every policy that Barack Obama asked for, including the Affordable Health Care Law; commonly known as Obamacare. Transparency and bi-partisanship went out the window, and every parliamentarian trick they could use, every bribe, every kickback, every threat they could bring to bear upon members of their own party who were wayward and did not know how they would vote on Obamacare, these people made in order to pass the mammoth 2000 plus page piece of legislation that nobody knew anything about; only that they had to pass it for Obama. They didn’t pass it, they rammed down America’s throat, and it will go down as the worst piece of legislation in this country’s history; with far reaching implications years to come upon our economy and our costs of our health care if not revoked. This congress was dubbed as “the Imperial Congress” and this president as “the Imperial President.” Their power however, was short-lived, because the American people had enough of it.

In 2010, the American electorate spoke, and Democrat incumbents, some whom had held their post for decades, whose political machinery back at their states were unrivaled, who had incredible war chests to draw upon; on election night, were voted out of office, and their political careers came abruptly to an end. On every level, in almost every state, district, county, and municipality, Democrat incumbents were thrown out of office. One thing they all had in common besides the fact that they were all Democrats, was their ties to the the White House – that is, the Obama White House, and their support for its policies. The only few exceptions where this was the case, was where moderate to conservative Democrats (a dying breed) ran against Obama’s policies back home.

It has been a battle royal everywhere the large union-backed political machineries throughout the country have felt their decades long power base of operations threatened, such as Wisconsin and Ohio, and they have come out in large numbers from across different parts of the country, but in places like Wisconsin, the people have spoken, and four out of five recalls the DNC made were won by the Republicans being recalled. In Ohio recently, it was a mixed bag, largely because the governor and the GOP allowed the unions to outspend and out campaign them. On election night, the number of union public employees who went to the polls outnumbered the population at large. Yet, it was a mixed victory for the unions and the Ohio Democrats, because a referendum against Obamacare was almost overwhelmingly supported by the electorate. The government/media complex of alphabet soup channels, and their counterparts in radio on cable, of course played it to the hilt. But what they failed to report was the routing the Democrats received in Virginia.

There were seven new seats that Virginia Republicans added to their majority in the House of Delegates, giving them an effecive two-thirds of that chamber's votes; something that some call “the party's largest margin in history.” In results that were nothing short of amazing, the GOP also secured control of the Virginia Senate – “results that were especially notable,” as one writer put it, “given that Virginia Democrats this spring crafted an aggressive redistricting plan that had only one aim: providing a firewall against a Republican takeover of that chamber. Even that extreme gerrymander didn't work.”

What was even more notable was that every Republican incumbent—52 in the House, 15 in the Senate—won. The state GOP is now looking at unified control over the Virginia government for only the second time since the Civil War, and this is after winning all three top statewide offices—including the election of Governor Bob McDonnell in 2009, and knocking off three U.S. House Democrats in the 2010 Midterm Elections. While the media focused on Ohio, it missed – spiked – what occurred in Virginia, a key state if Obama wants to win reelection in 2012.

What do these returns show? They show that the American electorate can make a difference, yes even where DNC money and union muscle and numbers are strongest. How? Because no matter how well organized and well funded, and well coordinated the political machineries throughout the urban areas and other parts of the nation are; they cannot and will not trump the greater numbers and enthusiasm of the once sleeping giant American electorate next year. Obama, your days are numbered. May your days be few, and may another take your office.

The American electorate will have to come out in great numbers; indeed even greater numbers than they did in 2010, and vote consistently against every Democrat running for office, every RINO (Republican In Name Only) running for reelection, and specifically vote against the reelection of Barack Hussein Obama, if they want real and substantive change and recovery bring the country back from the brink of self-destruction and the Red Obama Political Heresy – an aberration and cancer that took the nation for a long season, but that the American people will have the chance to vote out of power in one year, if the Lord wills it.

Sunday, November 6, 2011


One word, one clarification for those who’ve become weary with my warnings about the trends this country has taken in recent years, and the continual abysmal track record that has been the result of the failed policies of this administration on practically every agenda across the board. It does not give me any satisfaction to have been correct about my warnings of where an Obama presidency would take this nation which I made to my readers three years ago.

Nor has it, or does it give me any sense of either satisfaction or glee, to give you the joyless task of continually reporting where the destructive policies are taking US – everyone reading this, with very few exceptions; are not succeeding holding their heads above water. In fact, almost all of the people one meets are worst off now than they were three or four years ago.

The only people doing good today are those connected financially to this White House and the Eastern Liberal Establishment that has rigged every election for the last several decades. Regardless of who the people elect, Republican or Democrat; with the exception of Ronald Reagan who wasn’t one of them, every president we’ve had has been one of “them” and not one of US.

So, it is not surprising that the policies of subsequent administrations have been to promote whatever would further the goals of the elitists of the Eastern Liberal Establishment shadow government who hold the purse strings of just about every one of our politicians in both political parties. And since they’ve not been able to infiltrate and coop the TEA Party, because it is not a party but a grass roots movement of the American electorate who’ve had it with their games, they’ve gone all out to defame and discredit them, using their attack dogs in the media, liberal politicians, several members of the Congressional Black Caucus who are nothing more than drones of the DNC.

When this didn’t work, because – like the charges they’ve made against Herman Cain – are baseless; they’ve instead tried to equate the Marxist Soros-organized and funded Occupy Movements allied to this White House with them, as though the two were one and the same; which everyone knows they are not. One is a grass roots movement of concerned Americans, who made their voices heard in the 2010 elections all across this land; whereas the other is nothing more than a Soros creation with big union help, promoted by the same people within the DNC who mischaracterized and slandered the TEA Party as extremists and racists, but are now saying that the Occupiers are the voice of the American people, rather than a small but loud pressure group well organized with a few hundred in number across the country and in Europe and Israel; to make their numbers deceptively appear more than what they really are.

While some of their number may indeed be sincere people who’ve had it with the hedge fund crooks who’ve raided the American economy and amassed untold of wealthy practically overnight under the eyes of several administrations, including this one, while politicians who held important positions in key committees who were supposed to watch for this, turned a blind eye to it and well handsomely paid off; yes, while some are protesting these excesses and criminality, the movement is being now controlled and directed away and morphed into nothing more than a rally for this White House. A White House that has its fingers all over a number of scandals that the media is using these protests to obfuscate and hide from public view. These protests are being used to direct the public’s attention away from criminal activities being conducting from this White House, and the Herman Cain allegations are just the most recent actions along these lines. We you are seeing is nothing more than a three ring circus that is keeping you from seeing what is really going on above you, as everything is about to come crashing down on your head.

Recently, I received the following e-mail from Weiss Associates Investments, which I subscribe to. I warn you, what it has to say is not good. No it is not good news, and it concerns the banking system; the global banking system, and the banking system here in the US. This is what Martin Weiss, the investment expert had to say about something that just occurred in Europe, but went under the radar by the news media here:
Dear Investor,
A giant bank has just gone under.
It’s the biggest bank failure since the debt crisis of 2008-2009.
It’s so big, in fact, that its assets are actually LARGER than the total GDP of the country where it’s domiciled.
And this kind of failure is precisely what we’ve been warning you about in our new blockbuster video.
In this video, not only do we say what’s going to happen next, but also name the 10 giant U.S. banks that are most vulnerable to this banking crisis.
We urge you to click here to watch it now. With this huge new bank failure hitting the news, it’s more urgent than ever.
The bank that failed is Dexia, and the country is Belgium. But if you don’t live in Belgium ... and you think that fact makes this failure less relevant to your banks or to your investments, consider these shocking facts:
Shocking fact #1. Dexia was the world’s largest lender to municipal governments in the U.S. and overseas. So as the bank’s various pieces are chopped up and sold off to other institutions, it’s naturally going to be a lot tougher for municipalities to get financing.
Result: More belt tightening and job cuts at local governments everywhere.
Shocking fact #2. Dexia was one of many large banks that actually PASSED Europe’s official “stress tests” just three months ago.
And yet it’s the first to go down!? What does that tell us about the OTHER, even larger banks that supposedly passed the tests?
We're talking about giant banks loaded with bad loans like ...
• Italy’s UniCredit, which is 1.8 times larger than Dexia in terms of assets ...
• France’s Société Générale, which is more than double the size of Dexia ...
• France’s Credit Agricole, which is almost three times larger than Dexia ...
• And France’s BNP Paribas, nearly FOUR times larger than Dexia.
The big disconnect: The official stress tests let these banks lie through their teeth about their huge loans to Greece, Ireland, Portugal and other PIIGS countries.
Those loans are worth as little as 40 cents on the dollar on the market. And yet, in the recent stress tests, the banks were allowed to value them at 100 cents on the dollar!
Result: They also lied about their capital and their solvency!
This absurd — and deliberate — oversight by the banking regulators is widely known; and they’ve already been raked over the coals for it.
What’s not widely known is ...
Shocking fact #3. It wasn’t recognition of the bad PIIIGS loans that sunk Dexia. Even now, as Dexia is being split up and sold off, it’s STILL carrying those loans at full value on its books!
So what did sink Dexia?
It was a bank run — the sudden and mass withdrawal of its funding.
Moreover, the run on Dexia’s funds was not by consumers lining up on the street to pull out their deposits. Rather, it was by so-called “wholesale funding” sources — other big banks and institutional investors who can pull out hundreds of millions of euros and dollars with a simple click of the mouse.
What makes this truly shocking is that nearly ALL large banks in Europe — including many that supposedly passed the stress tests with flying colors — also depend very heavily on these same funding sources:
On average, they get nearly HALF of their money from these here-today-gone-tomorrow funding sources. That’s far MORE than they get from ordinary deposits.
Even Moody’s admits: “Until this problem is corrected, ‘fixing’ European banking is merely applying band-aids.”
And guess what! The promises made last night by France and Germany — to “recapitalize the banks” — do NOT fix this problem!
If anything, if France and Germany throw more good money after bad into saving these banks, it will merely sink their own finances, invite more ratings downgrades, cause bigger losses in sovereign bonds, and dig a deeper hole in the banks’ capital.
Shocking fact #4. Some of the largest U.S. banks, including Bank of America and JPMorgan Chase, are equally vulnerable, according to our analysis.
They’re loaded with toxic assets of their own. And to make matters worse, they have placed big bets with European banks.
We name them in this new video. Plus, give you a 6-step plan for protection and profit from this crisis. Click here, and it will begin playing on your screen right away.
Just bear in mind that the crisis is hitting right now. So time for protective action is running out.
Good luck!
Weiss Research, Inc.

In another report, I will detail precisely the tangled web of connections that tie the Bush Administration and the Obama Administration, going all of the way back to the Clinton White House, and how all of these were part and parcel of the worst economic debacle in history, and how many of the same players are still behind the curtain in this administration, continuing the failed practices with the same people on Wall Street and the big banksters, that will bring about what Martin Weiss has detailed above. Never in this nation’s history has there been such criminality in our government at this level and at this extent. The same people who promised US transparency and a stop to gutter politics have brought gutter politics and criminal behavior to the White House and the halls of congress, and the American people are paying for their misdeeds.

Because most of the history behind the events of the past three, six, and eight years will be recounted in the other report titled, A WATCHMAN'S WARNING TO AMERICA: Exporting America & How the New Great Depression Overtook the US & World, I will leave this report at this point and allow the news below to speak for itself.

In this report, I am outlining 9 Signs - 9 Evidences - 9 Woes - of America's decline, what they are, what in the news is the evidences of this condition, and therefore giving the reader the opportunity to take stock in it, and allow himself/herself to understanding that not all is as it appears, and there will be a great reckoning opon this country. The corruption is too great, the greed cannot be measured, it permeates every institution, and we are riddled with the worst collection of leaders this nation has ever had.

The ignorance and apathy are just too great, and for a moment, the TEA Party was and may again be that shining example of what is best in America, because it embodies the desires of every working class American regardless of race, party, religious affiliation, or national origin. Its beliefs transcend all of these because they are founded upon the bedrock of American Republicanism (not the party); individual responsibility/accountability, free speech, the right of assembly, the right to one’s religion, the sanctity of human life, the belief that every citizen, including our leaders, are not above the law, and are equal under the law, the belief that our rights come from G-d and not from man, and are protected equally under our Constitution from tyranny – be it the tyranny of man, and that such rights belong to the minority as well as to the majority under law, responsible and accountable leadership upholding the law and the Constitution of the United States, and protecting the rights of all of its citizens, and the conviction that these beliefs are not up for sale to anyone. Now what is so extreme and radical about such beliefs, I ask you? Of course you will answer, nothing, because these beliefs are enshrined in our Constitution and Bill of Rights, and our outlined in our Declaration of Independence.

We are riddled with the most corrupt politicians in the history of our nation, and the press is complicit in keeping silent about what they have done. It is criminally complicit in not reporting the activities of Barack Obama and his top lieutenants in much of the criminality at the top, and it is shameful to watch this president gallivanting across the country in a large bus campaigning to get reelected on tax payer’s expense, without addressing the economic ills of the country, while blaming the Republicans in congress for his policy failures the last three years. The ignorance of a good portion of our electorate and the machine politics of the inner cities, coupled with massive voter fraud; have given US the elected officials – not all of them, but a good many of them – that we have had in recent years, and this president. The corruption in government and the media complicity in not reporting it, is the evidence that like a cancer, this corruption has spread so far, that it may very well be too late for this country.

Even now, this president and many in both houses of congress allied to him, have misused their office to enrich themselves, their allies in the unions, and political allies in industry – too many to count here, but it is being investigated by congress, yes without the cooperation of the president’s party. This is more evidence of how great this corruption is; not a single principled leader among them to step out and speak up, and stop the corruption, not one! It is horrendous, and to watch Obama do practically whatever he wishes with impunity in violation of the law, even in contempt of congress, while the media and congress give him a free pass, is too much to take. It is heartbreaking.

But, while it is true Mr. Obama, that you can fool some of the people some of the time, and you may fool all of the people some of the time; it is equally true that you cannot fool all of the people all of the time.