Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Watch for the Trends and Rise Up

I just read an article, cited further on, about archeological digs in and around Jerusalem and what is known as the West Bank. In this article, I discovered an subtle, yet an interesting bias or bent on how the story is written, as though Jewish claims on the land are a modern phenomenon. There have been Jewish claims on the land since the time of the patriarchs, when G-d made a covenant with Abraham, reinforced it with Isaac, and then confirmed it to Jacob, whom He called Israel after Jacob was transformed into a new person (born again) following his all night struggle with an angelic Messenger. And like all struggles, it left Jacob/Israel a cripple for the rest of his life.

So it is today that everyone who struggles against G-d is crippled for the rest of their lives. What the writer of the article forgets is that a name on an artifact is not necessarily mean that the artifact is connected to a place or a person in the Bible, but if the Bible (which was written thousands of years ago), writes about a person, place, or thing as being at a specific location, and modern archeologists find these remains in the same location, I'd say that what they discovered is what the Bible describes thousands of years ago. Nobody is making it up as they go along, it's recorded long before any of us or our politics existed.

So, I'm beginning to detect an Anti-Israeli bias in the manner in which these stories are being written, with an aim to disassociate the Jewish people from the land and its artifacts. I'm beginning to see this bias translated into our current foreign policy, and what's more I'm beginning to feel the Anti-Jewish bias in the way some people talk about Israelis. The Bible says it will happen. This is the spirit of that works in the sons of disobedience. It should be exposed and rebutted at every opportunity, because to stand idly by and allow for subtle Anti-Semitism express itself, even from some who call themselves Jews, is inexcusable.

Those who know me, know that I abhor any expression or action that is racist. There is simply no intelligent or moral reason for such behavior to be tolerated. Yet, I know our Constitution well enough to understand that as much as I despise the expressions of Anti-Semitism or any form of racial or ethnic bigotry, I defend anyone's right under our Constitution to express themselves as they please, as long as such expression does not present a grave and present danger to anyone else.

I am then given the opportunity to rebut the person/s with intelligent argument while allowing the person to make it evident to those listening just how absurd their argument is. I am given through the practice of free speech, the opportunity to contrast one point of view over another, and allow the reader, or listener to objectively decide for themselves the outcome of such exchanges. This is why I do not denigrate the person, but the person's ideas, if they are fallacious.

This is why when I criticize for example, the president, it is not the man or his person of whom I speak, but his policies, his objectives, and what I have determined will be the outcome of such policies from historic imperatives and absolute imponderables that mark the way as evidence that when such measures were tried before, regardless of location, nationality, ethnicity, or natural resources and wealth; they were doomed to failure. Some economic systems work while others do not, and history is the evidence before US. The old command economies of the Soviet Bloc crumbled while those of the free world flourished.

But, I digress. One can tell the bias in a writer by the subtle and oftentimes, not so subtle way he or she expresses themselves. And in the article I just read about the digs in and around the "West Bank" and Jerusalem, I detect the writer does not believe the historicity of the Biblical accounts, and might even believe that the Jewish people do not have a claim on a land which G-d made an eternal contract with Abraham and the fathers to whom He gave this land for their possession.

Israeli Jews do not have to prove to anyone that they have a legitimate claim on the land. The Bible, written long before there were any modern group in the land; presents evidence of Jewish life in the land. In fact Jewish culture and life thrived in the land through various invasions and exiles, so what is all the hoopla over whether Jews should or should not live in Israel? It is clear from Scripture, the Jew belongs in Israel and Israel belongs to the Jew. This of course, does not mean that Jews and Arabs cannot or should not live in peace and harmony in the land. In fact, there are examples of this in the manner in which Palestinian Arab Christians and Messianic Jewish Israelis worship together the same G-d of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, and Ishmael in various Messianic Jewish Communities throughout the land. In fact, this is how it will be during the Messianic Age, only that Israeli Arab Christians and Messianic Israeli Jews are the ones doing just this. The Person who binds them is the Jewish Messiah - Yeshua/Jesus. You will not see this anywhere else, but in Israel and among these two distinct communities united in their faith for the Messiah and the transforming power of faith in His name.

But, again I digress. What I wish to warn my readers here is that prepare to notice a rise in bias on how the press reports about Israel, just as there is bias in the manner in which the press reports about Christians. Where there is Anti-Christian bias, there follows also Anti-Semitic bias. One goes with the other, just as it did in Nazi Germany, and just as it did during the Spanish Inquisition when non-Catholic Christians, non-Catholic Jews, and Jewish Christians were openly persecuted for their faith. History has a way of repeating itself.

Watch for a rise in Anti-Christian and Anti-Semitic bias in news reporting. Subtle, as in this article I cite here - - yet still there. When Anti-Israel sentiment permeates the Oval Office, and the president of the United States wishes not to be photographed with any Israeli dignitary, then understand that the times I write about and warn every reader about here, have come, and come they have. This is unprecedented in our history, yet here it is. The same president who bowed and had his picture taken with an Arab Sheik, is the same one who does not wish or permit any photographer present when meeting with a leader of Israel. The same president who ordered his Department of Justice to drop an investigation of Black Panther intimidation of voters during the 2008 presidential elections, is the same one who has ordered members of our government who served in the CIA to be investigated and prosecuted for alleged war crimes in the practice of interrogating enemy combatants. This is the same man who wants to give foreign terrorists the same Constitutional rights every American citizen enjoys, yet wishes to deny these same rights to Americans and allies who fought the enemies he wants to defend. There is something fundamentally wrong here folks. The Bible says, "Woe to those who call good evil and evil good, who exchange a gift for a bribe." Isn't this what we are seeing happening right before our eyes? Right in the White House and in the halls of congress?

It is time for Americans - and especially Jews and Christians to wake up. If we do not, we will be overrun by the barbarians. And folks, they're not at our gates, there within our institutions, amongst the most powerful and influential people of our land. Wake up, the time is short, and the enemy is in our midst. Rise up, and let your voices be heard. Rise up and let them know the level of your discontent in them. Rise up and organize, campaign, and vote. Rise up and put an end to the corruption, overtaxation, over-regulation, ever encroaching federal government, deficit spending, and bloated federal machinery. Rise up and bring change, before the fiat change of Marxism changes US beyond our ability to again change ourselves. Rise up.

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