As we near November 3rd hit pieces and false charges and inventive innuendos against President Donald Trump will multiply and be flung by the media and their allies of the Far Left.
Every day, there arises a new bombshell, expose, family member, or former disgruntled employee who savages Donald Trump for the media. If it’s not a group of so-called “moderate” RINO Republicans, it’s some quick witted Democrat or dim witted Hollywood celebrity or singer; but it is continuous and it is daily, and it has been like this since Donald Trump took office.
Since January 2017, multipronged attacks have levelled daily by the press against this president, because Donald Trump is personal enemy of the people who own the press. As Mark Levin has revealed in his excellent and very revealing bestselling book, Unfreedom of the Press, the press corps is staffed with former Democrat operatives and functionaries, and hard left activists and ideologues that personally harbor a deep personal hatred of the president and they make no qualms about showing it during press conferences.
These people are so demonically charged that they do not hide their personal animus against the president; often heard clearly in their voice and their carefully chosen “gotcha” questions. This isn’t journalism, but politically charged partisan advocacy.
If it’s not the Speaker of the House, it’s the Senate Minority Leader, or some Democrat politician, or some journalist, or some Sunday news anchor; but they’ve all come out of the proverbial political woodwork, openly attacking the president daily.
There is absolutely nothing that this man can do or say that these people will acknowledge as being good. He has brokered a middle east peace between Israel and the United Arab Emirates, yet not one of the alphabet soup channels covered or even mentioned it. This is a pivotal historical event totally ignored by this media. Why? Because they hate Donald Trump as a person and therefore they cannot accept anything he does or say as president that is commendable.
One knows that the press has gone off the rails when one sees and hears daily negative personal attacks against a sitting president. I remember how the press during the Reagan Era attempted, hollowly I might add (you could see through it) to appear and sound objective in their reporting. But today’s news media has completely dispensed any appearance of objectivity and have replaced it with open partisanship, and personal ad hominin attacks against a sitting president it and its Democrat allies “an existential threat” to their hegemony. What we are witnessing is nothing more than a widespread well-organized, well-funded, and well-written daily campaign of defamation against President Donald Trump. It is not news that is being given to the American public, but open partisan personal libel masquerading as journalism.
Its aim is to make the person sitting in the Oval Office as onerous and loathsome as he appears to them. It has become so bad that any impartial observer can sit back and channel surf and hear and see the same Democrat talking points regurgitating from the different news channels. Shawn Hannity and Laura Ingraham and Lou Dobbs have made this clear when airing clips of the various channels “reportage” against the president back to back on their programs. There is no end to this.
And as we see the elections get near, we will see a pent up frenzy of stories and allegations hurled against the president in the swamp media’s efforts to unseat him from office.
Should we be surprised? These people realize that the Democrats have put forward the most corrupt, incompetent, and ill-prepared candidate in their history in Joe Biden against the most effective commander in chief in modern US history, and they’re in panic mode.
Thus, we will hear daily attacks, criticisms, personal “revelations” hurled against him; one more inventive than the other, but all of them lying libels put forward by people who have arrested their journalistic integrity for open partisan activism, even lying when it is necessary for them to slander the president and destroy his credibility.
The press will not tell you that the criticisms hurled against the president by Joe Biden is ridiculous in its face. Someone who has spent six months hiding in a bunker doing absolutely nothing has no right to criticize anyone about anything. Joe Biden has spent six months doing nothing, yet he and his running mate, Kamala Harris, waste no time to daily hurl criticisms of what President Trump has done to combat Wuhan-Corona Virus.
It is startling to see this, because neither Joe Biden nor Kamala Harris has done anything since the virus overtook this country. For them to have the unmitigated gall to criticize this president is the epitome of hypocrisy and vituperation. There is no shame anymore, either from the partisan press, or from congressional Democrats, or from their front runners for the White House.
This is why they have fielded the worst pair of candidates to ever run for office in this country’s history. They expect you to overlook this, disregard it, and cast your vote for them. Their expectations of you should be nothing more than an insult to your intelligence. You are being lied to and they actually believe that you are too dumb to know the difference.
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