America has had enough. The Tea Party Protest March on Washington, D.C. this past week ( is the best illustration that the little guy out there has had enough of his/her elected official bailing out the large banks, corporations, conglomerates, brokerage houses, insurance companies, and stock and securities interests at the expense of the little guy who has to carry the weight of the cost even as he/she sees his business fail, his job lost, his home foreclosed, and his prospects of recovery slip right through his fingers, as the rich get richer, and government continues to grow beyond its limits to sustain itself.
While NELP has raised the public's conscience on the plight of the unemployed, the fact is that for a great number of Americans, there are currently no unemployment checks upon which they can subsist and pay their bills, and their mortgages on right now. They have nothing coming in, and no job prospect on their horizon. Congress must stop its non-issue squabbling about some Senator's outburst, and a health care bill that most Americans are demanding them not to pass, and get on to the real business of addressing the growing number of hurting Americans who are financially strapped and need some kind of assistance as soon as possible.
The Great Shaking is upon US all across the country and throughout the world. Thus is the legacy of our elected officials and how their meddling in the private sector for the last twelve to fifteen years and even longer has brought upon US this Great Recession/Depression. The event which accelerated it was the forced land for peace measure forced upon innocent Israeli civilians who were forced at gun point, some kicking and screaming, from their properties, their businesses, their synagogues, and their land by their own government, because it was pressured by this one to give the Gaza Strip which Israel won from Egypt with the blood of its young soldiers, and which G-d had already promised to the descendants of Abraham as part of His covenant with him and his descendants through his son Isaac, and later Jacob/Israel, and his descendants; the Jewish people.
The United States government, through its State Department, forced the Prime Minister of Israel to be signatory with Israel's enemies where it would break this covenant by giving land G-d Himself had given to the Jewish people long before there was a United States, or a Europe, or any other country. In so doing, the leaders of both our nations bequeathed upon US both the wrath we see visited upon both our nations and the world. No man or nation possesses either the authority, power, or right to force a single Jew from his/her land. No one, except the Almighty, and it is the Almighty who has given the land to the Jewish people.
I believe we are seeing G-d's judgment for the actions of our leaders, here, in Israel, and all around the world.
It is interesting though, to see the chairman of the Federal Reserve and the Secretary of the Treasury last year join with our elected officials from both parties bail out their wealthy friends, and continue to do so with much greater pace under the new administration, as industries are nationalized, labor unions are paid off, and more money continues to flow to those connected in high places, while the average American continues to suffer and the politician continues to enjoy the finest salaries, the best health care (not the one Obama is proposing for the rest of US), and are themselves insulated from the ravages that average Americans are undergoing. You don't see congressmen losing homes, or struggling to make ends meet. Yet, all they can do is argue over a healthcare bill that nobody wants, and the outburst of a single representative who lost his cool when he heard the president utter a lie during a speech he gave the other night. So what!
America continues in the trajectory of embracing Israel and America's enemies while setting up obstacles for Israel because it wishes to build on land that G-d gave to them through His covenant with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. I said before, and I will say it again to my dying day; No man or nation possesses either the authority, power, or right to force a single Jew from his/her land.
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