Thursday, September 24, 2009

The Varied Consequences of the Misguided Policies of An Obama Presidency

When I first read the story ( about 4 Marines pinned down in Afghanistan who lost their lives because help did not get to them soon enough, I expressed my remorse in the following manner:

When we were attacked unprovoked on Tuesday, September 11th, 2001 by Al Qaeda, hiding in the mountains of Taliban-controlled Afghanistan, we responded with overwhelming force, and in less than three months, we ran them out of the country into the mountain regions of northern Pakistan, where they were for the next eight years.

The media has all but forgotten this story, as well as covering the war in Afghanistan, which is one of the reasons - but not the principle reason why it spiked this story. The story of the war in Afghanistan is one which every American family needs to know. It is a story of bravery under fire, of men serving far from home, fighting to rid the world of the most pernicious vermin the human race has ever seen who use religion as a cover for murder and tyranny.

But, there is an untold story here as well. It is the story of lack. A lack of leadership and resolve at the very top of the command structure. Of ambivalence, and indecision. Of conflicting interests, and objectives. Of a Commander in Chief asleep at the wheel of our ship of state. And this is costing US lives. Precious American lives. The news media is quick to rush to report collateral damage (as its called) of civilians killed when one of our bombs misses target, or when (as is often the case, ask the Israelis) terrorists use mosques, hospitals, and populated areas to attack from because they're aware we will not strike there due to our rules of engagement when civilians are involved.

But the story below is perhaps the most telling testament to a lack of leadership from the White House with regards to how it is pursuing this country's fight against its most dangerous and mortal enemies. And if you think that if we turn tail and return, and let bygones be bygones; remember that it was this thinking that led to our inability to prevent the most tragic event in recent years from occurring on that fateful Tuesday morning in which 2,000 of our fellow human beings perished without warning, victims of our own apathy, and the well laid plans of a group of "towel head" in some far off mountain region thousands of miles away.

Too far away to be of any concern to US? If they try to tell you that, remind them of the events of September 11th, 2001, and then remind them that in a world full of nations like Iran, Syria, and North Korea, and their surrogates all across diverse continents, where technology, organization, money, and training even such odds, it is more likely that another 9/11 occur here from such diverse places than any other possibility they might be able to conjure up in their infertile minds.

I do not know how strongly I can make the case that the trajectory in which the Obama White House is taking this nation is not the right one. Take a look for a moment at just what is being done, and you'll understand.

1.) It wishes to shut down CAMP X-RAY at GITMO, the only fully secured American controlled maximum security prison outside of the contiguous forty eight states.
2.) It wishes to do this without first securing a site with all of the attributes offered by CAMP X-RAY.
3.) It has even expressed the plan to put some of these - the world's most dangerous terrorists in parts of the continental United States.
4.) It has ordered the Federal Bureau of Investigation to cease all surveillance of foreign nations who might be conducting terrorists plots.
5.) It has redefined terrorism as "man-made catastrophes.
6.) It has declared that the United States is no longer fighting a "War on Terrorism."
7.) Obama Administration head of Department of Homeland Security, Janet Napolitano, has declared in a memo that it now considers certain types of American nations, including pro-life Christian Evangelicals and Catholics, many returning veterans of foreign wars, gun owners, and conservatives to be "potential enemies of the state."
8.) Declarations made from the Oval Office to the effect that it wishes to engage America's enemies (like Iran and North Korea) without prior conditions has left it denuded and without anything to bargain for or against in its talks with their leading negotiators.
9.) The Obama White House did nothing to support the democratic movement in Iran during or following the elections, and turned a blind eye when its tyrannical government arrested, murdered, and tortured dissidents.
10.) Barak Obama has embraced the most brutal dictatorships in Latin America, such as Castro's Cuba, and Chavez's Venezuela, while shutting all aid to Honduras, whose ousted Marxist president attempted to take power by tossing its Constitution and extending his presidency indefinitely like Chavez did in Venezuela, and Castro did decades ago in Cuba.
11.) The Obama-run and directed Department of Defense is not resupplying fast enough its military units overseas engaged in combat. This is costing American lives. Consider if you will if one or more of your sons and daughters are serving right now in Iraq, or Afghanistan. How would you feel about this?
12.) Barak Obama brazenly choose the date of the Soviet Invasion of Hungary to announce that he is abandoning the missile protection President Bush promised would be forthcoming when he left office, but which Obama promised as a candidate when campaigning for the White House that he would shelve as soon as he got elected. This leaves Eastern Europe vulnerable to Russian and Iranian aggression.
13.) Barak Obama has travelled to Europe and the Middle East to apologize for alleged wrongs he personally sees as this country having committed in its foreign policy - a sign of appeasement and weakness - because it sends signals to allies that we are returning to the era (error) of the Carter and Clinton years of aiding and abetting our enemies while alienating our friends and allies by cutting aid to them.
14.) His White House has pursued the burning of Bibles sent to Afghanistan, while it is in process of promoting Islam and Muslim-centered programs in America's public school system (something is very wrong here).
15,) Obama's White House is tracking web activity and e-mails of private citizens from the White House, and using the information for political and other purposes.
16.) It is on track in the nationalization of private industry, and to this end is seeking to also nationalize the healthcare industry.
17.) It is in the process of overturning DOMA (Defense of Marriage Act) signed by President Clinton into law which defines marriage as the union between a man and a woman, with ROMA (Respect of Marriage Act) granting marital rights to homosexuals and lesbians.
18.) It has pulled money from President Bush's faith based initiatives program from organizations which it considers discriminate against gays and lesbians in their hiring. This means that in order for these organizations to receive any federal help in their programs for the poor and needy, they will need to drop their Bible-based rules and hire homosexuals and lesbians.
19.) It has dropped the Mexico City Provisions which prevented federal money for abortions overseas, and has adopted a pro-abortion policy as a means of contraceptive, returning US to the Clinton years where abortion on demand was promoted by this country overseas.
20.) It has given $900 million (just $100 million short of a TRILLION DOLLARS) to Hamas in Gaza as foreign aid; the first act in which the United States aids and abets a sworn enemy of Israel, and terrorist entity in this country's history.
21.) As terrorism against Israel continues unabated, the Obama Administration is pressing Israel to make further concessions to the Palestinian Authority without any kind of reciprocation on their part to combat terrorism from the territories it controls. Hamas shoot missiles into Israeli homes every day, but it is not reported either by the news media, or by this White House, yet both want Israel to give more up.
22.) When running for president, Barak Obama promised a change in Washington: a departure from the old politics of corruption and partisan interests to one of healing, and inclusion, yet less than a year into his presidency, the only change seen in Washington is the number of tax cheats, Lobbyists, Leftwing radicals, and Communist revolutionaries he's made into unelected czars in his cabinet, and an increase in the same old politics of the past, only this time everyone who disagrees with his policies or belong to a political party other than Democrat or Communist are shut out of his office. Chicago style radical politics has come to the White House in spades, and it is this politics that is running the show on every domestic and foreign issue that comes before this president.
23.) Currently, Obama's mixed signals - his ambivalence to commit more troops to Afghanistan, his opposition to provide central Europe with a missile shield against aggressive regimes such as Russia, and Iran, and his attack on those who have provided their service to this nation against terrorists and terrorist regimes and organizations in the past - have emboldened the Taliban, weakened confidence in our reliability as an ally overseas, and has brought praise from such dictators as Fidel Castro, Hugo Caesar Chavez, and Muammar Qaddaffi. You know something is terribly wrong when praise is coming from such quarters.

26.) The willful manipulation of children to promote a political agenda, cause, person, organization, or movement in the public school system is being conducted throughout many of our public schools across the country as a concerted effort to manipulate and shape public opinion without the input or consent of the parents of these children, and it is being done as it was during the presidential elections, to promote and favor Barak Hussein Obama (see the following link: This is against the law, what's more, this is un-American!
Fox News reported that this song WAS taken from a Christian Hymn, but did not specify which one it was. This is idolatry. I have lived for a long time, and I have never seen such idolatrous behavior here in America. I've seen it in dictatorships such as Nazi Germany (Adolf Hitler), Soviet Russia (Joseph Stalin), Red China (Mao Tsetong), Communist Cuba (Fidel Castro), Communist Viet Nam (Ho Chi Min), and the Islamic Republic of Iran (Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini). But, I have never seen such expressions in this country. Not even the most popular presidents in our history - George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, Teddy Roosevelt, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, John F. Kennedy, or Ronald Reagan have ever had children in public schools directed by their teachers to sing the praises of an American President. This is the first time, and it is scary. This is nothing short of blasphemy, since these teachers are taking a hymn sung as worship and adapted it to a political leader for political purposes. What's more, our public schools are being used without the consent of the public, as centers for propaganda and political manipulation. Teachers who are members of the two main teachers' unions: American Federation of Teachers and the National Education Association, are using the public education system for political purposes. The venue of our public schools is being used by political hacks of the far Left to indoctrinate and brainwash our children to conform to the new political correctness sweeping our nation's government agencies, news and entertainment media.

25.) Barak Obama's commitment on saddling America with a UN Climate Tax, and his direct involvement in the climate change/global warming scam is the biggest power/money grab in the history of this country, if it passes through both houses of congress. A form of it has already passed the Democrat-controlled House, and it is being worked on in the Democrat-controlled Senate. If passed, it will pale TARP One and Two in scope and cost to the average American family. It will be another tool in bankrupting America without providing alternative sources for America's energy needs and dependency on foreign oil.

There are not enough working Americans and enough revenue for this kind of federal spending, and because of this, the US Treasury has allowed the privately stock holder owned Federal Reserve Bank to inflate the money supply in order to create the necessary liquidity. But this has caused the dollar to free fall, and has sent commodities and hard assets through the roof. Gold is now currently higher than it was during the Carter years when it had peaked at $1000 per ounce. This is devastating the average American whose wages have not gone up in years, and whose savings and investments have dwindled following the collapse of the stock market earlier this year. The DOW has recovered, but it is largely paper created, and not real wealth and growth. The job figures simply tell a different story, while the special interests claim that a recovery is under way, even in the face of earlier claims, and some persistent claims that this Great Recession/Depression is going to be with US for at least another two to three years before we see its end.

Unemployment figures continue to soar, and Obama himself has conceded that they will likely reach ten million before the end of this year. The month of August alone saw another 550 million Americans file for new unemployment compensation, while another half million exhausted all of theirs and are no longer counted as a statistic. It is believed by experts and National Employment Law Project that this figure will soar to over one and a half million; a staggering number when one considers the impact of these people not being able to find work, unable to pay their utility bills, buy food, or pay their mortgages is going to have on the overall economy, especially in such high unemployment states as California, Michigan, and Detroit where the figures are already double digits and climbing.

I can go on and on, but I'll spare you the rest. You know it already. The two million man Tea Party in Washington, D.C. recently, and the town hall meetings, and other Tea Parties preceding these are all testaments to the silent majority having had it with the status quo of bigger and bigger federal meddling into their lives with over-regulation, high taxation, no representation, and an expansion of government by corrupt politicians with the most corrupt at the top running the White House like it's some kind of flop house and the country like it's some kind of Marxist Community Organization.

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