Monday, June 11, 2012

Speak for Yourself

There’s been a lot of talk about Spanish speaking American Citizens going to the polls and overwhelmingly vote for the man who currently occupies the White House, and it has been reported by the predominantly Elite Mexican News Channels of Telemundo and Univision; the Mexican version of our Alphabet Soup Channel Leftwing Obama-loving news media.

These same news channels have failed to report on Solyndra, on Fast and Furious, on Holder’s misuse of federal power to protect the New Black Panther Movement from prosecution, his open involvement and politicization of the Department of Justice to promote and enforce radical policies gay and lesbian, pro-abortion, and what they call “civil rights” matters – their prosecution of states throughout the nation for upholding federal immigration laws, and the defense of and voting rights within the American political system of non-citizens who are here illegally and are undocumented.

We also hear that Obama takes such votes for granted since he’s been told that as far as “Latinos” and “Hispanics” are concerned, they’re unified behind him, as he believes blacks are; though he has done more in three years to impoverish blacks and other minorities than the previous five presidents combined.

That is no exaggeration – the average American has lost forty per cent of his net worth in just the last three years – as has been recently disclosed, and black unemployment is twice as high as that of whites and other minorities.

So much for hope and change. You think somebody would be so stupid to reelect a person who has done so much to destroy their way of life as this man has because he happens to be of the same race as they? Think again.

Oh, no doubt most blacks will vote for this man for that reason, but don’t expect as many to come out to vote this time as they had last time.

That year was a watershed for them, and they wanted to be counted as the ones who voted for the nation’s first African-American president. They wanted to be part of history, and history they made. Look at US now.

But, 2012 is not 2008, and they don’t have to repeat their mistake, nor do they have to make history. They did those two three and a half years ago.

They’re hurting now, and like the rest of US, they’ve lost their jobs, they’ve lost their homes, they’ve lost their savings and retirement, and they’ve seen this guy take more vacations, play more golf, and visit more countries than any other American in recent memory.

They see this president visit the wealthiest to raise money, but it’s not for their causes or for them, and their community banks who lend out the money their small businesses need to stay afloat in this economy; no. He’s raising a billion dollars for his political campaign.

Of course, he’s telling them it’s all for their good. They’re not sure they like the drones in the sky and the camera overlooking the intersection, and the increase in police checkpoints throughout the country, nor are they enamored of the increased inconvenience at airports that the TSA has brought under this president.

They see their liberties increasingly being invaded and their civil liberties violated under this same president, even more so than any other, and understand that he wants them to believe that he is “looking out for their best interests” when they get manhandled and patted down like criminals.

They remember their history well, that though the face is like theirs, the current occupant of the White House seeking reelection and their votes, is not necessarily “a brother” because; as their history teaches them all too well, the slave trade that separated families from Africa and brought millions to these shores, was led by other Africans. It’s still going.

Yes, even here in this country. It’s called political expediency and selling out a people to a party for the sake of party politics. So not every black is a “brother,” and black on black crime is at an all time high across the nation.

And as for Latinos and Hispanics voting monolithically for this man’s reelection; I don’t think so. Because you see, they’re hurting too.

They’ve lost their jobs, seen their money dwindle, its purchasing power reduced to half it was when this man took office, they’ve lost their homes, are struggling to survive, seen either a friend, a neighbor, or a relative commit suicide because they could no longer see the hope of another day in their current state of being, crushed under the mounting unpaid bills, debts, and expenses with nothing to pay them with, and with little for themselves and their families.

You can’t fool someone like that into thinking the country’s turning the corner, nor can you convince them to go to the ballot box for a repeat of the same for another four years.

Heck, things are bad enough. No one in their right mind commits suicide and voting for another four years of this man’s punishment is national suicide.

Sorry Telemundo, Univision, MSNBC, NBC, CNN, ABC, CBS, yes even Fox on occasion; I don’t think you have your facts right, and I can tell you that you do not speak for the vast majority of the American people, regardless of what color, national origin, religion, creed, ethnicity, or race they appear to hail from. They speak for themselves; and come November, they will.

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