Tuesday, April 6, 2010


The events now taking place portend great things in the making right now. We are currently as the Jews of the first century were during the Second Temple period, who were awaiting the coming of the Messiah, because they knew that if He was going to come, it would be during that period, just as Isaiah and Daniel had prophesied. We too live in great expectation of incredible things taking place right before our eyes. We are living them right now.

Some of US on this site who read this know that the Messiah indeed did appear to Israel, and Ha Shem confirmed the end of Temple Judaism as the Jewish World had come to know it on the 9th of Av in the year 70 of that period, indeed the generation that saw the Messiah when He made His appearance to all Israel. We know Him by His Hebrew name, Yeshua, but to the worshippers of G-d amongst the nations, He is known more commonly by His other name; Jesus.

We know that in order for this to happen, first the Jewish people would have to return to the land of Israel in great numbers, and the nation would have to be found in one day, which occurred in 1948. What’s more, Israel would have to be in control of Jerusalem in its entirety to welcome the Messiah, and this took place in the 6 Day War, when IDF forces retook Jerusalem after two thousand years.

We also by Messiah’s own statements that the key to the coming of the Messiah two thousand years later lies in Israel’s acceptance of Yeshua and their welcome of Him to Jerusalem, and that He will not make His second appearance to Israel until such a day. Since Israel has yet to do this, He has yet to reappear to His people, but when that day comes, there will be restoration, and afterwards, the nations will come to Jerusalem to worship the G-d of Israel through Him just as many of them do.

Now, we have the following news about events in Europe – Anti-Semitic Europe. Things are happening at breakneck speed. More and more people are coming to the G-d of Abraham through personal faith in His Messiah, and are calling upon that name. As the day draws near, more and more are coming to faith, as history is being made right before our eyes.

Regardless of what branch of Judaism or Christian denomination you the reader may belong – I have a mixed crowd here – things are taking place. I do not remember a sitting American president as Anti-Israel (and in my opinion, Anti-Semitic) as the current occupant of the White House. Not only is he antithetical to Israel’s interests, but also to those of the United States. Today he announced that he will not use our nuclear deterrent against America’s enemies, and it doesn’t stop there. His Justice Department, headed by the radical attorney Eric Holder, is seeking to grant terrorists Constitutional Rights, while the president has ordered CIA and other government civil servants, law enforcement officials, and intelligence operatives to be investigated and prosecuted as criminals. The president has also ordered the closing of Gitmo and seeks to bring the world’s most dangerous terrorists into the 48 contiguous states of North America, even as he closes the world’s most secure off-shore prison. Nature itself also is in an upheaval, as the nation has suffered and continues to suffer in various locations the most devastating winter in recent memory. What’s more, the island nation of Haiti was destroyed in the largest earthquake in its history, as Chile in South America also suffered repeated large and more powerful earthquakes and so-called 7.7 aftershocks. California was just hit with a large 7 magnitude earthquake hit southern Mexicali region. Indonesia was just hit with a massive 7.7 magnitude earthquake today (4-6-2010), and there is more to come. We are seeing the very economic foundations of this republic being shaken to its very foundation, indeed, the whole world. Something’s afoot.

Get ready, return, make T’Shuvah, call upon the G-d of Israel in the name of His Messiah to show you what this is all about, and to reveal to those of you who have yet to believe, why things have been the way they’ve been for the last two thousand years. The answer will surprise you, but you will gain a new understanding and appreciation of G-d’s provision for His people. As for those on this list who are inclined to disbelieve, don’t forget, regardless of what happened, when G-d promised the ancients that He would bring His people out of Egypt after four hundred years, He kept His promise to them by raising up for them Moses, the giver of the Law.

When Israel was exiled from its land and taken far away to the east, and by some estimations, even as far as the Far East, He kept His promise through His prophets that He would gather His people once again to their land, and He did. What’s more, even after two thousand years of exile, He has gathered His people back to their land from every nation under heaven, just as He promised He would.

Consider this in spite of what modern Rabbis teach and even certain circles of Protestant Christianity about the coming of the Messiah and the role of the Jewish people in the timeline of G-d in world history, the Lord G-d prophesied through Isaiah, Jeremiah, King David, and many others precisely what would happen when the Messiah would visit His people, and the prophet Daniel even prophesied the world conditions at the time of His appearance, and what would happen to the Messiah and after His death and the eventual cutoff He would suffer from Judaism (note, the Prophet Daniel chooses the phrase that Messiah would be “cutoff and have nothing” a term denoting one who is cut off from his people – Messiah would suffer being cut off from the Commonwealth of Israel and has suffered this fate since He appeared to Israel two thousand years ago, and to this day it is taught in almost every branch of Judaism with the exception of Messianic Judaism – every branch of Judaism teaches traditionally what the corrupt House of Joseph Caiaphas and Annas began on Nisan of 33 C.E. – which has excluded Messiah from the ranks of even Israel’s religious figures, whereas He is the greatest among them), yet because of this, generations upon generations have lived in expectation of His coming not realizing that He did.

Just as Roman Catholics and Protestants and other “Christian” groups have been taught to believe, those who follow every branch of Judaism with the exception of Messianic Judaism, have been taught not to believe in Yeshua. It is a natural progression of traditional teaching, and a grievous error committed by the most corrupt priesthood the people of Israel has ever known in its history. The corruption of the House of Annas and Caiaphas is renowned in the Talmud and rabbinic writings of the era. Even the Jewish historian Flavius Josephus records their exploits against their fellow priests, and against the people. Is it any wonder that they would choose Rome over the Messiah when the Messiah called them out on their villainy? Is it any wonder then, that they would react in concert along with the Romans to stamp Him and His followers out, and later to oppose them until Jerusalem and the Temple fell under judgment?

But, G-d is faithful to His people regardless of who’s calling the shots, and as faithful as He has been with Israel to this day, He will also be faithful with all who pray to Him during these very difficult times we live in. Just as the nation was led by less than honorable men two thousand years ago, so it is today in this country and in Europe. The president’s behavior towards the leaders of Israel recently is making evident even to his most ardent supporters that something is wrong in the Oval Office. The draconian edicts and regulations, the nationalization of key industries, the continual growth and intrusion of federal power over the individual is reaching a zenith. The so-called health care reform – what some call ObamaCare – is the first time in this country’s history where the federal government is attempting to dictate what a person can and cannot purchase, and its intent to use the muscle of the IRS and police state tactics to penalize non-compliants with fines and imprisonment has compelled several state governors to take the federal government to court for infringement of the rights of the citizens under various Articles in our Constitution.

Is it any wonder then when we see legislators who were key proponents of this bill go out of their way to create incidents with T.E.A. Party protestors in Washington, and when none were forthcoming, some of these legislators concocted their own stories to smear and besmirch the integrity of American citizens exercising their right to gather and express their outrage with the behavior of their elected officials in both houses of congress. Is it any wonder then, that the president’s supporters in the media have done everything possible to create an atmosphere of fear and suspicion against anyone who dissents with this president’s dictatorial policies? Is it any wonder then, that we are seeing from the same people who had a stake in getting this president elected, slander upon slander against his detractors? And is it any wonder that whereas President Bush’s far left detractors who called for his impeachment, even assassination, with one of them actually making a film where he is assassinated, that these same reporters considered such behavior a Constitutional right of dissent by patriotic Americans, but the same do not accord any of Obama’s political dissenters the same rights under our Constitution? And what about the president himself? He has acted and will continue to act true to form; because he is a dictator, he views dissent as a danger, even un-American, and taking measures to silence those voices of dissent even as this is being written. While President Bush disagreed with those who protested against his policies, he never once told any of these people to “tone down, “ nor did he dedicate a website designed specifically for people to snitch on their fellow citizens if they hear or read anything that might be considered by them as against Obama. Such tactics are not American, but they have been used in every dictatorship in history, and it is being employed today in of all placed, the United States of America.

Things are happening, and we are all a part of it. It will be said and recorded that those who lived through this were curious about what was going on around them, but how many of them will it say took the time to look into them?

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