The following is from a CBS Poll taken of President Obama’s overall performance for the last year and a half.
Obama gets an F from 67.6% of those polled for his handling of the economy. On healthcare, 59.68% give him an F, while 21.66% give him a D. On Afhanistan he gets an F from 78.67. On Iraq, Obama gets a C from 25.96%, a D from 22.84%, and an F from 31.93%. On the threat of terrorism, Obama gets a C from 24.59%, a D from 23.77%, and an F from 35.96% of those polled. On Energy and the Environment, while 21.03% give Obama a D, 55.04% give him a D for his performance. On Social Issues he gets a clear F from 58.84% of those polled, while 18.95%% give him a D. On Bipartisanship, Obama gets a clear F from 78.20% of those polled. Overall Obama gets a failing grade from 63.76% of those polled. These are worst numbers than those President George W. Bush had late in his last year as president. Obama is losing support.
He is not doing very well. In fact, he’s doing awful. And this poll was taken by a news channel known for its support of the president and his policies. Not good. This is why he is campaigning in high gear, and has called upon his core constituency of blacks and latinos to do the same on his behalf as they did in 2008. One very big problem for him is that he’s lost as much popularity among Hispanic groups as he has with all of the others, even among some blacks who originally supported him, but now do not agree with his radical agenda, while remaining liberal. This is why he and his party are pushing for immigration reform, because they wish to use it to create an almost instant voting block for the 2012 elections, when he will be running for reelection. The so-called immigration reform will grant illegal/undocumented aliens instant legal resident status by granting them amnesty when they turn themselves in for processing, and will allow them to become American Citizens before November, 2012, so they can be registered as Democrats and vote in that year’s elections. The DNC expects to get more than fourteen million additional votes nationwide with this measure, and the large trade unions expect to have their ranks swelled with new laborers as well. This is why the SEIU and others have been at the forefront of granting illegal legal status and voting rights.
If taken, these measures will effectively change almost every law on the books in this country and irreversibly transform the United States, creating a political revolution in the process without firing shot. This is what Barack Obama and the current Democratic Party leadership want. It is not because they have an ounce of care for illegal/undocumented aliens in this country, but because they expect that by supporting such measures, they will blunt the tide of public opinion against them by creating a new voting block out of the fourteen million mostly Mexican illegals already in this country. This isn’t reform. It’s revolution. And it’s politics of the most corrupt kind. It must be opposed, and it must be stopped by the American people – White, Black, Yellow, Red, all – who love and adhere to the laws of this land, and who revere the highest law of the land; our Constitution, which these politicians have been eroding piece by piece every year with repeated legislation and policies they have enacted.
Immigration reform, like all of the other so-called reforms Obama and his supporters have made into law is nothing but a sham. Communists, Socialists, and radicals use the word reform whenever they wish to change the law of the land to one which empower them further, provide a sure source of support from their political base, and enrich themselves at others’ expense. In the process they create enmity, strife, jealousy, and envy among the population in order to garner the support they need to speed their agenda through in as quickly a time as possible, before the people even know what hit them. This is why for the past year Obama and elected officials from his party and the news media have promoted so-called quick remedies for one crisis to another, and with each successive “reform,” the problems they claimed would be resolved by their implementation, only worsened the problem rather than alleviate it, or cause it to go away. It has had the contrary affect. The proof is in the pudding, and the pudding is rotten to the core.
This is the reason, one of many, that so many Democrats have lost races where their machinery once held all but unquestionable hold on the body politic in regions long lost to Republicans or Independents, and the reason so many veteran Democrats are not seeking reelection, but are retiring, while others with the courage have actually switched parties. Some like long time Republican-turned-Democrat Arlen Specter of Pennsylvania is not expected to win against either Democrat or Republican candidate later this year, even though Obama has given him his support, and those whom Obama has come out to campaign for have lost their respective elections. The dream candidate from Illinois is but a fading shadow as more and more Americans have discovered that he is nothing more than a junior senator with no foreign policy experience, no business experience, precious little political experience outside of his district – he had only served months as a U.S. Senator in Washington before he abandoned his seat to run for the White House – and as more and more of his true nature has come to light, the enthusiasm he once commanded has been on a steep downward spiral amongst all but the most ardent followings of supporters he has had. Blacks still support him in high numbers, but the nature of this support is on racial and emotional levels, not because of policies. When this occurs, there is little enthusiasm at the ballot box, not enough to get a person reelected. This is why Obama and elected officials of his party and the unions that have gotten hundreds of billions of dollars of bailout federal support, have all been campaigning to get illegal/undocumented aliens legal status and voting rights. Keep a close watch for this, and listen to how they’re going to present it, but remember what lies at the core of their rhetoric. You read it here first.
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