Friday, September 25, 2009

Why these Changes in Foreign Policy & Terror?

It is interesting that since the Obama Administration declared that the War on Terror is over, it forgot to tell the terrorists that, who continue to plot all sorts of schemes to blow up American targets of interests, and murder as many human beings as possible. In the news in just one day are indictments against three of them for two separate plots and as well as an Illinois man charged with planning to blow up federal office buildings, while malfunctioning serviellance cameras in SEPTA. Pennsylvania fail to display several suspicious looking individuals taking photographs of the subway system there, and two other Muslim men are caught and charged with attempting to blow up the Marine Base at Quantico, Virginia Somehow, somebody forgot to tell these men that the Obama Administration is not at war with them, yet they continue to fight their war against US nevertheless.

When the Obama Administration decided to scrap the Bush Doctrine of Preemptive Action against terrorist base camps, and center of operation, and instead opted for the failed and dangerous Clinton policy of treating terrorism as nothing more than a law enforcement issue, he sent a clear signal to every terrorist organization - it's open season on Americans again. The Bush Doctrine allowed military, intelligence, and law enforcement to work together with allies throughout the world to investigate and preemptively strike against terrorist camps, bases of operations, and hideouts throughout the world without the knowledge of the rogue nations harboring them. For eight years, this policy protected America and its interests abroad from the kind of terrorist attacks it saw during the Clinton years, as every terror attack escalated in frequency and in size until it culminated with the attacks of September 11th, 2001, just months after Clinton presidency had ended and the new Bush Administration was beginning to transition in.

What is flawed about the Clinton policy (and now Obama's policy) of treating terrorism as a law enforcement issue is that it does not allow for prevention, because it is only investigated after the "crime" has been committed. By then, the damage will have been done, hundreds, maybe even hundreds of thousands of lives in the next attack, will have been lost; and the damage to commerce and infrastructure, including this fragile economy, inestimable.

This policy explains why Barak Obama has decided to close Camp X-Ray at GITMO in Cuba, the only secure place on this planet where the world's most dangerous terrorists can be kept under watch, and has instead wished to irresponsibly move these terrorists to "secure" locations throughout the 48 contiguous states on this continent. It also explains why Barak Obama has granted terrorists and foreign combatants the right of Habeas Corpus, and every right Americans Citizens enjoy under this Constitution, while directing his Attorney General to investigate and prosecute former intelligence officials who were tasked by the previous administration with fighting domestic and foreign terrorists for eight years. It is a flawed and dangerous policy because it penalizes those who served this nation while rewarding its most dangerous and worst enemies - the terrorists these officials in the CIA helped capture and interrogate.

This has not been lost on America's enemies, who have been watching Obama's every move since he came into office. His expensive traveling junkets overseas to apologize for alleged supposed misdeeds by past administrations is the worst display of appeasement and provocation by an American president in memory. In Afghanistan, seeing weakness and vacillation in the new president, a resurgent Taliban is attempting to overrun and overtake US forces fighting in that country alongside token NATO Forces, and the Afghan Army Barak Obama does not yet know whether to retreat and leave Afghanistan at the mercy of the Taliban, or to commit more troops and allow the military to run an effective counter-insurgency operation in that country. Obama's conflicting loyalties have kept him from providing the leadership necessary as Commander in Chief to win this war once and for all, because he has not allowed the Pentagon to commit more troop or supplies which are desperately needed by those brave Americans fighting the war there. We have not seen the end of this.

At the United Nations, Barak Obama declared territories which Israel won in the Six Day War with Jewish blood, "Occupied Territories," effectively taking the side of the Intifada against Israel, and bringing America closer to abandonment of its long time ally. One Jerusalem reported the following as to the implications of these statements, and the crossroads this brings in the relationship of our two countries:

"President Obama became the first US President to refer to the territories that Israel won in the (defensive) Six Day War as, "Occupied Territory." This implies that Israel must retreat from its own land, return to indefensible '67 borders, divide Jerusalem, and capitulate to Palestinian forces bent on destroying Israel."

This of course, is impossible, but Israel's and America's enemies are seeing precisely the trajectory that this president is taking his nation, and the implications of this upon their war of national liberation against countries whom have strong relationships with the United States in the past, but again see themselves being left out in the cold by the current administration as they did during the Carter and Clinton years. When the Obama Administration authorized $900 million be given to Hamas a few months ago in the guise of "humanitarian aid," it was the first time the government of the United States took tax payer money to reward a terrorist entity sworn to the destruction of the State of Israel and the wholesale slaughter of the Jewish people. This is not good for this country, because it serves to embolden our enemies to take action here against this country in new and varied acts of terror, as we saw during the Clinton years up until 9/11. Weakness, appeasement, and ambivalence, and vacillation are tools tyrants, despots, and murderers have always taken advantage of. History tells US that if we continue down such a road, it will cost more in lives and property than if we would have otherwise taken the path on preemptive prevention President George W. Bush placed on, and kept US save through eight very dangerous years.

Because the former junior senator and now president rose up the ranks from within the most militant of far left organizations such as ACORN, and worked within that organization as a community organizer, following the teachings of Communist Saul Alinsky, and his association throughout his entire career have been individuals and causes of the most radical, and Anti-American and Anti-Semitic nature, including the Reverend Jeremiah Wright, based upon Black Liberation Theology, which is an outgrowth of Marxist Liberation Theology and the rise and support of movement of national liberation, i.e.; terrorist movements, his foreign and domestic policy will reflect these radical causes and movements, and we are seeing its byproduct; the abandonment of long held American foreign policy objectives, allies, and the adoption and implementation of the current policies we are seeing at play in this administration.

This is why he is calling territory Israel fought for when invaded during the Six Day War as "occupied territories," because the cause of national liberation under the banner of Hamas, Hezbollah, Palestinian Islamic Jihad, and other organizations which have since been absorbed by these all claim that such territories are "occupied territories." This explains why he supports Marxists dictators overseas such as ousted Honduran president Zelaya, who attempted to abridge his country's Constitution by extended his presidency indefinitely. This is why the world's worst Marxist tyrants have praised his foreign policies. And this is why if he continues this path, more innocent lives will be put at risk and lost than at any other time in recent memory. Let US be clear here, it is not Obama the man whom this writer objects to, but Obama's foreign and domestic policies and the objectives behind them. If they are not opposed, the consequences will be disastrous for this country and for its allies overseas, and will place its citizens and this nation in jeopardy. At a time when the human race can destroy itself, and weapons of mass destruction are the most sought for by terrorists, we dare not allow well meaning platitudes and bone headed policies govern the day, because to do so will mean our end.

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