Tuesday, July 13, 2010


There was a time, long ago during the time of the Civil Rights Era of the 50s and 60s when the NAACP stood for something. When its membership comprised men and women who were in the throes of battling segregation, racism, and the mistreatment of all of America's minorities.

They were consistent in their condemnation of what was wrong and unjust, and they held their views and opinions in an intellectually honest manner, making no allowances for compromise or partisan politicking.

Those days have long been past US, and I dare say that they died just about the time when the Reverend Martin Luther King and Bobby Kennedy were assassinated by gunmen's bullets, though it had begun showing signs of deterioration at that time with the rise of the new leaders who were ascending in its ranks such as the "Reverend" Jesse Jackson and others of his ilk. Al Sharpton and the rest were further aberrations which came later, much later, and have since been given legitimacy by media outlets such as Fox News and Bill O'Reilly.

But the signs of deterioration began showing even as early as this period, as the organization became more and more an adjunct of the Democratic Party, and its community organizations more and more operations of the local DNC machineries throughout the country which by the Seventies had organized with community churches for political action through the local Democrat machinery of each community.

But, Tuesday's statements made by the NAACP equating the rise of the TEA Party as something synonymous with racism is the most flagrant mischaracterization of the American electorate ever made by an organization with the history and stature of the once great NAACP. Tuesday's action and statements by the NAACP betray the partisan nature and bias which grips the leadership of the organization, and how it views America.

Now why do I say, how it views America? Because, unlike the NAACP, the T.E.A. Party is not an organization founded upon the advancement of one race over all others, or even upon race at all. It isn't even an organization. It is however a movement; a movement of Americans of all walks of life, of every community and race from every corner of this great nation, expressing their concern over the direction this nation has taken the past twenty months - an imperial congress passing bad legislation despite the will of the electorate in the dead of night behind closed doors. A congress and president who hold the will and opinions of the electorate with open contempt when such views run counter to their own.

Concern over policies and not racial bigotry drive the T.E.A. Party. For any organization to publicly slander the T.E.A. Party as racists is to slander the American electorate, and betrays the biased and partisan nature of those who make the charges. It shows the utter contempt they have for the opinions of the American electorate when those opinions run counter to their political agenda of gaining more power or just keeping the power they now have in congress, the courts, the organs of the news media, and yes, the White House. It's not racial bigotry, it's common sense and love of nation and respect for its laws, highest of which is our Constitution, that compels people to join the T.E.A. Party rallies, not racism.

To charge with racism, as the NAACP has done, only serves notice to those who are sober minded that what was once a great organization for equal justice under the Law has for quite some time been nothing more than a political hack of a corrupt political party doing the bidding of its Masters who pay their salaries and fund their war chests. The NAACP is no longer a credible organization, and its leadership has through such action and statements as made this week, show that they are not deserving of the trust and respect of the American electorate, especially when they show such contempt for it by branding it racist.

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