In September of 2012, I sent the following collection of You Tube videos. I am thankful that I was able to find this rare gem, and upload it to my You Tube channel – all of the videos . Baruch Ha Shem!!! Enjoy with Ha Shem’s blessing.
Shalom Aleichem
Sent: Sent on Sunday, September 19, 2010 9:32 PM
Subject: A Charedi Jewish Believer in Yeshua Speaks About a Personal Encounter With Moschiach in Fifteen Presentations
More and more Charedi Yehudim are being given boldness to share something that all Israel must learn now because the time has come. Israel’s restoration must be complete. Some years back I read somewhere that there were forty of them in Jerusalem who were believers, but who were holding their knowledge about Moschiach’s identity until the proper time. This will bring Israel’s full restoration, and Moschiach’s coming, since He will not come until it is heard shouted from Jerusalem, “Baruch Habah Bashem Adonai!” ,”Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord!”
This could not happen until the Jewish people were restored to the land, and could not happen until Israel became a nation in 1948, and it could not happen until Israel occupied once again after two thousand years the city of Jerusalem, and this became a reality on June 7th, 1967 when the IDF took full control of Jerusalem from Jordan. Things are accelerating, and we are living in the most interesting of times. Israel is the first and only nation to come back from the dead, and it happened in one day, on Yom Ha’atzmaut – on May 14, 1948 (5th day of the Hebrew month of Iyar, 5708).
This has never happened before, and will only happen to the nations when the world is restored. And the evidence of Moschiach’s coming is right before US because Israel without Moschiach’s coming first, and of course not, He is not the Lubavitcher Rebbe Menachem Mendel Schneerson; whose fanatical followers have called the Moschiach.
Neturai Kartah, the Chassidic Sect of Anti-Zionists are correct in stating that Israel cannot exist without Moschiach’s coming first, but where they get it completely wrong is in their lack of recognition that He has come and visited Israel precisely when the prophet Daniel prophesied He would – during the Second Temple Era of the Fist Century of our common era – which is precisely when He appeared to Israel in the historical Person of Yeshua Ha Netzer, or as the ancient rabbis describe the Moschiach – Messiah Son of Joseph – the Suffering Messiah Who would come, from Whose stripes we are healed. Now follow the links below, get a nice hot chocolate, and sit back and enjoy the various presentations.
The author gives reasons for these videos. He says "there are others like me!" Firstly, he wants to make contact with other Bnai Torah who have come to believe as he has that Yeshua is Moshiach. Second, he believes that "yagdil Torah v'yaadir" and he will gain by questions, pshotim, and "s'voros" that Bnai Torah can write in, email or video about that can help deepen "havona" on the issue. He says that he is seeking "li'maan hoEmes" and that "ravcha shmaytsa" if we can be mipalpel, not philosophize. He emphasises how seriously he takes this. He asks those who watch this to tell others too so that maybe the "right" person would have a beautiful p'shat or a beautiful kasha.
The author gives some examples of how Yiddishkeit supports and explains much about Yeshua which the Goyim know nothing about! One example has to do with the sugya of "mitzvos bitailos le'osid". This is a deeper idea already, but we are talking to those who know "pilpul". What if someone "has the halocho" of "techiyas hamaysim"? How can that be? Well, Talmidim of Yeshua consider themselves --by Emunah-- to have "died with him" and to have also --by Emunah-- been "risen with him"! So, would they not have the halocho of someone who has died and now has a new din with regard to mitzvos? This relates to how someone is said to be permitted to be buried in a garment of "kilyaim" since when he stands up, he will not be Chayav in mitzvos. This is a good example of how Yiddishkeit completely supports the Talmidim of Yeshua. Another example is the famous Zohar "Yisroel, Orayso, Kudsha Brich Hu - Khad hoo". Do we not see the idea of 3 that are 1? This is only a glimpse of how much deeper this goes!
The author is looking for what Daas Torah knows about this but perhaps does not say publicly. Example is given about Rabbi Perlmutter (from Eretz Yisroel) on You Tube who said that his Rebbie whispered to him that "we know" that Yeshua was Moshiach. There may be "secret talmidim" right next to you in the Kehila Kedosha as there are already for certain some in Eretz Yisroel. They would still do mitzvos and want to be part of the Kohol. They just look at mitzvos differently and more deeply (similar to how the Ben Ish Chai would have seen mitzvos more deeply). The Gemorah about "yeshu" did not refer to Yeshua Moshiach. The author has been through many questions himself. There is much to discuss.
The author discusses questions that he had such as "How could it be?" and "Isn't it Goyish?" The author begins to discuss how the first Talmidim of Yeshua were all Yidden, both when he led them prior to his suffering and also after Hashem was "Michaya Maysim". The discussion begins with consideration of the serious corruption during the time of the 2nd Bayis. The Chashmonoim "ruled" as with "Hoad" or "splendor" which is the "midah" of Ahron (ruling as "melochim" although "kohanim"). But that itself, ended up veering astray to where Kohanim began to take advantage of the "rulership" and used it to promote their own selfish interests instead of Hashem's Will. Yeshua's critique was against the corrupted rulers and not against the "Yichidim" like Raban Gamilel who may have never met Yeshua (no record of this). The author asks again for feedback especially on what role Rabon Gamliel played with regard to the leadership and the common folk. We are also told that Nakdemon Ben Gurion went to Yeshua (at night). Many went to Yochanon, who came as Eliyohu, who was Tovel them in the Yardain for the sake of T'shuva. With this, the author continues to point out how this was so very Yiddish.
The author continues to express questions that he also had and continues discussing the TIMELINE as well as how Yeshua left his Radiance in heaven to come down. It was a big adjustment for the author to come to believe in Yeshua and he was very skeptical at first beceause of his upbringing. "How did we miss Moshiach?" Yet we did, and so, it "must not have been the right time". Even moreso, we "massared" him over to die. It would be good to learn more about the deeper issues of Golus since they can be related to our "missing Yeshua". The author continues to speak about the TIMELINE where the Talmidim saw him alive in a physical body after he died. Another example of what the Goyim don't know about is how Bright "Adam" was before "the khete" and how the malachim wanted to sing shira to him. If Adam was like that, then he was like "the Son of God" --shining! When Yeshua came to earth, he took on "human form" and lay aside the Shine and Ruchniyus to come to earth in a body that does not shine (after the khete). We keep seeing how Yiddish it all is.
The author continues with an overview of how the "inyon" of Yeshua's Talmidim is entirely explained by Khazal and he explains how Hashem gave a portion of the Ruakh HaKodesh to the goyim also. Yeshua, in human form, was beaten and chose to allow his neshoma to leave his "guf". His Talmidim saw him after his death in a "guf". They were not planning to speak to the Goyim at all -- why would they? But Hashem told Shimon to go to a certain Goy and when he spoke about Yeshua, his "nisim" and his work in death and rising, the Ruakh HaKodesh came --to his shock-- upon all the Goyim present. This was after Sh'vuos when 120 of the Talmidim were alone and suddenly the Fire of "har Sinai" came on all of them. Prior to that, Yeshua showed himself to them and told them to prepare for Sh'vuos. I know about this Fire also, on a personal level. There was also persecuction of the Talmidim by other Yidden and Goyim.
The author explains that he is going into such a detailed "overview" so that the Oilum can hear an introuduction which can help them in responding and communicating with him. Please respond! Please ask other Bnai Torah. There was a Talmud of Rabon Gamilel that used to hunt down the Talmidim of Yeshua to put them in jail. It would seem that this talmud did not have Reshus frorm Rabon Gamliel (but I am not certain). It seems that R. Gamliel was not against the Talmidim of Yeshua becuase of something he said in addressing the leaders of the kehila. R. Gamliel made a "memoh nafshokh". He told the leaders: "if this is from Hashem, then you don't want to fight against Him, if not, then it won't last anyway just like the other false moshiakhs". Maybe someone can help with more information about that Tekufa? So the Yidden went around trying to stop those Talmidim of Yeshua. This Talmud of R. Gamliel was interrupted by Yeshua who came to him one day and he was changed entirely. Suddenly he went around telling everyone in communities all around about the work of Yeshua and Hashem also demonstrated Power with miracles present wherever he went. But he was sent by Yeshua to the goyim. This is how the goyim began to hear about him also. But still, they goyim joined to the botai kenasiyos where the Yidden met in Yeshua's name. It was still of Yiddish origin and everyone knew that.
The author talks about "the Fire" of the Ruakh HaKodesh and the lesser level of the goyim. He asks if anyone knows how the shules were set up right after the Khurbon? Initially the goyim came to the botai kenasiyos. But the Talmidim were told by the Ruakh HaKodesh that they should not "burden" the goyim. Even though they didnt get changed to the point of seeing deeper aspects of Torah, still they were changed to be not like the other goyim. The Aish min HaShomayim changed them. It is the same Fire today. The Fire has been documented at revivals during the last century. Leosid Lovo (very soon) the goyim will know more Torah. Yidden and goyim all over today are all talking about how Moshiakh is about to come. The author wants to have a shaykhus to klal Yisroel in doing this. There are Yekhidim in Eretz Yisroel who know about Yeshua. Till now, they have kept it secret. I am seeking them. My journey has taken me to the goyim but not to the catholic. I have learned from the Charismatics who believe in the Gifts of the Holy Spirit. They believe in Gifts from shomayim in healing and miracles and wisdom. But they only have the first fruits. Soon all of klal Yisroel will have the Ruakh Hakodesh. The whole nation will have Nevuah.
The author talks about how EVERYTHING CHANGED IN THE 4TH CENTURY. THEN IT BECAME GOYISH !! At first, when the goyim were introduced to this Yiddish teaching, they were happy to be cleansed and to feel His Presence simply by Emunah in what Yeshua did for them. It seemed that Hashem was not allowing them to come more into Torah, but they were ok with the level they had. The message and nisim kept spreading in all communities. They were persecuted horribly. The author would like to learn more about this period. The only reason it became so goyish is because of what Constantine did. In the 4th Century, this message became the official religion of the Roman Empire. He allowed in many pagan customs. They took many, many Yiddish aspects out of the lifestyle and doctrine. Shabbos became Sunday and the church became in place of the Bais Hamikdosh. So, how easy to see, how due to this replacement, they felt almost obligated to exterminate the "forgotton" Yidden. Out of this theology in the Roman Catholic Church came the aysov soneh Yisroel. They don't really follow Yeshua. From them came crusades, pogroms, explusions and the holocaust. Isnt it amazing how they misrepresented Yeshua to the extent that now Yidden would feel 'eckeled' at the name Jesus who they claim to represent.
The author explains that if a Yid (and not a goy) would have come to him to tell him this, he would have probably been open to listen and to consider. The author says he is only presenting an overview but not giving all the details. He just hopes to show that it is a Yiddish thing. He explains what Hashem told him Torah ShBial Peh really "should be". It is the Ruakh HaKodesh and "Hayom" im "biKolo" Tishmaoon. The author is not in a place with Yidden and is looking for a shaykhus. It is amazing that the goyim have Moshiakh and the Ruakh HaKodesh. But they don't know the medrash and many deeper things. They have nissim. So, klal Yisroel have something and the goyim have something. That which the goyim have is a great simplicity in Hashem. Klal Yisroel has a bigger khelek waiting for them, much more than the goyim. The goyim only have a part. But now when Bnai Yisroel know Moshiakh, it will be like Tekhiyas hamaysim!
The author continues to explain about how the Yidden will now see Moshiakh, just as Rabbi Kaduri and the talmid of Rabon Gamliel. The talmid of Rabon Gamilel writes that in kaitz hayomim , klal Yisroel will have even more than what the goyim have. The Torah should lead us to Moshiakh. The Talmidim did not stop doing things "al pi Torah". They walked with "pashtus ho'emunah". It is not about forgetting the ways of Yiddishkeit but just the opposite. The purpose of Torah is like the Mesilas Yeshorim talks about. Its about being Duvuk BaHashem. There is so much more to discuss. Rabbi Kaduri, the mekubul from Eretz Yisroel was migaleh the name of Moshiakh and it was Yehoshua. Rabbi Kaduri himself saw Yeshua just like the Talmud of Raban Gamliel and we can all have an encounter with him.
I saw Yeshua. I always thought that Hashem said naaseh adom but it was Yeshua. Yeshuas Guf is like Adom kodem hakhete. It shines! Hashem tzilkhoh, and melekh neelov (insulted). So when we do khete, we so to speak force Hashem to do it with us since we dwell in Him. So, if it works one way, it works the other way too. What is a mitzvoh? Tzavso (accompany). It is really what is Hashem doing RIGHT NOW? I know there are YIdden who can tell me beautiful things about this. Please contact me! So, now, Yeshua created shomayim voretz. So when he rested on Shabbos. So then Hashems hashpoa on us is that we rest in Hashem. Wow!
The author continues to discuss more about Yeshua in the Torah and according to Daas Torah. Khazal either knew about Yeshua and didnt tell us OR it was neelam from them just like by Yakov. This is an example of the depth the author has found and seeks more. So when Yeshua rested on Shabbos, we can rest also. James Goll, a goyish talmid, saw a Malakh with a sash across the chest which said "Israel Awakening". So many yidden are having dreams about Moshiakh. There are so many blogs . Hashem told me that Klal Yisroel is about to know Moshiakh and that the coming "awakening" and "revival" will happen with the Yidden. It is going to be glorious. There will be such an understanding and freedom of the Torah. We will see the Torah much better. For example, the Siforno says that the Miskon was only given after the eigel. It was only to help them since they were seeking a learning aid by doing the eigel. Also, the whole reason of the Mikdosh was vishokhanti bisokhum. All the mitzvos BRING US TO MOSHIAKH, to be dovuk to Hashem and to do mitzvah, which is really walking WITH Hashem in the spontaneous moment. He is pouring His Ruakh out. Please respond!
The author continues to discuss how Hashems Deeds are "poyal", and "Mah hamikva mitahar es hatimayim". Hashem does things and we are effected. This is Yeshayahu 53 where it talks about how he bore our sins, again, his avodoh affects us. So, when he died, "I died with him" ---by emunah--. And I have already had techiyas hamaysim. I have the halockho of a beryah khadosho. This is another example of the parallels the author has seen that help him more fully understand Yeshua. Toras Khayim becomes part of us (as discussed in #13 about the "Kol Hashem"). "Experiences" in the Ruakh HaKodesh --by the Ruakh haKodesh-- make lessons of Hashem "alive" to us, more than a book. This is the new Torah" which is "on our heart". He makes it alive by Ruak"h HaKodesh
The author concludes this introductory series with more description of "experiences", and FIRE in tefila, and also HUNGER for Hashem. The Ruakh HaKodesh causes hunger for Hashem and to walk with Hashem in the moment without "making assumptions". The Ruakh also helps us to spend quality time with Hashem. Hashem came upon me while I was writing an email to someone about klal Yisroel. I suddenly felt INTENSE Grief and Sorrow! He showed me his heart for Klal Yisroel. If He was not Hashem, there is no way that anyone can be "sovel" so much tsar. I saw how much He loves bnai Yisroel. Again, I take this very seriously. The author is at a place now where he is mispallel with Fire and wants it to spread to every area of his life! Please respond!
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