Thursday, November 8, 2012

The Harbinger: Assumptions That Should Not Be Made

I recently posted the following on David James' site:

Good morning. Thank you again for allowing me to post a response both to Tony and to you Dr. James. I address myself first to you David, because I've heard you say that we are to assume that because you spent 100s of hours researching to write your book to rebut The Harbinger, it should be given merit and be listened to. On the basis of that argument one can say that we should listen to Orthodox Judaism and their claim that Jesus is not the Messiah because it has posited this for two thousand years and they have built a theology and biblical Hermeneutic to justify that claim.

The amount of man hours, months, or years one spends to research and write an opinion - and your book is nothing more than an opinion - does not in itself confirm that its claims are correct or give it a stamp of it being correct in any way.

Because you understand being yourself a student of Scripture that if your premise upon which you form your opinion about something is incorrect, and the methods you use to affirm an opinion you've made are centered on that premise based upon an incorrect opinion; your conclusion, regardless of how well researched they may be or appear to be; will be entirely incorrect; as we know about Judaism's opinion regarding the Lord Jesus Christ upon which it has developed a well-defined hermeneutic and body of literature around for two thousand years.

So your argument that because you spent long hours researching your book (which I've discovered gross inaccuracies that I will detail in a forthcoming work of my own as the Lord wills), its claims deserve to be heard and considered - is nothing more than a straw man argument, because the same could be said - based upon your argument - of Judaism's two thousand year claim that Jesus is not the Messiah, when in fact we know from Scripture that He is.

What's more, if the Lord wills and I get my work to the publisher, I will show from what you claim in your book, that your approach and arguments which you make about America goes to the very heart of the Gospel and God's grace and denies it categorically because it denies from a Dispensationalist/Minimalist/Cessationist Theology and well-crafted and argued but Biblically flawed hermeneutic; the very nature of God and how He operates to this very day.

These I will show in my forthcoming work, if the Lord wills. What's more, as I have stated in my previous posts here and elsewhere, the approach and methods you and other critics of The Harbinger have taken are NOT Biblically sound, because a servant of Christ and his teachings have been trumped before a public forum and have been mercilessly misunderstood, his writings and teachings misinterpreted, he has been mischaracterized in a campaign of defamation and delegitimization.

That is not the Berean Way and it is not the way and methods that Christians should use amongst themselves, and especially before a skeptical and unbelieving unregenerate public. You may cite as many Scriptures as you like to justify yourself right now, and think you can get away with this, but I warn you before God; every idle word you speak against your brother and every claim you make against him, and I address myself also to other critics here - everything you do and say against Rabbi Jonathan Cahn and any other servant of Christ with whom you hold doctrinal differences with, and post your differences in a public forum for all to see; claiming that to be defenders of Biblical integrity and doctrinal purity (there are a lot of claims to that these days and the deception is great); you and all of your colleagues and confederates with whom you have undertaken this horrendous enterprise; will be held accountable by the God of heaven, with whom you will not be able to make any claims of self-justification other than to plead His mercy and grace.

This is why David, I have posted both here and elsewhere, and in private correspondence with you; that I have been very concerned with you and your organization's approach to what has come to known in many circles as the "discernment" ministry, although such a ministry is not cited in Scripture, but nevertheless in this land of Biblical Illiteracy, there is a need for God's people to be discerning. When addressing yourselves to matters of theological differences with others in the Body of Christ, be very careful not to cross the line of God's patience by directing your differences about doctrinal and hermeneutical matters with others of our faith by posing these differences as both doctrinal truths, or claiming your hermeneutics is superior to those of a different school of thought. We've been down this road before you and I, I believe you understand what I am saying here.

Another cautionary note, please be very cautious with what you write when opining about what others mean by the terminology they use and the words they employ in their writings. I have discovered that there is a tendency to put into other people's words meanings that do not exist and have not been the original intent of the author's when he put them to paper. Your book is filled with this from cover to cover - ) will show this in my forthcoming work, Lord willing - and it is cleverly argued to convince the unsuspecting reader to accept what you say as fact.

I will ask you this question. Were you commissioned by T.A. McMahon to write this book, and then write it after he asked you to, or did you do write this book and later offered him to publish it?

Your answer, and assuming you will not lie here, but the Lord will know for certain as He does all matters and nothing escapes His notice; will speak volumes about your work and will lay to rest a good many arguments either in its favor and against it.

Thank you

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