Riot police in Pittsburgh deployed accoustic weapons to break up swarms of anarchist anti-one world/anti-capitalist protestors This is not the first time this has been used on American soil against citizens of the United States. During the Branch Davidian stand off, the ATF, FBI, and the US Army under the command of then US Attorney General Janet Reno, under orders from the Clinton White House; used the same tactics against the men, women, and children holed up in the Branch Davidian Compound before subjecting them to high powered flame throwers and accelerants.
Ironically, amidst all of the protests which the militant Left organized during George W. Bush's eight years in office and their accusations against him for promoting a police state like atmosphere throughout the country following the terror events of 9/11, none of these weapons were ever used against civilian targets within the borders of this country. It was used by the Clinton White House, and it appears to be well in use by the Obama White House against civilian targets.
The G20 Summit and all others which have preceded it have fostered the ire of hard left and hard right groups; Communists and Anarchists who claim that successive US president and the leaders of many other industrialized nations have and continue to work for a new world order, and to that end, there exits shadow governments within each nation hard at work to see that these measures get carried through. A new book called The Shadow Government claims that Obama's more than thirty unelected, unvetted Czars are part of his shadow government, working to carry his dictates without congressional oversight, or the protection of the courts as the Constitution mandates.
In the international arena, even Cuba under Raul Castro sees the need for change, but not the kind of change that most Cuban Exiles in the United States and a good many Cubans inside the imprisoned island would like to see - the total coallapse of the Communist government, and the beginnings of a democratic government, or at least serious, verifiable movements in that direction. Raul Castro, who has taken over since his older brother Fidel reliquished power about two years ago, is now asking Cubans to rethink about Cuban Socialism and the role its played and is playing in their daily lives. It would appear to outside observers that he is looking for alternatives to the harsh dictatorial rule that has characterized life in Cuba for the last five decades, and which has left the island with no infrastructure, no food, no wealth, and no hope. Others, such as this writer, believe that this is only a ploy to sniff out into the open potential dissidents, and other dissaffected elements of the population, and to gauge its size for possible repressive measures the Cuban government may wish to take in the near future. While it is the hope of many Cubans inside and outside of the island that the government transform, even gradually, into a more democratic style of governing, fifty years of absolute repression and depravation have left Cubans without hope of any change. Some say that they have seen this before, while others hope that this time, they might just mean what they say about changing. Whether it is change or more of the same, every observer agrees that it will not be the end of Castro style Communist rule and the decades long repression it has brought to the Cuban people.
At the UN, world leaders spoke and continue to speak on topics and issues which are of the upmost importance to them and their people. It is unfortunate that we must suffer to see such tyrants as Iran's Achmedinajab, Lybia's Muammar Quaddaffi, Venezuela's Hugo Chavez, and sundry other types castigate the United States, and Israel on their mutual need to protect their citizens, ensure their nation's stability and viability, promote commerce with its neighbors, and establish its own roles in the community of nations. This writer watched Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, and thought of how this brave leader stood up to the various criminal nations gathered there, and asked them if they had any shame. Most touching was when the Prime Minister spoke about the Holocaust, and how it personally touched his life and the lives of almost every Jewish family throughout the world. It brought instantly thoughts of the injustice in watching almost daily people deny that the Holocaust never happened, as if to say that family members whom one lost to the terror of the Nazi regime in Europe never even existed; that their horrible sufferings and deaths were but a figment of someone's imagination. I could not contain the ire I personally felt at such a thought, and my complete and total disgust at those who perpetrate it.
But, for those who wish to read Prime Minister Netanyahu's speech, they may go to the following link: It can also be read and viewed at the following link: It was touching; it was brilliant, and it was moving. Again, imagine what it feels to have had someone close to you suffer and die in Hitler's concentration camps, only to have several world leaders deny that such a thing ever occurred. Imagine if you, yourself are a survivor of the horror, and have decades later someone deny that such a thing ever happened to you at all! Words escape me.
It is not the first time that a Prime Minister of Israel speaks before the world body, and it will not be the last. Israeli Prime Ministers have spoken before it several times before. They have had to address themselves to the greatest of world leaders and the worst. Of honorable leaders and dishonorable ones. But, this writer was taken by this Prime Minister's speech, and it takes him back to how US President Ronald Reagan's speeches moved him more than twenty years before. Benjamin Netanyahu is a real mensch. I have always respected, admired, and liked Benjamin Netanyahu. It is good to see that he is the Prime Minister of Israel. For once, Israel has a leader who can stand up to demands inimical to its people made by well meaning but misguided American politicians.
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