Sunday, May 6, 2012

End Game: the Legacy of Obama's Middle East Policy

There is no doubt in most people’s minds that we have the wrong people directing our ship of state, and that the trajectory we have been heading for years now, is the wrong one. It is becoming increasingly evident that if we continue down this road, we will end in disaster. Already across the Middle East, we are seeing disaster after disaster, with Al Qaeda heading the government in Libya, and the Muslim Brotherhood spreading revolution from one nation to the other. Along with Libya, Egypt has fallen, and so has Tunisia, Morocco; with Yemen, the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, and others not far from dropping like overripe fruit. For three years, teams of State Department operatives working in tandem with Soros funded organizations and the Muslim Brotherhood, and Al Qaeda; have fomented revolution to promote Obama’s brand of “democracy,” which is defined as replacing “friendly” governments like Hosni Mubarak and the House of Saud with more “democratic” governments inclusive of such groups as the Muslim Brotherhood and Al Qaeda – after all – the aim is to bring true “democracy” to the Middle East with “true pluralism” that will allow the inclusion of all these groups and bring “diversity” to the region. It is believed by the Obama Administration that this type of “diversity” will bring “stability” to the region, and allow the “peace process” between these nations and Israel to continue to develop unabated. The problem that those with this view are encountering is that this “democracy” that is bringing all of these groups to power in the region is having the opposite effect – the organizations do not want to share power, and their hatred for the Jewish State is so great that nations such as Egypt under Mubarak that enjoyed peaceful bilateral relations with Israel, are now calling for the suspension of the treaties and ties that fostered such relations. Another problem that Obama’s vision is encountering with the Middle East is that rather than promote “democracy” across the region, the opposite is what is occurring. Groups such as Hamas, Hezbollah, the Muslim Brotherhood, Al Qaeda, and others do not want to share power with smaller less organized opposition groups. What’s more, as Islamists continue to cement their control over these governments, minorities such as Christians and Jews, and smaller Muslim groups are being openly persecuted, and blood is flowing in the streets, something that the promoters of Obama’s “democracy and pluralism” were not expecting, though some believe this is precisely what they wanted in order to bring about “fundamental change” to the region. The “fundamental change” is destabilizing country after country, as the new groups of radicals are not bound by treaties and agreements that former governments observed, and in fact are opposed to such arrangements – for example, Post-Mubarak Egypt with Israel. The only certainty that this “democratic pluralism” of Islamic and Islamist groups can bring to the region and adjacent regions that border the Middle East, is destabilization, “fundamental change” from one form of government, “transitioning” to governments more amenable to the establishment of Islamic Sharia Law, Muslim control and hegemony over the region over all other forms of government, “finalizing” in the establishment of a huge Caliphate encompassing all of the nations of the former Ottoman Empire, the Persian Empire, the Babylonian Empire; that will spread the sword and the scimitar of radical Islam to the surrounding regions, as it moves to all points on the compass across vast distant lands, over water and into the very heart of Europe and the Americas. What we are seeing is the dream of “hope and change” at work in a Middle East Policy that will prove to be to the Establishment New World Order the most horrific manifestation of Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein imaginable. The monster that the New World Order has created in Obama’s foreign Middle East Policy Objectives will, once it has established its beachhead along the European continent to the West and along the Chinese Border to the East, and across the vast African Continent to the South; will turn on its Masters and bring untold chaos and bloodshed to the very shores of the North and South American Continents, as it attempts to complete and finalize its centuries-long conquest of the West. We can thank President Obama’s Middle East Policy Objectives for creating, promoting, establishing, and spreading this “transition to real fundamental change” of the “existing order” into the “new world order” of his masters’ making.

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