You are being squeezed. You are middle class, you pay your taxes every year, you own a home and pay your mortgage every month, you own a small business, you pay your taxes there and employ several people, or you are suffering without work and without employment, or are retired or disabled; you are being squeezed. High inflation has cut into your ability to “make ends meet” on what you earn or get from your pension or Social Security. You are being purposely squeezed by this government. The people whom you elected to represent you and serve you in government earn six figure salaries, have all expenses paid, and get their pockets lined with hefty cash and other incentives from special interest groups whose interests do not have you in mind, but their bottom line. This is how corporations get what they want and your elected officials become millionaires in just a few years of “public service.” Oh, and by the way, whatever legislation they pass and impose upon you – that means US – they exempt themselves from.
Our elected representatives and presidents give what we don't have, with checks that bounce with other people's money that does not belong to them, for people whose governments will do nothing for, who come here without contributing a penny off the books jobs that many of our fellow citizens provide for them, because they're too greedy to run their businesses legitimately, because our government has overburdened them with onerous taxes and regulation that make it unprofitable for them to conduct their business any other way. Our own politicians have created this, and we keep reelecting them, while they keep betraying our trust and stealing US blind year in and year out, favoring illegal undocumented foreigners over our own veterans and citizens.
There is a double standard in America today, and not only do we have an imperial president, but we have an imperial congress. The lavish lifestyles they enjoy does not reflect the reality of the lives of their constituents whose interests they claim to represent. Every piece of legislation passed is diametrically at variance with the well-being and economic interests of their constituents, and as one decade moves into the nest, Americans become more impoverished and distressed. All of this has come a very crucial time in American history. Since the first crash in the economy following the tragic 9/11 attacks, America has continued to spiral downward economically, as has the major economies of the world.
The people you elected to office will not and are not inclined to help you. They’re too busy at the moment trying to keep the status quo from being overturned in the upcoming elections. But the American people have had it. Congress and this president both have the lowest approval rating in their respect fields. The American electorate is getting the picture. After years of repeated and rampant corruption, cronyism, payoffs, bribery, and targeted eliminations – both political and by several other means; the American people are beginning to understand that the leadership of both political parties as wells as majority of the rank and file members in both houses of congress have betrayed both their oath of office and the interests and welfare of this nation.
The Republican leadership headed by Congressman John Boehner (R. Ohio), has just passed an immigration bill that is about to facilitate Obama with everything he wants on immigration without his having to sign an Executive Order to declare 30 million undocumented illegals in our country, with tens of thousands streaming through our borders every week, and will pave the way for them to vote in order to keep the status quo and balance of political power in Washington DC the way it is at the present with the Democrats controlling both the Executive as well as one chamber of congress – the US Senate, and the Republicans retaining control of the US House. These people want to stay in office and they want to keep the kind of people who can be paid off easily by special interests and large multinational corporations over and against the wishes and interests of the people who elected them.
The lawsuit against the president for the violation of the US Constitution is only a distraction from what is really going on behind the scenes at the moment. The GOP is beset with the most corrupt, self-destructive leadership in its history, and it is doing great damage not only to the party, but the country by its collusion with the Democrats and with this president. There is so much that could be written about what it has done to its own members who oppose its agenda of passivity and collusion with this White House, and how it has used its own money against members of its own party to defeat them at the polls. It makes it evident that conservative Democrats, Republicans, Libertarians, and Independents need to rally behind a strong third party against the status quo in Washington and its two-party corrupt system.
This past weekend, a close friend of mine introduced me to someone who was involved with the publishing of the bestseller, Unfit for Command, authored by John O’Neal, and Jerome Corsi, a book that was instrumental in turning the tide of the 2004 presidential elections against John Kerry by the Swift Boat Veterans who served with Kerry during the brief time he served in Viet Nam, and who knew firsthand as eye-witnesses how duplicitous, lying, and self-serving he was.
This is the same John Kerry who later returned to the United States to bear false testimony against his fellow Navy men who served with him which received much publicity in the biased liberal media. This is the same John Kerry who now serves as Secretary of State, an extremely sensitive post in this government in these very unstable and troubling times under this duplicitous president. As Paul said in conversation with me, “We kept him from the White House, but now he serves under a president who is far worse than he is.” So true.
Ironically, anyone applying years ago to work in our government would undergo a rigorous background examination for a period of two years before being hired by our government as a civil servant, even people who’ve served in the military or law enforcement, though for them it probably used to take half the time. But our government is so compromised and corrupt that someone with the questionable background of Barack Obama was allowed to serve as US Senator, and later to run and win the nomination of the Democrat Party for the White House, and actually defeat a sitting senior Senator and Viet Nam war hero and Ex-POW and be elected president! Who would have believed that years ago? Well it happened, and this Manchurian Candidate – Barack Hussein Obama – went from the outhouse to the White House thanks to Madison Avenue’s money and marketing abilities in this Internet Age.
Even more troubling was that after his record as president in an economy that is worse than any economy this nation has ever witnessed, even worse than the Great Depression of the 30s, he was reelected to a second term, and has not been impeached for the more than thirty infractions of the Constitution he has made since taking the Oath of Office, which he has broken multiple times. This alone is enough to realize that our elected officials are themselves as corrupt as he is, and because they almost all have something to hide, they are inclined not to do anything about his lawlessness and breach of trust.
But it took a president like Barack Obama to awaken this sleeping giant, and it has happened across this land in every community. Even though Obama has unilaterally ceded the Internet to foreign control – a breach of trust and a direct violation of his oath of office – there also remains the question of whether he possesses the authorization to commit such an act. But this is nothing new for Obama. Since taking office, he has broken barriers no other head of state in this country has broken and at the levels and frequency that he has.
In Barack Hussein Obama, we are witnessing the rise of a leader the likes of which America has not witnessed before in its history.
For in his presidency America’s relationship with its only true ally in the Middle East has been radically transformed from one of amity and support to one of open hostility and opposition. And while rocket attacks by Hamas have been taking place for six years with little Israeli response, this administration has made the terrorist entity called Hamas (which by the way in Spanish means “NEVERMORE”) an equal partner with the US which in turn, now makes a US-Hamas Axis an equal partner in negotiations with Israel!
And as for those within the Obama Administration who posit that Israel’s movement into Gaza was planned because of the kidnapping of the three Israeli teenagers had sparked a search by the IDF; Hamas has been shooting missile barrages into Israeli cities since 2007. What this administration and its media minions have not reported is that the IDF search was carried out to a great extent in the Hebron area of Judea, and it barely involved Gaza. What about Hamas? What do we know about it?
According to House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, Hamas is a humanitarian organization as has been explained to her by Qatar. Why should we be surprised at this response by Congresswoman Pelosi? Qatar is a regime that has been one of the greatest sponsors of Hamas and Sunni Muslim terrorism in the Gaza Strip. This level of ignorance in a member of our congress is dangerous for US and it is dangerous for our allies, but it permeates official Washington, and particularly this White House. Today, members of the Muslim Brotherhood frequently visit with the president and his advisors. Some of their number have been even given by this government access to our most secret facilities, and some have advisory positions in Homeland Security and at have served in this capacity at the Pentagon.
According to terror experts, the Muslim Brotherhood is the founding organization of such terror groups as Hamas, Al Qaeda, ISIS, the PFLP, the PLO, Islamic Jihad, and have good standing relationships with Hezbollah, and other Shiite terror groups, though it is primarily, but not exclusively, a Sunni entity that was founded in Egypt. Almost every Arab nation has outlawed the Muslim Brotherhood at one time or another because of the danger it poses to its citizens. Why is our current government welcoming them with open arms and giving them access to our most secured facilities across the country and using their representatives as advisors to our counsels of war and intelligence? What is wrong with this picture? Have we been infiltrated and compromised? Absolutely.
In his presidency the very core of the nation’s Judeo-Christian foundations are being shattered to pieces, perhaps never to recover from again right before our eyes.
In his presidency the institution of marriage has come under its greatest assault, as Obama has broken precedent not just with America’s founding principles, but the principles of every civilized society in history; with a stroke of his pen and a few public pronouncements, he has redefined the meaning of marriage,
Redefined the nation’s civil laws regarding it,
Redefined the military’s laws regarding it,
Redefined what constitutes the family,
Redefined the role of government severing it from the moorings of the US Constitution,
Redefined the relationship between church and state,
In short President Barack Hussein Obama has redefined every institution this nation has ever had as no other sitting chief executive had done before him, and perhaps ever will. Not only has he done this, but he has and continues to take executive action to make these the law of this land. Like every president who preceded him, Barack Hussein Obama took his Oath of Office, promising to uphold, protect, defend the Constitution of the United States of America against enemies, both foreign and domestic. But he has broken this oath many times over with what appears to be impunity as a corrupt congress – comprised of both houses and both political parties within it sit idly by and do nothing to stop him.
Barack Obama is being recognized not as a Madison Avenue – created savior of America that he once appeared to be to a vast number of our fellow countrymen, but as the false messiah that he is. Unfortunately, he has achieved much of what he set out to do, and he has done it with the complicit help and abetting of both political parties. It will take a miracle to undo the damage from the fallout that his policies have set into motion, some claim perhaps decades to undo it, if possible.
Here are some of the policies he has enacted which he considers good and beneficial for all Americans:
Sign A Universal Health Care Bill. He has unilaterally cut over $780 trillion dollars from Medicare – an unheard of act – and moved this unseemly sum to his Affordable Care Act, otherwise known as Obamacare, Obama’s signature version of socialized medicine – which has caused a direct cut in benefits and services to our seniors, veterans, and disabled. This has also had the undesired effect of bringing up the cost of insurance premiums to unaffordable levels never before seen in this nation for countless numbers of struggling American families, some underemployed. This has also had the undesired effect of forcing smaller and medium sized private businesses to close because it has driven the cost of business to levels that it is no longer profitable and viable to remain open. While it has done this to some, it has forced others to hire part-time to defray such costs and run on a very miniscule margin in order to stay in business.
And since many of the courts are packed with Clinton-era-appointees, including more recent ones by President Obama, the great number of small and medium businesses and individuals challenging The Affordable Care Act, otherwise known as Obamacare across the nation, are facing judges which will not apply Constitutional Law which are on the books in these trials, but base their decisions on their politics by “legislating from the bench.”
For example, the U.S. Appeals Court in Washington, D.C. has recently dismissed a lawsuit brought by the Pacific Legal Foundation which said that The Affordable Care Act is essentially unconstitutional because the Constitution requires all tax legislation to come out of the House of Representatives. But fortunately, The Pacific Legal Foundation will not give up without a fight and has decided to appeal. Halbig v. Burwell was a lawsuit brought by several businesses and individuals who felt that Obamacare has harmed them because the legislation says that there can be tax subsidies (advanced premium tax credits) only if they're issued through state established health exchanges and not through the national exchange ( In spite of this, in 2012 the IRS went ahead and issued tax subsidies through both state exchanges and the federal exchange. This is level of lawlessness that permeates our governmental institutions across this nation today.
Added Additional Security To The Borders. No one believes this, and not even the Obama Administration makes these claims any longer, in light of the collapse of our southern border with Mexico and the current invasion of foreign illegal undocumented aliens from central America into our borders. The system of our government is intentionally being overwhelmed so that it will collapse just as the southern borders of the United States have. This White House has ordered ICE not to comply with its current federal immigration laws in the capture and processing of its own laws and guidelines. They are being told to ignore these laws and stand down in order to allow all of the aliens to stream though unimpeded. State resources across the nation are being overwhelmed and overrun. This is intentional.
Suspend Select Deportations. All deportations, except the ones involving the most dangerous hardened terrorists housed in GITMO, have been suspended, and those previously detained are being allowed to leave of their own recognizance. This is intentional, as the people half of our population was reported to have “voted” into office and “reelected,” have betrayed the trust of even those who “elected” them to office and now are endangered by the policies intentionally developed to destabilize and overwhelm every resource in the country until it all collapses.
Path To Citizenship For Undocumented Immigrants. The elections are just a few months away, and the Obama White House has cleverly thrown in a wrench into an election that would have all but secured a Republican majority in both houses of congress for the first time in memory. The inept leadership of the GOP party and its corrupt leadership in the US House and Senate and their complicit assistance of this White House on every single agenda it has brought to the table, has grabbed defeat from the jaws of victory in these coming elections. The illegal undocumented will be sped through the processing and become immediate American citizens with full voting rights and every privilege and even more so they take by the force of this government from its own citizenry and legal aliens who had been complying with existing immigration law and were waiting years to become citizens. The United States is beset with the worse and most corrupt government in its history.
Repealed Don't Ask Don't Tell. The same government that has now promoted the LGBT (Lesbian/Gay/Bi-Sexual/Trans-Sexual) Agenda at every level of this government and throughout this society across the country, now considers conservative Evangelical Christians a threat to what it calls “the homeland.” Sound familiar? This is what Hitler called Germany during the Nazi (National Socialist) era of Germany’s recent past, when it was “the Fatherland” or nothing, and the Soviet era in Communist Russia, when it was “the motherland” or nothing. In Communist countries like Castro’s Cuba, during the early days of the Revolution, one could hear, “Patria O, Muerte, venceremos!,” which translated means, “Fatherland or death, we shall overcome!”
The same government that has now promoted the LGBT (Lesbian/Gay/Bi-Sexual/Trans-Sexual) Agenda at every level of this government and throughout this society across the country, now considers conservative Evangelical Christians a threat to what it calls “the homeland.” Sound familiar? This is what Hitler called Germany during the Nazi (National Socialist) era of Germany’s recent past, when it was “the Fatherland” or nothing, and the Soviet era in Communist Russia, when it was “the motherland” or nothing. In Communist countries like Castro’s Cuba, during the early days of the Revolution, one could hear, “Patria O, Muerte, venceremos!,” which translated means, “Fatherland or death, we shall overcome!”
Signed National Defense Authorization Act. America is now a technological Police State. Today in the United States, it’s “the homeland,” and we have DHS – (the Department of Homeland Security) – the amalgamation of every federal, state, and local agency and law enforcement in this nation’s history; a trend in our government that many, and not just conservatives, considered extremely troubling and dangerous, because of the abuses of power that can be brought to bear, and some say, have been brought to bear against hapless innocent Americans, as the IRS scandal of targeted politicization against conservative TEA Party organizations and their contributors show. Another alarming trend that many have warned about is the rapid militarization of our law enforcement throughout the country, and some of the brutal “Gestapo-like” tactics that have begun to be employed against pro-life protesters and other “politically incorrect” groups in the last fifteen to twenty years.
The nation watched in stun silence during the Clinton era, when the military in conjunction with elements of the BATF and the FBI, using armored vehicles with flame throwers mounted on their turrets, and shooting automatic weapons, assaulted civilians at the Branch Davidian compound in Waco, Texas, where every person was incinerated or shot to death.
Another incident that also sent shock waves across the nation was the military-style assault on a Cuban-American family’s private residence in Hialeah, Florida where relatives of a Cuban minor whose mother died fleeing Cuba with him on the high seas and was rescued and brought to his family in the US by a pair of fishermen; was forcibly abducted by a team of “eight agents of the Border Patrol's elite BORTAC unit as part of an operation in which more than 130 INS personnel took part.” (Wikipedia, the Online Encyclopedia – Elian Gonzalez)
These events began to occur during the presidency of William Jefferson Clinton, and everyone who witnessed them understood that a watershed had been reached in the United States. Fascism and Communist-like tactics had come to the United States. Everyone bristled as these events beamed across television screens across the country in real time, thanks to the development of cable television news. They had come to know since that day that just as this had happened in “other people’s backyards,” the same government that committed such atrocities against their fellow citizens could potentially, given the right provocation, be motivated with doing the same to anyone that stood in its way and whatever the law dictated at the time.
The provocation to do more came with terrorism on 9/11, and more they did, and have done since. Constitutional Law had been breached, people shot and killed and burned alive in one location, and in the other, a child that had already been inside the United States was used as a political football and tug of war between the United States and Fidel Castro’s Cuba, with the Clinton Administration acceding to Castro’s wishes and using the power of the federal government to forcibly take the child from its family and return him to a certain fate in Castro’s Communist “paradise,” and his imprisoned father’s arms. The political football Clinton played with Castro, allowed Castro a touchdown by doing his work for him using our own unchecked federal power. It was one of the saddest moments in US history.
The Police State is well represented in every city and almost every township across this nation. Sophisticated high speed cameras have been installed and networked by various townships, not to serve and protect the public from terrorism, but to provide a steady revenue of ticketing provided by the cameras for the minor infractions to laws that did not exist years ago, right turns on red, and speed traps where 35 MPH becomes all of a sudden 25 MPH, because the revenue from the high taxation of property and goods and services is not enough to pay the various pensions and salaries of the politicians and local law enforcement. The services are diminished and the infrastructure continues to deteriorate, and some towns like Detroit and others, it is non-existent.
In the state of New Jersey, for example, people were being warned by text message to be careful when driving through the state, because the various municipalities were out to raise money at the expense of the motorists who were traveling about their business. They were warned that if one is traveling even at 5 MPH over the speed limit, they would be ticketed for speeding.
There are police sedans all over the place, an overabundance of police presence in the smallest towns across the country. Which for law-abiding citizens like myself, is a good thing, but not only townships use their law enforcement in like manner. A friend of mine who lives in Florida, told me that there was a sheriff down there who wanted to have Florida’s version of the Cuban-Style CDRs – community watches to police all activities as they do in Communist Cuba. There are townships that already have this in place across the country.
In some places, like Ridgefield Park, NJ, the local police are conducting “checkpoint charlies,” stopping motorists and putting them to the side of their roads to ticket them over the most minor infractions of their town ordnances. People with an expired sticker or a busted light, or blown light bulb get ticketed. In all cases people who get ticketed now get their insurance increased with three year surcharges. When a motorist gets stopped by one of these people, there is no way of talking oneself out of it, because they’re not listening to any explanations. In some cases, if one comes across a “Barney Fief” type who wants to assert his authority over you, you may get additional citations against you, and in the most extreme cases, have your vehicle impounded, your driver’s license suspended, and your driving privileges revoked until you stand trial like a criminal and pay a fine costing hundreds of dollars, and afterwards in order to get your license reactivated, pay $100 additional and to pick your vehicle up at the impound pay an additional $150 or more. Afterwards, when you pay your insurance bill, you discover that it has increased exponentially from your previous month’s bill, and will remain this way until a predetermined period of time set by your insurance.
As mentioned, your efforts to explain that you weren’t aware that your tail light was not functioning will get you nowhere with these people, because they’re not listening, and their out not to serve the public good, but to meet the quota of ticketed motorists set by the town in order to meet the local politician’s budget and to pay for the pensions of corrupt officials. I say corrupt, because their pension should have been collected from predetermined fund set aside by the Police and Firefighters’ union and town, but because of the misappropriation of public funds by politicians across the nation, they have had to come up with ingenious ways to get more money. Because local corruption has bled the town’s budget dry, and people can’t pay the property taxes levied on property to pad the wallets of the corrupt local politician and his political machinery that runs the town.
Don’t misunderstand me, I support our local police and firefighters, but I have little respect for self-serving politicians who pad their wallets with the misuse of law enforcement when they are needed elsewhere, and already have a lot on their plates, and I don’t mean donuts and croissants. LOL
There is now talk about taxing your travel. Yes, that’s correct, adding a tax to the amount of driving you conduct on any given day. This will be done through a sophisticated GPS system tied into your odometer through your vehicle’s computer – yes, technology at work, but not for you, but for the greedy self-serving corrupt officials you elect to office.
States like New Jersey and California have become nothing but police states and an insurance nightmares. Poor inner city neighborhoods are left alone, but middle class neighborhoods are targeted. With repressive high taxes, overregulation, and neighborhood snitches who make calls on their neighbors if their gardener doesn’t cut the grass according to “regulations.”
Yes, the Police State are well-represented throughout the various townships across this country, and they are out in force to make their quota of additional revenue at the expense of the already cashed-strapped and struggling motorists who already pay the highest taxes in the nation.
I saw this up front close and personal as recent as yesterday. I had an experience last night driving my mother home through the township of Bogota. Before I had come up to it, as I was traveling southbound on Queen Ann Road, I had been moving at 5 miles above the speed limit of 25 MPH, but slowed down and kept to 25 MPH as I passed the police. As I neared the parked police cruiser on my right and passed it, it began to slowly follow my vehicle all the way to the end of the town’s border with Ridgefield Park on Queen Ann Road. When I reached the overpass that connects Ridgefield Park and Bogota, the police cruiser made a very slow right hand turn, as I proceeded into Ridgefield Park.
The cameras they have at every intersection in almost every township and city across the state, is there to take photographs for ticketing purposes, not necessarily to protect against terrorism, as mentioned above. The towns that have them spent good money to install them in place, and are now paying to service and maintain them. They want a good return on their money. It’s not enough that people in these communities pay upwards of over $11,000 and in some cases $12,000 per year in property taxes! They want more. This is New Jersey, but so it is Florida, California, and every predominant blue or purple state out there.
This just in from Crosstalk: July 24, 2014:
I quote:
“The Department of Justice is said to be working in conjunction with the FDIC, the Federal Trade Commission and other federal agencies to shut down certain types of businesses in what's known as Operation Choke Point. This operation is being overseen by Attorney General Eric Holder who exercises the arbitrary discretion to interfere with relationships between banks and their clients. The government is issuing Civil Investigative Demands (CID's) that require banks to turn over information regarding business practices, consumer behavior, transaction data and proprietary business information. Alan believes this kind of activity attempts to treat the gun industry like the porn industry or some other illegal enterprise.”
Sought Verifiable Reductions In Nuclear Stockpiles. It is unilateral, with the United States reducing its nuclear advantage as its arsenal stands now at Pre-Reagan levels, while Russia and Communist China both increase theirs. This president does not care if we are reducing our defense/offense capabilities, nor that our potential enemies are increasing theirs; he only seeks to diminish America’s capability to retaliate if we are attacked by a foreign power. Is this any way to uphold the oath of office he took?
On Sunday, President Obama and First Lady Michelle released a statement thanking Muslim Americans for their many “achievements and contributions… to building the very fabric of our nation and strengthening the core of our democracy.”
The comments were made to mark the celebration of Eid-al-Fitr, a time of spiritual renewal for Muslims which comes at the end of the month-long fast of Ramadan. The Obamas said in their statement that Eid “celebrates the common values that unite us in our humanity” and “welcomed their commitment to giving back to their communities.” The International Business Times reports that during Eid, Muslims join in Islamic prayer, while saying "Allahu Akbar," or "God is Great," and feasting.
The statement further reads that the administration “wishes Muslims in the United States and around the world a blessed and joyous celebration.” The letter ended with salutation of “Eid Mubarak,” which roughly means “blessed celebration.”
MY COMMENT: As he is not facing another election for president, Barack Hussein Obama is becoming more brazen and daring in his public statements and in his actions and behavior. Born again Evangelicals who study the Scriptures and have a keen sense and discernment of trends and people in our government at the time of his first election warned that though a segment of Evangelicalism had embraced Obama and were schooling him in the terminology of the Christian Right in order to woo them and gain their confidence, and presumably their votes; there was no evidence that Obama himself was a Christian, and in fact, all evidenced showed (to those who investigated his past) that he was brought up by in the religion of Islam from an early age, and identified with Islam since that time, and that his association with the radical extreme Far-Left Marxist Trinity United Church of Christ in Chicago, was for convenience as he was moving up in political action within the Democrat Party at the local and state level, and was active in what is known in Marxist circles as “Direct Action” – the active involvement of radicalizing a local community in protests, sit ins, boycotts, and other activities advocated by Saul Alinski, Obama’s mentor.
In fact, both Islam and Black Liberation Theology fit well with Obama’s Marxist ideology, because both could serve his purposes of deconstructing American institutions, and destabilizing whole regions across the world, particularly in the Levant, where Obama has been fomenting instability through wars of national liberation using Islam (which predominates that region) as a means to overthrow friendly governments and replace them with Islamist ones. All of his half-hearted fulminations against Islamist extremists hide the fact that Obama’s government has been supplying those radicals with arms and money behind the scenes.
Everyone remember Fast and Furious? Where it was discovered that this administration was involved in an illegal gun-running operation, smuggling firearms and automatic weapons to the drug cartels inside Mexico? Benghazi was nothing but a illegal gun-running operation that was supplying weapons of all grades to Al Qaeda in Syria and Iraq through Turkey via Libya that went bad because another rival Islamist group attacked the so-called “Consulate” and sodomized and murdered its “Ambassador” and four other Americans defending the compound.
Things are not what they appear to be on the surface, and often they are squelched and not reported by our “news” media, so that what they spiked does not exist as a real and existential fact in the minds of most people who too engaged in working, coming home from work, and too tired to investigate what’s really going on that the complacent arm of the government-media complex will not report.
This administration’s mistreatment of America’s only true ally in the Middle East – Israel and its leaders – is the most blatant example that this president and his self-serving Secretary of State, John Kerry, are not its friends, but openly embrace its enemies in the face of mounting mortal danger surrounding it. While cutting back and slowing down shipments of critical parts and support to Israel, this government has fast-tracked every type of aid it can give to Israel’s enemies. The record speaks for itself, and now the most blatant actions this administration is taking is delegitimize Israel before the world community and elevating its enemy Hamas to equal standing in the eyes of this government! Hamas, which in Spanish means “NEVERMORE” – is a terrorist organization possessing a charter that says its purpose and aim for its existence is to destroy Israel and wipe it off the map and murder every living Jew.
Perhaps it would be good for people to remember the words of Jesus the Messiah, who warned us in this way regarding people who say they are one thing that they are not, but another. This is what He said. I quote:
“Beware of the false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly are ravenous wolves. You will know them by their fruits. Grapes are not gathered from thorn bushes nor figs from thistles, are they? So every good tree bears good fruit, but the bad tree bears bad fruit.”
(Gospel of Matthew 7:15-17)
It is not what a person claims to be or what others say that defines who he truly is, but what he does and how he uses it that defines him and identifies him as to whether his claims about himself are true or not.
At sundown this evening will be the night that ushers in the most calamitous day in Jewish history. The day of Tisha B'Av. Of this night, I cite the following because it explain it very well. I have taken it from the MJAA, I quote:
“Monday 8/4/14 at sundown marks the beginning of Tisha B’ Av - what is known as the saddest day of the Jewish calendar. Tisha B’Av falls on the ninth (tisha) day of the month of Av on the Hebrew calendar, and is a day characterized by fasting, mourning, and solemn repentance. It is considered to be the saddest date in Jewish history, because, incredibly, many of the worst tragedies in Jewish history have occurred on the 9th of Av.
This year, it is no different. We are in the midst of a crisis of biblical proportions and surely the timing is no coincidence. We are calling a prayer and fast beginning at sundown 8/4/14 – ending sundown 8/5/14. Please join us in interceding for:
1. A powerful hedge of protection over His people, Israel (especially IDF soldiers on front line) in accordance with Luke 10:19 and Isaiah 54:17
2. Wisdom, discernment and direction for Prime Minister Netanyahu and the leaders of Israel and the IDF
3. Healing and comfort for the families of the victims of this war
Adonai to restore what the locusts have eaten and bring about powerful revival and salvation for all Israel.”
Now I will cite from my own book, The Truth about The Harbinger: Addressing the Controversy and Discovering the Facts About This Prophetic Message, where I cite the tragic historic events in which this date has fallen in the past. In my book, I ask whether the reader believes it to be a coincidence or providence that has preserved the Jewish people through calamities such as those that fell on this day throughout history. I quote:
“On the ninth of Av in the year 1313 B.C. the children of Israel cried to God their wish to return to Egypt. For this, that generation did not enter the Promised Land. Of that group, only Joshua and Caleb entered the land.
“On the ninth of Av, the first temple was destroyed. Five hundred years later, the second temple was destroyed on the ninth of Av in the year A.D. 70.
“On the ninth of Av in A.D. 133, the Romans defeated the armies of the false messiah Ben Kosibah at the final battle of Betar.
“On August 15, 1096 – the ninth of Av – the First Crusade officially began. In the first month of this crusade, 10,000 were killed in France and the Rhineland. More than 1.2 million Jews were murdered by the marauding crusaders in this crusade.
“The Jews were expelled from England on the ninth of Av in the year 1290.
“The Jews were expelled from France on the ninth of Av of 1306.
“Spain’s Golden Age ended on the ninth of Av in the year 1492, when Queen Isabella and King Ferdinand expelled Spain’s Jews.
“World War II and the Holocaust, historians conclude, was actually the long, drawn-out conclusion of World War I, which began in 1914 on the ninth of Av. This tragic day is known in Judaism as Tisha B’Av.
“On August 2, 1941 – the ninth of Av, SS Commander Heinrich Himmler was given the approval to commence the final solution, in which half of the world’s Jews were murdered by the Nazis. On July 23, 1942 – also the ninth of Av – the mass deportation of Jews began from the Warsaw ghetto to Treblinka.
“Is it a coincidence that despite repeated attempts by empires, kingdoms, nations, and people more powerful and more numerous than they, the only ancient people to live into the modern era are the Jewish people? Is it coincidence or the faithfulness of God?”
(Jose J. Bernal, Truth About The Harbinger, pp. 86-88, Charisma Media/Charisma House Book Group, Lake Mary, Florida, October 1, 2013)
White House correspondent Bill Koenig, himself a devout Evangelical Christian, understands as increasing number of Christian Evangelicals do across the US, the biblically historic connection between how nations treats the Jewish people and Israel and that nation’s or empire’s ascendancy or collapse. Historically, every group, every nation, every kingdom, and every empire that has arisen and has mistreated the Jewish people, have paid the price of its collapse and demise. It comes down to the promise God made to Abraham, passed on to Isaac, then to Jacob, when He told him in Genesis 12:2-3:
Now the Lord said to Abram,
“Go forth from your country,
And from your relatives
And from your father’s house,
To the land which I will show you;
And I will make you a great nation,
And I will bless you,
And make your name great;
And so you shall be a blessing;
And I will bless those who bless you,
And the one who curses you I will curse.
And in you all the families of the earth will be blessed.”
Biblical scholars identify this as the Abrahamic Covenant. This covenant is unique in that it was unilaterally established by God with one person and his offspring through his son Isaac, and then Jacob, whom God renamed Israel when he was reborn after his struggle with the Angel of the Lord – Messiah manifested in His Pre-incarnate state (Genesis 32:24-30), and had this covenant affirmed to him by God Himself.
Thus all of Jacob’s descendants – the children of Israel (Jacob’s name was changed by God to Israel) – would come under this covenant (Genesis 12:2, 32:29). It was an unconditional covenant for the children of Israel – the Jewish people regarding excusive ownership (stewardship) of the land (Genesis 12:7, 13:15, 15:18, 17:8, 26:3, 26:4, 35:12) and that God would make Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob’s descendants into a great nation (Genesis 12:2, 16:20, 17:2, 22:17, 26:24, 32:9, 12, 46:3).
But according to this covenant, the well-being of the nations surrounding Israel would be conditional upon on how they would treat Israel and its citizens (Genesis 12:3). Those nations that allowed the children of Israel – the Jewish people – to prosper unmolested by religious persecution, would themselves prosper and grow as they prospered and grew. The well-being of every nation under heaven has been since that time inextricably tied to the well-being of the Jewish people within its borders. Every group, nation, kingdom, and empire – indeed, every human endeavor under heaven – that has mistreated the Jewish people and the ancient kingdoms of Israel and Judah – including the Jewish people later exiled across this planet – have since disappeared from history and are only a memory in our history books and in archeological digs marking the landscape of the Middle East. Even the powerful empires that once arose and thumbed their noses at God by mistreating the Jews within its borders, have since disappeared in our day, such as the Ottoman Empire, the Austro-Hungarian Empire, or have become a pale shadow of their former selves, such as the British Empire, the Tsars of Russia, National Socialist Germany, and all others.
In recent years, the United States of America has become increasingly belligerent towards Israel, and though it has been perhaps the greatest haven for God’s exiled Jewish people in history where they have prospered most and have blessed other nations accordingly; America has now under this current government, favored Israel’s enemies and mistreated its only real stable ally in the Middle East. Indeed, this government has shown itself to be a friend of its enemies and an enemy of its friends. It can no longer be trusted by them. The White House is now open to people, groups, and organizations that are hostile to the interests of this nation and of its allies throughout the world, but particularly Middle East. It now welcomes representatives of terrorist organizations such as Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood and members of the Muslim Brotherhood and radical Anti-American and Anti-Semitic Jihadists from the Muslim Brotherhood and organizations such as CAIR (Council of American Islamic Relations) now serve as “advisors” in almost every sensitive branch of our government and military-industrial complex. Al Jazeera Television is now available to every home across this country, transmitting Pro-Jihadist propaganda across this land. This trend cannot continue.
As America continues to be penetrated on all levels by its enemies from within, its spiritual, religious, moral, institutional, cultural, societal, financial, and military decline are accelerating at more rapid paces than ever in its history. We are witnessing not just the end of an era – the American Era – we are witnessing the end of the United States as a moral agent for good in the world, because our leaders can no longer articulate what is right from wrong as they have abandoned its friends and embraced its enemies; and while this is occurring, we are also witnessing its leadership role as an economic and military power increasingly decline and diminish right before our eyes. It is ironic that as our government has become stronger and grown in Washington against its own people, the nation has weakened and lost its significance abroad, and this has only served this nation’s and what used to be its allies’ enemies overseas, as it sees weakness and vacillation, corruption and duplicity as hallmarks of its foreign and domestic policies. There is no integrity or transparency with this government. It is all but lost.
Obama does as he pleases in his presidency, while a corrupt and apathetic congress and senate sit idly by and allow him to do as he pleases, because they knew that he would use the power of the IRS – as he did against all conservative organizations across the country – to audit them and indict and bring criminal prosecutorial action against them for their corrupt activities and union with the large multinational corporations, as these fed them inside information about acquisitions they were about to make before they made them – and they would be up for charges of “insider trading” – a federal crime which would result in almost all of both houses of congress being sent to jail. Members of both political parties are up to their ears and beyond in this, and Obama knows it and it is his leverage against impeachment. So he does what he pleases with impunity as they sit and do nothing, and let him have his way, and the nation’s laws and institutions – which they are sworn to defend, obey, and protect – are taken down one by one by this imperial president with delusions of grandeur.
White House correspondent Bill Koenig has made the following observations and has posted it on his website.
Pope Francis meets with well-known evangelicals at Vatican in a call for unity with the Catholic Church ... 'Is it all over for Obama?' ... U.S. leaders shaken by new terror warnings ... Former U.S. Ambassador to Iraq: The country can't operate without Americans
Mark 13:8 (KJV) For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be earthquakes in divers places, and there shall be famines and troubles: these are the beginnings of sorrows.
Mathew 24:6 (KJV) And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet.
In this week's Koenig's Eye View from the White House
Pope Francis meets with well-known evangelicals at Vatican in a call for unity with the Catholic Church
Democratic pollster: 'Is it all over for Obama?'
Poll: Hands down Obama is the worst president since WWII
ISIS threatens United States; Senator visibly shaken after intelligence briefing on Capitol Hill
Congressman: 'I have never seen a threat matrix so serious, so varied, and so many different streams of threat.'
How Obama lost the Middle East
Former U.S. Ambassador to Iraq: The country's warring factions can't co-exist without Americans
Iran sending military advisers, head of Quds Force to Iraq
Iran's plan? -- Middle East oil disruption that would devastate world economies
Iraq is latest battle in U.S.-Russia proxy Cold War
Is the fall of Mosul in Iraq to the ISIS jihadists a "game changer"?
The U.S. spent $25 billion training and equipping 65,000 Iraqi soldiers. Many retreated in their battle with ISIS.
Netanyahu speaks of dismantling Hamas and their infrastructure in Judea and Samaria and eliminating rocket threat in Gaza
And more ...

July 11, 2014
Is Hamas the first phase of Israel's plan to defeat Iran and Hezbollah? ... Was Netanyahu prophetic or realistic in 2005? ... 12 points about Operation Protective Edge ... Why this Gaza operation is different
Zephaniah 2:4 (KJV) For Gaza shall be forsaken, and Ashkelon a desolation: they shall drive out Ashdod at the noon day, and Ekron shall be rooted up.
Obadiah 1:15 (KJV) For the day of the Lord is near upon all the heathen: as thou hast done, it shall be done unto thee: thy reward shall return upon thine own head.
Jeremiah 49:37-39 (KJV) I will shatter Elam before their foes, before those who seek their lives; I will bring disaster upon them, even my fierce anger," declares the LORD. "I will pursue them with the sword until I have made an end of them. I will set my throne in Elam and destroy her king and officials," declares the LORD. "Yet I will restore the fortunes of Elam in days to come," declares the LORD.
In this week's Koenig's Eye View from the White House
Is Hamas the first phase of Israel's plan to defeat Iran and Hezbollah?
Is Jeremiah 49:35-39, the prophecy pertaining to the devastation of Elam (Iran/Persia), about to be fulfilled by Israel?
ISIS has seized 88 pounds of nuclear materials that were kept at Mosul University
Iran and Iraq: A long history in 90 seconds
U.S. House overwhelmingly urges President to involve Congress now in Iran nuclear deal
Was Netanyahu prophetic or realistic in 2005?
12 points about Operation Protective Edge
Israel Defense Minister Moshe Ya'alon says that the fighting in Gaza is not about to let up
Why this Gaza operation is different
Gaza rockets reaching deeper into Israel
Does Israel Foreign Minister Lieberman sense early elections?
Obama ensnares Perry and other Republican 2016 candidates
38 journalism groups slam Obama's 'politically-driven suppression of news'
And more ...
July 18, 2014
The war Kerry and Indyk began ... Hamas fighting for survival ... Russian surface-to-air missiles ... We're in the third biggest stock bubble in U.S. history
Zechariah 12:1-2 (KJV) The burden of the word of the Lord for Israel, saith the Lord, which stretcheth forth the heavens, and layeth the foundation of the earth, and formeth the spirit of man within him. Behold, I will make Jerusalem a cup of trembling unto all the people round about, when they shall be in the siege both against Judah and against Jerusalem.
1 Thessalonians 5:3 (KJV) For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape.
Ezekiel 38:2-3 (KJV) Son of man, set thy face against Gog, the land of Magog, the chief prince of Meshech and Tubal, and prophesy against him, And say, Thus saith the Lord God; Behold, I am against thee, O Gog, the chief prince of Meshech and Tubal:
In this week's
Koenig's Eye View from the White House
Malaysian airline hit by Russian made surface-to-air missile
Putin on phone with Obama when Malaysian flight was shot down a day after new Russian sanctions
The costly war in Israel that Kerry and Indyk began
Israeli and Palestinians in crisis stage: Are we at a tipping point?
How Hamas is fighting for survival
10 things you need to know about Operation Protective Edge
The remarkable Iron Dome developed by Israel and funded by the U.S.
Iran celebrates use of rockets supplied to Hamas
Don't lose sight of the Iranian threat
U.S. trained and funded Iraqi forces retreat from ISIS-held Tikrit
We're in the third biggest stock bubble in U.S. history
The prophetic response to destructive leadership
The prophetic response to destructive leadership
All of California under severe drought
And more ...
July 25, 2014
Pope Francis's point man and promoter of Christian unity dies in accident ... Israel's God changes the path of rockets in mid-air ... Evaluating Hezbollah's threat to Israel ... US ignored calls to strike ISIS
Deuteronomy 20:3 (KJV) And shall say unto them, Hear, O Israel, ye approach this day unto battle against your enemies: let not your hearts faint, fear not, and do not tremble, neither be ye terrified because of them;
2 Chronicles 20:29 (KJV) And the fear of God was on all the kingdoms of those countries, when they had heard that the Lord fought against the enemies of Israel
2 Chronicles 20:29 (KJV) And the fear of God was on all the kingdoms of those countries, when they had heard that the Lord fought against the enemies of Israel
2 Corinthians 3:14-16 (KJV) But their minds were blinded: for until this day remaineth the same vail untaken away in the reading of the Old Testament; which vail is done away in Christ. But even unto this day, when Moses is read, the vail is upon their heart. Nevertheless when it shall turn to the Lord, the vail shall be taken away.
Romans 11:26 (KJV) And so all Israel shall be saved: as it is written, There shall come out of Sion the Deliverer, and shall turn away ungodliness from Jacob:
Romans 11:26 (KJV) And so all Israel shall be saved: as it is written, There shall come out of Sion the Deliverer, and shall turn away ungodliness from Jacob:
In this week's Koenig's Eye View from the White House
Pope Francis's bridge and promoter for Christian unity with the Catholic Church died in motorcycle accident Sunday, July 20
Israel's God changes the path of rockets in mid-air, said a terrorist
John Kerry attempting a cease-fire between Israel and the terror group Hamas
Ex-Israeli Ambassador to US Michael Oren said John Kerry wasn't invited, shouldn't be coming, cites long history of unsuccessful diplomacy in the region; the following day the FAA shuts down flights to Israel. A connection?
How Hezbollah's leadership is keenly watching and studying Hamas' military performance against Israel
Evaluating Hezbollah's substantial threat to Israel
House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Royce: US ignored calls to strike ISIS for six months
Joe Biden: I looked Putin in the eyes and told him he didn't have a soul
The latest threat to Evangelical support for Israel
President Barack Obama's LGBT workplace discrimination executive order has revealed a rift among Democrats over whether religious freedom trumps gay rights
Republicans have strong Senate candidates, that wasn't the case in 2010 and 2012
And more ...
August 1, 2014
With friends like John Kerry ... Kerry's cease-fire plan: What was he thinking? ... Is the Obama Administration losing touch with reality? ... A new American civil war
James 1:8 (KJV) A double minded man is unstable in all his ways.
Psalm 37:1-2 (KJV) Fret not thyself because of evildoers, neither be thou envious against the workers of iniquity. For they shall soon be cut down like the grass, and wither as the green herb.
2 Corinthians 4:2 (KJV) But have renounced the hidden things of dishonesty, not walking in craftiness, nor handling the word of God deceitfully; but by manifestation of the truth commending ourselves to every man's conscience in the sight of God.
In this week's Koenig's Eye View from the White House
With friends like John Kerry who needs enemies
Kerry's latest cease-fire plan: What was he thinking?
Is the Obama Administration losing touch with reality?
A new American civil war
The Underground War on Israel: The tunnels of Hamas and Hezbollah
Putin's next move
Reporter reveals Hamas cover-up over misfired rockets
News Briefs: China, Israel, Syria, Iraq, Russia-Ukraine, U.S. Congress, Afghanistan, North Korea, Libya, and more
There are still vestiges of Christianity which comprise the church which will not yield and submit to the golden calf of Post Modern Political Correctness which is sweeping this great nation and the great institutions of our culture and society, even now our military, causing these to break with a longstanding Judeo-Christian biblical tradition that once undergirded this great republic and preserved and made it great by G-d’s grace.
On his website, Chris Rosebrough has posted a resolution calling part of the Lutheran Church to repentance and admonishing it in clear terms to produce works in keeping with that repentance by foreswearing any support it might have had for the redefinition of tradition marriage from its biblical foundation as an divinely ordained and sacred institution binding a man and a woman in holy matrimony before G-d, rather than the now politically correct pop culture created same sex marriage being imposed on every strata of our society by government and now even religious institutions like the PCUSA. Kudos to The American Association of Lutheran Churches on their decision to take a stand for what is biblical and what is right in the face of rank heresy and unspeakable apostasy.
June 28, 2014
This past week I travelled to St. Paul for the biannual convention of The American Association of Lutheran Churches (AALC) and two very important things happened at that convention. The first is that The AALC elected Dr. Curtis Leins to be their Presiding Pastor. (Dr. Leins is a solid Confessional Lutheran). The second is that the AALC passed a resolution urging the ELCA to repent and seek forgiveness for their heresies. The text of the resolution that The AALC passed yesterday morning is reprinted below:
Whereas, the foundation of Lutheran doctrine has always been "Scripture Alone;" and
Whereas, the ELCA has consciously departed from the clear teaching of God's Holy Word and denied "Scripture Alone" by chasing after the false spirit of the age, such as blasphemously affirming homosexuality as an acceptable lifestyle and pronouncing God's blessing on same sex marriages and;
Whereas, no church body claiming Christ Jesus as King of Kings and Lord of Lords has the authority to deny or alter God's Word or modify God's expressed definition of marriage as being the union of one man and one woman; and
Whereas, silence as a church body can be misconstrued as a tacit approval of the ELCA's rebellion against the authority of God's Word;
Be it resolved, that for the sake of the truth of the gospel and the salvation of souls, The AALC urges the ELCA, on the basis of scripture to repent of their false doctrine, renounce the spirit of the age, and seek forgiveness for their blasphemies through the shed blood of Jesus Christ. Furthermore, The AALC urges the ELCA to bear fruit in keeping with repentance by submitting to the highest authority in doctrine and life, namely the Holy Scriptures. We further direct the Presiding Pastor of The AALC to personally communicate this position to the Presiding Bishop of the ELCA and make public, via the media, The AALC's urging of the ELCA to repent and seek forgiveness.
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