Sunday, March 21, 2010


On this evening, March 21st, 2010, the United States of America (USA) ceased from being a Constitutional Representative Republic governed by the Constitution and rule of law, and was transformed by fiat along party lines into the United Socialist States of America (USSA). On this day the rule of law along Constitutional lines gave way to the soft tyranny of one party rule and the tyranny imposed by some over all without precedent in the annals of this once great republic. Late in 2008, I warned my readers that this is precisely what was to happen should the Democratic Party nominate Barack Hussein Obama to the presidency.

Few gave heed to the warnings, while many simply chose to shut their eyes requesting that they didn’t want to be bothered with “political” details about the man’s life and background because they “didn’t want to get political” – that is to say they didn’t want to hear or know about anything that would shatter an image which Obama’s campaign had carefully crafted for public consumption to transform the junior senator from Illinois from a hard left of center ideologue into a mainstream “centrist.” They did a good job. Some people sincerely believed that even Jesus was a “community organizer” – perhaps the most extreme examples of how the majority of black evangelicals had been duped by the propaganda campaign several black ministers successfully used in getting Obama the “critical Christian vote.” They would handle the details of Obama’s history of support for homosexual causes, and his strong support of NARAL and other radical pro-abortion groups. But this was not where it ended, had these people done their homework, they would have discovered that the junior senator from Illinois was the only elected official to publicly support infanticide, not just aborting babies, but ripping them out, a law which he promoted and voted for when a state senator.

When Barak Hussein Obama made the statement that he would “fundamentally change this nation,” it was not the type of change that Americans expected. What they wanted and what they got were two different things. They wanted Washington to change the way it conducted its business. They were tired of the corruption. They were tired of the partisan atmosphere that had taken over the capital since the Clintons arrived several years earlier. They were tired of the back room deals, the cronyism, the sweet heart deals, the payoffs, the political machineries that demanded state employees campaign for the machinery to keep their jobs; they were tired of the felgerkarb they had been handed. And most of all, they were tired of the lies by self-serving politicians. They wanted change, and they wanted it at any cost. And so they voted with their emotions, believing the promise of a better tomorrow that the young junior senator promised them. What’s more, they voted for history. They wanted more than anything else, to make their mark in history by voting for the first black president in the nation’s history. They believed strongly that by doing this, they would contribute to the nation’s racial divide, and put an end once and for decades of suspicion and hatred between America’s blacks and the rest of the county – that for the very first time – those accusing US of racial bigotry and injustice in the early twenty-first century would be silenced by the evidence before them. So, in this hope, they went out and in spite of the questions being raised by some about this young senator’s radical background, questionable alliances with known and unrepentant Anti-Semites, former terrorists, and Communists, including his work as a community organizer for them – the people voted for the man.

They were told to ignore what was being said, to ignore his stance on abortion, to ignore his strong support for homosexual organizations, to ignore even some of his promises of creating a civilian militia of “volunteers,” his promise to socialize medicine, which he called healthcare reform, and his continual harangue of business at every level. Even his statements about wealth redistribution recorded in interviews years earlier, and his own statements during the campaign to “spread the wealth around,” did not dissuade these people. They were set on a course which would guarantee the junior senator’s victory in November. And without anyone noticing or it ever being investigated, his campaign received donations from overseas to the tune of hundreds of millions of dollars. Indeed, Barack Obama’s campaign would break all of the records for the amount of money it would raise to elect this junior senator with no prior experience in either business, or in foreign policy. And thus, we witness his election to the highest office in the land.

What is heartbreaking about this man’s election is that none of what was promised by way of symbolisms or what the public hoped they get, they ended up getting. Instead, they would discover a year later, and even this very night that the man of the people had become the imperious leader who would go on to impose his will over the people and the nation regardless of their wishes, and that he would take a political party to its end on this night, just as he successfully manipulated his party to end the Constitution for the sake of his obsessive dream.

May G-d have mercy on these United States and bring an end to the madness that has become an ObamaNation. The dream is gone, Would that the nation’s first black American elected to its highest office had loved its Constitution as many before him have – men like the Reverend Martin Luther King Jr. Roy Innis, the Honorable Chief Justice Clarence Thomas, Secretary Condoleezza Rice, economist Thomas Sowell, Professor Walter Williams, and many others. No, this man’s obsession to transform America was greater than his love and respect of its Constitution. His obsession took precedence over his better judgment, even if he ever had it to begin with, that is assuming he is not an ideologue, which to all intents and purposes he appears to be. It is the well meaning, but woefully misguided ideologue who brings ruin. And history has taught US that it is the well meaning obsession of some that has brought tyranny to many, and no nation has proven immune to its siren call of the promise of “equity and equality” at any price. Our founders understood that rights are given by G-d, and are protected from the tyranny of men by the rule of law, therefore they crafted the most unique human document outside of the Holy Scriptures ever drafted by a single group of men in the history of the human race – our national Constitution. But, if you were to peruse their writings you would discover that they write often of one truism – a Constitution such as ours can only be effective if men and women we elect to office know what it took for it to be written, the rights it protects which are not open to interpretation as some would have you believe, and that they respect it and honor with their lives. In order to accomplish such a feat one must elect honorable men and women to public office beyond reproach who would serve the public trust, and serve out their terms in dignity and humility, and then leave public office and make way for a new generation of leaders who likewise hold our laws with a due reverence and respect.

The current crop of elected officials, primarily as we have seen this very night, are less than this, much less, and have shown to all that their allegiance is not the flag or the Constitution of these United States, but to a political party and to a man, and when such things occur, tyranny and despotism follow. The banshee of despotism has shipwrecked many, and we’ve seen the devastation. So it has come to US. Change, right.

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