Saturday, August 22, 2020



Joe Biden has never held a job; never ran a company; has never handled a payroll; has absolutely no idea how economics work – supply and demand, profit and loss, overhead and revenue; hasn’t the remotest idea how the average person lives and earns their living; has never managed a business, much less led a team, has no idea how the average person earns their living, nor has he ever managed a company.   Joe Biden has been on the wrong side of every issue that has come before him in his almost fifty years of “public service” but enrich himself and his sons (one of them passed away years ago).

And these people actually want US to believe that after forty-four years in public office, Joe Biden all of a sudden has acquired the ability to lead this country in his medicated and impaired cognitive state of being, and when he did have it and was at his mental and physical best fifty years ago?

How stupid do these people think we really are!?  Additionally, they want US to suspend our thinking and believe their fake polls – polls that only poll twenty-one percent of Republicans – and take these heavily skewed polls at face value?  This should insult every educated and informed adult out there.  But believe it or not, there are some low information voters – people who get their news from the alphabet broadcast and cable channels like MSNBC, CBS, ABC, CNN, NBC, and others – who actually believe the misinformation they’re being given by these channels.

The Democrats have absolutely nothing to offer.  They had eight years with Barack Obama and Joe Biden, and they failed to turn the economy around, reduced our military capability to pre-world war two levels, increased the number of people on Food Stamps, and ballooned the welfare rolls to levels surpassing those of the Carter years.  When the Democrats had the White House and control of congress, they did nothing with it but increase our taxes, prevent the development of the ANWR pipeline, restrict the coal industry and almost bankrupted it, promoted and funded failed alternative energy ventures such as Solyndra which costs tax payers half a billion dollars.[1]  Then there is the Affordable Care Act, otherwise known as Obamacare.  Every promise made to the American people were broken.  They were promised that insurance premiums and the cost of service would go down; they went up beyond most people’s ability to afford it.  They promised that a person could keep their physician, as soon as it was imposed, it mandated that all of those it covered could see only physicians that were part of its Network.  Now consider, Republicans during the Reagan era were accused by both press and Democrats of cutting the benefits of peoples’ entitlements, yet only he never cut these benefits, but slowed the rate of its growth.  But when Obama slashed almost a trillion dollars from Medicare to fund Obamacare, no one said a word.  The elderly and disabled and retired people he did this to suffered greatly from this cut, but no one heard about it because the fawning press turned a blind eye from it, and every alphabet soup channel on TV spiked the story.

All of these failed policies are now being regurgitated by Joe Biden, who plans to take them to greater extremes were he elected.  These policies are so patently absurd that most people simply find them difficult to believe, but eight years of Obama – Biden should confirm people’s worst fears and apprehensions about what these people plan to put in place.  We will cover this further on in more detail.


For the last four years, all they have done is to trash Donald Trump and his supporters, hoping continuous exposure to constant daily negative reporting about the president will stick, or at least, may sway their thinking and result favorably for the Democrats at the ballot box.  During their virtual convention, for four nights, the Democrats who spoke, spoke of only one thing; how much they loath and despise Donald Trump, and trash the country.

America has seen blacks elected to office in the congress and senate, as governors and mayors, and the first black president was elected then reelected to office.  But for four nights those who tuned in to view the virtual Democratic Convention were made to believe that we lived in a racially segregated America; a nation of the greatest injustices committed against its minorities; a dangerous land for people of color and minorities; a country so bigoted that it is almost impossible for any minority to get ahead.  The country every one of the Democrat politicians who spoke, described a nation no one would desire to live in.  The America these career politicians described would make people believe that we are a nation of racists and that the country is still suffering under the notorious Jim Crow Laws which segregated people by race, and were still requiring blacks to sit at the rear of buses, or segregating them and whites in separate buses and bathrooms.  Listening to them, one would believe we are still in the throes of injustice across the nation.

This was certainly reality to many of our people decades ago, but the nation has corrected these injustices and everyone but these career politicians have moved on.  The only injustice is in the minds of the twisted thinking of these politicians.  Today, all of America’s citizens enjoy the highest standard of living in the world.

Today, America has hundreds of black millionaires and millionaires of every ethnicity and place of natural origin.  In America today, one sees blacks and other minorities holding some of the highest and most prestigious positions in every profession, holding some of the highest ranks in our nation’s military and government.  No other country on earth can a poor black or Latino child grow up and succeed as they have in this country.  Today’s America is a model for other countries to emulate.  For this reason people from every country on earth seek to come here.  If America were anything close to resembling what these Democrats accuse it of being, no one would desire to come here.

It is obvious that these people are either consciously not telling you the truth, or they really believe what they are telling you about this country and believe Socialism is the way to change it.  Ironically, every one of them are extremely wealthy and live in the lap of luxury.
These people are obsessed with identity politics of race and accuse all others who do not see the country as they see it as racists, homophobes, bigots, white supremacists, Uncle Toms, and Nazis.

On May 22, 2020, radio host Lenard Larry McKelvey who calls himself Charlemagne the God, interviewed Joe Biden.  Towards the end of the interview, Charlemagne asked Biden to return to do another interview in their New York City studio in the future.  He told Biden, saying "we've got more questions for you."  Biden responded "You've got more questions?  Well, I tell you what, if you have a problem figuring out whether you're for me or Trump, then you ain't Black."

Charlemagne replied, "It don't have nothing to do with Trump.  It has to do with the fact that I want something for my community."  Republican senator Tim Scott (R – S.C.),[2] who is black, said that Biden's comment "is the most arrogant, condescending comment I've heard in a very long time."  Later that day, Biden apologized for the remarks on a phone call with the US National Black Chamber of Commerce, telling them that it was wrong for him to be such a "wise guy" and "cavalier" during the interview.  Days later, Biden accused Charlemagne of "being a wise guy and I responded in kind."

All Democrats have done is to oppose everything the president has proposed and offered that would help improve the American economy, bring jobs back to the people, and improve the people’s way of life.  So what has President Donald Trump done?  He has done it all himself without any help from the Democrats in congress, and even some resistance from the RINOs in his own party in the Senate.  The only thing that the Democrats and RINOs in Congress have given the president for four years is resistance and continuous baseless criticisms.

Their presumptive candidate for president, Joe Biden’s political career has nothing to speak for.  There is no legacy, but one of being on the wrong side of every issue and corruption – a political career of a typical swamp dweller.  Really, the man has absolutely nothing that one can say was an accomplishment or call a milestone.  The man has done nothing for the country in forty-seven years of “public service,” he certainly won’t do anything for it if elected.  Indeed, we will show what he will do and what it will do to the country and to every sector of society were he to be elected.

When a public servant cannot claim they’ve done anything substantive for the American people, they resort to attacking their opposition for their own failures and mistakes as today’s Democrats do.  They do this in order to sway public opinion away from the successes of their opponent, Donald Trump, and convince as many of it as possible of the opposite, even if this perception may not have any basis in reality.  It’s not important that Donald Trump has had amazing accomplishments while in office less than four years, and had been riding high before the Red Chinese Wuhan Covid-19 pandemic brought everything to a screeching halt.


The Democrats have spent the entirety of Donald Trump’s first term criticizing him and opposing him at every turn, yet if you hear them you would believe it has been Donald Trump who is to blame for dividing America.  Anyone who looks at their rhetoric and their actions and that of the media that supports Democrats over Republicans, to know the actual record of hatred and ad hominin attacks, and they have all been directed from the Democrats and their media allies against Donald Trump.

It is a matter of public record that on the day of Donald Trump’s inaugural, a large number of Democrats boycotted the peaceful transfer of power; a tradition that, until that day, had been observed by every member of government since the founding of the Republic. Sixty-two chose not attend, but stayed home through it.  Even before the president-elect was going to be sworn into office, these Democrats declared war against him and his administration and prepared to set the stage to conduct a seditious political civil war as a political party against the president and his party for the next four years.

Because these politicians possess a visceral hatred of Donald Trump as a person, they have done and said whatever they believe will discredit, defame, and destroy his reputation and presidency.  They also do this to make people hate him as much as they do with no reason why they should, except at least to make the public dislike Donald Trump so they might turn public opinion against him and vote for their candidates for congress and their inferior candidate for president, former Vice President Joe Biden.

We have seen almost four years of the Democrats’ work and it can only be summed up as a personal hatred and loathing of Donald Trump with every effort possible made to unseat him and destroy his presidency.  The Democrats have shown US that it is more important to them to destroy and hate Donald Trump as a person than it is to work with him and the Republicans to improve our standard of living.  In short one can define Democrat policy as “hate Donald Trump” and from this core, they have devoted all of the energies and attention.  This is what they have given the nation for the last four years.

For the four evenings held during the third week of August, the Democrats have given the nation a virtual convention that has subjected those that watched to the most vituperative discourse in political history from the leaders of the Democratic Party, who instead of focusing on the promises their candidate supposedly offers, instead spent almost their entire air time launching attack after attack against Donald Trump.

If there had been any truth to what they accused him of, there would be value to what they had to say, but because none of their accusations had any basis on reality, they gave the nation nothing but empty complaints and ad hominin negativity without any promise of policies which they would enact that would improve life in the US.

The same old faces were brought out with the same tired clichés and attacks and absolutely nothing that they said addressed such as the rise in crime in cities they control across the nation, the lawlessness that has overrun these cities, the looting, the shootings, the plight of their constituents and their economic plight as a result of Democrat governors shutting almost all commerce but a select few in their states.

The Democrats offered no solutions, no policies, and no hope, but spent four evenings telling the nation how racist it was, painting a dark and grim picture of it, and telling the nation why they had reason, in their opinion, the nation was in a new dark age.  If one were to believe them, they would have good reason to hate the country and try to leave it for good.

But if there is one thing that everyone can take from this is that the grim, dark, pessimistic view of America they describe is precisely how they see the country and why so many of those who support them are rioting in their streets and burning the flag of the United States.[3]  Indeed, if there is anything these career politicians have in common with the rioters and arsonists is that the America they see is a dystopian racist menace to mankind that must be fundamentally changed into the socialist paradise they envision, hope and work to bring into reality.

It is obvious that this is the reason they’ve stood aside and done nothing in the face of rioting and looting and the destruction of private property and police stations, but have even gone as far as to defund their police and many of their number to defend the occupy movements, the violence groups like Antifa, BLM, radical anarchists, and militant groups of all stripes and varieties.

They have also advocated the removal of many of the nation’s national monuments that – like it or not – have been a part of its history – both good and bad – which serve to show the world that though America is not a perfect country, it is one that has worked to correct its wrongs, improve the quality of life for its citizens, and become the standard for all nations to follow.

Yet when one hears these Democrat leaders speak it is plain that this is not the Democrat view of this country, but one in which America is described by them as the worst country in the world to live in.  For example on Saturday, August 22nd, in a fit of anger, Congressman James Clyburn (D- S.C.) made this appalling statement about the country as a guest on Neil Cavuto’s Fox News show, “What is the worst country in the world?  This is the worst country!

These are the words of a sitting Democrat US congressman.  These are the words which typify how his party – the Democratic Party – sees the country Democrats have taken an oath to serve.  James E. Clyburn has served as a Democrat congressman for South Carolina’s 6th congressional district since 1993; a total of twenty-seven years.  Obviously, the man has overstayed his “service” for far too long, and needs to be retired and replaced with another more worthy of the office he currently holds.  Why then should we be surprised that people who hold such views find the slogans, “Make America Great Again” – and “Keep America Great Again” offensive and racist?  The Democrats’ view of America certainly does not share in it, because to them, America was never great.  Governor Andrew Cuomo (D – NY) himself has said, “America was never great.”  Is it any wonder why their view of this country is so grim and negative?  Is it any wonder why they have convinced themselves that we are in a new dark age?  For anyone who believes this is the worst country it certainly would appear that way.
This is part one of a two, possibly, three part write-up on what the Democratic Party of the 2020 offers the American electorate, and what it will do to our nation and our way of life if they are elected this November.

[1] “Solyndra received a $535 million U.S. Department of Energy loan guarantee, the first recipient of a loan guarantee under President Barack Obama's economic stimulus program, the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009.  However, Solyndra officials used inaccurate information to mislead the Department of Energy in its application.  While the overall loan program was in the black in 2014, it took a $528 million loss from Solyndra.  Additionally, Solyndra received a $25.1 million tax break from California's Alternative Energy and Advanced Transportation Financing Authority.  SoloPower also received similar funding from the U.S. Department of Energy.”  From Wikipedia the Online Encyclopedia’s article titled, SOLYNDRA – JB
[2] “Timothy Eugene Scott (born September 19, 1965) is an American politician and businessman serving as the junior United States Senator for South Carolina since 2013.  A member of the Republican Party, Scott was appointed to the U.S. Senate by Governor Nikki Haley in 2013.  He retained his seat after winning a special election in 2014 and was elected to a full term in 2016.
“In 2010, Scott was elected to the United States House of Representatives for South Carolina's 1st congressional district, where he served from 2011 to 2013.  Previously, Scott served one term (from 2009 to 2011) in the South Carolina General Assembly and served on the Charleston County council from 1996 to 2008.”  From Wikipedia the Online Encyclopedia’s article titled, TIM SCOTT – JB

Since January 2017, Scott has been one of three African-Americans in the U.S. Senate, and the first to serve in both chambers of Congress.[4] Scott is currently the only African- American senator who is a member of the Republican Party. He is the first African-American senator from the state of South Carolina, the first African-American senator to be elected from the southern United States since 1881 (four years after the end of the Reconstruction era), and the first African-American Republican to serve in the U.S. Senate since Edward Brooke departed in 1979.
[3] One can travel the world and never see anyone burn the flag of their country.  Only in the United States are there people who hate the country, its flag, and what it stands for.  We see this kind of behavior from mobs of people in countries who oppose the US and wish to see it disappear from the planet, because it stands in the way of the fanatical mullahs and clerics among those who hate America.

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