Tuesday, November 6, 2012

What DId America Choose Election Night?

As I sat bewildered by the votes, prognostications, and tallies by the talking heads, and facing the reality of another four years of this abomination; my dear wife made an observation that is inescapable and if correct, bodes ill for the fate of our nation.

I bemoaned the fact that I would be seeing another four years of this man and a continuation of his failed and disastrous policies; but she said this, “It’s not the man that these people voted for, it is what they believed he has to offer them that they voted for. As one of them said ‘Marriage equality won this night,’ another would say, ‘A woman’s reproductive rights was won tonight,’ while another would say, ‘Now we’ll get more federal money,’ etc.., and etc… These people weren’t voting for a man so much as they were voting for an idea, for what they believe their candidate could offer them. If Mitt Romney had made those offers, the same people would vote for him. They made their choice tonight.”

And you know what? They did. I wrote that the fate of our nation was in the hands of the American electorate. Some would say it was G-d’s will that things turn out the way they did. I would say that G-d’s will trumps everyone else’s, but I would add to this thought – and herein lies the rub – our Maker has given all of US a free will. Tonight America with its people made their choice. They chose the redefinition of marriage – Same Sex Marriage (euphemistically called “Marriage Equality”) over the institution G-d established as the traditional monogamous marriage between a man and a woman; they chose government funded abortion on demand over the right to life of the unborn – what’s more, even worse than this – they chose infanticide (euphemistically called “Late Term Abortion of a Fetus) over an infant’s right to life – that is the life of the unborn; they chose more runaway government spending over fiscal sanity, because they selfishly desired more of the same government largesse over the future of their children and grandchildren.

From where I stand, America has chosen judgment over blessing. It’s people were warned, they made their choices with their free will; now they will be allowed to receive the proceeds of what they have sown for themselves. As my wife observed, they weren’t choosing between two men; they were choosing between two ways of life, and now they will get exactly what they wanted.

I warned that if this man were reelected to a second term, America would not recover. I believe that we will now continue to see the continued decline of our nation, and when this man’s term ends in four years, the United States as we have come to know it, will be no more. In fact, there are many who’ve predicted this already – that by the end of 2012, America would cease to be. I considered this point of view as nothing short of extreme, but judging by tonight’s election results, I am seriously reconsidering it.

The Bible Codes which indicated that Mitt Romney would win this year’s presidential election was from portion of the Torah that recounts how after G-d had given Israel the Law, He warned them sternly by telling that that before them they had a choice to follow G-d’s commandments and find life, prosperity, peace, and blessings from the Lord, or chose not to follow G-d’s Law which would result in curses, persecution, sufferings, and exile.

I made the observation that the election results, when considered under this metric, indicates that a sizable portion of our population is so far gone, so corrupted, so deviant in their ways that it could reelect a person who has not bettered their lot, but made things considerably worse for them than when he took office four years ago. This indicates that half the voting public of this nation is lost, and probably a lot more corrupted than I thought. We are in very serious trouble. We are much worse condition than I realized.

Suspend for a moment that I am talking about Barack Obama; because it could’ve been Romney. It’s the values that the nation voted for, much more than the man. Consider; we as a people and as a nation came together tonight and choose – the leader (remember, I can be anybody) whose values stand diametrically opposed to the very Judeo-Christian traditions that forged this nation and its people to greatness. While it honored G-d and its people lived by the commandments, the blessing of heaven were showered upon it denizens and we benefited from the manifold blessings of G-d.

Since 9/11, America had been given nine harbingers; nine warnings of impending judgment were it to continue in the trajectory it had chosen for itself for a generation. Most of the nation had chosen to ignore those harbingers – the warnings G-d had given to the nation, and it continued in its spiritual, moral decline.

Not only had it continued declining, but it’s decline accelerated to the point where its president could boldly proclaim that it was no longer a Christian nation, and just within a matter of two years, publicly redefine the institution of marriage – a creation of G-d to an abominable behavior according to the Scriptures. This was unprecedented in the annals of not just American history, but the history of the history of man. Never before had any national leader stand before the world stage and dare make such a proclamation. Never before, but this president did it, and the nation yawned and continued to wallow in its apathy.

It was not just there that the bar was set lower, but in just about everywhere else. Now the leader of this nation went beyond all previous conventions and practically redefined almost everything; the war on terror became man-made contingency operations, abortion on demand was redefined as a woman’s reproductive rights, homosexual and lesbian relationships were now called marriage equality and lifestyles tolerance, and now America would be poised to be fundamentally transformed. “But transformed into what?” some might ask. Transformed into a nation that would break with its Judeo-Christian past and choose for itself a path whose manifestation we have witnessed this pivotal evening. America has spoken. It has made its choice. It has sealed its fate.

I mourn for what is about to happen to our country, and what could’ve been had we made the right choice this evening. We were warned and we did not listen. And we did more than that. Some within our religious circles even railed against those who proclaimed these harbingers, and brought all of their religious argumentations to justify their campaigns against it and against the warnings, while pop culture continued to overtake and replace all of the normative values of human decency. Is it any wonder then that the elections would result as what we have seen this evening? What we see here is not just politics but the manifestation of the values of a nation – what a very large sizable portion of its people believe expressed at the ballot box.

I have told people repeatedly that this election would be the pivotal moment that would decide the fate of this nation. The power to do this was in our hands at the ballot box, and we voted. When Nineveh was confronted with a warning to prepare for G-d’s impending judgment, there were no offers to repent – the prophecy was simply, “In three days, Nineveh shall fall.” The response to the prophetic warning was that the people – from the smallest to the greatest, even the beasts put on sackcloth and sat in ashes, and sought the Almighty. Because of the sincerity of their hearts, G-d relented of their destruction, and that generation was spared His judgment.

America has made its choice tonight. As my wife observed; it’s not about Romney, it’s not about Obama – although the campaigns and the media had turned it into that. No it’s much larger than these two men; it’s more than that. It’s about what the two men stand for. It’s about two very different world views. And America has chosen this evening for itself to follow a path it should never have made. G-d gave US free wills; we’ve exercise those free wills, and now we will reap what our self-will and wayward ways will bring to US. We’ve made our choice and now comes the consequences.

America didn’t choose a president tonight, it chose its destiny. We are done. We have shaken our fist at heaven chosen several abominations over the G-d of heaven and His promise of His blessings. Now only His grace remains. But one must ask, is it His grace that we have had all along? And is it His grace – that is “unmerited favor” for those who do not know – that we take away, yes; even with this horrendous choice?
We will find out in the days ahead, at least those of US for whom this matters, because also a sizable part of our nation DID NOT choose the results that have concluded this presidential race, and it is to the grace and mercy of Almighty G-d that we make our plea and bring our petitions for ourselves, for our families and communities, and for our nation and its future.

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