Observant Jews and devout Evangelical Christians and Roman Catholics call for repentance, and above everything else that is an absolute must before we proceed to do or say anything else. But our repentance is meaningless when we – as G-d’s people – fail to hold this president and this congress accountable for their lawless criminality and absolute disregard for the Word of G-d, the rule of law, and our Constitution. Dr. James Dobson spoke as everyone there should have.
G-d’s people comprised of Jews and Christians, regardless of denomination, theological differences, or any other differences; must speak out with a united voice to demand of our elected officials whom we’ve elected to represent and serve our communities, our states, and our nation; to stop the games, cease the criminality behind closed doors, cease imposing laws upon US that they will not abide by themselves, and investigate all government corruption regardless of how high up it goes. No one is above G-d’s law and no one should be above the Supreme Law of our land – the National Constitution, or the rule of law it establishes to protect our rights from being abridged and violated by the whims of any autocrat with delusions of grandeur who might attempt to usurp powers unto himself or herself our Constitution does not impart, as this federal government is doing across the board even as this is being written.
Repentance is meaningless of people who can make a difference, but don’t. And acts of courage are meaningless if not accompanied by repentance. Yet, it is often true that there cannot exist one without the other, and that both are mutually expressed by people who are willing to sacrifice themselves for them so that their posterity may enjoy its fruits. The Messiah died that all men would be free from the power and condemnation of sin, and rose from the dead that they’d be given a new birth and with it, a new life and a new hope – reconciliation with G-d. Those who wish to save their lifestyle with self-justification, will lose it, and those who shed their lifestyle for His sake, will save it. Our Founding Fathers were willing to sacrifice their lives, their fortune, and their sacred honor so that generations of Americans coming to these shores from every nation under heaven would enjoy the blessings of liberty that these men were willing to sacrifice everything for.
Many voices warned of what you are about to read below was coming, and now our land is being overrun by incidents reported in the links which follow. It is shocking and will astonish you. But you have better awaken because the people who wish to usurp your liberties and mine, and fundamentally transform our beloved nation, are working tirelessly night and day to accomplish their goals. And they are doing it day after day, hour after hour, methodically working the mechanisms of the federal leviathan, to collapse and change the very system that established a way of life so unique that there is not a nation that has not its representative populations become part of ours. America is a haven and a sanctuary for the oppressed people of the earth whom have come to these shores in search of liberty and the freedom from oppression their native lands cannot offer, but that America does. Were this land and the nation founded upon it as oppressive and bad as its critics within it claim, those who wish to change it, people would be clamoring to leave it as they do Russia, Cuba, Venezuela, North Korea, and the Arab nations of the Middle East and the African nations. On the contrary, the peoples from these very nations come here, more than any other nation, because in it they may live with dignity and with liberties their own native lands do not and cannot offer. There is one bastion in the Middle East where it can be said that its citizens and foreign nationals live in liberty and without harassment within the bounds of its laws, and that is Israel. These two nations, above all of the rest, say what people do say about them, usually people seeking to overthrow them, offer what no other nation under heaven quite offers, the preservation and protection of civil rights and the liberty to live in the pursuit of one’s happiness.
But unless we address the rampant lawlessness in our government which now permeates every level of federal, state, and local governments throughout our country, the moral decay of our people, especially our youth, the decline in standards, and abject feeling of mistrust that we have about what we are being told by this government media complex and its minions on cable and radio – that we are in a recovery, when in point of fact, we are in a massive global depression greater in scope and severity than any other we have known – this is not an exaggeration – we will continue in our steady decline, and in fact it is my opinion that with the 2012 elections, we moved past the tipping point, and since this decline has accelerated – we will live in a Post-American Era. I believe that another harbinger of this was the 2012 elections and that it proved to be the end of the American Era as we had come to know as both an unrivaled political, military, and economic super power well capable of extending its influence in any corner of the world, but also able to defend amply its interests if had to when it was challenged. I do not believe we possess that kind of power anymore, and I believe that it has been removed providentially from US, even as our leaders have brought it to pass.
The two party system is a sham as the leadership of both parties is irredeemably corrupt with officials whose interests are not those of our nation, but of a small extremely wealthy and powerful oligarchy who possess a very misguided but strong “messiah complex” whose interests are global in nature and scope, and who eschew any and all forms of national government as impediments to world progress. They believe that their interests trump all others, and they compete with one another to obtain the goal which is planetary global government by any means necessary. Thus, regardless of political party, we have witnessed in the Post-WWII Era a continual trend towards global interdependence as the restraints of Constitutional government have been quietly laid aside and replaced with ever more draconian regulations upheld by judges appointed by the self-same global Democrats and Republicans (who lead both parties) which have eroded individual liberty and personal freedoms we as Americans have enjoyed since this republic’s founding. Right now the Republican leadership is orchestrating its own midterm losses, as it works feverishly against the interests of most voters to derail what was expected to be the most significant loss for the Democrats in the US Senate in more than fifty years. This is being done by design, as Boehner and McConnell work to defeat TEA Party candidates, promote liberal agendas with the Democrats, and support RINO candidates who will continue the trend of DC corruption and payolas Washington is well-known for. But the American people have had it. Thanks to the Internet, the media monopoly that liberal journalism once enjoyed is long past, and the information about what’s really going on is spreading throughout the country. The Louis Lerner IRS corruption case is a good example.
Feeling the public pressure to take action against the lawlessness and abuse of power, House Speaker John Boehner (R. Ohio) has empowered the House to investigate Lerner’s complicity as head of the IRS in using her position and the FED’s enforcement agency to tax income to investigate and audit TEA Party organizations and contributors – an abuse of power and a violation of civil law under our Constitution – an outright criminal act by the head of a federal agency. But this is where most people misunderstand the nature of the IRS. It is a private investigatory arm of the privately owned Federal Reserve given federal law enforcement powers through the agency of the US Department of the Treasury. As such, it exists to enforce the progressive income tax and it uses broad powers to enforce it which the US Constitution does not provide, but is supposed to protect against. For this reason, Ms. Lerner has believed she could conduct the business of her office as she did with impunity. Speaker Boehner’s public statements about this, as well as his recent creation of a House Committee to investigate these abuses by Lerner and the IRS has no teeth, for with another drop of the hat, he has declared that regardless of what this committee finds, it will not prosecute Ms. Lerner, or for that matter, anyone. Speaker Boehner has proven himself to be the classic Trojan Horse within the House Leadership and must be removed. Everything he is doing is to sabotage the expected Republican trouncing of Democrat incumbents in the US Senate, and he must be called to account for this, as well as Mitch McConnell in the US Senate, as Minority Leader in the Senate. Both are Trojan Horses and ARE NOT helping the nation, but are working hand in glove with the White House to derail the upcoming elections. Lest anyone believe this is some elaborate “conspiracy theory,” let me make this clear – it is being done out in the open, which Speaker Boehner himself making public statements to its effect. These people are not hiding what they’re up to; they’re doing it in plain sight.
This is why nothing has been done in two years with Obamacare, and it has been allowed to move ahead unimpeded and without resistance even though it is an unmitigated failure and has robbed almost a trillion dollars from Medicare as well as siphoning increasing boatloads of funding from other vital federal programs, including our military and veteran programs that serve our struggling military families as loved ones serve overseas in the most dangerous environments. This is why the GOP leadership and many of its so-called “neocons” are promoting Obama’s so-called Immigration “reform,” which will bypass immigration laws already on our books and in our Constitution, disregard the hundreds of thousands of lawful legal aliens awaiting to become American citizens, in order to change the “political demographics” of the nation to favor the globalist agenda of the GOP and Democrat Party. There is no such thing as RINOs anymore, because the GOP are the RINOs! It is the Grand Old Party that has become Republicans In Name Only, not its rank and file, which are being pressured by its leadership to “toe the line” and work with the Democrats whose agenda is to help “fundamental transformation” to take effect before Obama leaves office. They want to make it permanent.
The status quo is the order of the day, and both political parties are working feverishly to keep it that way. The amount of money transfer between them is inestimable, but is the cause of our seventeen plus trillion dollar deficit, which cannot be service, and will not be paid off. A collapse is inevitable and these people do not want to avoid it, but are willing accomplices in orchestrating it in order to enact the fundamental change Obama promised he would accomplish in his presidency, for which both parties work but in competition with one another and differing ways. The ends is the same, it is the means to get there where the two differ and compete over. This is totally and completely missed by so-called Left versus Right Liberal versus Conservative pundits out there, and very few have a handle on it – that is to say; very few are aware of it, know how it operates, and how it is fooling the vast majority of those who vote. But those who do, are reporting this, and people have begun to listen. Perhaps though not enough people, as the defeat of TEA Party candidates in various primaries have indicated. If this is the trend, then the greatest opportunity to blunt the current corruption in Washington and slow it down is being derailed and demolished by the GOP itself in order to preserve the Democrat/Republican political construct we have come to know and loath. G-d help this nation!!!
Aired Monday, May 5
Chris Pinto, May 5, 2014
THE BATTLE FOR AMERICA: Chris discusses the latest and perhaps most extreme example of the struggle for the soul of America. A satanic group from New York has commissioned a statue of the devil (in the form of the Baphomet or Goat of Mendes) to be erected on the Statehouse lawn in Oklahoma City. The attempt is in response to a Ten Commandments monument that was placed there some time earlier. The Satanists claim that a monument dedicated to their evil worship of the devil would demonstrate religious plurality and freedom for all. But was it the intention of the founders of our nation to put Satan on an equal footing with God?
CHRIS PINTO: NOISE OF THUNDER RADIO--At the time, Paul noted that the Democrats hadn't produced a budget in 3 years which is against the rules of the Senate. Is it any wonder that at that time Congress was said to have an approval rating of about 10%? Is this what the concept of 'sacred trust' has come to? This is why Vic asked listeners the following question: If the institution is being run by the inmates, who are the inmates on either side of the aisle that could bring devastation to our nation?
HATE SPEECH VS. FREE SPEECH: Chris discusses a new law working its way through Congress that seeks to target so-called hate speech -- which is typically little more than expressing an opinion contrary to the politically correct views of the secular establishment. The regulation is called the "Hate Crime Reporting Act of 2014" and is aimed at gathering information about "hateful activity" on the internet and popular social media. Since the world has chosen to accuse Christians of hate speech for speaking against things such as homosexuality, abortion and Islam -- could this new legislation be aimed against believers? And what does the Bible say about such issues?
Aired Wednesday, May 7
Brannon Howse, May 7, 2014
Breaking News! Brannon interviews William Baer who was arrested Monday evening at a school board meeting in Gilford, N.H., after speaking out against a sexually graphic book that was given to his daughter to read without his permission or knowledge. The pages are so graphic Brannon cannot read them on the air. The video of this father speaking to the school board and subsequent arrest has gone viral. Before he even appears on Fox News with Megan Kelly he is on live with Worldview Weekend Radio. What is happening in America when a father is arrested for protecting his daughter and defending his parental authority and that of other parents? Why was this room not filled with like-minded fathers? In a day and age in which liberalism has sought to feminize men; this father should be praised and not arrested. Brannon gives you the phone numbers of the School Superintendent and the police department if you would like to let them know your thoughts on this matter. Topic: Usama Dakdok joins Brannon to discuss the kidnapping of dozens of girls in Nigeria by a radical Islamic terrorist group for the purpose of selling them as slaves. Topic: Usama warns about the spread of Sharia in America and numerous lawmakers in Florida that voted against a bill that would have prohibited foreign law from being accepted in Florida courtrooms.
WASHINGTON – At the National Day of Prayer event held on Capitol Hill Thursday, Rabbi Jonathan Cahn issued a dire warning to America: The nation “stands in danger of impending judgment, and we all know it.”
“Too much of the church has lost its saltiness to do anything about it,” he declared. “And now the same biblical signs of national judgment that appeared in the last days of ancient Israel are reappearing on American soil.”
At the beginning of his commanding speech, Cahn, author of runaway bestseller, “The Harbinger,”and its movie companion “The Isaiah 9:10 Judgment” from WND films, warned that his address would not be politically correct. He urged the nation to “come before the Lord and seek His face, and His purposes, and His will for this land and to pray for America.”
While Cahn said America has been blessed as no other nation has been blessed, he added, “To whom much is given, much is required.”
“America, as did Israel in its blessing, has been turning away from God, driving Him out of its public squares, bringing in idols in His place and calling what is evil good and what is good evil,” he declared. “And as Israel sacrificed thousands of its children on the altars of Moloch and Baal, so America has also lifted up millions of its children on the altar of pleasure and self-indulgence, and their blood is on our hands.”
Warning of impending judgment, the rabbi told the story of how, 3,000 years ago, King Solomon stood in another sacred assembly in his nation’s capital.
“There he dedicated a temple and the nation’s future to God,” Cahn said. “There he interceded and prayed that if his nation would ever turn away from God and calamity came upon it, if the people turned back to God in repentance that God would have mercy on them.”
God told Solomon, “If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.”
Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks in New York City
As Cahn explained, 400 years later, the calamity of judgment fell upon the land – and the Temple Mount, where Solomon prayed, was destroyed.
“God was saying, ‘Return, Israel,’” he explained, adding that America came into existence 225 years ago this week.
On that day in America’s capital, George Washington placed his hand on the Bible and gave the new nation a prophetic warning: “[T]he propitious smiles of Heaven can never be expected on a nation that disregards the eternal rules of order and right which Heaven itself has ordained.”
Cahn said, “The warning was this: America was blessed because of God alone. If America ever turned away from God, then the blessings of heaven would be removed from the land.”
Today, that warning is coming true, he said.
“After giving that word, Washington and the entire first government of this nation proceeded on foot to the place specially appointed to dedicate America’s future to God,” Cahn explained. “It was America’s consecration ground. Where was it? It was in the nation’s capital.”
However, he added, the nation’s capital was not in Washington, D.C.
Washington bowed his head to pray that day in New York City.
“Where exactly was it?” he asked. “The place at which they dedicated America to God on its first day as a nation – America’s consecration ground – is Ground Zero.”
Cahn revealed the message of that sacred ground.
“God is crying out to this nation, ‘Return! Return! Return!’” he implored. “The forefathers gathered in the capital city that day to consecrate America to God, so we have gathered this day in the capital city to do likewise, to rededicate this nation into the hands of God and to re-consecrate our hearts and lives to the will of God.”
The hope of America does not lie in the White House, he said. You won’t find it under the Capitol dome, on Wall Street or any place else.
“America’s hope lies in the name of Yeshua Hamashia, Jesus the Messiah, the Light of the World,” he said. “It was for Him this nation came into existence. It is in Him alone that hope lies. And we come together this day in this city named after the one who gave that warning and who bowed his head and prayed that this nation be dedicated to God with a holy and crucial purpose. It is time to humble ourselves. It is time to pray. It’s time to seek the face of God. It’s time to turn from our evil ways that He might hear our prayers, forgive our sins and heal our land.”
Cahn prayed that – whatever it takes – there will be a widespread repentance, awakening and revival in America.
“Let the will of God be done,” he prayed. “Let the name of God be lifted up. Let the City on a Hill, America, shine again. Let God’s grace shine upon here, and let the glory of the Lord be revealed in the name of Yeshua Hamashia, Jesus the Messiah, the Light of the World and the Lion of the tribe of Judah. Amen and amen.”
Cahn brought the National Day of Prayer gathering to its feet, clapping and cheering.
The rabbi further detailed his belief that America is at a critical crossroads in an interview with WND immediately after the event concluded:
As WND reported, Dr. James Dobson, founder of Focus on the Family, made big news when he blasted Barack Obama as “the abortion president,” and there were plenty of other broadsides launched against modern-American society.
Anne Graham Lotz, daughter of Rev. Billy Graham, was the keynote speaker for what turned out to be the largest National Day of Prayer in history, broadcast and live-streamed around the world. She, too, warned that America has strayed so far from the ways of God that time is running out and judgment is coming soon. Other speakers were also sharply critical of the state of the nation, and almost all stuck to one theme: America is on the wrong track wrong and heading for disaster if it does not change course, repent and return to the ways of God.
Lotz said God is urgently warning America to repent right now through a series of calamities, including:
- Natural disasters, including a series of record-breaking storms
- Social disasters, such as rampant abortions and pornography
- Mass shootings
- Financial disasters and nearly $18 trillion in national debt
- Unchecked growth of government
- Pervasive secularism
- Spiritual malaise Lotz said, while God is sending severe and scary warnings, the solution is still within our reach. If America would turn back to prayer, then, she said, God will forgive the nation’s wicked ways and heal our land.
“It is time to wake up and cry out to God,” she declared.
However, Lotz also called this a time of great hope, “unparalleled in human history,” primarily for two reasons. One, the rebirth of Israel after 2,000 years seemed nothing short of a miracle. And, two, for the first time in history, the gospel is being preached to the entire world, thanks to modern mass communications, including the Internet.
Although the official theme of the 63rd annual National Day of Prayer was the optimistic “One Voice, United in Prayer,” most speakers echoed the warning that America is heading for disaster.
He asked the gathering and people around the world to pray for the soul of America. Noel said our message for God should be a simple one: “We repent.” “We recognize the only thing that can turn the tide of this nation” is God, said Jeff Noel, national coordinator at the National Prayer Committee and pastor at Grace Heartland Church in Louisville, Kentucky.
He implored America to repent for “putting our faith in our economy, our government, our own ideas,” which “always come up short.”
Noel also urged America to repent for:
- “Sacrificing our children on the altar of convenience, selfishness and pleasure”
- “Allowing marriage to be redefined on our watch”
- And “allowing our culture to advance the agenda of the enemy”
Also speaking at the bipartisan event was U.S. Tax Court Judge Maurice Foley, appointed by President Bill Clinton.
Foley emphasized that, while he has great respect for the legal system, his sense of justice comes from God.
“If I trust in the Lord, He will direct my thoughts, and He does.”
Foley insisted it is the “awe of His majesty and powers that enables a judge to be fair, just and patient” and quoted King Solomon in saying “Fear of God is the beginning of wisdom.”
The judge’s advice? “Be humble, or God will humble you.”
Democratic lawmaker Mike McIntyre, D-N.C., said the good news is the House of Representatives and the Senate both have prayer breakfasts every week and hold Bible study.
He also noted that, every week, lawmakers in the National Prayer Caucus ask God for guidance in their making their votes.
And, when people complain to him about the state of affairs in Washington, D.C., he asks them to pray for lawmakers, their staff and families.
When they returned, they began with a prayer and finished their work. Ever since, McEwen noted, every session of Congress has begun with a prayer. Former Rep. Bob McEwen, R-Ohio, related how, when delegates to the Second Continental Congress got hopelessly bogged-down while trying to formulate the Constitution, they followed the advice of Benjamin Franklin and fasted and prayed upon it for three days.
U.S. Air Force Maj. Gen Joseph S. Ward shocked the crowd by informing them that 22 services members a day now commit suicide, and stressed one thing that could help – allowing men and women in uniform the ability to express their faith freely.
The 63rd annual National Day of Prayer was hosted by Rep. Robert Aderholt, R-Ala.
The principal at Rocky Mountain High School in Fort Collins, Colorado, is facing a hailstorm of criticism from some very angry parents and residents.
The school recites the Pledge of Allegiance weekly, on Mondays. Last Monday, a member of their “Cultural Arms Club” led the student body in an Arabic version of the pledge, replacing the words “under God” with “under Allah.”
Principal Tom Lopez denies any attempt to push an Islamic agenda, saying, “These students love this country. They were not being un-American in trying to do this. They believed they were accentuating the meaning of the words as spoken regularly in English.”
Principal Lopez doesn’t make any sense. Speaking unintelligible words in Arabic in some way accentuates their meaning? That is an extremely weak argument in defense of an ill-advised decision.
He said the cultural clubs seeks to “destroy the barriers, embrace the cultures” that exist within the high school.
That would translate into “destroy the barriers to Islam and embrace it,” correct, Mr. Lopez?
The Poudre School District communications director, Danielle Clark, said they understand why parents are upset. She told Fox News, “We understand not everybody would agree with the students’ choice. We’ve heard there are some who are upset.”
Let’s put his into perspective for the feeble-minded Clark and Lopez. It is not the student’s choice. They do not control the public address system. It was a school choice.
Her simplistic defense included a reference to “one” supportive email and a reference to a similar mistake last year which drew controversy when the pledge was recited in Spanish. Somehow not learning from and expanding upon your previous mistakes is perceived as a viable defense for these educators.
An abdication of responsibility is also part of their defense. Clark attempted to pass the buck of responsibility to the students, saying, “This is a student-initiated and student-led club. There is no school sponsor or advisor. It doesn’t come under the umbrella of the district.”
Actually, the activity of reciting the pledge does come under the district. Choosing to put it into the hands of a group not regulated by their administrators does not provide absolution.
“We deferred to the students because it’s their deal,” she said.
One cultural club member, professing to not understand the controversy is Skyler Bowden. Bowden simplistically told The Coloradoan, “No matter what language it’s said in, pledging your allegiance to the United States is the same in every language.”
Given their youth, the high school students might understandably not recognize the problems with proclaiming America as “one nation under Allah.” The grownups should and they ought to be controlling the activity.
The Muslim Brotherhood front group CAIR chimed in saying, “Obviously in Arabic, you would use the word Allah, but Christian Arabs would use the word Allah.” Their spokesperson, Ibrahim Hooper, claimed use of the word Allah is “not necessarily specific to Islam and Muslims.” From an American point of view, it is, whether he is technically correct or not, to Americans, in America, it’s a specific Muslim and Islamic reference.
As if to reinforce the idiocy of reciting the pledge in another language, Clark said she did not hear the pledge and does not speak Arabic so she could not confirm exactly what words were used.
Lopez said he has been getting a variety of accusations leveled at him, including being called a traitor. He said, “They claim they are outraged, that this is blaspheming a real major tenet of our patriotism – which in their mind the Pledge of Allegiance is only in English.”
He said he’s also been accused of “pushing a Muslim Brotherhood agenda – to push Islam into the school.” He denies that was behind the decision.
CAIR representative Hooper told Fox News he was dumbfounded by complaints about the Arabic version of the pledge.
“How on earth is it un-American to recite the Pledge of Allegiance in another language,” Hooper asked. “It doesn’t make sense unless the people complaining are anti-Muslim or anti-middle eastern bigots.”
It just might be that Americans recognize the Islamic agenda, Mr. Hooper, and are tired of having it forced upon them. Maybe we know what you are up to and people are pushing back.
Principal Lopez said all of the criticism and complaints had him “worn down.”
Playing the tolerance card, Lopez labeled himself as the victim, stating, “I’ve been shocked with prejudicial statements that have been made. I’ve been shocked with the lack of seeking understanding. There’s definitely suspicion and fear expressed in these people’s minds. There’s some hate.”
One resident, Chris Wells put it in terms even educator Lopez could understand. Writing in The Daily Coloradoan, he said, “As a veteran and a friend of a man killed defending these children in their little games they like to play with our pledge, I’m offended. There are things that we don’t mess with – among them are the pledge and our anthem.”
Rick Wells is a conservative author who believes an adherence the U.S. Constitution would solve many of today’s problems. “Like” him on Facebook and “Follow” him on Twitter.
Posted by Jim Hoft on Sunday, May 4, 2014, 12:36 PM
The Obama State Department says another intifada may be necessary to force Israel into peace negotiations.
Members of Kerry’s State Department team blast Prime Minister Netanyahu and warns Israel of another intifada if a peace plan is not reached with the Fatah-Hamas alliance.
American officials directly involved in the failed Israeli-Palestinian peace process over the last nine months gave a leading Israeli columnist a withering assessment of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s handling of the negotiations, indicated that Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas has completely given up on the prospect of a negotiated solution, and warned Israel that the Palestinians will achieve statehood come what may — either via international organizations or through violence…
…One bitter American official told Barnea, “I guess we need another intifada to create the circumstances that would allow progress…”
A third intifada, the Americans made clear, “would be a tragedy. The Jewish people are supposed to be smart; it is true that they’re also considered a stubborn nation. You’re supposed to know how to read the map: In the 21st century, the world will not keep tolerating the Israeli occupation. The occupation threatens Israel’s status in the world and threatens Israel as a Jewish state.”
The decision to yet again delay the final permit for the popular Keystone XL pipeline was made not in the White House or at the State Department, but in a posh private residence in the Sea Cliff neighborhood in northwestern San Francisco. It was there on February 19 that former vice president Al Gore and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid made the pilgrimage to Tom Steyer's home to kiss the ring of the hedge fund-billionaire turned super-donor, in exchange for $400,000 that night and a promise of $100 million more to come. Steyer's sole demand? Stop the pipeline.
Not reaching a nuclear agreement with Iran is preferable to signing a bad accord, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu said Wednesday, soon after meeting with visiting US National Security Advisor Susan Rice.
Rice arrived in the country earlier in the day as part of a high-level US delegation.
Members of the delegation came to consult with their Israeli counterparts about Iran and other strategic issues prior to another round of talks between the P5+1 and Iran in Vienna next week, and as work went on to formulate a final nuclear deal.
Following the Rice meeting – a meeting the Prime Minister’s Office was not willing to discuss – Netanyahu met with a delegation from the Friends of the Israel Defense Forces (FIDF). The brief statement issued about that meeting made the gist of Netanyahu’s message to Rice clear.
Any power-sharing Palestinian government must recognize the state of Israel, renounce violence and adhere to previous agreements, whether it includes Hamas or not, US National Security Advisor Susan Rice told Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas during their meeting in Ramallah on Thursday.
According to the White House, Rice made "clear... the principles that must guide a Palestinian government in order for it to play a constructive role in achieving peace and building an independent Palestinian state."
"She reiterated US policy that any Palestinian government must unambiguously and explicitly commit to nonviolence, recognition of the State of Israel, and acceptance of previous agreements and obligations between the parties," the White House said in a statement after the meeting.
Washington’s top negotiator criticizes both sides for failed talks, saying Netanyahu was ‘flexible’ despite approving settlements
While delivering scathing condemnations of the behavior of both sides, Washington’s chief negotiator in the recent Israeli-Palestinian talks denied Thursday that the peace process was over.
In his most revealing comments since the breakdown of talks, Ambassador Martin Indyk recounted Thursday evening how, after six months of productive direct negotiations, Palestinian leaders “shut down” and singled out settlement activity as a major – but not the sole – factor.
“We have passed the nine-month marker for these negotiations, and for the time being the talks have been suspended,” Indyk said, addressing the Washington Institute for Near East Policy’s Weinberg Founders Conference in Washington DC. “Some have said this process is over. But that is not correct. As my little story testifies. As you all know well— in the Middle East, it’s never over.”
Unseasonable storm wreaks havoc in south; flash floods reported from Eilat to Dead Sea
Schools near the Dead Sea were shut and several roads in the area were blocked by authorities Thursday morning as a rare tropical storm dumped rain cross the country causing flash floods and wreaking havoc in the south of the country.
Wednesday night and Thursday morning saw heavy rains and thunderstorms across the country, a rare occurrence so late into the spring.
The rain brought dry riverbeds to life, flooding low-lying areas, especially in the Judean Desert and Negev in the south of the country.
By Thursday morning the city of Arad reported 44 millimeters of rain had fallen from the storm, 40 times the average for this time of year, according to the Israel Meteorological Service. Jerusalem saw 32 millimeters, Beersheba 24 millimeters and Ra’anana 45 millimeters. Tel Aviv, however, only saw 15 millimeters.
President Vladimir Putin on Thursday oversaw a military exercise involving Russia's nuclear forces amid escalating tensions over Ukraine.
While Putin said the exercise had been planned back in November, it comes as relations between Russia and the West have plunged to their lowest point since the Cold War over Ukraine.
Putin, speaking from the Defense Ministry's headquarters where he oversaw the exercise along with leaders of several ex-Soviet nations which are members of the Collective Security Treaty Organization, said that the maneuvers involved the military across the entire Russian territory, including the nation's nuclear forces.
Russian news wires said that the exercises simulated dealing a massive retaliatory nuclear strike in response to an enemy attack. The description of the exercise is unusually blunt, reflecting tensions with the West running high over Ukraine.
Dear Reader,
You may have heard about a new currency law coming to America.
On July 1st of this year, Title V of the Obama Administration’s HR Bill #2847, known as FATCA, goes into effect.
And after collectively spending more than 100 hours reading the actual legislation and its associated news coverage, we found 4 concerns we think you need to be aware of…
1. Most people mistakenly think they’re not affected by FATCA. If you are a U.S. citizen… or if you hold any of your money in U.S. dollars, this new law definitely affects you.
2. The more you trade and invest, the more likely you are to get hit hard by this new bill.
3. It is not difficult for an American tax payer to be labeled “recalcitrant” as part of this new law. And as soon as you are…you potentially become subject to a 30% tax.
4. The implementation of FATCA has been delayed several times, but now the IRS says it will not be delayed anymore. It will go into full effect on July 1st of this year.
In fact, on April 2nd of this year, the new IRS commissioner said, “Whatever else we are going to do, we are going to implement the non-discretionary legislative mandates we have been given: the Affordable Care Act and FATCA”
We think every American needs to learn about this law, which is set to go into effect in fewer than 70 days.
Get the facts, and learn how to protect yourself.
To help, we’ve put together a slide show presentation on our website, which you can access free of charge.
Click here to learn more about this new law.
George Rayburn
Publisher, Stansberry Research
You may have heard about a new currency law coming to America.
On July 1st of this year, Title V of the Obama Administration’s HR Bill #2847, known as FATCA, goes into effect.
And after collectively spending more than 100 hours reading the actual legislation and its associated news coverage, we found 4 concerns we think you need to be aware of…
1. Most people mistakenly think they’re not affected by FATCA. If you are a U.S. citizen… or if you hold any of your money in U.S. dollars, this new law definitely affects you.
2. The more you trade and invest, the more likely you are to get hit hard by this new bill.
3. It is not difficult for an American tax payer to be labeled “recalcitrant” as part of this new law. And as soon as you are…you potentially become subject to a 30% tax.
4. The implementation of FATCA has been delayed several times, but now the IRS says it will not be delayed anymore. It will go into full effect on July 1st of this year.
In fact, on April 2nd of this year, the new IRS commissioner said, “Whatever else we are going to do, we are going to implement the non-discretionary legislative mandates we have been given: the Affordable Care Act and FATCA”
We think every American needs to learn about this law, which is set to go into effect in fewer than 70 days.
Get the facts, and learn how to protect yourself.
To help, we’ve put together a slide show presentation on our website, which you can access free of charge.
Click here to learn more about this new law.
George Rayburn
Publisher, Stansberry Research

Blood moons coming, the ominous history of April 19-20, Iran's new leadership, Russia's super-missile to Iran?
He appointed the moon for seasons: the sun knoweth his going down. Psalm 104:19.
And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring. Luke 21:25
Immediately after the tribulation of those days shall the sun be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken: Matthew 24:29
The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the great and notable day of the Lord come. Acts 2:20
In this week's Koenig's Eye View from the White House
Four 'blood-red' total lunar eclipses will fall on first day of Passover and Sukkot in 2014 and 2015, the same back-to-back occurrences at the time periods of 1492, 1948 and 1967
The 'blood-red' total lunar eclipse that will be seen in the US on the first day of Passover, April 15, will last 77 minutes
The 'blood-red' total lunar eclipse of September 28, 2015 will be a 'super-red moon' and be seen over Jerusalem
Major events that have fallen during April 19-20 set the stage for the rest of the year
The major historical events that have happened throughout history on April 19-20
Hitler and Mohammed were born on April 20
How the Iranian leadership is showing no sign of change
Russia's ace in the hole: A super-missile it can sell to Iran
Kerry focused blame on Israel for collapse of talks, then denied it
Bennett calls on Netanyahu to annex 60% of West Bank
The anti-Semitic far-right have made major political gains in Europe in last decade
And more ...
April 18, 2014
Passover, Good Friday and Resurrection Sunday
For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. - John 3:16
I pray that the following videos will be a blessing to you and your family during our remembrance of Jesus Christ's death for us, His burial and His resurrection.
The Cross - Billy Graham's Message To America
Christ in the Passover - Jews for Jesus
Christ in the Passover shows the link between the ancient Festival of Redemption and Christ as the Lamb of God - your church members will never forget it!
He chose the nails - Max Lucado Presentation
The face of Christ - Gil Amelio
Click here
Watch as gifted sculptor Gil Amelio recreates the final moments of Jesus' life and the sacrifice that changed eternity.
Watch as gifted sculptor Gil Amelio recreates the final moments of Jesus' life and the sacrifice that changed eternity.

Putin and the West, World War III, Putin's plan to collapse the Ukraine, US not prepared for major power grid attack, US space vulnerability
For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places. All these are the beginning of sorrows. Then shall they deliver you up to be afflicted, and shall kill you: and ye shall be hated of all nations for my name's sake. - Matthew 24:7-9
But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only. But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark, And knew not until the flood came, and took them all away; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. - Matthew 24:36-39
In this week's Koenig's Eye View from the White House
Putin: We are not afraid of anybody
What is Putin really saying?
Journalist: Historians may look back and say this situation with Russia and the West over the Ukraine was the start of World War III
NATO ups military presence amid Russian threat
Russian jet passes near US warship
Russia tests multi-warhead ICBM to send message
Russia, US, EU and Ukraine agree to de-escalate Ukraine crisis
Putin's 10-point plan to collapse the Ukraine
Putin tells Edward Snowden: Russia doesn't carry out mass surveillance
Putin calls Ukraine 'New Russia,' brings back Soviet propaganda
US Power Grid: One year after an attack on the grid, it's still dangerously vulnerable
How the US is vulnerable to terrorism in space
And more ...
The annual subscription costs $1 a week. A six-month subscription costs $1.15 a week.
Shalom in Yeshua.
William Koenig
--New IRS documents reveal that Lois Lerner colluded with the IRS to create special hurdles for conservative groups. --GOP steps up demand for documents related to the White House involvement in the botched healthcare exchange roll-out. --Republican lawmaker introduces legislation that would cut off the pay of Eric Holder and other federal officials who have been held in contempt of Congress. --Justina Pelletier alleges in a letter that she's being tortured while under the care of the Massachusetts Department of Child and Families
There are some people out there who think folks like you & me are a bit “odd”.
They think having a stockpile ready for a disaster is something they can put off for “someday” or “never”.
But those people are just hiding their heads in the sand. They are dead wrong -- and you are dead right.
You’ve seen the evidence and you know the situation is way too serious not to do something about. When a crisis hits, you’ll be ready. You’ll make darn sure your family won’t go hungry or get herded into a FEMA camp.
The fact is, if you don’t take action or if you stockpile the wrong foods, you could be setting your family up to starve. It sounds harsh, but the truth is too many people with good intentions are making critical mistakes with their food stockpiles.
Mistakes like…
- Buying MREs with a 5 year shelf life (depending on where you buy them from they could be near expired)…
- Getting gross survival foods that are tough to stomach and so high in salt, MSG and preservatives you could clog your arteries and get yourself sick…
- Or simply buying the wrong foods and leaving a critical hole in your meal plan, which means your family can become malnourished…
Well, I decided to stop worrying. Obviously, waiting for FEMA to give me a handout in a disaster just wasn’t an option for me. And I was completely turned off by the crazy prices of survival food sold by most stores.
So I got in touch with my buddy Frank Bates and put my order in for his Food4Patriots survival food kits. This is Frank’s new line of survival food and there are 4 reasons why it’s literally flying off the shelves:
- Food4Patriots is an incredible value. This high quality survival food without any fillers or poor-quality “franken-food” that the other guys use to pad their survival meals. They are made and packaged right here in the U.S.A. You won’t believe the prices on these kits – a fraction of the price what some other brands charge.
- There’s no fancy packaging, it's military-grade sturdy stuff and can stand up to the crazy things that happen in a crisis. This food has a shelf life of up to 25 years, so you have complete peace of mind for the long term. And he’s using the most compact kits so you can store them anywhere in your home without any extra hassle. They’re sturdy, waterproof and stack easily. And extremely covert too.
- You can make these meals in less than 20 minutes; just add boiling water, simmer, and serve. I tried ‘em and I think they taste as good or better than any other survival food I’ve EVER had. And you get a whole slew of choices for breakfast, lunch and dinner so you don’t get stuck eating the same thing day-in and day-out.
- Frank has come up with some impressive FREE bonuses that are ONLY available to folks who purchase one of his kits on a first-come, first-served basis. For example, my kit 3-month came with 5,400+ heirloom survival seeds, 4 hard copy books, a 11-in-1 survival tool, and some other cool stuff.
You need to get ‘er done right now.
Here’s why… If you don’t take action to get your food stockpile right now, you’ll be in the same boat as the brainwashed masses who think “everything is fine.” And if a crisis hits and your family asks, “What are we going to eat?” your mouth will go dry and you’ll feel powerless.
But what if you decide right now to secure your food stockpile instead? Just imagine how much better you’ll feel right away. And if a crisis hits and your family asks, “What are we going to eat?” you’ll calmly reassure them that they’re safe and they will have plenty to eat.
Listen, I can’t predict the future. I don’t know exactly when or how a crisis will hit. But from everything I see, it could be soon and it could be a big one.
That’s why I really want you to get the same peace of mind that I do.
To your freedom, Frank Bates
Urgent: Should Obamacare Be Repealed? Vote Here Now! The late Popes John XXIII and John Paul II, who will be made saints on Sunday, did so much to end two millennia of Catholic anti-Semitism that a Jewish human rights group calls them "heroes to the Jewish people".
Both pontiffs marked the world's largest church in such varied ways that most Roman Catholics would probably list their pioneering respect for Jews, whom John Paul called "our beloved elder brothers" in faith, behind their other achievements.
But for a minority faith that suffered centuries of persecution, life in the ghettos and then the horrors of the Holocaust, the turnaround they achieved in Catholic-Jewish relations could rank as another miracle to their credit.
John is especially remembered for calling the Second Vatican Council (1962-1965), whose landmark document "Nostra Aetate" (In Our Times) repudiated the 2,000-year-old concept of collective Jewish guilt for the death of Jesus.
"Nostra Aetate ushered in amazing changes in Catholic-Jewish relations around the world, even if the degree to which it was internalized depended on whether Catholics and Jews lived side by side," said Rabbi David Rosen, International Director of Inter-religious Affairs of American Jewish Committee.
During his long reign from 1978 to 2005, John Paul became the first pope since ancient times to visit a synagogue. On a visit to Jerusalem's Western Wall, he left a note saying he was "deeply saddened by the behaviour of those who in the course of history have caused these children of yours to suffer."
"It was a gesture that will never be forgotten," said Rabbi Abraham Cooper, associate dean of the Simon Wiesenthal Center, the group that hailed the two new saints as heroes.
Christianity began as an offshoot of Judaism that became the main religion across Europe. It treated the tiny minority that did not follow Jesus with persecution, exclusion and expulsion.
During the Second World War, the public silence of Pope Pius XII about the Holocaust led to allegations - still vivid today - that he turned a blind eye to the plight of the Jews. Defenders say Pius did all he could behind the scenes to help Jews.
At the same time, Archbishop Angelo Roncalli was using his wartime post as Vatican ambassador in Istanbul to run a network of nuns, diplomats and other people to issue forged visas and baptismal and immigration certificates to Jews from the Balkans to get them to Turkey and then to British-mandate Palestine.
Elected as Pope John in 1958, he struck the offensive phrase "perfidious Jews" from a Good Friday liturgical prayer recited on the day Christians commemorate the death of Jesus.
"During the Holocaust, then Archbishop Angelo Roncalli was instrumental in saving the lives of large numbers of Bulgarian, Hungarian and other Jews," said Menachem Rosensaft, professor of the law of genocide at Columbia and Cornell universities and the son of two Holocaust survivors.
Karol Wojtyla, who became John Paul II in 1978, grew up in Poland with Jewish friends and, as a young man, witnessed the Nazi round-up of Jews in his homeland.
He made a historic visit to Rome's synagogue in 1986, where he called Jews "our beloved elder brothers". He led the Vatican into forging diplomatic ties with Israel and mentioned Rome's former chief rabbi, Elio Toaff, in his will.
Pope Francis had good relations with Argentine Jews when he was Archbishop Jorge Bergoglio of Buenos Aires and even wrote a book with the city's chief rabbi, Abraham Skorka.
Rosensaft said Francis came into his papacy with a genuine affection for the Jewish faith and the Jewish people.
"He is now solidifying the spiritual and human legacies of his two predecessors by canonizing not just John XXIII and John Paul II but, perhaps even more importantly, the values they embodied," he said.
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Putin shows off new military gear in Ukraine...
Russian spy ship detected off Florida coast...
Putin shows off new military gear in Ukraine...
Russian spy ship detected off Florida coast...
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Both sides bury dead as Ukraine slides towards war... Merkel criticizes planned military parade in Crimea...
Moving in with parents becomes more common -- for middle-aged...
Americans forced to lead 'temp' life...
Americans forced to lead 'temp' life...
Administration rolls out new immigration regs...
'Homeland Security' releasing high-risk offenders from ICE detention...
'Homeland Security' releasing high-risk offenders from ICE detention...
Boehner turning to immigration reform...
...pushing Jeb to run
GALLUP: Voter Enthusiasm Down Sharply...
PAPER: Hedge fund titans are testing democracy...
...pushing Jeb to run
GALLUP: Voter Enthusiasm Down Sharply...
PAPER: Hedge fund titans are testing democracy...
Ready to take up arms if needed...
BLM Eyes Texas Land...
Battle lines harden...
Ron Paul: Symptom of increasing authoritarianism...
Ready to take up arms if needed...
BLM Eyes Texas Land...
Battle lines harden...
Ron Paul: Symptom of increasing authoritarianism...
Charlie Daniels: First test of military against citizens?
'Citizen soldiers' keep watch at Nevada ranch standoff...
Charlie Daniels: First test of military against citizens?
'Citizen soldiers' keep watch at Nevada ranch standoff...
County Commissioner Says Bundy Ranch Supporters 'Better Have Funeral Plans'... FLASHBACK: Breaks Ground for Solar Farm Near Ranch...
Standoff could leave dirt on reputation...
BUNDY: Why I Refuse to Recognize Federal Authority...
Judge Napolitano: Americans 'Drawing Line in the Sand'...
Standoff could leave dirt on reputation...
BUNDY: Why I Refuse to Recognize Federal Authority...
Judge Napolitano: Americans 'Drawing Line in the Sand'...
Militia Members Arrive: We're not 'afraid to shoot'...
Rangers Brought in From Out of State for 'Emergency'...
Rangers Brought in From Out of State for 'Emergency'...
Obama administration's 'Culture of intimidation' seen in ranch standoff...
Bundy: Reid 'Needs To Be Kicked Out Of Office'...
Supporter: 'We are willing to give our lives'...
Bundy: Reid 'Needs To Be Kicked Out Of Office'...
Supporter: 'We are willing to give our lives'...
Battle lines harden in Nevada... NYT: BUNDY AND THE 'NEGRO'...
Slavery better than welfare?
Rand Paul, Republicans -- RUN!
Rancher responds...
Slavery better than welfare?
Rand Paul, Republicans -- RUN!
Rancher responds...
CARSON: When government looks more like foe than friend...
'Burning Man' organizer plans 30 days of anarchy next to ranch...
'Fire Harry Reid' becomes rallying cry heading into '14 elections...
How did he become so wealthy?
'Burning Man' organizer plans 30 days of anarchy next to ranch...
'Fire Harry Reid' becomes rallying cry heading into '14 elections...
How did he become so wealthy?
USA and Germany Fail to Reach Accord on Spying...
Snowden: Entire populations now live under constant surveillance...
USA and Germany Fail to Reach Accord on Spying...
Snowden: Entire populations now live under constant surveillance...
PAPER: 90,000 Nevada Residents Could Lose Health Insurance Due To Obamacare...
Worst poll yet for Dems...
Worst poll yet for Dems...
Dem on Obamacare: Worst Yet to Come...
'Going to Hit the Fan'...1,000 Doctors Erroneously Placed On CA Exchange!...
'Going to Hit the Fan'...1,000 Doctors Erroneously Placed On CA Exchange!...
Brain Surgery Patient's Obamacare Plan Denies Meds, Drops Doctors...
OBAMASCARE: Dem Sen blames voter for tripled insurance premium...
OBAMASCARE: Dem Sen blames voter for tripled insurance premium...
PRESS DINNER: Obama laughs at but not with... The secret to writing president's jokes... 'Vicious Monologue'... Leibovich: WHCD an 'abomination'... RED CARPET CHAOS... UPDATES...
Comic stumbles, sputters through routine...
Comic stumbles, sputters through routine...
Former TIME mag editor sworn in at State Department...
WARNER BROS Taps Former Clinton Press Secretary Dee Dee Myers As Communications Chief...
WARNER BROS Taps Former Clinton Press Secretary Dee Dee Myers As Communications Chief...
Email Reveals Obama Advisor Urged Rice to Blame Benghazi on Video
House Judiciary Chairman: 'Grand bargain' in works on amnesty...
Jeb Bush raps lawmakers for inaction...
Jeb Bush raps lawmakers for inaction...
Bush Pushes Amnesty at AZ Conference...
Computer meltdown crippling immigration courts...
How big a political risk?
Computer meltdown crippling immigration courts...
How big a political risk?
Lax enforcement producing gusher of illegal immigration from Central America...
Sheriffs warn cartel violence spilling across border...
Denver public schools recruiting illegals to teach...
Sheriffs warn cartel violence spilling across border...
Denver public schools recruiting illegals to teach...
Obama Calls for Highest Sustained Taxation in USA History... MICHELLE O: 'SPLURGING IS KEY TO LIFE'...
Panel Votes To Hold In Contempt...
Issa Accuses Top Dem of Colluding with IRS...
Krauthammer: Totalitarian impulse spreading...
Issa Accuses Top Dem of Colluding with IRS...
Krauthammer: Totalitarian impulse spreading...
Hotel magnate, Clinton fundraiser pleads guilty...
'Thats the only way to buy them, get into the system'...
'Thats the only way to buy them, get into the system'...
XXX-MEN: Director accused of preying on 15-year-old aspiring actor at party...
'They'd rape you by side of hot tub....
'You were piece of meat'...
FBI 'Failed to Investigate'...
'Saga may involve a lot of well known names'...
Attorney Planning Countersuit...
Singer Skips Fanfest...
UPDATE: Drops Out of 'Creativity Conference' With VP Biden...
FOX scrambles...
Accuser working on expose of Hollywood's sordid underbelly...
'They'd rape you by side of hot tub....
'You were piece of meat'...
FBI 'Failed to Investigate'...
'Saga may involve a lot of well known names'...
Attorney Planning Countersuit...
Singer Skips Fanfest...
UPDATE: Drops Out of 'Creativity Conference' With VP Biden...
FOX scrambles...
Accuser working on expose of Hollywood's sordid underbelly...
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