Change. THE Scriptures warn that when they say, "Peace, peace, then sudden destruction will come upon them like a woman in labor." When the government, the media, and their allies in Wall Street begin to tell you that we are beginning to see a recovery, when just months ago they were saying that this Great Recession (DEPRESSION) is going to take at least two to three years to get out of, and when jobs continue to go overseas and disappear, DON'T YOU BELIEVE THEM! DON'T BELIEVE A WORD THEY SAY. WE ARE BEING LED BY THE BIGGEST COLLECTION OF TAX FRAUDS, CHEATS, AND LIARS IN THE HISTORY OF THIS NATION! THEY THEMSELVES TOLD US DURING THE ELECTION WITH OBAMA AT THEIR LEAD THAT THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS A JOBLESS RECOVERY! NOW THEY'RE TRYING TO TELL US DIFFERENTLY! THEY WANT TO BANKRUPT US SO THAT WE BECOME DEPENDENT EITHER WHOLEY OR IN SOME WAY UPON THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT FOR OUR SUBSISTANCE. THEN THEY WANT TO SADDLE US WITH A HEALTH CARE PACKAGE THAT WILL PUT A GOOD PORTION OF THE MOST VULNERABLE AND SICKEST PORTION OF OUR POPULATION AT JEAPARDY IN ORDER TO PAY FOR IT; WHAT'S MORE, THEY WANT TO DO THIS WHILE SHUTTING OUT ALL COMPETITION AND DESTROYING PRIVATE INSURANCE IN WHICH ONE CHOOSES ONE'S INSURANCE COMPANY, PLAN, COVERAGE, PHYSICIAN, AND CARE. BANKRUPTING SOCIAL SECURITY, MEDICAIR, MEDICAID, AND PRIVATE BUSINESS is not the solution. As if this were not enough, THEY WANT TO SADDLE EVERY AMERICAN FAMILY WITH A CAP AND TRADE TAX OF ALMOST TWO THOUSAND DOLLARS PER FAMILY YEARLY ON TOP OF THE TAX INCREASE THEY WILL NEED TO FUND THEIR TRILLION DOLLAR BAILOUTS OF THE BANKS (WHICH ARE NOT LENDING MONEY TO THE PRIVATE SECTOR), THE LARGEST BROCKERAGE HOUSES, THE BIGGEST INSURANCE INTERESTS, THE MULTI-NATIONAL CONGLOMERATES THAT ARE TAKING OUR JOBS OVERSEAS, AND THE PATRONAGE BUSINESSES ALLIED TO THEIR LOCAL DEMOCRAT-CONTROLLED POLITICAL MACHINERIES ACROSS THE NATION! I can go on and on, but these are just the tip of the gigantic iceberg which Barak Hussein Obama is taking this ship of state, and if we do not force him to veer off, we will be like the Titanic and crash right into it and sink to the bottom of an icy grave, another great nation who having reached the pinnacle of its greatness and fulfilled the dream of equality for all its citizens with the election of its first black president, disappears from history; a victim of the same avarice and corruption which caused the downfall of every other great nation and empire before it.
Mr. President. I do not object to your race sir, how can anyone? You are one of US. Indeed, you reflect our ethnic and racial diversity, and our strengths and our weaknesses. No sir. I object sir, to your policies. When President George W. Bush diverted the nation in a path I did not agree with, I called him out on it. It was not racial then, it is not racial now. As a concerned citizen of this great nation - your home and mine - I am exercising my right under our Constitution to redress the ills I see in your domestic and your foreign policy, and to raise suspicion, sir, on your objectives which I do not see as beneficial to either me, my family, our community, or our nation. To this end, I am only one voice in the midst of many, exercising my free speech rights in letting you know that this is still a representative republic with a Constitution which you swore when you took the oath to uphold and protect. I ask you then, sir, to do this, and be diligent about it, because all eyes are upon you, and history will make you account for what you are about to do next. I leave with another Scripture, one which is a strong admonition to the rampant amorality of our day:
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