Thursday, May 27, 2010


There was a time when I believed in the embargo against Castro’s Cuba. I even believed that efforts by the US to broadcast into Cuba was both a noble cause and a necessity, given the iron grip on information the Communist dictatorship on the island has over its population. But as I continued to examine these efforts at blunting the Castro tyranny through the years, I realized that as noble and well meaning as these efforts were, they produced little or nothing by way of influence on the island, and was just a vast tax payer funded boondoggle which enriched those who were involved in these projects, while the plight of Cubans on that imprisoned island worsened with each passing year.

The vaunted embargo was nothing of the sort, as American corporations and businesses of all sorts used second and third parties in Canada, Mexico, and Europe to conduct business with the Communist regime and rake in millions of untaxed revenue for themselves – remember it is a criminal offense to directly conduct business with Cuba under the “embargo” so much of the business conducted is “off the radar.” This so-called embargo enriched unscrupulous Capitalists in this country – some of them Cuban Americans – while giving the Castro regime legitimacy in its claim to the Cuban people and the so-called “non-aligned” Third World countries that the embargo was the cause of the poverty on the island and not the failed socio-economic policies of the Castro brothers and their sycophants running their multi-decade long machinery of oppression.
It took a lot for me to come to this conclusion, and did not come easy, but it has come for me and for many other sons and daughters of those who fled the island fifty years ago.

The answer to Cuba’s woes lies when those conducting the affairs of that government decide for themselves that change must come in order for Cuba to progress, and with that change an opening up of commerce and ideas that will usher in an age prosperity such as only those who lived prior to the Castro Era can scarce remember existed a lifetime ago, and for which they dreamed would someday return to their beloved island.

When such change takes place, if it ever will, many of those Cuban Americans – sons and daughters of the first and second generation of exiles whom have made the United States their home – who have prospered and are able to aid in Cuba’s restoration; will need to step up and help their brethren on the island. But they will have to temper that enthusiasm with an altruistic desire to help and not to take over, since Cuba belongs to the Cuban people, and it is the Cuban people on that island who have lived and suffered through the worst privations who deserve to keep and enjoy the first fruits of their labor as they breath for the first time the first breath of fresh air they have ever breathed in their lives. Distrust, recriminations, vengeance, hatreds, and suspicion will have to be abandoned and make way for forgiveness, healing, honesty; in order for true reconciliation to take place and bear fruit in the new Cuba.

The Cuban of the island will then be able to take the hand of the Cuban-American of the United States and join together to start Cuba on its journey to its destiny.

Monday, May 24, 2010


Call it a New International Order, or a New World Order; both are part of the same rhetoric and the same mindset that has beset Republican and Democrat politicians in the White House for quite some time, with the exception of President Reagan who was a staunch believer in American Exceptionalism – a firm conviction that the United States of America has a unique role given to it by Divine Providence which it must keep, and that in order to fulfill this role and preserve the delicate balance of liberty and prosperity while keeping the peace, it is incumbent upon itself that it preserve also its independence and not get entangled in the affairs of foreign governments, especially where such entanglements require that it give up parts of its sovereignty, much less its complete sovereignty.

Successive American presidents from both political parties have saddled the nation’s interests with those of other nations, interests which have worked to erode this nation’s independence, making it interdependent with nations that do not necessarily have this nation’s interests at heart. As if this weren’t bad enough, these globalist politicians whose oath to our Constitution has proven meaningless, continue with multilateral negotiations with the globalist heads of other nations in search of ways and means to bringing about a New World Order. And they mean to keep it.

Thus we heard on the heels of military victory over Iraq at the end of Operation Desert Storm, President George H.W. Bush, once a head of the secretive Council On Foreign Relations, and a member of the Trilateral Commission, telling US that America and the world were embarking on an era which would usher in a “New World Order.” His successor, William Jefferson Clinton, perhaps one of the most corrupt presidents this nation has ever had in office; also continued to lay the foundations for this New World Order, as did his successor during his second term in office, George W. Bush.

And now we see the current occupant of the White House, Barack Hussein Obama, himself boldly tell the graduating Class of 2010 at West Point that he seeks the establishment of a New International Order, and to that end he is doing all that he can to bring it about before the end of his first term, since at least at this writing it is questionable whether or not he will serve a second term, though things have a way of changing for politicians with time, and Obama is no exception to this rule, so don’t count him out yet.

But, it is interesting that while former presidents who were members of the secretive Council on Foreign Relations, and or the Trilateral Commission; both globalist organizations committed to the continued establishment of policies and treaties which erode American sovereignty and strengthen international ties along economic and political lines; only in the last twenty years have they become confident in their enterprises to speak of their endeavors publicly. This indicates that they are so far along and believe that society is so permeated with like-minded individuals now in places of power and influence across the broad strata of culture and commerce, religion and ideas, education and information; that can boldly speak of what was once unspeakable in public, the New World Order, or as Barack Obama calls it, a New International Order.

There is enough going on in the world of cross-national commerce, diplomacy, science, finance, and every other enterprise that there is no need to look for conspiracies under every bed; it’s here, and it is moving at an incredible pace. Evidence of it is the Global Warming/Climate Change being promoted not just by environmentalists, but by captains of industry, politicians, film stars, educators, and almost all of the giants of the technology industry, including Exxon-Mobile, PSE&G, Michigan Power and Light, Consolidated Edison, and educational channels such as the Discovery Channel and A&E. They’ve tipped their hand, because it would have been more credible of them if they had presented those who support and those who oppose the claims of the Global Warming/Climate Change crowd; but instead they’ve all decided to climb on to Al Gore’s bandwagon and take a stake in the coming multi-trillion dollar international tax and regulate scam which governments – including this one under the current president – will force down the throats of their electorates and constituents, just as congress followed the lead of this president and rammed a two thousand page health care bill down the collective throats of a nation without knowing what was in it, and with the knowledge that it would bankrupt it once and for all time when it takes affect some four years from its passage. They don’t have to worry about backlash, you see, many of them have opted not to run for reelection, and have chosen a nice retirement for themselves. They won’t be affected by it since they and this president and successive presidents will be exempt from it. Only the American people will be affected by this law; a law that congress would not place on itself. But the law will serve the New International World Order because it will effectively impoverish American industry and small and medium businesses, not to mention raise the costs of health care beyond anything that the free market would have accomplished had the law not been passed.

The point that must be taken is that America is on the brink of change its people did not anticipate when fifty-two per cent of those who voted in 2008 for “change,” rejecting – or so they thought at the time – “four more years of George Bush.” Whether true or not, and arguments can be made that President Bush’s second term in office did not offer much differences with regards to rogue states like North Korea, Syria, Libya, Iran and its nuclear program, bilateral relations with a resurgent and imperialist Russia, the limited war being fought in Afghanistan against a resurgent and resupplied (Iran) Taliban, and the bailout of Wall Street at Main Street’s expense, and waste and fraud in government spending at levels never before seen in the history of this nation.

But, sensing the deep desire of the American electorate for real and substantive change in the way that Washington does its work, the end of all corruption in high places, the end of sweat hear deals, cronyism, payoffs, favoritism, control of key committees by any one party, and the excrement throwing destructive political climate the Clintons had brought to Washington and made a staple there and across much of the country; the end to all of these was the change that the American electorate wanted, and sought in Barack Obama, but it is not the change they got.

They did not know, nor were they going to listen to anyone warning them of Obama’s radical Marxist past; his associations with the most militant and radical elements of our society; his lifelong involvement in Communist front groups and projects, the Communist power brokers and machine politicians who helped catapult him onto the national stage; his own statements in interviews made long before he was known, where he promotes Marxist ideas and thinking with regards to the Supreme Court, and our Constitution; his intent to bankrupt the coal industry and every energy provider through Cap and Trade; his desire to establish socialized medicine via universal coverage – what has come to be known as healthcare reform, or ObamaCare. All of these very troublesome details about his life were ignored by those who wanted change, and were spiked by the alphabet soup media that sold out to him almost at the onset.

Who needs conspiracy theories when everything is out in the open?
"U.S. President Barack Obama told West Point's graduating class Saturday the country must play a leading role in building international alliances.

"The international order we seek is one that can resolve the challenges of our times," Obama said, including countering violent extremism and insurgency, stopping the spread of nuclear weapons and securing nuclear materials, preventing conflict, helping poor countries feed themselves and care for their sick and fighting global warming.

"If we are successful in these tasks, that will lessen conflicts around the world," the president told about 20,000 people at the academy, on the Hudson River north of New York City. "It will be supportive of our efforts by our military to secure our country. We must pursue a strategy of national renewal and global leadership."

And now we see another of Obama’s choices for the Supreme Court whose radical credentials are beyond reproach, if you are a radical looking for a like-minded fellow radical to fill the soon to become vacant seat of Justice John Paul Stevens. In order to underscore just what Obama’s intent is with regards to his change that you can believe in, one must go back to an interview he had years ago where he made the following statements:
"If you look at the victories and failures of the civil-rights movement and its litigation strategy in the court, I think where it succeeded was to invest formal rights in previously dispossessed peoples, so that now I would have the right to vote. I would now be able to sit at the lunch counter and order; as long as I could pay for it I'd be OK.
"But, the Supreme Court never ventured into the issues of redistribution of wealth, and of more basic issues such as political and economic justice in the society. To that extent, as radical as I think people try to characterize the Warren Court, it wasn't that radical. It didn't break free from the essential constraints that were placed by the Founding Fathers in the Constitution, at least as it's been interpreted, and [the] Warren Court interpreted in the same way, that generally the Constitution is a charter of negative liberties. Says what the states can't do to you. Says what the federal government can't do to you, but it doesn't say what the federal government or state government must do on your behalf, and that hasn't shifted – and one of the, I think, the tragedies of the civil-rights movement was because the civil-rights movement became so court-focused I think there was a tendency to lose track of the political and community organizing and activities on the ground that are able to put together the actual coalitions of powers through which you bring about redistributive change. In some ways we still suffer from that."

How does this serve the New World Order? Any change that erodes the national Constitution, and the Constitutions of our fifty states, whether small or great, whether by legislation, litigation, or executive order; undermines the very sovereignty of this representative republic, and lays the groundwork for the end of the United States of America as we have come to know it, and worst yet, as our Founders envisioned it to be when they established its laws and bylaws.________________________________________

Thursday, May 20, 2010


When man attempts to establish his own version of righteousness, his endeavors – as well meaning and pious at it may seem – is destined to fail, because the righteousness of G-d is not predicated on human effort or human trial and error. The righteousness of G-d stands by itself and is imputed to those who place their trusts in G-d’s complete work of redemption through His Messiah. Anything that deviates from this is itself in denial of the most basic tenets which form part of the faith in those who place their trusts in the provision G-d has made on their behalf in the Messiah.
When the Protestant Reformation discovered this truth, it revolutionized Europe, and launched key reforms in Christianity, but not only Christianity, these reforms also affected Judaism, and help launch the great spiritual migrations to the new world and the colonies of North America. The very laws of this nation were founded upon the most cherished tenets of Judaism and Christianity, and from these the rule of law emerged to become the very cornerstone of our republic.

We have fallen from these lofty heights, because when everything has been said and done, we have allowed through apathy and ignorance the dissolution of our religious heritage by committed secularists within our ranks who have ingeniously have parsed words and used carefully selected arguments to remove G-d and His commandments; indeed, all religious symbols and celebrations from our national culture, and have successfully struck the mention of G-d from our textbooks, replacing Him with Darwinian Evolution, and secular humanism.

In our apathy we have become complacent and compromising. We have sat back in our security and remained quiescent as our children were raised for US by our increasingly Anti-Judeo-Christian public school system, as secular humanists and atheist instructors have taught our children a world view alien to our most fundamental and cherished beliefs. Is it any wonder then, when this generation has produced the most narcissistic, amoral, and self-centered people? If those whom we elect to public office are a reflection of ourselves, then we are a very sick people.

The remedy is a national repentance which goes beyond a public show of contriteness, but one which penetrates the individual; one which is of the heart, one which transforms the person and challenges the nation to be better, to do better, to realign its priorities, and see its mission in a whole new light. It is what Abraham Lincoln termed a “New Birth of Freedom.” In order for the nation to change, its people must change. Only a tyrant believes that change comes from the barrel of a gun. Whether the tyranny is Fascism or Communism; it is not government which is the Guarantor of freedom, but the rule of law, especially when those laws are predicated upon the Judeo-Christian precepts; precepts which have uniquely defined the United States of America as a nation under G-d, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010


There is a refrain which goes something like this:

“Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me.”

There is another one like it which goes:

“You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all of the time, but you cannot fool all of the people all of the time.”

I warned in 2008 what this man was all about when he won his party’s nomination for the presidency. Few listened to me. Some even kept making excuses for him, and others even asked that I’d not comment any more about the man to them because they did not want to “get political,” but they had no problem getting “political” when it came to promoting his candidacy, and voting for him on Election Night.

Though I was disappointed, I kept and have continued to warn my readers of this man’s agenda, and how this agenda would impact their liberties, and their wallets, but especially what these policies would do to our country. Yes, I detailed what he would attempt to do if elected president that November, but what I did not expect to see was how his party, literally to a person, allowed this radical to have his way on every issue, every measure, every policy by closing ranks in support of his agenda. I had known for some years how far the Democratic Party had gone, but I was not aware just how far it had been co-opted by militant radicals and outright Communists. You think that the word Communist is a bit extreme? Then you have not known that for some time, several members of the Democratic Party have been active supporters and promoters of the most radical regimes on the planet; some like several members of the Congressional Black Caucus flying to Cuba to celebrate the Communist Revolution during its annual celebrations, which included holding meetings with the dictator himself; Fidel Castro. You want to talk about extreme? That’s extreme.

The American people, white, black, yellow, brown, and everything in between have had it, and they are not fooled by the rhetoric from Washington and the media spin on the news. They realize that the alphabet soup media is now part and parcel a public relations arm of the Obama White House, conducting damage control for the president and his supporters in congress. They know that the hundreds of billions of bail out tax dollars that have gone to the banks, the brokerage houses, the large insurance interests and the big labor unions have done nothing for this economy, but exacerbate the Great Recession/Depression. Wall Street has been bailed out by Main Street, but Main Street has been left out to dry.

They know that the real unemployment numbers are at 22 per cent, not 9.9 per cent, because the long term unemployed are no longer counted by the government as a statistic. For all intents and purposes, they have ceased to exist as far as Obama and congress are concerned. The unemployment figures have been doctored to appear more than half its true numbers, and the long term unemployed – the 99ers – have been forgotten and abandoned by this White House and by both houses of congress and both political parties. Their excuse, they claim that the American people do not support the federal government allowing unemployed people who have paid into the system for over thirty years to be able to collect as they continue to look for work in this depression. They claim that the mood of the nation is to stop spending. They’re partially correct, but they are grossly wrong if they believe that the vast majority of voting Americans do not support getting federal help to the disadvantaged among US. It is not just any spending that Americans oppose, it’s the federal bailout of the rich and powerful and foreign nations being bailed out at America’s expense. This is what they’re opposed to. They’re tired of being lied to, of being forced to accept laws and policies which will impoverish them, mortgage their future, and destroy what little they have left. And the people are making their voices heard. Recently someone whom the media choose to ignore wrote this letter to the president and congress:
Senators and Representatives:
You should be ashamed of yourself, and here's why:
You have decided to ignore the people you reduced to poverty. The longest unemployed workers did not create this depression, you did. You did this with your failure to regulate the banks, health industry, and corporations. People who were fully employed, paying taxes, and raising families are now paying the price for your negligence. They trusted you to keep something like this from happening. You failed them.
Now you are deliberately failing them again. This may be a recession for you, but it's a depression for them. You know this depression will last longer than until March, yet you have no plans to add additional unemployment tiers to keep these people from becoming increasingly destitute. Tens of thousands will begin to lose all financial support on March 14. You know with full clarity that these benefits are the only money keeping food on their tables. You know that their benefits run out in March, and that these American families will be on the path to shelters and soup kitchens.
...and this is not of their making. They're not to blame. You are.
...and you're about to discount them again by allowing their benefits to end with Tier IV.
By the way, don't pride yourself on extending the current benefits for the more recently unemployed, as included in the Job Bill. Of course you should do this, but as you know, the bill as it is written will not help any of those who have been the longest and hardest hit by this depression. The Job Bill only half addresses the unemployed, and 50% is an F.
Please make sure that the only choice for Americans who want to work is either a job or unemployment benefits. Don't end benefits until there are jobs for them. As of now, there is only 1 job for every 6 unemployed workers. Take care of these victims.
Someone else who is facing the end of his unemployment benefits which he paid into for years writes:

Very soon, there will be millions of us that will be suffering without benefits. This will not only affect us as individuals, but our families and our close friends. because those of us in the mid-forties to retirement age are not finding stable work. A lot of us were looking forward to a comfortable retirement after years of productive work. All of that money that we saved for years is gone. Many of us will be on welfare now and in retirement. Think of it, a large proportion of the post war generation will end up being cared for by the government or will end up on the streets.

Now we're moving in with our children, our aged parents and old friends after years of independence. We've lost our homes and jobs. There will be no legacy for our children to inherit. We're filing bankruptcy in record numbers. All of this through no fault of our own. Age discrimination laws are weak and difficult to prove in the hiring process.

We didn't ask for this. We were robbed "with a fountain pen". It almost seems like it was planned all along. First, they took our retirement savings, then they took away our jobs and homes. That money went somewhere. Now, they've cut unemployment benefits.

About 3.4 million Americans have been out of work for more than a year, according to a study by the Pew Fiscal Analysis Initiative. You can read about it at this link: More Than a Million May Lose Jobless Aid Due to Deficit Concern on the San Francisco Chronicle Web site. This government is quick to send tens of billions of tax payer money to foreign governments of questionable character, yet they cannot find it within themselves to extend help to impoverished Americans who worked all their lives, and paid into the system, and now find themselves foreclosed and forgotten, while Wall Street revels at 11,000! While Rome burns, Nero and his supporters play the harp and sing the praise of their own work. In another article about the current state of high unemployment in the nation we read:
With a projected $1.5 trillion federal deficit looming this year, though, lawmakers from both parties are resisting costly and politically unpopular appeals to extend benefits.
While that could change quickly in an election year, Senate Finance Committee chairman Max Baucus, D-Mont., who supported previous extensions, told Bloomberg News Service last week that 99 weeks is enough.
That didn't sit well with Mignon Veasley-Fields, a 61-year-old former charter school administrator from Los Angeles.
"Ninety-nine weeks is sufficient? I paid into unemployment for almost 40 years of my life. How dare he (Baucus) say that. This is what hurts," Veasley-Fields said, fighting back tears. "He has no clue what it's like to have to spend money on groceries and then pray that the utility company will give you an extension so that you'll have lights."
When she hits her 99-week limit at the end of the month, Veasley-Fields will join more than 100,000 "99ers" in California who've also maxed out their benefits....
While the economy created 290,000 new jobs in April, unemployment jumped to 9.9 percent as 805,000 people rejoined the labor force to renew their job search. Sadly though, 6.7 million Americans, nearly 46 percent of the nation's unemployed, have been jobless for 27 weeks or more. Another 1.2 million are still discouraged and no longer looking....
Harvard University economist Lawrence Katz said the nation is 11 million jobs short of where it should be population-wise. To catch up, 15 million new jobs are needed during the next four years.
Fifteen million new jobs in four years is a tall order, made taller by every passing month in which the administration and Congress don't make job creation a higher priority. In the meantime, unemployment extensions are the only thing allowing millions of Americans to hang on. Congress needs to pass Tier 5.

In another article on the same topic, someone else has made the following observation:

Tier 5 Benefits Extension a Desire After Unemployment Benefits Extension. Millions of Americans have exhausted their unemployment benefits and don’t know what they are going to do next. It’s not that they don’t want to work or aren’t able to work – it’s that employers just aren’t hiring.

The hardest hit are those that are in the middle or towards the end of their careers. These individuals are either typically overqualified for available positions or unable to compete with younger jobhunters.

Still yet, these people persevere, sending out hundreds of resumes and sitting through hours of interviews. Those lucky enough to snag a job typically find themselves in a position that pays less than they used to get at their old jobs.

The reality is that just just one in five people looking for work since last year at this time have been able to find work – that’s one in five! More than a thousand unemployed workers were polled in a Rutgers University Study last year. The study discovered that 21 per cent found jobs, but more than two thirds remained unemployed, and the rest just gave up looking for work in this “jobless recovery.” Of those who found work, only thirteen per cent found full time work, and of those sixty-one per cent said that the jobs they were in were just temporary, as they continued to look for something better. In March of this year more than four hundred fourteen thousand were added to the roll of the unemployed for that month alone. Of the long term unemployed, it has hit those over 50 hardest. Only twelve per cent have found work since last August. To cope with this situation, 70 percent of the unemployed have dipped into their retirement funds, while 56 percent have borrowed money from their relatives and friends. As many as 45 percent taken out cash advances on their credit cards. Forty-two percent are uninsured, 20 percent have moved in with their family; some even with their friends, and 18 percent visited a soup kitchen.

They have been insulted, they have been called all sorts of epithets, they have been investigated as threats to national security, they have been accused of racism by racial hucksters in congress and the media, they have been misrepresented, and maligned by politicians and the mass media. They have been lied to by politicians, used by them for their reelection, but they will not take it any longer. There is going to be such a groundswell of opposition to Washington Insider Politics and Insider Politicians this year and the years to come, that it will dwarf every political movement of this country’s past. You do not smack somebody down, spit on them, treat them like dung, and expect them to ask for a repeat performance. Just how much does this man and his party, and his supporters in the media believe they can get away with?

Obama and others like him may have gotten over seventy-five per cent of the Jewish vote in 2008, and 95 per cent of the Black vote, including 78 per cent of the Hispanic vote, but there is one thing that will not recur in 2012; a repeat of the mistake that was 2008. Why? Because the change that Obama wants is not the change the people voted for in 2008. Plain and simple. America went to sleep and dreamed but the dream they dreamed became a nightmare of which they have awakened. They will not be lulled back to sleep again.

Saturday, May 8, 2010


I just viewed some amazing photographs that tell the story of what happened in the Gulf of Mexico recently. I wonder whether BP or any company would have been able to keep the rig from sinking, considering that this thing was burning well into the second and third day. But, that being said, while this was happening, BP should have taken measures to stop the spill beneath the surface of the waters. This should have been their top priority, and the government should have been there from day one instead on the ninth day. Eight precious days passed without the US government taking any action whatsoever. They’re right calling this Obama’s Katrina. It’s worst than Katrina because the damage it is about to cause is much greater to the Gulf of Mexico, the Texas, Louisiana Mississippi, and Florida panhandle, and especially to the west coast of Florida. There is even talk that this will affect also the east coast of Florida and parts of the Caribbean Sea. But, consider also what it is going to do to the livelihood the tourist industry of the states affected, and the fishery, and how this will impact an already fragile economy teetering on depression?

Consider also that the first thing this administration did was to cast blame nine days later, and do nothing to stem the flow of the spillage, even though there were measures which it could have put into place on the first day which would have made a world of a difference upon what occurred later. Why is it that the only thing the Obama Administration seems to be adept at doing is casting blame to others rather than to take a leadership role and do something right for a change when something needs to be done in an emergency? Why is it that this president never takes responsibility for anything, and characteristically places blame on others with regards to issues where his immediate and direct action is needed? What does this say about his character and leadership abilities? What does it say about his effectiveness to address real crisis management when that crisis management is needed in an emergency?

This is what you get when you place a person who has had no prior executive experience in handling crisis management, and who makes people based upon political affiliations to sensitive and important positions of leadership and policy, who are needed to address problems during crisis when they occur. This is what occurs when executive appointments are made based upon partisan and ideological metrics instead of knowledge, experience, and track records working on the areas of expertise where such requirements are a must in order to get the work done when the work needs to be done effectively, timely, and with minimal cost to the tax payer and to the industry, because in the in the final analysis, when leaders bungle, the public and the nation pays for their bungling, as we will soon discover at the pump and in our homes and businesses. Is there nothing that this man (Obama) can do that is right for a change?

Friday, May 7, 2010


Today’s Democratic Party is not the party of Harry Truman, and Barack Obama is not Harry Truman, or the last great Democrat President, John F. Kennedy. In fact, there has not been a single good Democrat run for the presidency since John F. Kennedy ran, and there will not be until the Democratic Party come back to the farm, pull up their sleeves, and begin to do some real work. The old line Democrats whom some call blue dogs and conservative, lost the party to the Progressive Radicals and Communists of Obama’s ideological persuasion who call themselves the New Democrats, and now those whom they elected to represent them in Washington, have lost the nation, and will lose the elections in November, and they might even lose the White House in 2012 if this country still has elections that year. If they lose, they deserve to lose.

Barack Hussein Obama is a leftwing former junior senator from Illinois with pro-PLO/Anti-Semitic proclivities and absolutely no foreign policy experience whatsoever, with a penchant for believing that America is not a force for good in the world but the very cause of evil and chaos. A man who never held a real job in his life, who never owned a business, hates the capitalist system, promotes the redistribution of wealth by government, and doesn’t know what it’s like to live paycheck to paycheck, and prior to his election to the White House, a man who lacked any real executive experience, or lacked any bi-partisan legislation to his name that he could cite as having drafted with his colleagues across the isle.

Barack Hussein Obama and the Democrats who hold to his world view and especially his view of the Middle East must be defeated at all costs at the ballot box in November, and in 2012. The Democratic Party must be sent a message that will reverberate throughout the halls of congress and throughout the land - that the American people do not take kindly to rich politicians catering to the rich and bailing them at the expense of the average citizen out while Main Street suffers, homes are lost, and half the nation is relegated to paying higher prices, higher taxes, and suffer more regulation while the other half suffer through the failed social economic policies of Washington and this White House; and let them know also that America is not one who turns on her friends and embraces her enemies, bowing before heads of state of questionable character and even more questionable alliances, while treating others with contempt when they come and visit such as Obama did when the Prime Minister of Israel was at the White House earlier this year.

We must also send a clear message to Washington that this is a nation of laws, and highest of these is our Constitution, and that anyone who enters this nation illegally without the proper documentation will be returned to the land of their origin according to the laws of our land. That our children are free to wear shirts with Old Glory in their schools, and not be sent home, while others who bring the flags of foreign nations to our schools are protected. These are the United States of America, and we welcome all who come to it, but we do not take kindly to those who come here illegally, break our laws, and then have the nerve to fly their flags in our schools.

A just nation is ruled by law, not by the whims of self-serving politicians pandering to one group over another. And just leaders are public servants of those who elected them to represent them, for whom they have sworn an oath to protect under our Constitution from enemies foreign and DOMESTIC. Statesmen are not those who represent vested interests, but those who know and follow the strictures of our national Constitution and to those ends, craft their legislation accordingly, not in spite of it, but because of it, knowing full well the limits placed upon them by it, careful not to exceed their authority as this congress has repeatedly done in recent years.

Being adept at reading a teleprompter speeches written for him by others, and running campaigns across this country do not make anyone a leader, or an icon which is what a network of countless well organized and well funded organizations along with the news media have made Barack Obama to be. The public should realize by now that a good public speaker doesn’t a good leader make. Because someone is good at public speaking and looks good behind a camera doesn't mean that he or she will be a good leader. Good public speaking doesn't necessarilly translate into good statemanship or effective policy. The nation is discovering that right now.

In the decade of the 90s, the public chose image and good public speaking over experience and service and the nation got scandal. In the 2008 presidential election, the public chose image again, and they've come away with incompetence; they chose change and got revolution; they voted for ice cream and instead are now left starving with the bill.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010


The following is from a CBS Poll taken of President Obama’s overall performance for the last year and a half.

Obama gets an F from 67.6% of those polled for his handling of the economy. On healthcare, 59.68% give him an F, while 21.66% give him a D. On Afhanistan he gets an F from 78.67. On Iraq, Obama gets a C from 25.96%, a D from 22.84%, and an F from 31.93%. On the threat of terrorism, Obama gets a C from 24.59%, a D from 23.77%, and an F from 35.96% of those polled. On Energy and the Environment, while 21.03% give Obama a D, 55.04% give him a D for his performance. On Social Issues he gets a clear F from 58.84% of those polled, while 18.95%% give him a D. On Bipartisanship, Obama gets a clear F from 78.20% of those polled. Overall Obama gets a failing grade from 63.76% of those polled. These are worst numbers than those President George W. Bush had late in his last year as president. Obama is losing support.

He is not doing very well. In fact, he’s doing awful. And this poll was taken by a news channel known for its support of the president and his policies. Not good. This is why he is campaigning in high gear, and has called upon his core constituency of blacks and latinos to do the same on his behalf as they did in 2008. One very big problem for him is that he’s lost as much popularity among Hispanic groups as he has with all of the others, even among some blacks who originally supported him, but now do not agree with his radical agenda, while remaining liberal. This is why he and his party are pushing for immigration reform, because they wish to use it to create an almost instant voting block for the 2012 elections, when he will be running for reelection. The so-called immigration reform will grant illegal/undocumented aliens instant legal resident status by granting them amnesty when they turn themselves in for processing, and will allow them to become American Citizens before November, 2012, so they can be registered as Democrats and vote in that year’s elections. The DNC expects to get more than fourteen million additional votes nationwide with this measure, and the large trade unions expect to have their ranks swelled with new laborers as well. This is why the SEIU and others have been at the forefront of granting illegal legal status and voting rights.

If taken, these measures will effectively change almost every law on the books in this country and irreversibly transform the United States, creating a political revolution in the process without firing shot. This is what Barack Obama and the current Democratic Party leadership want. It is not because they have an ounce of care for illegal/undocumented aliens in this country, but because they expect that by supporting such measures, they will blunt the tide of public opinion against them by creating a new voting block out of the fourteen million mostly Mexican illegals already in this country. This isn’t reform. It’s revolution. And it’s politics of the most corrupt kind. It must be opposed, and it must be stopped by the American people – White, Black, Yellow, Red, all – who love and adhere to the laws of this land, and who revere the highest law of the land; our Constitution, which these politicians have been eroding piece by piece every year with repeated legislation and policies they have enacted.

Immigration reform, like all of the other so-called reforms Obama and his supporters have made into law is nothing but a sham. Communists, Socialists, and radicals use the word reform whenever they wish to change the law of the land to one which empower them further, provide a sure source of support from their political base, and enrich themselves at others’ expense. In the process they create enmity, strife, jealousy, and envy among the population in order to garner the support they need to speed their agenda through in as quickly a time as possible, before the people even know what hit them. This is why for the past year Obama and elected officials from his party and the news media have promoted so-called quick remedies for one crisis to another, and with each successive “reform,” the problems they claimed would be resolved by their implementation, only worsened the problem rather than alleviate it, or cause it to go away. It has had the contrary affect. The proof is in the pudding, and the pudding is rotten to the core.

This is the reason, one of many, that so many Democrats have lost races where their machinery once held all but unquestionable hold on the body politic in regions long lost to Republicans or Independents, and the reason so many veteran Democrats are not seeking reelection, but are retiring, while others with the courage have actually switched parties. Some like long time Republican-turned-Democrat Arlen Specter of Pennsylvania is not expected to win against either Democrat or Republican candidate later this year, even though Obama has given him his support, and those whom Obama has come out to campaign for have lost their respective elections. The dream candidate from Illinois is but a fading shadow as more and more Americans have discovered that he is nothing more than a junior senator with no foreign policy experience, no business experience, precious little political experience outside of his district – he had only served months as a U.S. Senator in Washington before he abandoned his seat to run for the White House – and as more and more of his true nature has come to light, the enthusiasm he once commanded has been on a steep downward spiral amongst all but the most ardent followings of supporters he has had. Blacks still support him in high numbers, but the nature of this support is on racial and emotional levels, not because of policies. When this occurs, there is little enthusiasm at the ballot box, not enough to get a person reelected. This is why Obama and elected officials of his party and the unions that have gotten hundreds of billions of dollars of bailout federal support, have all been campaigning to get illegal/undocumented aliens legal status and voting rights. Keep a close watch for this, and listen to how they’re going to present it, but remember what lies at the core of their rhetoric. You read it here first.

Sunday, May 2, 2010


Seeing his poll numbers drop precipitously the last couple of months because of the extreme radicalism of his domestic and foreign policies, Obama is now poised to use the heated illegal/undocumented immigration issue to gin up the already high emotions of Hispanics and other foreign nationals living legally in the U.S., and his party – the Democratic Party – seeing a large voting block – is doing everything it can to garner support for illegals by pandering to this Hispanic Community, believing it to be monolithic on this issue, which it is not, though a vast majority do support illegal/undocumented aliens to live in this country. The DNC, headed by this Chief Executive, will attempt to push comprehensive immigration reform through the House and the Senate. Those in the know understand that this is only just a euphemism for declaring the more than fourteen million illegal/undocumented aliens living the United States overnight (three or four months) legal residents with rights to become American citizens by September or October of this year. Seeing the looming elections in November and the historically proportional losses of both houses, the Democrats are going to attempt to change the laws again to favor them. They believe that the Hispanic vote will balance the tide, and lessen the losses this November at the polls.

That this is a well organized, well funded, and well executed movement is evident by the fact that about twenty so-called Hispanic organizations, and unions like the SEIU, and others are at the forefront of these manifestations and protests. Some of the protests have been violent with protestors throwing bottles and rocks at police at various locations, but the media has all but ignored this. Interesting contrast to the manner in which the alphabet soup channels, CNN, MSNBC, and others reported when the TEA Party held their demonstrations some months ago.
What must be asked is this, why are twenty Hispanic groups protesting American immigration law, and particularly the law that was passed in Arizona, and not the fact that millions of illegal/undocumented people cross our borders every year without the federal government doing a single thing about it? And where were all of these groups when Cubans fleeing Castro’s imprisoned island were sent back without due process because they didn’t make it to these shores? Where? Who protested that policy? Where was Arena? Where was Lulac? Where were the Mexican Americans in solidarity? And the other communities? It’s a farce concocted by the pro-DNC radical groups (twenty of them) masquerading as Hispanic/Latino movements doing the bidding of the Democratic Left of this Chief Executive. Millions of Hispanics have become disappointed in this Chief Executive and also see his policies for what they are – power grabs which will cost them their paycheck, their jobs, increase their taxes, further impoverish them with higher costs for goods and services as companies will be forced once again to pass the increased costs of their overhead on to the consumer, as government continues to make it unprofitable to have a business, much less hire anyone to come to work for them. This is what Hispanics, along with every other ethnic group have been seeing, and this is why this Chief Executive has lost the magic he had over them when he first came to office. Reality bites even with the press and the president and his allies telling you every day that things are looking up. They might be looking up for them and for Wall Street, but go tell that to the average laid off laborer and the long term unemployed who have been cast to the side, as “more pressing matters” like immigration reform and “economic reform” take center stage.

The Democratic Party and this Chief Executive will do everything they can from now until November to campaign and campaign and campaign until they can blunt the affects of their own doing at the ballot box. And if appearing once again to be for the “minorities” will help them at the elections, they’ll sell themselves like prostitutes to whatever cause will get them enough to hold on to some of the power they now enjoy and have enjoyed for the past twelve months. For them the party is above the nation and this is why vote as they do; they do it for the sake of the party. When one or more of them is compelled not to seek reelection because he or she disagrees with the ideological direction their party is headed, instead of coming out publicly and saying it, they instead make general and innocuous statements that the political process is broken in Washington, and that partisan rankling is at an all time high, and they move on. It is rare when one sees them change parties, or even tell it like it is; that since the Clintons and their network of supporters came to Washington, they brought with them Arkansas type “good ole guy” political cronyism with them, and this current Chief Executive is no different. He’s brought with the more corrupt Chicago style machinery to Foggy Bottom, and the way they do things “up there.” In writing to an advocate of illegal/undocumented immigration recently, I pressed the issue as follows:

Any person who is destitute should NOT be cast aside. In fact, I believe I wrote that to do such a thing would be inhuman. Be that as it may, it would be interesting to see what each country does with people like these who enter their borders. It is my understanding from speaking with some Guatemalan friends of mine that Mexico for example is extremely harsh on them and others who cross the border. We are a nation of laws, and as such we must all obey them. Until such a time as such laws are changed, they must be upheld, otherwise anarchy will ensue. You know that as much as I do.

Laws are crafted to protect rights which are given to all human beings by G-d. Due process laws with regards to immigration in America gives every immigrant the right to appeal a decision they may consider unjust provided that they may present the evidence to support their case, as in those in the past who’ve sought asylum in the US from Communist and Fascist regimes. I recall a case of a Russian boy, I believe his name was Walter Polovchak, who brought his case before the U.S. government because the Soviet Union wanted his return, and he won asylum in the U.S.
. Again, it would be inhuman to turn anyone back to a life of destitution and slavery if indeed that is what that person would be returning to if sent back to their place of origin. And as for seeing myself in the need of people like this, I’ll remind you that countless numbers of Cubans, like my family saw themselves just like this when they fled Castro’s Cuba. It was because of their plight that so many of them were given at one time asylum, that is until the Clinton Administration changed the laws and immigration policies regarding Cuban refugees fleeing Castro. Subsequent administrations have continued this feet wet/feet dry policy, and the Coast Guard exists almost exclusively to keep fleeing Cubans from reaching these shores.

I don’t know of what you refer to when you write that these people (or perhaps those who claim to advocate their cause, like LA RAZA and others) are ready to fight to become a part of this country, and as for being a part of this country being a right, you are wrong; it is not a right, it is a privilege. Everyone who comes to these shores has a right to redress the government for their grievances, but not everyone has a right to stay. I think that you would agree with me that the United States does not need the criminals of other lands to come here to continue in their criminal activities, just as we would not want to them to go anywhere to perpetuate in their criminal enterprises. But for those who wish to come here, let them do so legally, and within the system, apply for residence status, followed by citizenship should they be so inclined. There is no wrong in saying this. This is the law of the land. And as guests of this nation, they above all others should respect these laws, just as its citizens are required to do.

There are many reasons why people come to America, and every story is unique unto itself. Every story should be considered under the law, and every person coming here should be given the right to do so, and they do. Again, there is no wrong in this. It is the way things work. Every case should be handled in an orderly manner, and every help and support should be forthcoming to those in need of such help by the various private charities which traditionally have worked in this regard. This is why Catholic Charities, World Vision International, Operation Blessing, and many others are so important, and so worthy of support by those calling themselves Christians or just humanitarians. My house of worship has such a program and collections and gifts are taken weekly just for this cause.

We are a nation of laws and a nation of compassionate laws at that. We are a nation of legal justice and not social justice. Legal justice is predicated upon the rule of law, whereas social justice is predicated on emotion and mob rule without any guarantee that the rights of the individual will not be abridged.

. Look, it comes down to this; any Chief Executive or any political party who can get it so wrong with regards to the right of Jews being able to settle in their own land, and even build their homes in it, will also be on the wrong side of almost every other issue this nation and its allies face. The best thing anyone here can do is vote on election night for the right people and get these people out of the White House and out of congress once and for all.________________________________________