The situation in the Middle East is getting worse by the day. The hordes of hell have busted wide open and let out their minions throughout the landscape of the Levant. Dozens of terror organizations are now actively engaged in every country of the region, Europe, and streaming through America’s southern borders as I write this. The current government in Washington DC refuses to uphold federal immigration laws that are already on the books for such purposes. But, this alone is not just what it is doing, oh no. It is actively pursuing through its Justice Department any state, or local government – anyone – who attempts to uphold the existing immigration laws in our books! This is an impeachable offense.
The Obama Administration, beginning with this president, swore an oath. The wording is specified in Article Two, Section One, Clause Eight:
Before he enter on the Execution of his Office, he shall take the following Oath or Affirmation:— “I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my Ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.”
This president and those within his government apparatus that he and his close associates have erected, have broken this oath. The oath of office contains within itself the guidelines which a sitting president has sworn to keep and is therefore binding upon him. This indicates that if he or any member of his government apparatus were to violate that law, this would constitute an impeachable offense, because it is a breach of his oath of office to keep such laws which are all binding under our national Constitution. This president and his government apparatus have violated their oath multiple times.
It is the responsibility of the United States House of Representatives, as it has oversight over such matters, to thoroughly investigate when and where and by whom these violations have occurred, and to take immediate action in preparing articles of impeachment and submitting them for a vote. But this congress, led by the current Speaker of the House, a Republican, has sworn that he will take no such action regardless how egregious the offense. Additionally, the US Senate under the current Leadership has signaled that it will not take any action, but stands with this president regardless of what law he is alleged to have violated. This is the corruption and complicity of a government that has turned its back on the US Constitution and the rule of law, and has replaced it with lawlessness and the chaos we now see in our economy, our domestic and foreign policies, and every aspect of our lives, as this government spirals out of control and America is transformed right before our eyes into a police state while our enemies are allowed to stream across our border unimpeded and unwatched, but even aided by the very agencies and people of our federal government tasked with protecting US from them! This is the abomination that calls itself the Obama nation.
While this administration allows the most ferocious terror group in the Middle East to take over large swaths of territory from the Iraqi government, it now arms the same group inside Syria! All the while members of the Muslim Brotherhood and CAIR, two groups with deep and close ties to Hamas, are now actively involved in the most sensitive levels of our federal government. They have now been given by this administration access to the most sensitive levels of our government and are in Homeland Security and several other agencies. All the while, this administration continues to openly and actively supply Hamas with money while they purchase arms to use against our ally Israel. And no one, absolutely no one has said anything about it in our press or done anything to investigate this in our congress!
Lost to all this is the human toll this terrorism from ISIS is posing for innocent families caught in the cross-fire between Sunni and Shiite Muslim factions vying for power, especially Christians who have been part of that region for two thousand years, and are now being openly looked for and summarily executed brutally by the terror faction called ISIS. Just now I received the following request for prayer from friends who know Christians in that region. This is what they say. I quote:
We recently received these two emails from missionary friends, one yesterday and one this morning. I pass it on so that people can pray specifically for our brothers and sisters.
This is so sad. A friend from Ohio just got a text message from her brother asking her to shower him and his parish in prayer.
He is part of a mission team and ISIS has taken over the town they are in today. He said ISIS is systematically going house to house to all the Christians and asking the children to denounce Jesus. He said so far not one child has. And so far all have consequently been killed. But not the parents. The UN has withdrawn and the missionaries on their own. They are determined to stick it out for the sake of the families - even if it means their own deaths. He is very afraid, has no idea how to even begin ministering to these families who have had seen their children martyred. Yet he says he knows God has called him for some reason to be His voice and hands at this place at this time. Even so, he is begging prayers for his courage to live out his vocation in such dire circumstances. And like the children accept martyrdom if he is called to do so. She asked me to ask everyone we know to please pray for them. These brave parents instilled such a fervent faith in their children that they chose martyrdom. Please surround them in their loss with your prayers for hope and perseverance. She was able to talk to her brother briefly by phone. She didn't say it but I believe she believes it will be their last conversation. Pray for her too. She said he just kept asking her to help him know what to do and do it. She told him to tell the families we ARE praying for them and they are not alone or forgotten -- no matter what. Her e mail broke my heart. Please keep all in your prayers. Thanks
This came this morning...
Just a few minutes ago I received the following text message on my phone from Sean Malone who leads Crisis Relief International (CRI). We then spoke briefly on the phone and I assured him that we would share this urgent prayer need with all of our contacts.
"We lost the city of Queragosh (Qaraqosh). It fell to ISIS and they are beheading children systematically. This is the city we have been smuggling food too. ISIS has pushed back Peshmerga (Kurdish
forces) and is within 10 minutes of where our CRI team is working. Thousands more fled into the city of Erbil last night. The UN evacuated it's staff in Erbil. Our team is unmoved and will stay. Prayer cover needed!"
Please pray sincerely for the deliverance of the people of Northern Iraq from the terrible advancement of ISIS and its extreme Islamic goals for mass conversion or death for Christians across this region.
May I plead with you not to ignore this email. Do not forward it before you have prayed through it. Then send it to as many people as possible. Send it to friends and Christians you may know. Send it to your prayer group. Send it to your pastor and phone him/her to pray on Sunday during the service - making a special time of prayer for this. We need to stand in the gap for our fellow Christians.
The following article I cited two years ago. The criminality in our government it describes is so large, so pervasive, so far-reaching and unprecedented that it is too big to believe exists, but it does. Right under our noses. And the American electorate once again, was bamboozled into reelecting Barack Hussein Obama to a second four year term so he may complete what he set out to do; fundamental and transformational change of the United States socio-economic order as well as the political and governmental order. Take note how uncannily accurate it was.
The Federal Reserve just released the results of a three-year study on household wealth, and the results are shocking ...
As of 2010, the typical U.S. household had the same net worth they had back in 1992.
That’s right. Even Washington admits that the recent financial crisis has already erased a staggering 39% of the average American’s wealth.
Think about it: 20 years of your hard work down the drain!
But what’s worse is that this wealth destruction is just a foreshadowing of what’s about to happen ...
Washington and Wall Street have now pushed America into THE LARGEST FINANCIAL BUBBLE EVER. And when this bubble bursts it will dwarf every other financial crisis in American history.
What is this unprecedented catastrophe? What should you be doing to protect your family right now?
After you’ve read what follows, go straight to the bottom, and the links to the answer to this question will be available to you to click to and obtain for yourselves.
I did not write the following, but I include it here for your reading because it typifies the bankster-run Obama Administration that has bankrupted America, disrupted the financial underpinnings of every American family, and has all but destroyed the hopes and aspirations of a generation of Americans and consigned it to pay for the largesse of megabank interests which put Obama in the White House with only a few months of having barely served his senate term – which he never finished – and having had absolutely no business or corporate experience whatsoever – a man who never knew how to do a budget, how to balance a checkbook, how to run a business, and how to manage.
One asks the question, “Would you hire anyone with such little or no experience to run a large corporation? Of course not! But how did this man get elected by forty-nine percent of the voting electorate? How was he even considered as a viable candidate to run at all? A person, any person with Obama’s lack of experience would never be hired to even manage a department store, let alone a corporation, but forty-nine percent of our fellow citizens voted for this man to run this country. And look where it has gotten US! Now he wants US to repeat the disastrous mistake of 208 and reelect him for a second term. I don’t know about you, but I’m not a masochist, and I don’t believe in self-punishment for a mistake made in the past by repeating the mistake. No, Obama can go home, and hopefully if there is justice in this country, be prosecuted on for the myriad crimes he has committed while in office for abusing the office of the presidency and for violation of US law.
Now, read the rest of the story and see for yourselves how deceptively evil this man and his policies are and what they have done to destroy the American dream, which Obama pays lip service to, but really despises with all of his heart for reasons that are interlocked with his Black Theological Quasi-Marxist/Quasi-Muslim Global World View. What you are about to read is but a tip a huge iceberg that this White House and this president has brought to bear upon the American electorate.
Against our own Constitution and the laws which protect our civil liberties and civil rights from federal encroachment and the abridgment of our liberties – be they religious, political, or communal – Obama has turned the Homeland Security apparatus from fighting terrorism world-wide to domestic spying and surveillance on the US public, with the deployment of tens of thousands of armed drones in the skies above every major American city, and every town, and farm, and individual property the government decides is an party of interest for its operations.
Against our Constitution and the laws of the land protecting our rights and civil liberties, Obama has signed the NDAA (National Defense Authorization Act) which grants our military in conjunction with various federal agencies to indefinitely incarcerate, interrogate, and kill if necessary, any American citizen without due process or habeas corpus. Obama signed this horrendous and un-Constitutional piece of legislation into law on December 31st, 2011, as he publicly expressed that he opposed the law, he privately met with members of his party endorsing the law and promising his signature if it passed congress. This is the kind of person who occupies the most important post in our federal government.
But there is more. Consider the following which is now in a best-selling book titled Amateur: Barack Obama in the White House Edward Klein, is a former New York Times and Newsweek editor.
According to a member of the Kennedy family, Obama dumped Caroline Kennedy and the Kennedy clan after their strong endorsement of him in his primary against Hillary in the 2008 Democratic Primaries.
The Rev. Jeremiah Wright now hates Obama and says the president offered Wright money to shut up about what he knows about Obama’s past.
Oprah Winfrey has effectively been “frozen out” of the White House by Obama’s wife and key aide Valerie Jarrett
Obama’s deception of the Jewish community goes beyond the pale, and now even his most ardent supporters now don’t trust him anymore.
The is a real and compelling reason why Obama’s top political and national security aides quit the White House early in his administration, and we are now beginning to see it come to pass – not just the multiple leaks and the reversals in public policies, but the pursuit of law suits against state and local governments for upholding existing immigration laws, while granting amnesty to illegal and undocumented foreigners within our borders; the cessation of surveillance of spies and terrorists within our borders and the misuse of such resources in deployments for domestic surveillance of American citizens.
While granting foreign terrorists more rights through Eric Holder’s Justice Department, Obama has put into action the systematic repression of law abiding citizens within the borders of the United States, and has in fact taken action accordingly against many through the confiscation of their property, unwarranted incarcerations, police state tactics and the misuse of special operations disguised as state and county officials to conduct raids upon unsuspecting businesses, farmers, and homes, according to some sources; operations which have gone unreported by the press because it has decided to censor such news and spike them in an election year they hope will bring Obama’s reelection.
There is so much that is happening, and it is so over the top, that it is barely believable that such things are occurring to people here in this country. Now read some of the other things this man has done, and pray that enough people know just how dangerous he is, and on election night go out and vote him out of office once and for all. He is nothing but a dangerous criminal working for the interests of some very powerful, very rich interests, who convinced enough people to vote for him in 2008, and who maneuvered the markets to crash just in time to put him into the Oval Office by scaring enough of the people into believing the Madison Avenue hype of “Hope and Change” and “Not Another Four Years of George W. Bush” – even though one could not find two more different people than Bush and McCain and anyway, Bush wasn’t running; McCain was – but the propaganda was enough to convince the ignorant and scared public to vote for this inexperienced junior senator from one of the most corrupt districts of one of the most corrupt cities in one of the most corrupt states with the most corrupt political machinery in the country – and they catapulted him into the White House. The rest is now history, but we are all feeling it and seeing it with the dozens of scandals and kickbacks this administration is getting from various programs originally designed to help, but turned into cash cows and money laundering schemes used by the Obama Reelection Political Machinery and kept quiet by the Obama press corps. Now for the rest of the story:
MIAMI BEACH, Fla. – With great fanfare, President Obama signed Executive Order 13519 on Nov. 17, 2009, establishing a Financial Fraud Enforcement Task Force to be led by Attorney General Eric Holder with the aim of prosecuting fraud and recovering assets in the economic debacle that began one year earlier.
In 2010, the Mortgage Fraud Working Group organized under the executive order issued its first annual report, boasting that the number of mortgage fraud defendants charged by the U.S. Attorneys’ Offices more than doubled from 526 in fiscal year 2009 to 1,235 in fiscal year 2010. A similar increase was reported in the number of mortgage fraud cases charged, going from 267 in 2009 to 656 in 2010.
However, WND research has demonstrated that the mortgage fraud cases pursued by Holder’s Department of Justice have typically targeted homeowners charged with making fraudulent loan applications. Largely ignored are the financial institutions that made the loans and prominent Democrat donors and colleagues of Obama administration officials.
High friends in high places
As WND has previously reported, Holder has overlooked possibly fraudulent “loan to own” equity recapitalization loans Credit Suisse made to some 15 or more luxury resorts or to various principles involved in the transactions, including supermarket billionaire Ron Burkle, a long-time Democratic Party operative with a history of providing financial support to top Democrats, including Bill and Hillary Clinton.
WND has also reported that Credit Suisse is a client of the Washington-based law firm that Holder left as a partner to become attorney general and Lanny Breuer left as a partner to head of the Justice Department criminal division under Holder.
The firm, Covington & Burling, represents “a Who’s Who of big banks and other companies at the center of alleged foreclosure fraud,” Reuters reported Jan. 20.
In addition to Credit Suisse, they include Bank of America, Citibank, JP Morgan Chase, Wells Fargo & Co. and at least one other bank among the top 10 largest mortgage servicers.
Holder prosecutes mom and pop
On Feb 19, 2011, New York Times Op-Ed writer Joe Nocera lamented that Holder and the Justice Department had decided not to prosecute Angelo R. Mozilo, the high-flying former CEO of Countrywide Financial, one of the mortgage lending firms most responsible for the continuing mortgage crisis.
“Hundreds of billions of dollars have been lost by investors while millions of borrowers have lost their homes,” Nocera wrote, recalling that Mozilo sold $140 million in Countrywide stock while his company was failing. “Few of the people who ran the institutions that contributed to the disaster have been found liable.”
On March 25, 2011, Nocera contrasted the kind treatment Mozilo received at the hands of Holder’s DOJ with the experience of 48 year-old Charlie Engle. Engle caught the attention of Robert W. Nordlander, an IRS special agent, after movie actor Matt Damon financed a documentary film titled “Running the Sahara,” featuring Engle’s ultra-marathon challenge.
Convinced Engle was understating his taxes, Nordlander resorted to a dumpster dive for records Engle may have thrown away, unwilling to believe that all Engle earned from the documentary was $30,000.
Still unsatisfied, Nordlander hired an attractive female undercover agent to meet Engle and see if she could entice him into making admissions.
Engle’s crime, for which Holder’s U.S. Attorneys sent him to prison as a felon, was that he took out a “liar loan,” overstating his income.
“Charlie has always insisted that he never filled out the loan document – his mortgage broker did it, and he was actually a victim of mortgage fraud,” Nocera wrote in yet another editorial on Richard Engle, published June 1, in which he noted the broker later pleaded guilty to another mortgage fraud.
“Indeed, according to a recent court filing by Charlie’s lawyer, the government failed to turn over exculpatory evidence that could have helped Charlie prove his innocence.”
Nocera’s conclusion: “For whatever inexplicable reason, prosecutors really wanted to nail Charlie Engle. And they did.”
Another “small fry” touted by the DOJ in November 2009 as part of a Holder surge in mortgage fraud prosecutions was Lakeisha Gates.
In 2007, Gates worked as a clerk at a small brokerage firm in St. Petersburg, Fla.
Allegedly at the behest of the owners of the firm, Gretchen and Eric Scott, Gates acted as the nominee purchaser at grossly inflated values for two properties the Scotts owned. She misrepresented on the loan application that she made $5,000 per month as the vice president of a catering company.
Gates obtained a mortgage for $300,000, which soon defaulted. For her participation in the deal, Gates earned $10,000.
She pleaded guilty to federal mortgage fraud charges and agreed to testify against the Scotts, who she said put her up to it. The Scotts were charged with a conspiracy to commit bank and wire fraud.
When the Mortgage Fraud Working Group boasts of prosecuting mortgage fraud, the cases typically involve individual borrowers who had lied or otherwise committed fraud by obtaining mortgages on one or more properties.
Those the Obama administration allows to walk free are the likes of Angelo Mozilo, who built an empire making highly inflated mortgages based on questionable appraisals to lenders who were never properly credit-qualified. Mozilo amassed a fortune that enabled him to pay a $67.5 million fine to settle Securities and Exchange Commission fraud charges without appreciably denting his massive net worth.
WND has previously reported how Countrywide Financial Group gave preferential “friends of Angelo Mozilo” loans to Democrats Franklin Raines and James Johnson, who each made millions personally while holding executive positions in Fannie Mae amid the irresponsible mortgage activities each directed to the ultimate detriment of the taxpayer.
Nocera’s conclusion was that the Justice Department has taken after “the smallest of small fry – and then trumpeted these prosecutions of how tough it is on mortgage fraud.”
He wrote: “It is a shameful way for the government to act.”
‘The fix is in’
WND has previously reported that Edra Blixseth, the former spouse of Tim Blixseth, the founder of Yellowstone Club, has teamed with Ron Burkle, the supermarket billionaire who was a major donor to Hillary Clinton in her 2008 presidential campaign.
Mike Flynn, attorney for Tim Blixseth, has explained to WND his reasons for believing Burkle used his political connections with Holder and Breuer to quash criminal investigations regarding Edra Blixseth.
“The Holder/Breuer-controlled Justice Department quashed the entire investigation; they declared the Yellowstone Club ‘off limits,’ and even the ‘connected’ bankruptcy judge Ralph Kirscher, who declared Edra exonerated and discharged from all liability,” Flynn told WND.
“The Holder DOJ and Judge Kirscher made the decisions to sweep away the pending Montana Yellowstone Club investigation and proposed indictment of Edra Blixseth in the face of the documented, irrefutable evidence,” he said.
Flynn provided WND evidence of a series of questionable loans and various financing attempts to gain ownership of the Yellowstone Club at prices deeply under market undertaken by Edra Blixseth, beginning in June 2007. The transactions resulted in millions of dollars of defaulted loans. Meanwhile, Blixseth, Burkle, various hedge fund investors and Credit Suisse ended up owning the Yellowstone Club for under $10 million.
“Some of the loan documents, Edra Blixseth used to commit this massive fraud or so grossly false on their face for tens of millions of dollars, that it makes the Edra Blixseth case appear to be a cover-up resulting from rank cronyism or worse,” Flynn said.
Flynn told WND his office provided the Obama-appointed Montana U.S. Attorney with documentary evidence proving that while Edra Blixseth was signing perjured loan documents with banks, she was contemporaneously signing sealed affidavits in her divorce reciting the opposite of what she was stating to the banks – in both instances to obtain millions of dollars in her divorce and tens of millions from the banks.
“Tens of millions of dollars of the Edra Blixseth loans have never been paid to creditors or accounted for,” Flynn said.
“Burke and Sam Byrne of the Boston-based hedge fund CrossHarbor Capital Parthers have ended up with $800 million in Blixseth assets, while the Democratic bankruptcy judge has swept all the documentary evidence under the rug. Judge Kirscher has discharged Edra Blixseth, and the Holder/Breuer DOJ has quashed all criminal investigation as ‘off limits.’
One can one say about a Commander in Chief and his government apparatus that commits the following acts as the world blows wide open with conflicts of every type committed openly by historic enemies of this nation and its allies in every corner of this planet, while the Executive Branch of our government sits idly by and either ignores what is going on, or worse, gives standing orders to allow these things to happen without aiding either long-standing allies of our nation, or Americans in harm’s way whose life depends on immediate proactive action requiring a split second decision on the part of this president and his government?
Let me begin by asking the reader to consider this question – what would you think an enemy of the United States do were he/she given full access and power over the reins of our government – both military and civilian for eight full years? What would they do with that much power, access, influence, and opportunity? How would they conduct themselves while in office? What would we expect from them with regards to our national security? With regards to our allies? With regards to our enemy? With regards to how we treat enemy combatants, terrorists, and saboteurs?
Would we expect a rogue Commander in Chief’s Attorney General who heads the Department of Justice to reverse standing orders on the FBI’s intelligence gathering of foreign potential terror cells within the US, and order them to “stand down,” and close all current operations throughout the country? Of course we would, and this is precisely what the Obama Justice Department is reported to have done almost immediately after Obama took his first oath of office in 2009.
Would we expect a rogue Commander in Chief to order that the world’s most bloodthirsty and notoriously dangerous terrorists incarcerated in Gitmo, Cuba, be released for a traitor who went AWOL, converted to Islam, and gave the Taliban critical information against his own military? Obama did this.
Additionally; would we expect that while President Obama appeared to the world to have been caught off guard by the growth and expansion of ISIS, who would have anticipated that he would on this information sit over a year he had been receiving concerning ISIS in detailed briefs, and done nothing to neutralize it as it gained strength and control of vast regions of Iraq, even after the Iraqi Prime Minister requested help in defending Mosul!? Who also would have anticipated this behavior? And that a complicit media would not report it?
Would we expect a rogue Commander in Chief allow members of the radical Muslim Brotherhood to be appointed to the most sensitive positions of our military industrial complex? Give them free access to the most sensitive information? Appoint them as our “eyes and ears” on the Middle East as advisors to the Pentagon, the DHS (Department of Homeland Security), the White House, the CIA, and every branch of our government that oversees our national security, including ICE? Well, Barack Obama has done precisely this.
Upon hearing that eleven commercial aircraft had been confiscated in a foreign nation, now controlled by radical Jihadists, with another commercial aircraft considered “lost at sea,” but without evidence to make that determination, and with evidence that the aircraft had been commandeered and taken to a location somewhere in Pakistan; would our Commander in Chief have his Office of Management and Budget approve a controversial DHS rule to ease the way for Libyans to attend US flight schools on September 4th tomorrow, after the fact; knowing full well that the proposed rule would “lift the longstanding prohibition on Libyans coming to the US to attend flight school, to work in the aviation maintenance or flight operations, or to study and seek training in nuclear science” – rules that had been put in place in the 1980s after a wave of Libyan terrorism? Well, Barack Hussein Obama has done precisely this. House Republicans say the ban ought to stay in place. I agree, don’t you?
Much if the information I am getting is from people who know or have loved ones who are serving in our military overseas. I have just learned that all military files are being scrutinized. Those serving in the Middle East have been informed that upon their return, they will be discharged from the service. The current administration recently fired two hundred generals and admirals of flag rank; that is the men and women in the highest levels of every branch of our military. I am hearing from people who have relatives in our armed forces that morale is at the lowest they’ve seen in decades, and that this government is going back fifteen twenty years to find anything they can use to fire career military officers and enlisted personnel at a whim. The situation is extremely unstable within our armed forces right now.
There are reports of part of the litmus tests for remaining or firing is whether or not if given the order to fire on American civilians, they will carry this order to the letter. Those who have indicated that they will not, have been fired, and those who have assented to this order have not only remained, but they have been promoted and reassigned to critical and sensitive areas of our government.
Many of my readers will remember that some years back I mentioned I that during our vacation, my wife and I met someone who had high contacts within Naval Intelligence, because he had served in the US Navy during the Korean and Viet Nam Wars as part of the Navy’s UDT (Underwater Demolition Teams) that is the equivalent of today’s Seal Teams. This is what they were called at one time. Don’t know if they still refer to them that way. But because he had served on many clandestine operations during both wars, he had through the years established good contacts within the highest levels of Naval Intelligence. Through the years, even after leaving the service, he kept in touch with these people, and they kept him well informed on events and governments. Because anyone who has served in the military remains on active or inactive ready reserves, and this gentleman had served in and operated on many classified missions behind enemy lines during the Korean War, he and his Naval colleagues and superiors remained in good contact with each other.
What they told him about Barack Obama’s government apparatus that his people were erecting within our government would make one’s hair stand on end. They told him things that Obama was doing that would’ve caused any other president to be removed from office, but that these military men could not reveal these to the nation because of their fear it would cause race riots across the country, and the nation was already splintered as it was by the Trayvon Martin incident and other such incidents which race hucksters such as Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, and Louis Farrakhan had used to stoke the fires of racial animosity and revolution before. So they kept this damnable information about Obama’s activities and his colleagues in his administration to themselves. I believe it now, as I believed then, that this was a fatal mistake. As it were, it cost them their jobs. Before they could do anything about it, they were summarily fired one by one, or forced to retire, though they still had years of active service left to their country. Is it any wonder then, that after the removal of literally hundreds of senior top echelon officers from the military and their replacement by political appointees hand-picked by this corrupt administration, we read headlines such as, REPORT: Navy sailors harbor widespread distrust of senior leadership... Complain of excessive political correctness...?
I have lived over fifty-seven years and have seen many governments come and go; good ones and bad ones. But I have never seen any government the likes of which is this one – perhaps the most lawless and corrupt that I’ve ever witnessed in my lifetime. This current regime in Washington D.C. is a reproach and a judgment upon our nation, I am convinced of that, and what the people wanted in 2012 now the people have, and there is nothing they can do at this point to stop it, because it is determined to stay in power and to bring the nation down with it if the people revolt. The complicit two party congress is 100 per cent with this administration and it will do whatever it thinks is necessary to also stay in power. Unless the people in masses turn out at the polls this November and vote the bulk of these people out of office for good, we are finished as a free and independent nation.
I do know however, that since the time both books have been released, and in spite of continual warnings given by key men of God whom He has raised to warn His body and the nation – men like Rabbi Cahn, Mark Biltz, Ravi Zacharias, Dr. Michael Brown, Franklin Graham, Pat Robertson, Anne Lutz Graham, Dr. James Dobson, Dr. Charles Stanley, Dr. Chuck Swindoll, Dr. James MacDonald, John Loeffler, Chris Pinto, Jan Markell, Dr. Robert Jeffress, Eric Barger, Dr. Irwin Lutzer, and many others – too many to be named here – while charlatans and phony religious telemarketers appear to be increasing in number and in wealth.
The Church and the Synagogue today is polluted with homosexual ordinations, Post-Modern liberal theology, false materialism prosperity gimmicks, and extreme hyper-pharisaic ambulance chasing heresy witch hunts, as well as more and more celebrity pastors amassing great wealth for themselves as God’s people suffer the ravages of this Depression. Compromise is the rule of the day, even compromise of the most fundamental sacredly held beliefs our faith, as we see the Vatican and some Evangelicals, as well as some liberal Jewish denominations uniting ecumenically into a universal pantheon of faiths. Jesus even prophetically asked if He would find the faith upon His return to planet earth (Luke 18:8). Biblical illiteracy is now the norm in America’s Evangelical churches, and few can articulate from the Scriptures the fundamentals of their faith. Since the truth is compromised in the name of “unity” Chrislam – a sort of synergy between Christianity and Islam is being promoted by the Post Modern and Emergent Churches.
Our government is lawless and corrupt, our national leaders self-serving and out of touch with their electorate, the electorate itself is ill-informed and misinformed, as it is over-medicated, over-entertained and bored with a multiplicity of cable channels, Internet, electronic gadgets, video games and I-Phones, and yet are the most ignorant people in memory. The same illiterate, dysfunctional, and godless low information voter keeps reelecting the same corrupt officials election after election, and in most of our cities, have generations long political machineries which guarantee the same political dynasties keep getting elected to office over and over again.
For decades we have been beset with individuals who have never held a job in their life, but whom once in elected to office, have passed legislation that has proven harmful to our nation’s economy and its small business, who hire the bulk of its workforce. We are experiencing the effects directly in our pocketbooks. Gasoline at the pump is at an all-time high; food at the grocery store and supermarket is at an all-time high; energy to keep our homes cool in the summer and warm in the winter is at an all-time high; goods and services are at an all-time high; the cost of medical care is at an all-time high; the cost of pharmaceuticals is at an all-time high, while wages, real wages have not grown in real terms in wages, except for the top one percent.
While Joe Biden admits what Obama denies and continues to neglect – the economy – admitting that “the economy is not growing because the ‘Ordinary’ people have no money in their pockets” – he misses the mark by confessing that he and the president are directly responsible for causing this problem in the first place, with the government’s onerous over-regulation and over-taxation of small and mediums sized businesses, and their complicit aid to corporations that outsource American jobs overseas; something that the complicit news media has all but ignored. Ask the families whose loved ones lost their jobs to Asians when their departments were moved to India and China and other places – all places Obama and key industry leaders visited in preparation for this “quiet” exodus of American labor some years back.
Yes, Obama and Biden have worked very hard to make sure that the wage earner is bereft of his/her only means of earning a living – their job. And they’ve done a grand old job of that; so good in fact, that the “official” jobless number of people in this land dwarfs the population of many nations across the planet. What a job Obama and Biden have done to their fellow Americans! And now, Biden wants to pretend that he is on our side, just as he’s done all through his misbegotten career. Hogwash! Beware of the lying politician who pays lip service to the average wage earner while stabbing him in the back by taking his job away from him through outsourcing.
Obama has never had a job in his life, never owned a business, never had to do a budget, never conducted commerce - either wholesale or retail, never paid a bill, never managed a business, let alone a corporation, even less, a nation! How did anyone think in their wildest dreams that he would be fit to lead this nation? How
could so many people be fooled into voting for this person? Half of our nation, comprised of what is commonly known and called “low information voters” did, and they reelected him for a second term to help him finish what he set out to do with his first – “fundamentally change the United States of America” as he promised.
Another abomination is now witnessed in our land. For the first time in the history of the human race, a national leader, indeed what is called today, a world leader – the president of the United States – has publicly redefined the meaning of marriage away from the universally accepted biblical God-given model of a union of a male and a female adult a homosexual union of members of the same sex; even overturning existing laws such as DOMA – the Defense of Marriage Act, defining and protecting under Constitutional Law the union of a man and a woman in holy matrimony. NOT ONLY HAS THIS NEVER BEEN SEEN IN THIS COUNTRY, BUT IT HAS NEVER BEEN WITNESSED AT ANY TIME IN HUMAN HISTORY! THIS CURRENT PRESIDENT HAS BROKEN PRECEDENT WITH EVERY NATIONAL LEADER IN HISTORY, PERHAPS THOSE OF THE ANCIENT CITIES OF SODOM AND GOMORRAH!
Now this new redefinition imposed by presidential decree – otherwise known as – executive order – is being imposed by this president. He is using the power of his presidency to unilaterally enforce acceptance of this on this society through the threat of civil action for anyone who does not comply with his mandates. It is now being implemented and imposed by law at all levels of our federal, state, and local governments, including all branches of our military. And because it is agenda-driven and political in nature, it is even being imposed and enforced in the private sector across this country, as major corporations rush enact this mandate on its workforce, as they fall in lockstep to the politically-correct LGBT Obama-driven Agenda. Because of this president’s rulings, Congress Hires Its First Openly Transgender Staffer..., an unheard thing just some years ago, or at any previous time in our nation’s history. These people are not just imposing this on the rest of the population, they’re enforcing it by law across the nation as well. According to a Commission: the Pentagon will let transgenders into military, 15,500 secretly serve...!
We continue to abort our innocents at record numbers, and have now aborted approximately between 55 and 60 million innocents since Roe v. Wade decision by the US Supreme Court. In recent years we have witnessed a horror in our land unseen at any other time in our history, the willful and premeditated murder of our unborn up to the third trimester, making infanticide a “normal” medical procedure across our nation.
There is more blood of innocent life on this country than in any other in history. We have killed more unborn babies than any other nation in history. And we have done this as the Church has stood aside and done little if nothing about it, even electing the same politicians who have compromised with those promoting it.
As I write this, Sharia Law is coming to a neighborhood near you. Yes, read correctly, Sharia Law is being imposed across the country in various municipalities controlled by Democrats and RINO Republicans whose communities have growing numbers of Muslims. This White House has displayed a growing affinity towards Islam, and Islamist causes across the planet. A leading Messianic Jewish Evangelical leader who follows Biblical Eschatology and current trends in our nation and around the world gives some US some sobering numbers where she writes:
“Is Islam in prophecy? There are 1.6 billion Muslims in the world -- 23% of the world's population. There are about 3,500,000 Muslims in America and 43,000,000 in Europe. Experts suggest there are over 100,000,000 radical Muslims and that number is likely low. There are at least 250,000 radical Muslims in America. I live among some of them in Minnesota. They are continually being caught in terrorist activity in the U.S. and abroad. And they are joining ISIS on a daily basis.”
Jan Markell: Islam and God's End-Time Plan
When Barack Hussein Obama took his oath of office as president of the United States, he broke trust with the American people, and violated that oath, because according to a leading CIA source: Obama switched sides in America’s War on Terror. And he and his government apparatus have become increasingly brazen in their open expressions of bias favoring Islamizing American society and culture. A recent headline reads, Obama Praised Muslim Cleric who Endorsed Fatwa Against American Troops... Now let me ask, when has anyone heard of a sitting American president praising a radical cleric who has declared “Jihad” – “holy war” against the troops who serve under him? Whom does Obama serve? What is he up to? Who’s side is he on? has also recently reported the following. I quote:
“On Sunday, President Obama and First Lady Michelle released a statement thanking Muslim Americans for their many “achievements and contributions… to building the very fabric of our nation and strengthening the core of our democracy.”
“The comments were made to mark the celebration of Eid-al-Fitr, a time of spiritual renewal for Muslims which comes at the end of the month-long fast of Ramadan. The Obamas said in their statement that Eid “celebrates the common values that unite us in our humanity” and “welcomed their commitment to giving back to their communities.” The International Business Times reports that during Eid, Muslims join in Islamic prayer, while saying "Allahu Akbar," or "God is Great," and feasting.
“The statement further reads that the administration “wishes Muslims in the United States and around the world a blessed and joyous celebration.” The letter ended with salutation of “Eid Mubarak,” which roughly means “blessed celebration.””
MY COMMENT: As he is not facing another election for president, Barack Hussein Obama is becoming more brazen and daring in his public statements and in his actions and behavior. Born Again Evangelicals who study the Scriptures and have a keen sense and discernment of trends and people in our government at the time of his first election warned that though a segment of Evangelicalism had embraced Obama and were schooling him in the terminology of the Christian Right in order to woo them and gain their confidence, and presumably their votes; there was no evidence that Obama himself was a Christian, and in fact, all evidenced showed (to those who investigated his past) that he was brought up by in the religion of Islam from an early age, and identified with Islam since that time, and that his association with the radical extreme Far-Left Marxist Trinity United Church of Christ in Chicago, was for convenience as he was moving up in political action within the Democrat Party at the local and state level, and was active in what is known in Marxist circles as “Direct Action” – the active involvement of radicalizing a local community in protests, sit ins, boycotts, and other activities advocated by Saul Alinski, Obama’s mentor.
In fact, both Islam and Black Liberation Theology fit well with Obama’s Marxist ideology, because both could serve his purposes of deconstructing American institutions, and destabilizing whole regions across the world, particularly in the Levant, where Obama has been fomenting instability through wars of national liberation using Islam (which predominates that region) as a means to overthrow friendly governments and replace them with Islamist ones. All of his half-hearted fulminations against Islamist extremists hide the fact that Obama’s government has been supplying those radicals with arms and money behind the scenes.
When a nation is in the advance stages of judgment, God allows it to have leaders who reflect the general population’s apathy and antipathy towards God and His Word. The majority of our elected officials are among the most corrupt and lawless our nation has ever known. The barbarians are no longer at our gates, they are in our government and all across our society.
Obama does as he pleases in his presidency, while a corrupt and apathetic congress and senate sit idly by and allow him to do as he pleases, because they knew that he would use the power of the IRS – as he did against all conservative organizations across the country – to audit them and indict and bring criminal prosecutorial action against them for their corrupt activities and union with the large multinational corporations, as these fed them inside information about acquisitions they were about to make before they made them – and they would be up for charges of “insider trading” – a federal crime which would result in almost all of both houses of congress being sent to jail. For example, there’s a news flash just across the screen. It says, BREITBART NEWS TARGET OF IRS AUDIT... Folks, this is not made up, it’s happening for real, and it’s happening over and over again to conservatives.
Members of both political parties are up to their ears and beyond in this, and Obama knows it and it is his leverage against impeachment. So he does what he pleases with impunity as they sit and do nothing, and let him have his way, and the nation’s laws and institutions – which they are sworn to defend, obey, and protect – are taken down one by one by this imperial president with delusions of grandeur.
As America continues to be penetrated on all levels by its enemies from within, its spiritual, religious, moral, institutional, cultural, societal, financial, and military decline are accelerating at more rapid paces than ever in its history. We are witnessing not just the end of an era – the American Era – we are witnessing the end of the United States as a moral agent for good in the world, because our leaders can no longer articulate what is right from wrong as they have abandoned its friends and embraced its enemies; and while this is occurring, we are also witnessing its leadership role as an economic and military power increasingly decline and diminish right before our eyes.
It is ironic that as our government has become stronger and grown in Washington against its own people, the nation has weakened and lost its significance abroad, and this has only served this nation’s and what used to be its allies’ enemies overseas, as it sees weakness and vacillation, corruption and duplicity as hallmarks of its foreign and domestic policies. There is no integrity or transparency with this government.
The White House is now open to people, groups, and organizations that are hostile to the interests of this nation and of its allies throughout the world, but particularly Middle East. It now welcomes representatives of terrorist organizations such as Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood and members of the Muslim Brotherhood and radical Anti-American and Anti-Semitic Jihadists from the Muslim Brotherhood and organizations such as CAIR (Council of American Islamic Relations) now serve as “advisors” in almost every sensitive branch of our government and military-industrial complex. The Holy Land Foundation trial years ago revealed that CAIR is an organ of Hamas, and Hamas is part of the Muslim Brotherhood. Members of these entities are now in key sensitive positions of this government. Al Jazeera Television is now available to every home across this country, transmitting Pro-Jihadist propaganda across this land.
Though we are continuously told by this government and its government-controlled-media interests that we have been in a “recovery” since late September, 2009, there are since 2012 109,631,000 Americans on Welfare..., (besides that number, as of September 5th, 2014 a record number of 92,269,000 AMERICANS NOT WORKING) and the numbers continue to increase, with half of the populace in the US untaxed and out of work. Some have been out of work for so long that they are “off the radar,” and have all but given up trying to find work in this so-called “recovery.”
Our economy is not expanding as, as we are being told by the government-media complex, but it is actually in contraction, and has been in steady contraction since Elul 29, 2008, the day the stock market sustained the greatest single day collapse in its history, dropping 777 in one day, and plunging our economy into recession. Our dollar continues to decline in value. Two years ago a twenty pound bag of rice costs $6 dollars, today the same bag of rice sells for well over $13 dollars. Though our government continues to claim that inflation is under control and tame, the cost of food and energy, two areas that at one time were used in measuring inflation, but no longer are, have sky-rocketed in recent years.
A record number of Americans are continuing to lose their homes to foreclosure, while the government help is too little, too late, and has only really helped less than one percent of those affected have been able to keep their properties. 29.2 percent are in pre-foreclosure, 23.7 percent are now bank-owned, while 47.1 percent are already in Auction, with the Top 5 States leading the nation in foreclosures being:
1 in every 469
1 in every 553
1 in every 639
1 in every 747
1 in every 839
Nationwide, foreclosures are currently running at 1 in every 1203 homes are being foreclosed upon. And if you believe things are bad in real estate, you haven’t seen the unemployment figures as of late. The Bureau of Labor Statistics’ shocking new numbers reveal that 20 percent of American families do not have a single person that is working. As one pundit put it, “So when someone tries to tell you that the unemployment rate in the United States is about 7 percent, you should just laugh. One-fifth of the families in the entire country do not have a single member with a job. On top of that, nearly 50 million people are actively receiving food assistance – fully one in six Americans. Yet, the stock market hit all time highs just this week.”
The signs of continued and more severe judgment are all around us; the loss of national sovereignty, the imposition of a police state, the militarization of our law enforcement and local police, an explosion of government and federal regulation, our dissolving borders, mass invasions of illegal undocumented aliens streaming into our country, while a corrupt federal government enforces a policy of non-enforcement of our already standing immigration laws, even brazenly in violations of those laws, providing safe conduct for hundreds of thousands of these illegals into our metropolitan centers across the country (key predominantly Democrat-controlled areas, as well as so-called “red states” targeted by the DNC to become blue.
It is both fitting and providential that as we are seeing all of the above, we are also witnessing the most incredible things in nature and in our universe. And with the substantial advances made in the fields of medicine, anthropology, neuroscience, forensics, astrophysics, and archeology, we now have incontrovertible evidence of the Bible’s historical accuracy, inspirational properties. These advances have enabled us for the first time to accurately take measures right down to the nono-level, right into the DNA building blocks. And with the aid of nanotechnology, we are now able to study and build a wealth of data that has confirmed God’s Word. What appeared as myths and old wives tales to many before has now become reality now with the aid of this technology, we are able to understand things that only fifty years ago were distinct impossibilities.
An amazing occurrence is happening right before our eyes; Elul 29 falls precisely on the night of Rosh Hashanah, or Erev Rosh Hashanah, with the first day of the Feast of Trumpets being ushered in on the night of Elul 29! On that evening Observant Jews and Jewish believer and Messianic Gentiles will be gathered in every synagogue, Messianic synagogue, and observant church in every nation under heaven all across this planet to usher in the year 5775 with the blast of their Shofars – or trumpets. It falls on Wednesday, September 24, 2014.
One of the marvelous signs that we are witnessing right before our eyes is the mystery of the Blood Moons. These moons are not only occurring with two falling on specific Hebrew Holy Days this year – Passover (just passed earlier this year) and on the Feast of Tabernacles this October 8th – Tishrei 14th, 2014, with the next Blood Moon falling on the night of Friday, April 3rd marking Pesach – Nissan 14, precisely on a Jewish Sabbath - SHABBAT, but will continue through to Saturday night, April 4, 2015 – Nissan 4th, when the Feast of First Fruits (April 5th through 10th/Nissan 16th through 11th) will be ushered in (remember, the Hebrew calendar is Lunar, so the day begins at sundown), the significance of this is that Passover which falls on Nissan 14 precedes the Blood Moon which will appear the next evening at sundown – that is, on Saturday night! Passover ushers in the Feast of Unleavened Bread, beginning that Sabbath (Friday night) at sundown!
The final Blood Moon in this Tetrad (four) will be preceded by Erev Sukkot (Eve of the Feast of Tabernacles) on the evening of that Sunday - THE LORD’S DAY – at sundown on September 27th, 2015 – Tishrei 14, and this final Blood Moon will occur precisely on Monday night the following day which will usher in THE SECOND DAY OF THE FEAST OF TABERNACLES at sundown on Monday night Tishrei 15. Tishrei 16, the Second Day of the Feast of Tabernacles will begin Monday night at sundown. This will be the FINAL BLOOD MOON in this Tetrad of four Blood Moons between the years 2014/5775 and 2015/5776. All of these are signs. They are not occurring by themselves, and no one has purposely manipulated them into someone’s calendar. They are ordained from on high and by the One who holds our destiny in His providential hand of grace in the Lord Yeshua the Messiah.
Thanks to my buddy ALLEN B. (US Army Retired) for this one:
There are some things you can do to escape a rioting mob:
1. Identify (And Avoid) The Agitators.
If the crowd starts to become hostile, you’ll quickly notice who are the “agitators.” These are the ones who are louder and more vocal than the others. These people drive the mob on.
Stay as far away from them as possible, because they’ll likely be at the epicenter of violence once the crowd has been triggered into escalating the unrest.
2. Avoid Law Enforcement.
If riot-control police or military personnel respond to the crowd, work your way to areas of the crowd as far away from these personnel as you can get. The average riot control cop or soldier does not know (or care) if you’re one of the violent ones. In their adrenaline surge and sense of self-protection, the baton doesn’t discriminate.
Put as much of the crowd between you and these personnel to avoid taking the brunt of their response.
3. Navigate Natural Openings.
When you’re stuck in the middle of a crowd, one way to escape to the outside is to try and strong-arm your way through the pushing and pulling rioters. That can be exhausting, and you may need your strength for dealing with the other potential dangers social chaos has in store for you.
A better way is to target someone else who has the same idea you do… and trail right behind them.
Just like following an ambulance through traffic, you can use the openings created by other people’s movements to more easily navigate through a crowd of people.
4. Go With the Flow.
The direction you travel in a riot is very important. Never try to fight your way against the flow of the mob.
Move with them, taking openings as you find them to work at 45 degree angles to the direction the crowd is moving until you can make your way to the outer edge and escape.
DOJ, New Black Panthers, Sharpton, Jackson, Holder, and Communists Stirring Trouble and Fomenting Riots in Ferguson
According to the SPLC, Shabazz’ description as a “community organizer” belies the fact that he is a “racist black nationalist with a long, well-documented history of violently anti-Semitic remarks and accusations about the inherent evil of white people,” and is “particularly skilled at orchestrating provocative protests.”
Shabazz’ involvement with Johnson is strange given that the FBI simultaneously issued a warning that New Black Panthers had arrived in the area and were “advocating violence against police.” Another member of the group, Chawn Kweli, also posted an incendiary message on Facebook which stated, “This is the hour all the greats promised. If you die, die like a warrior. I’ll see you on the ground.”
Members of the New Black Panthers have been caught working undercover for the federal government in the past, with the most recent example being Richard Aoki, who was outed as an FBI informant in 2012.
Even more intriguing is the involvement of the Justice Department’s Civil Rights Division, which has inserted itself into the investigation of Brown’s death at the behest of Attorney General Eric Holder.
The Justice Department’s Civil Rights Division has proven sympathetic to the New Black Panthers in the past. In 2010, a whistleblower who worked with the Civil Rights Division blasted the DOJ for dismissing its case against the New Black Panther Party after members of the group intimidated voters outside a Philadelphia polling location during the 2008 presidential election.
The New Black Panther party is not a successor to the original Black Panther Party. Members of the original organization have repeatedly distanced themselves from the new group and have insisted it is “illegitimate.”
New Black Panther radicals have been joined in Missouri by Revolution Club Chicago, a Communist group that calls for a global revolution in order to bring down capitalism. Respondents to the group’s Facebook page aren’t buying the rhetoric, accusing the organization of being, “Communist agitators seeking to incite a race war in Ferguson.”
According to observers, members of the communist group have been responsible for some of the violence.
“There’s a lot of buzz on the ground about a communist group that was bussed into Ferguson from Chicago,” reports the News Commenter. “They provoked the police with Molotov cocktails the night of August 13th while the local protesters peacefully protested. That’s when police responded with gas and flash grenades. Their reported goal is to make the protests go super-violent, spread across the region, and spark a revolution. They are said to visibly stand out from the local protesters in how they respond to police and intimidate reporters when photos and video are taken of them.”
Members of the group are also reportedly seen lighting molotov cocktails in the photo here.
“So, you’ve got white Chicago Communists and the uber racist New Black Panthers fomenting chaos, violence and rioting. You’ve got the DOJ on the ground and in the mix and praying for an excuse to declare martial law,” writes Terresa Monroe-Hamilton.
As we reported earlier, many have questioned whether some of the violence seen in recent days is the work of provocateurs being allowed to run riot by the authorities in order to justify the militarized crackdown after reports that police were ordered to “stand down” during looting on Friday night. After two further nights of violent unrest, Governor Jay Nixon ordered National Guard troops be dispatched to Ferguson to quell the unrest.
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Paul Joseph Watson is the editor at large of and Prison
It's government re-education time again, and in an effort to support the ongoing Infowar aimed at injecting liberty and truth into the mainstream education system, the Infowars Store is having a limited time 10% discount on all items by using promo code "10". Click here for more information.
ABC News executive producer Ian Cameron is married to Susan Rice, National Security Adviser.
CBS President David Rhodes is the brother of Ben Rhodes, Obama’s Deputy National Security Adviser for Strategic Communications.
CBS President David Rhodes is the brother of Ben Rhodes, Obama’s Deputy National Security Adviser for Strategic Communications.
ABC News correspondent Claire Shipman is married to Whitehouse Press Secretary Jay Carney
ABC News and Univision reporter Matthew Jaffe is married to Katie Hogan, Obama’s Deputy Press Secretary
ABC President Ben Sherwood is the brother of Obama’s Special adviser Elizabeth Sherwood
CNN President Virginia Moseley is married to former Hillary Clinton’s Deputy Secretary Tom Nides.
And now you know why it is no surprise that the media is in Obama's pocket!
ABC News and Univision reporter Matthew Jaffe is married to Katie Hogan, Obama’s Deputy Press Secretary
ABC President Ben Sherwood is the brother of Obama’s Special adviser Elizabeth Sherwood
CNN President Virginia Moseley is married to former Hillary Clinton’s Deputy Secretary Tom Nides.
And now you know why it is no surprise that the media is in Obama's pocket!

Middle East in a downward spiral ... Retired U.S. General says Iraq is gone ... Obama owns LGBT and the consequences
Psalms 9:20 (KJV) Put them in fear, O LORD: that the nations may know themselves to be but men. Selah.
Isaiah 5:20 (KJV) Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!
Psalms 119:120 (KJV) My flesh trembleth for fear of thee; and I am afraid of thy judgments.
In this week's Koenig's Eye View from the White House
Chuck Colson's New Year's dream in 2006: Nightmare or prophecy?
Obama owns LGBT and the consequences
Obama to sign executive order banning LGBT discrimination for federal contractors to circumvent Congress
White House cuts aid to Uganda, cancels military exercise over anti-gay law
The damage to the Obama presidency is already done
The U.S. Senate's impeachment role
The Middle East is in a downward spiral
Retired Democratic U.S. Senator on Obama Foreign Policy: 'There Is No Leadership'
Retired U.S. General says Iraq is gone
How by claiming that the Jewish people "occupied" Judea, Samaria, and East Jerusalem the global Christian organizations have sided with the Islamic worldview
A Christian fatwa against Israel
And more ...
To subscribe to the weekly news report click here:
The annual subscription costs $1 a week. A six-month subscription costs $1.15 a week.
Shalom in Yeshua.
William Koenig
August 11, 2014
Urgent prayer needed for Iraqi Christians
Dear Jose,
My good friend, Chris Mitchell, CBN News Middle East Bureau Chief, has asked us to pray for the Iraqi Christians. He is in Erbil, Iraq reporting from the front lines. Below is an excerpt and a link from the most recent report for your prayerful consideration.
Shalom in Yeshua.
William Koenig
ISIS Swallowing Iraq: 'They're Beheading Children'
ERBIL, Kurdistan -- Islamic terrorists in Iraq are beheading children and burying people alive, and it won't stop there. They have a message for America: "We're coming for you."
Over the past week, the army of ISIS (Islamic State of Iraq and Syria), also known as IS (Islamic State), swallowed up swaths of Iraq like a pervading darkness.
In just one day, tens of thousands of Christians fled from towns like Qaraqosh and Bartilla, about 25 miles away. Most came to the town of Erbil with nothing more than the clothes on their backs.
"America is at a crossroad," says Retired Gen. Paul Vallely, who has more than 15 years of experiencce in special operations and other military ops. He shared his insight on the chaos in Iraq and how it will impact America, on The 700 Club, August 11.
"They take everything from the house, from the store, everything," one refugee told CBN News. "They hate Christian especially. We don't know why."
For the rest of the article and video from CBN, click here.
August 22, 2014
Netanyahu calls for world leaders to unite against terror ... Israel continues major preparation for Iran ... The Israeli-Egyptian-Saudi alliance ... American terror threat
Mark 13:8 (KJV) For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be earthquakes in divers places, and there shall be famines and troubles: these are the beginnings of sorrows.
Mark 13:9 (KJV) But take heed to yourselves: for they shall deliver you up to councils; and in the synagogues ye shall be beaten: and ye shall be brought before rulers and kings for my sake, for a testimony against them.
2 Timothy 1:7 (KJV) For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.
In this week's Koenig's Eye View from the White House
This Wednesday's edition:
Audio interview for the week: A Middle East discussion with Bill Koenig and Bill Salus
The coming disintegration of Iraq
How Maliki broke Iraq
Obama: The pinprick President
NATO would respond militarily to Crimea-style infiltration
Libya crumbles, as the United States looks the other way
Friday's edition:
Israel continues major preparation for Iran
ISIS: 'Apocalyptic, end-of-days vision'
Understanding the Israeli-Egyptian-Saudi alliance
Netanyahu: Radical Islamic terrorism threatens the entire world and it is time for us all to confront it
Americans brace for new wave of Islamic State terror
News Briefs: This week's overview of world news that was biblically and prophetically significant
August 29, 2014
Obama's Middle East disasters country by country ... Our day in the Negev ... Eye to Eye: 1989 California quake and Israel ... 2014 California quake and Israel ... An invitation to pray for Jerusalem
Genesis 16:11-12 (KJV) And the angel of the Lord said unto her, Behold, thou art with child and shalt bear a son, and shalt call his name Ishmael; because the Lord hath heard thy affliction. And he will be a wild man; his hand will be against every man, and every man's hand against him; and he shall dwell in the presence of all his brethren.
Isaiah 13:11 (KJV) And I will punish the world for their evil, and the wicked for their iniquity; and I will cause the arrogancy of the proud to cease, and will lay low the haughtiness of the terrible.
Isaiah 17:1 (KJV) The burden of Damascus. Behold, Damascus is taken away from being a city, and it shall be a ruinous heap.
Isaiah 19:2 (KJV) And I will set the Egyptians against the Egyptians: and they shall fight every one against his brother, and every one against his neighbour; city against city, and kingdom against kingdom.
In this week's Koenig's Eye View from the White House
This Wednesday's edition:
Weekly audio offering: Q&A with Bill Salus and Bill Koenig: Session 1, Part 3
Anne Graham Lotz: An Invitation to Pray for Jerusalem on 9-1-1
Our day in the Negev: A funeral and three rocket misses
Military analyst Roni Daniel says ceasefire a huge boost for Hamas, which 'dictated our lives for 50 days and stood firm against IDF'
Eye to Eye: The $6 billion Loma Prieta earthquake occurred on Oct. 17, 1989 as Israel was being pressured by Bush and Baker
Eye to Eye: Northern California's August 24, 2014 earthquake was area's strongest in 25 years and occurred as Israel was being pressured by Obama and Kerry
Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs: Similarities between Hamas and ISIS
Fear and loathing in Gaza
Why Jordan doesn't want more Palestinians
Challenges for the Saudi Royal Family: Legitimacy
Friday's edition:
Obama's Middle East disasters country by country
Thoughts on the Israeli-Hamas cease-fire
President Erdogan of Turkey attempting to position himself as a major Middle East leader at the expense of Israel
Analysis: Benjamin Netanyahu's extensive discussion on the war with Hamas
Warnings of a coming apocalypse
News Briefs: This week's overview of world news that was biblically and prophetically significant
To subscribe to the weekly news report click here:
The annual subscription costs $1 a week. A six-month subscription costs $1.15 a week.
Shalom in Yeshua.
William Koenig
September 5, 2014
US General's 9-11 terror warning and DEFCON 1 call ... Sunni-Shiite divide explained ... 100 million US and Canadian church attendees & more than 1.2 billion worldwide are wrong on Israel ... Israeli company to build US border fence
Isaiah 60:1-2 (KJV) Arise, shine; For your light has come! And the glory of the Lord is risen upon you. For behold, the darkness shall cover the earth, And deep darkness the people; But the Lord will arise over you,
James 5:1 (KJV) Go to now, ye rich men, weep and howl for your miseries that shall come upon you.
Romans 10:1 (KJV) Brethren, my heart's desire and prayer to God for Israel is, that they might be saved.
In this week's Koenig's Eye View from the White House
Wednesday's edition:
Interviews with CBN's Chris Mitchell and Former Israeli Ambassador Yoram Ettinger
The Sunni-Shiite religious divide explained
U.S. and Iran unlikely allies in Iraq battle
As Islamic State fighters begin to blend in, defeating them no easy matter
Connecting the Dots: Turkey and the Islamic State
Friday's edition:
Ret. Lt. General Thomas McInerney warns of a major terror event on 9-11-14, US should "go to DEFCON 1," our highest state of readiness
An open letter to Europe's governments and churches
100 million US and Canadian church attendees and more than 1.2 billion worldwide don't understand the biblical significance of Israel
Israel turning to other arms suppliers
The only video inside look at the Islamic State
The only video inside look at the Islamic State
Islamic State might have taken advanced MANPADS from Syria airfield
The Role U.S. Special Forces could play against ISIS
Eye to Eye: Parallel border problems: The Palestinians and illegal Mexican immigrants
Eye to Eye: Parallel border problems: The Palestinians and illegal Mexican immigrants
Israeli company selected to build the United States' $500-$750 million security border fence
September 26, 2014
The UN sideshow: An exhibition of foolish talk ... Retired U.S. General on the Islamic State ... Iran, China Prepare for joint naval exercises ... Club Med for terrorists
Isaiah 34:2 (KJV) For the indignation of the Lord is upon all nations, and his fury upon all their armies: he hath utterly destroyed them, he hath delivered them to the slaughter.
Psalm 59:5 (KJV) But thou, O LORD, shalt laugh at them; thou shalt have all the heathen in derision.
1 Corinthians 11:25 (KJV) Because the foolishness of God is wiser than men; and the weakness of God is stronger than men.
2 Peter 3:3-4 (KJV) Knowing this first, that there shall come in the last days scoffers, walking after their own lusts, And saying, Where is the promise of his coming? for since the fathers fell asleep, all things continue as they were from the beginning of the creation.
In this week's Koenig's Eye View from the White House
Wednesday's edition:
Audio Report: An interview with an Israeli government official and Q&A with Bill Salus and Bill Koenig on Israel and the Middle East
A Bad Deal: The Iranian nuclear talks
Retired General James Mattis on the Islamic State
14 Million Refugees Make the Levant Unmanageable
A Friendship Grows Less Warm: Are evangelicals turning against Israel?
Connecting the Dots: Another War, Another Deception
Friday's edition:
The UN sideshow: Terror sponsors blast the West and Israel; Obama, the Muslim apologist, speaks; Turkey blast Egypt's president; Egypt blasts Turkey's president; Palestinian Authority calls for a state and more
U.S. President Barack Obama reaffirmed his intention to promote Arab-Israeli peace
Countering Iranian President Rouhani's propaganda and rhetoric
Qatari emir urges world to shun Israeli leaders
Iran, China prepare for joint naval exercises
Israel will 'make its own judgment' on Iran talks
Netanyahu warns of easing sanctions on Iran
Club Med for terrorists
News Briefs: World news that was biblically relevant this week
- Several experts and lawmakers believe the Islamic State is planning new terrorist attacks inside the U.S.
- The Ferguson riots showed how easy and quickly societal breakdown can occur, and terrorism is designed to create chaos and sow fear
- Being prepared now, before disaster strikes, is smart, but millions of Americans are not
If you’ve been following the news lately, you know that a major new force in the Middle East – the Islamic State – has risen to power after its forces have conquered significant portions of Syria and Iraq. In fact, so potent is this new force that U.S. Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel recently described them as the most serious threat to American national security in a generation.
“They are an imminent threat to every interest we have, whether it’s in Iraq or anywhere else,” Hagel told reporters last week at the Pentagon.
Asked if the hardline Sunni Muslim organization posed a threat to the United States comparable to that of the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, Hagel said it was “as sophisticated and well-funded as any group we have seen.”
“They are beyond just a terrorist group. They marry ideology, a sophistication of … military prowess. They are tremendously well-funded. This is beyond anything we’ve seen,” he added.
What’s more important is that Hagel and others are not comparing IS to al Qaeda – they are saying that IS is more powerful and much more of a threat than even al Qaeda was, and we, of course, remember how devastating al Qaeda’s 9/11/2001 attacks were on our country.
Could those kinds of attacks happen again? Absolutely they could, say experts, and what’s more, they could even take the form of conventional terrorism – that is, suicide bombings, shootings, sniper attacks and other forms of violence.
At a recent event hosted by National Review Online and the Heritage Foundation, Texas Gov. Rick Perry, whose state has been made a porous bridge of illegal immigration, thanks to the policies of President Obama, made an ominous – but hopefully not prophetic – observation: That IS operatives may already be in the United States, planning new terrorist attacks after having walked into the country from Mexico.
“I think there is the obvious great concern that because of the condition of the border, from the standpoint of it not being secure and us not knowing who is penetrating across, that individuals from ISIS or other terrorist states could be [entering the country],” he said.
“And I think it is a very real possibility that they may have already used that [entry point],” Perry continued. “We have no clear evidence of that, but your common sense tells you, when we see the number of criminal activities that have occurred — I’m talking about the assaults, the rapes, the murders — by individuals who have come into this country illegally over the last five years, the idea that they would not be looking at and managing any of those types of attacks from that region is not a good place to be.”
Sound crazy? Consider a few other pieces of evidence which, truthfully, could be anecdotal and meaningless, but may also be very real. Note the following photos; the first, a CNN broadcast by Jake Tapper; the second, an apparent image on a cell phone or other electronic device belonging to someone standing in front of the White House:
Both photos reference ISIS – which is one of the “official” names of the Islamic State – the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria. Here is another, showing a famous building – the Old Republic Building – in Chicago:
Are IS operatives already in the U.S.?
Some believe it is highly possible. U.S. Rep. Ted Poe, R-Texas, told Newsmax TV on Thursday IS operatives are increasingly in contact with Mexican drug cartels.
“In my opinion, yes there seems to be a talking to each other,” he said, adding: “The drug cartels use the same operational plan as terrorist groups do … They kill their opponents, they behead their opponents, they brag about it and they have operational control of many portions of the southern border of the United States.
They’re vicious as some of these other terrorist organizations.”
He’s not alone. Former CIA covert operations officer Mike Baker told Laura Ingraham on her radio show Thursday that he believes there is “a lot of communication” between ISIS and the cartels, given past efforts by al Qaeda to do the same thing.
He said “the cartels are a business … if there’s a revenue stream they can exploit, then they will, and the extremists understand that.”
So, word is that a new wave of terrorism could be in store for America. Is it just hype? Scare tactics? Fear-mongering? Many Americans will no doubt think so. If you are one of them, ask yourself is this question: “What am I willing to risk if I’m wrong?” We are betting that your family is not something you want to gamble with.
The recent rioting in Ferguson, Missouri proved one thing: That American cities and indeed, American society in general, remain volatile in the face of political violence. And terrorism is political violence in the extreme; imagine, if you can, acts of political terrorism erupting all over the country, in several major cities at once.
The police would be overwhelmed. Public officials would be petrified and looking for any way they could to deflect blame. Widespread panic would ensue. Governors and mayors would rely heavily on their police and military forces to restore order, which would be carried out without much deference to constitutionalism. The president might even try to suspend elections, out of concern for public safety.
There will be runs on grocery stores and gas stations and pharmacies. The chaos will incite additional chaos; you can bet there will be looting and rioting. And, as the situation further deteriorates, there could also be additional terrorist attacks designed to feed into the cycle of looting and violence and runs on essential food and goods.
You can bet that no one woke up in Ferguson, Missouri, the morning of Aug. 9 and expected their city to be rocked with violent looting, rioting and protesting for any reason, and yet one incident sparked it all. Terrorism, by its very nature, is designed to terrorize populations, and as we’ve seen in the U.S., chaotic, violent conditions beget more chaos and violence.
Are you ready for it? Do you have enough food, water, fuel and other provisions to ride out the storm? What about weapons – can you defend yourself and your family? Are you on any prescription medications and if so, can you do without them?
Assess your neighborhood and your neighbors; how well do you know your neighbors? Do you know that at all? What kind of people are they? Do they have kids? Have you ever spoken to them about what they might do if all hell broke loose in your city? What kind of resources do they have? Do you think you could trust them in an emergency?
Terrorism may very well be coming to a neighborhood and city near you in the very near future. This primer was meant to get you thinking about the very real possibility, given the political conditions in our country, the thoughts of some experts on the subject, and the accessibility to it from porous borders, that some very bad people could be planning some very bad things that will affect you, directly, for weeks and even months to come. Now, then, is the time to begin planning and preparing. Here are some other articles for you to peruse that will help you:
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