Monday, June 28, 2010


Jewish Democrats, like a good many other Democrats who believe that the United States must following a course of strength and determination in the face of terror and tyranny, must understand that no everyone who come under the banner of the Democratic Party is good for the interests of this nation or its allies, particularly, Israel.

This has become painfully evident in the previous eighteen months, as the Barack Obama Administration is the first in this nation’s history to supply a foreign terrorist entity with over 900 million dollars in aid, specifically to Hamas.
Hamas has a history of terrorist acts against Israel, and it is incredible that this country, under any circumstances, would provide an organization that on a day to day basis shoots rockets into Israel’s population centers to kill innocent Israeli civilians, regardless who those civilians might be.

Rockets do not discriminate between Jew and Arab, and this is what Hamas has been doing since it took control of the Gaza Strip.
Yet, this administration has provided Hamas with almost a billion tax payer funded money which this terrorist organization has used in funding its terrorist war against the people of Israel.

When the President of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu visited the White House, Barack Obama excused himself from his presence, and went and had dinner by himself. Such a slight had never been made to a head of state before, and the act was not lost to those who follow US Middle East policy, particularly US policy towards Israel.
Many have already forgotten the statements made out of this White House last year that US Middle East policy would henceforth be one where Israeli interests no longer necessarily applied.

What’s more, people have also forgotten, what this writer and many others, including Sean Hannity and others warned about with regards to Obama’s pro-Muslim stance, specifically that Obama would abandon Israel and take a pro-active pro-Muslim stance at the cost of Israel’s interests and the interests of this country.
Now we are seeing senior high level administration officials requesting Hamas not to speak about their secret talks with them for fear that there will be a backlash from Jewish voters, “and other pressure groups in the US” as they put it. What is this all about? What are we seeing?

Well, as mentioned above, Sean Hannity, Michael Savage, Mark Levin, Rush Limbaugh, and many others warned about Obama’s close associations with Rashid Khalidi, a pro-PLO radical professor, who mentored Obama on Middle East policy while he was a state senator in Illinois.

There were articles about this which this writer and a good many others cited, but they went on deaf ears. Nobody wanted to listen. Everybody was sick of George W. Bush, and they wanted “change.” They heard the rhetoric, were entranced by the deep melodic voice, and hypnotized right into the voting booth, giving the inexperienced pro-Muslim radical junior senator from Illinois the vote which propelled him into the White House and into the center of world power – the Oval Office. The rest is now history, and what a history it has been

Well, how are these voters now feeling about having contributed and given to a man such as Obama such power? Buyer’s remorse will not change the direction this country is headed, only making sure that such a man is not reelected, or elected again to any office, and that such men and women never get elected to public office again. To fail to do so will imperil this country, and its fragile alliances overseas, and bring upon US and our allies more terrorism, as our enemies sense weakness and vacillation, and as in cases such as where US Officials of this administration hold secret closed door meetings with terrorist groups such as Hamas, treason does not lie far behind. Beware.

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