Sunday, April 25, 2010


For several weeks now I’ve kept from myself from forming an opinion about the president’s first State of the Union Address which he gave earlier this year, and the various controversies surrounding his policies on terrorism, and other agendas of his, including his new approach to hold America hostage by pledging that under his presidency the United States would not strike with its nuclear arsenal even if attacked by nuclear or biological weapons – incredible policies his administration has made their priority since he’s entered office, the so-called Health Care Reform. I have listened to all arguments – those coming from people sympathetic and allied to this president and his policies, and those from his critics who oppose some or all of these policies for various reasons. These opinions have varied from those who believe this president can do no wrong, make no mistakes, and is taking this nation on the correct course, to those who firmly believe that he is taking this nation on a trajectory to disaster in every area of his public policies with regards to every single agenda which he has chosen to promote as his own. There are those also who while they disagree with some, and perhaps most of his policies, do see some room for supporting some of his policies, yet they disagree with him on how he is going about doing it. And there are others who simply fundamentally disagree with him on ideological grounds because they see him as a dangerous Marxist with an agenda to fundamentally change the nation into a Socialist Paradise at the cost of the Constitution of the United States, in violation of the separation of powers as established by that Constitution. I have listened to all of the above. Some have presented extremely cogent points of view, presented and argued brilliantly, while others have simply given barely a reason why they continue to articulate such an opinion in the face of current events. Now it’s my turn.

The truth is that this country has never before been beset by such a collection of ignorant and self-serving individuals, many of whom are no better than common criminals, but except for the fact of station and they having been elected and entrusted to their place, have by every means possible, betrayed the trust of those who elected them, and have added to their activities, legislation which has not improved the standard of living of their constituents, or protected their interests. America is today where it is because of these politicians, and the American public, who for a long time was fast asleep has awakened. It appears at the time of this writing that some of the politicians have begun also to awaken, especially in light of the gubernatorial elections held in New Jersey and Virginia, where conservative Republicans won over their more liberal Democrat rivals, and in the Senatorial election held in Massachusetts for the 40 year seat of the late Senator Edward Kennedy, where Republican Scott Brown defeated his Democrat rival in a Christen Gilibrand in what is considered a landslide of Republican, Independent, and Democrat voters who made their voices heard. All of these states having had repeated visits by Barack Obama before the elections in order to prop up the failing Democrats. The people have awakened, the Tea Party is making its voice heard throughout the country, and yet the White House and a good number of House and Senate Democrats ideologically allied to this president have not. Regardless of the will of the American people, this president and a the leaders of his party are hell bent to impose their will and their vision on the nation and its people regardless of information indicating that it will create more problems, cost more, and bankrupt the nation than other plans being proposed by Republicans and some moderate Democrats.

Jesus said, “Because lawlessness is increased, the hearts of many will grow cold.” It is true, there is great lawlessness in the land, and it is at the highest levels of this government. When the president of the United States, and people from his administration, including the Speaker of the House, and the head of the US Senate can use tax payer money to bribe members of the House of Representatives and the US Senate to vote a certain way, then we know that corruption and lawlessness has reached the highest levels of our government, and that we have literally become what we so often accuse other nations of being; corrupt banana republics. One elected official was recorded as saying nonchalantly Dem Chair: 'There Ain't No Rules Here ... We Make 'Em Up As We Go Along'... There is great corruption in the highest offices of our land, and it is interesting how we demand from our allies standards which the leaders we have do not themselves meet.

We see corruption in the White House, in the US Senate, in the halls of congress, kickbacks, big labor sweetheart deals with stimulus tax money, as well as ACORN kickbacks and fraud, front groups acting as multi-million dollar money laundering machineries for local politicians with the implicit knowledge of the leaders of congress and the White House; all sorts of corruption. We see local politicians like Andrew Cuomo, Charles Rangel of New York, Christopher Dodd of Connecticut, Barney Frank and others as the most corrupt politicians in our time. Almost every cabinet level appointee to the current administration have misfiled, or not paid income taxes amounting to tens of millions of dollars. If you or I do this, we would have our properties confiscated and we'd go to jail. They, of course, get reelected and their political machinery make sure they're friends are taken care of. There’s even talk of all things, a Charles Rangel Pavilion! Can you believe that?!

In the world of dirty politics one hand washes the other, both hands wash the face; but in their case; what they're using to wash is nothing but their own filth, and the more they hide, the more corrupt they become. In the process, the system gets more corrupt. Like Dorian Gray, some of them may look as good as their promoters and handlers in the media make them look, yet deep inside they are festering and foul. When called out on this, we see politicians making excuses for their behavior and closing ranks according to political party. It is disgraceful and it is dishonest, and disingenuous. The public trust has been betrayed, and they need to be exposed and brought out on it. There is no excuse for them to justify corruption because the person or persons in question are members of their own political party. No excuse at all, and when anyone sees this, they ought to call them out on it, and point out that if they excuse such behavior, they too put their own integrity and honesty into question.

As the size and power of the federal government grows beyond the limits of our Constitution and our civil liberties and freedoms as individuals diminish, the arm of the bureaucrat will become longer and longer and will reach as far as your local communities, and into your homes. By then, it will have been too late to undo the change. If you think it can’t happen here, look again at the sweeping “changes” that Obama and his radical-run Democrat Party has brought to your way of life in the past year since he came to office. Also ask the fleeing refugees of Viet Nam, Cuba, Russia, China, Mozambique, Nicaragua, Venezuela, and every imprisoned nation on this planet. And then, rethink the common and highly misleading belief that “it can’t happen here.” Well, it is happening, and unless the American people do something about it at the ballot box come this November and in 2012, we will cease to be the nation we once were long before Obama runs for reelection. Obama knows that if the American people rise up at the ballot box, he and his party will not have enough voters to keep him and them in power. This is why he is now trying to “reform” immigration. He believes that if he grants the sixteen to twenty million illegal (“undocumented”) aliens citizenship overnight, they will swell the ranks of the Democratic Party and he believes, help him get reelected for another four years.

Next time you hear the word reform, remember that this word has a different meaning to the Socialist than it does to the rest of US. In Socialist parlance “reform” is the imposition of transformational and sweeping Communist policies in place of free market policies by government. It has been used by every tyrant from Stalin, Hitler and Mao to Castro and Chavez in establishing police state fascist tactics on unsuspecting citizens’ rights of free speech, assembly, property, opinion, and religion.

We are already seeing such tactics in this country: Free Speech – liberal progressives in the media and in the White House (beginning with Obama) are criticizing critics who oppose Obama’s policies as seditionists and Anti-American; Assembly – the same are calling the large gatherings of American citizens across the nation, people comprising Democrats, Republicans, Independents, and Libertarians – at the T.E.A. Parties as dangerous racists and angry bigots; Property – Eminent Domain has stripped the rights of individual Americans from having their property confiscated by the local government without due process or just compensation, and has opened to the door to federal, state, and local invasion of homes by government entities when such entities deem it “in the public good; Opinion – setting the tone for the press and government, the president has personally taken on his critics by name and has even told the American people to stop their criticism of him; Religion – it is a crime for the Gospel to be preached from pulpits when its contents address the twin taboo topics of Islam and/or deviant lifestyles such as homosexuality and lesbianism.

When ideology trumps reasoned and seasoned leadership, what results is nothing short of chaos; chaos on so many levels that it renders the person or persons who make them unable to understand the consequences of their well meaning but highly misguided policy decisions. Lives are ruined and destroyed by such decisions. Nations fall by such decisions. When the voice of a nation is muzzled under the guise of “tolerance” and uniform complacency, what some progressives call avoiding to be disagreeable, then the people of that nation have lost their liberty. That nation is no longer a free nation, and its citizens have ceded their rights and liberties, even their fortunes to political machinery that runs its government. The United States of America stands at the precipice of this type of change. This is the change that Obama and his political party promised they would bring, and this is the promise they intend to keep if the American people allow them to. It is now up to US to acquiesce or to fight back by campaigning against them and throwing them out of office for good when the time for US comes to cast our vote.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010


I never believed that I would ever see the day when a sitting United States president would behave and make the public statements about Israel this man has made. Indeed, I am shocked and saddened that Mr. Obama intends to balance the interests of this country with regards towards Israel with those of Israel’s enemies, as he continues to promote policies which are weakening America’s ties with its allies, emboldening America’s enemies overseas, and castigating old friends while making silly and unrealistic overtures of peace and rapprochement to regimes and individuals who have no intention of reciprocating his gestures in kind.

I warned everyone about the junior senator’s lack of foreign policy experience, about his radical past and activities and associations. I warned about Obama’s association and mentoring by radical Anti-Semitic Hamas supporter, Professor Rashid Khalidi and how this relationship and Khalidi’s influence would define Obama’s Middle East policy; I warned about his bold stance on abortion, even being the sole pro-abortion Democrat in US history to vote against the Born Alive Infant Protection Act – a law that would have prevented late term abortions of live babies – his promotion of anti-family deviant organizations such as NAMBLA (National Man-Boy Love Association) – an organization of homosexual pedophiles – and his Marxist proclivities of wealth redistribution, high taxation of wages and funds, government taxation of the coal industry which he promised in an interview that he would use to bankrupt the coal energy industry in the United States; I warned that he would attempt the nationalization of key sectors of the auto industry; I also warned that he would grant immediate amnesty and citizenship without due process to sixteen to twenty-two million illegally undocumented aliens in order to swell the ranks of his political party; I warned that he would create a separate government of 32 bureaucrats - his creation of a czar system of unelected federal regulators beholden only to him; I warned of his intention to create a civilian militia to rival the armed forces of the United States; I warned that he would attempt to nationalize the medical insurance industry, even making (just as he has done) the bold move to cut deep into Medicare and Medicaid, and Social Security – a move that would punish the elderly and poor, and would add to the costs of medicine and medical treatment in the US, and greatly diminish the medical industry’s world famous quality and care; and I also warned about various other policy measures; all of which would prove to be the death knell of America’s free enterprise system.

Now Mr. Obama has made the incredible public statement, and is moving the United States to an adversarial stance as regards the interests of the nation and people of Israel. Understand this, if Israel is hurt in any way by this, and I am of the opinion that whatever doesn’t help Israel, hurts Israel; if Israel’s population is hurt by this, make no mistake about it, so will the Palestinians and Arab Israelis living in the land. What you do to one, you do to the other, so don’t tell me that you’re “balancing” anything. This talk of balancing is nothing more than the famous Obama Newspeak, and we see once more the oft-used Orwellian Obama using a form of newspeak which is nothing more than the old code speak of support for Israel’s enemies. Don’t be fooled by this politician. Obama is not a man who leads, he is a man who campaigns, and allows others to take the fall for his misguided poor judgment.

Historical or not, this is one politician who must be voted out of office in 2012. I fear for the nation and the damage that he will do between now and then. He realizes that a very large part of the voting public is catching on to his plans to “fundamentally change this country and how it conducts business,” recognizing it for what it is – a bold Marxist affront to the institutions and industries that have fueled the engine of economic progress for the last two hundred years. An assault on the very essence of the free enterprise system, and on the liberties of the American people. The very concept of penalizing with fines and taxation someone for choosing not to purchase a good or a service – a prerogative every free society has considered one of the key elements that defines liberty – something so alien, so intrusive, so far removed from the very concepts enshrined in our Constitution and Bill of Rights, indeed in every law of this great nation; that the shock such an act has yet to fully register in the minds of a good many Americans.

Like many of US standing in shocked disbelief of what we saw on the edge of the Palisades and looking across towards Manhattan on Tuesday, September 11th, 2001, to the gaping hole and rubbish heap full of billowing dark smoke rising to the skies of that day and many days hence, where the mighty Twin Towers once stood; we also now are shocked in disbelief that this junior senator and his political party have enacted into law a piece of legislation that has fundamentally altered the very freedom of choice we so clearly took for granted, and in one day, have struck at the very heart of our liberty, as he and they intend to continue to do in the coming months until such a time that the American people vote every single of them out of office, and consign this young Communist to a single term. Barack Hussein Obama must not be reelected. In fact, he and others of like mind and ideology in his party must never again be elected to public office in any capacity if the nation is to be saved and spared any more damage than what has already occurred. Anyone saying to forget the Constitution “we make the laws as we go along,” must never again be trusted to hold any office of any kind, because to do so abrogates the oath they claim to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States against enemies, both foreign and domestic.

Anyone who would make their own laws and dissolve the boundaries of our national Constitution, our Bill of Rights, and the principle of the rule of law upon which our representative republic was founded is not fit to hold public office, and has betrayed the trust of the American people. This is the legacy of Barack Hussein Obama and the so-called “progressive” “new Democrats” who now control the Democratic Party and the national, regional, and local machineries which do its bidding. These are not Democrats, these are Marxist and Socialist ideologues working to fundamentally transform every level American society, jurisprudence, industry, and politics. Change you can believe in? You better believe it, and if you don’t do something about in November, and in 2012, we will be finished.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010


The events now taking place portend great things in the making right now. We are currently as the Jews of the first century were during the Second Temple period, who were awaiting the coming of the Messiah, because they knew that if He was going to come, it would be during that period, just as Isaiah and Daniel had prophesied. We too live in great expectation of incredible things taking place right before our eyes. We are living them right now.

Some of US on this site who read this know that the Messiah indeed did appear to Israel, and Ha Shem confirmed the end of Temple Judaism as the Jewish World had come to know it on the 9th of Av in the year 70 of that period, indeed the generation that saw the Messiah when He made His appearance to all Israel. We know Him by His Hebrew name, Yeshua, but to the worshippers of G-d amongst the nations, He is known more commonly by His other name; Jesus.

We know that in order for this to happen, first the Jewish people would have to return to the land of Israel in great numbers, and the nation would have to be found in one day, which occurred in 1948. What’s more, Israel would have to be in control of Jerusalem in its entirety to welcome the Messiah, and this took place in the 6 Day War, when IDF forces retook Jerusalem after two thousand years.

We also by Messiah’s own statements that the key to the coming of the Messiah two thousand years later lies in Israel’s acceptance of Yeshua and their welcome of Him to Jerusalem, and that He will not make His second appearance to Israel until such a day. Since Israel has yet to do this, He has yet to reappear to His people, but when that day comes, there will be restoration, and afterwards, the nations will come to Jerusalem to worship the G-d of Israel through Him just as many of them do.

Now, we have the following news about events in Europe – Anti-Semitic Europe. Things are happening at breakneck speed. More and more people are coming to the G-d of Abraham through personal faith in His Messiah, and are calling upon that name. As the day draws near, more and more are coming to faith, as history is being made right before our eyes.

Regardless of what branch of Judaism or Christian denomination you the reader may belong – I have a mixed crowd here – things are taking place. I do not remember a sitting American president as Anti-Israel (and in my opinion, Anti-Semitic) as the current occupant of the White House. Not only is he antithetical to Israel’s interests, but also to those of the United States. Today he announced that he will not use our nuclear deterrent against America’s enemies, and it doesn’t stop there. His Justice Department, headed by the radical attorney Eric Holder, is seeking to grant terrorists Constitutional Rights, while the president has ordered CIA and other government civil servants, law enforcement officials, and intelligence operatives to be investigated and prosecuted as criminals. The president has also ordered the closing of Gitmo and seeks to bring the world’s most dangerous terrorists into the 48 contiguous states of North America, even as he closes the world’s most secure off-shore prison. Nature itself also is in an upheaval, as the nation has suffered and continues to suffer in various locations the most devastating winter in recent memory. What’s more, the island nation of Haiti was destroyed in the largest earthquake in its history, as Chile in South America also suffered repeated large and more powerful earthquakes and so-called 7.7 aftershocks. California was just hit with a large 7 magnitude earthquake hit southern Mexicali region. Indonesia was just hit with a massive 7.7 magnitude earthquake today (4-6-2010), and there is more to come. We are seeing the very economic foundations of this republic being shaken to its very foundation, indeed, the whole world. Something’s afoot.

Get ready, return, make T’Shuvah, call upon the G-d of Israel in the name of His Messiah to show you what this is all about, and to reveal to those of you who have yet to believe, why things have been the way they’ve been for the last two thousand years. The answer will surprise you, but you will gain a new understanding and appreciation of G-d’s provision for His people. As for those on this list who are inclined to disbelieve, don’t forget, regardless of what happened, when G-d promised the ancients that He would bring His people out of Egypt after four hundred years, He kept His promise to them by raising up for them Moses, the giver of the Law.

When Israel was exiled from its land and taken far away to the east, and by some estimations, even as far as the Far East, He kept His promise through His prophets that He would gather His people once again to their land, and He did. What’s more, even after two thousand years of exile, He has gathered His people back to their land from every nation under heaven, just as He promised He would.

Consider this in spite of what modern Rabbis teach and even certain circles of Protestant Christianity about the coming of the Messiah and the role of the Jewish people in the timeline of G-d in world history, the Lord G-d prophesied through Isaiah, Jeremiah, King David, and many others precisely what would happen when the Messiah would visit His people, and the prophet Daniel even prophesied the world conditions at the time of His appearance, and what would happen to the Messiah and after His death and the eventual cutoff He would suffer from Judaism (note, the Prophet Daniel chooses the phrase that Messiah would be “cutoff and have nothing” a term denoting one who is cut off from his people – Messiah would suffer being cut off from the Commonwealth of Israel and has suffered this fate since He appeared to Israel two thousand years ago, and to this day it is taught in almost every branch of Judaism with the exception of Messianic Judaism – every branch of Judaism teaches traditionally what the corrupt House of Joseph Caiaphas and Annas began on Nisan of 33 C.E. – which has excluded Messiah from the ranks of even Israel’s religious figures, whereas He is the greatest among them), yet because of this, generations upon generations have lived in expectation of His coming not realizing that He did.

Just as Roman Catholics and Protestants and other “Christian” groups have been taught to believe, those who follow every branch of Judaism with the exception of Messianic Judaism, have been taught not to believe in Yeshua. It is a natural progression of traditional teaching, and a grievous error committed by the most corrupt priesthood the people of Israel has ever known in its history. The corruption of the House of Annas and Caiaphas is renowned in the Talmud and rabbinic writings of the era. Even the Jewish historian Flavius Josephus records their exploits against their fellow priests, and against the people. Is it any wonder that they would choose Rome over the Messiah when the Messiah called them out on their villainy? Is it any wonder then, that they would react in concert along with the Romans to stamp Him and His followers out, and later to oppose them until Jerusalem and the Temple fell under judgment?

But, G-d is faithful to His people regardless of who’s calling the shots, and as faithful as He has been with Israel to this day, He will also be faithful with all who pray to Him during these very difficult times we live in. Just as the nation was led by less than honorable men two thousand years ago, so it is today in this country and in Europe. The president’s behavior towards the leaders of Israel recently is making evident even to his most ardent supporters that something is wrong in the Oval Office. The draconian edicts and regulations, the nationalization of key industries, the continual growth and intrusion of federal power over the individual is reaching a zenith. The so-called health care reform – what some call ObamaCare – is the first time in this country’s history where the federal government is attempting to dictate what a person can and cannot purchase, and its intent to use the muscle of the IRS and police state tactics to penalize non-compliants with fines and imprisonment has compelled several state governors to take the federal government to court for infringement of the rights of the citizens under various Articles in our Constitution.

Is it any wonder then when we see legislators who were key proponents of this bill go out of their way to create incidents with T.E.A. Party protestors in Washington, and when none were forthcoming, some of these legislators concocted their own stories to smear and besmirch the integrity of American citizens exercising their right to gather and express their outrage with the behavior of their elected officials in both houses of congress. Is it any wonder then, that the president’s supporters in the media have done everything possible to create an atmosphere of fear and suspicion against anyone who dissents with this president’s dictatorial policies? Is it any wonder then, that we are seeing from the same people who had a stake in getting this president elected, slander upon slander against his detractors? And is it any wonder that whereas President Bush’s far left detractors who called for his impeachment, even assassination, with one of them actually making a film where he is assassinated, that these same reporters considered such behavior a Constitutional right of dissent by patriotic Americans, but the same do not accord any of Obama’s political dissenters the same rights under our Constitution? And what about the president himself? He has acted and will continue to act true to form; because he is a dictator, he views dissent as a danger, even un-American, and taking measures to silence those voices of dissent even as this is being written. While President Bush disagreed with those who protested against his policies, he never once told any of these people to “tone down, “ nor did he dedicate a website designed specifically for people to snitch on their fellow citizens if they hear or read anything that might be considered by them as against Obama. Such tactics are not American, but they have been used in every dictatorship in history, and it is being employed today in of all placed, the United States of America.

Things are happening, and we are all a part of it. It will be said and recorded that those who lived through this were curious about what was going on around them, but how many of them will it say took the time to look into them?

Monday, April 5, 2010


You are being lied to, Wall Street is being papered over to mask the reality of the fragility of this economy. The United States and Europe are on Life Support and the Government is pulling the plug as Obama got what he wanted – the largest federal intrusion in the Private Sector in the history of this nation, and the most blatant un-Constitutional assault on liberty ever made by a political party in the name of “reform.”

You are being lied to again and again in bold and unquestionable daring ways. Every day, the Chief Executive is campaigning across the country at tax payer expense, while the nation’s economy fizzles around him. His press allies and economists continue to claim growth, and make the ludicrous claim that 186,000 jobs “growth” – with 89,000 in government temporary posts for the 2010 census – that it is growth, even as industries continue to lose jobs and hiring is frozen across the board in several key sectors of the economy. You are being lied to. They’re telling you that a “jobless recovery” is what is taking place, while every day, more Americans lose their jobs, while others become part of the growing ranks of the unemployed, while more and more others exhaust all of their unemployment insurance and are no longer counted as a statistic because overnight they cease to exist according to the government. Countless number of others are part of the underemployed, those who hold two jobs to earn less than they used to with one before they lost it, and those who are working part time. This is the recovery of 2010. This is what this administration would like you to believe they deserve credit for. This is the lie of the current government in power.

And since Obama received his vaunted ObamaCare socialized medicine “reform” rubber stamped by the pliant and corrupt Democrat –controlled congress and senate, he has thrown the long term underemployed under the bus, as he is wont to do with those whom he does not need any more as a supporting constituency. Of course, congress, who earn six figures and have every expense paid for, and are not part of the president’s “health care reform” which it helped him pass, have taken a two week vacation, while over six million unemployed Americans, fifteen million part-time workers collecting partial unemployment benefits, and twelve millions others whose benefits have ended are left to wither and die on the vine as so much refuse in the sight of the big “compassionate” politicians who “care so much.”

So much for the progressive. The progressive will forever tout his compassion as he uses envy to manipulate human emotions to do the bidding of the ever growing state.

Saturday, April 3, 2010


In another move to destroy free enterprise, the freedom to choose, and personal responsibility, Barack Obama seeks to go where no other American elected official has ever gone before; he seeks now to outlaw SUVs. He’s already nationalized a large part of the auto industry, and has just finished passing the most intrusive government takeover of the private health care industry in the history of this country, and is now poised to use the EPA – a federal agency staffed by unelected beaurocrats - created by Richard Nixon (the classic RINO – Republican In Name Only of the Eastern Liberal Establishment and the Rockefeller Wing of the GOP) – to pass Climate Change/Global Warming Cap & Tax/Trade Mandates that will continue to destroy the free enterprise system in this country over the next six years; will guarantee the demise of the United States as an economic and military power in the world.

We are already seeing the everything being scaled down, including the nuclear deterrent as Russia and China build and continue to modernize their weapons systems across the board regardless of Obama’s sick overtures to these two nations and other nations in the hemisphere. The United States is repeating the mistakes of the failed and disastrous Carter Administration of the 70s where it unilaterally disarmed and scaled back its weapons developments across the board as the Soviet Union and Communist China built theirs.

History is not one of Obama’s strong points, as is not Economics. Look, this is what is going on in plain English; we are seeing an inexperienced Left-wing Marxist ideologue who was a junior senator of one of the nation’s most corrupt districts, who for a period of a decade rose quickly within that district’s party machinery, and gained national prominence when he gave an electrifying speech at the DNC some years back, who took advantage of the discontent and fear in the nation, who with the help of great foreign and domestic monied interests, catapulted him to the White House against a token weak Republican liberal running against him in the 2008 presidential elections.

This man came into the Oval Office with the promise that he’d change the way Washington was going to the do business in the future, and the only thing that he did was to re-staff his new administration’s top posts with people who never owned a business, never had to live paycheck to paycheck a day in their lives, never held a private job, and had no real world in experience in foreign policy, including the junior senator who became president on the heels of the historic vote 52 per cent of those who vote gave him. This is what we’ve come to, and is it any surprise that we should see this man and his minions in government to try to nationalize key industries in this country with the aid of their political party, as congress watched and did nothing to stop; it?

And recently, we’ve heard this enigma of a man claim that he is allowing offshore drilling. Yet what the AP and other news outlets are not telling you is that he is using this to get the so-called moderate and liberal Republicans to vote with him in Cap and Trade legislation coming up again, and also that what Obama is allowing is a very miniscule portion of areas which hold huge oil deposits. Also not mentioned is that he is only allowing what congress had already mandated previously to go into effect in 2012, but claiming the recognition and credit for. The media predictably played it up, and even in some circles criticized the president for breaking a campaign promise that he would not allow offshore drilling for oil. Again the public is being conned by experts.

Ladies and gentlemen, what we are seeing here is nothing short than the most fundamental transformation of the United States from the most economically independent and wealthy nation in the world to the most interdependent and economically vulnerable; the nationalization of key industries, the over-reaching arm of the federal government into every area and control of personal finance, health, and every free speech we are seeing, is precisely what Barack Obama intended all along. People forget that he promised to fundamentally change the nation and how it conducts its affairs. A good portion of those who voted for him did not anticipate that sweeping socialism would be what he had meant and promised, but here it is. For others, he was and continues to be a dream for them which they had hoped to see in their lifetime – the nation’s first black president – the final vindication of America as an all inclusive nation comprised of the best and brightest immigrants and sons of immigrants from every nation under heaven, who had finally come of age. But why did the first black president had to be of all things the most antithetical ideologue of everything this nations cherishes and has held dear since its founding?


In another move to destroy free enterprise, the freedom to choose, and personal responsibility, Barack Obama seeks to go where no other American elected official has ever gone before; he seeks now to outlaw SUVs. He’s already nationalized a large part of the auto industry, and has just finished passing the most intrusive government takeover of the private health care industry in the history of this country, and is now poised to use the EPA – a federal agency staffed by unelected beaurocrats - created by Richard Nixon (the classic RINO – Republican In Name Only of the Eastern Liberal Establishment and the Rockefeller Wing of the GOP) – to pass Climate Change/Global Warming Cap & Tax/Trade Mandates that will continue to destroy the free enterprise system in this country over the next six years; will guarantee the demise of the United States as an economic and military power in the world.

We are already seeing the everything being scaled down, including the nuclear deterrent as Russia and China build and continue to modernize their weapons systems across the board regardless of Obama’s sick overtures to these two nations and other nations in the hemisphere. The United States is repeating the mistakes of the failed and disastrous Carter Administration of the 70s where it unilaterally disarmed and scaled back its weapons developments across the board as the Soviet Union and Communist China built theirs.

History is not one of Obama’s strong points, as is not Economics. Look, this is what is going on in plain English; we are seeing an inexperienced Left-wing Marxist ideologue who was a junior senator of one of the nation’s most corrupt districts, who for a period of a decade rose quickly within that district’s party machinery, and gained national prominence when he gave an electrifying speech at the DNC some years back, who took advantage of the discontent and fear in the nation, who with the help of great foreign and domestic monied interests, catapulted him to the White House against a token weak Republican liberal running against him in the 2008 presidential elections.

This man came into the Oval Office with the promise that he’d change the way Washington was going to the do business in the future, and the only thing that he did was to re-staff his new administration’s top posts with people who never owned a business, never had to live paycheck to paycheck a day in their lives, never held a private job, and had no real world in experience in foreign policy, including the junior senator who became president on the heels of the historic vote 52 per cent of those who vote gave him. This is what we’ve come to, and is it any surprise that we should see this man and his minions in government to try to nationalize key industries in this country with the aid of their political party, as congress watched and did nothing to stop; it?

And recently, we’ve heard this enigma of a man claim that he is allowing offshore drilling. Yet what the AP and other news outlets are not telling you is that he is using this to get the so-called moderate and liberal Republicans to vote with him in Cap and Trade legislation coming up again, and also that what Obama is allowing is a very miniscule portion of areas which hold huge oil deposits. Also not mentioned is that he is only allowing what congress had already mandated previously to go into effect in 2012, but claiming the recognition and credit for. The media predictably played it up, and even in some circles criticized the president for breaking a campaign promise that he would not allow offshore drilling for oil. Again the public is being conned by experts.

Ladies and gentlemen, what we are seeing here is nothing short than the most fundamental transformation of the United States from the most economically independent and wealthy nation in the world to the most interdependent and economically vulnerable; the nationalization of key industries, the over-reaching arm of the federal government into every area and control of personal finance, health, and every free speech we are seeing, is precisely what Barack Obama intended all along. People forget that he promised to fundamentally change the nation and how it conducts its affairs. A good portion of those who voted for him did not anticipate that sweeping socialism would be what he had meant and promised, but here it is. For others, he was and continues to be a dream for them which they had hoped to see in their lifetime – the nation’s first black president – the final vindication of America as an all inclusive nation comprised of the best and brightest immigrants and sons of immigrants from every nation under heaven, who had finally come of age. But why did the first black president had to be of all things the most antithetical ideologue of everything this nations cherishes and has held dear since its founding?

Friday, April 2, 2010


There is great wickedness and vexation in high places. The leader of Israel comes to the White House, and the current president treats him like a gangbuster by leaving him by himself in the room as he goes to eat dinner. The former junior senator from Illinois forgets that he’s now the leader of the most powerful and influential nation on the planet, and that you do not treat heads of state, especially those who are allies and whom we’ve supported for forty plus years, like a gangsta treating another gangsta with contempt by leaving him after a high powered meeting over territory, as the “head gangsta” goes out to grab a bite to eat. This is the White House, not the Out House.

Like the ancient kings of Israel, this leader now is doing wrong in the sight of the Lord, because he breaks bread with Israel’s enemies, while he treats Israel’s leaders with contempt and derision. G-d made a promise to Abraham long ago, I will bless those who bless you, and those who curse you, I will curse.” Is it any wonder that this country and the Western Democracies who are now siding with the Islamic Block Anti-Israel nations of the Arab Middle East, are being wracked with the worst natural disasters since Katrina. And you remember Katrina, a storm of biblical proportions that devastated five states, and left mass populations homeless? Katrina followed immediately after George W. Bush (following the disastrous Bill Clinton conceived Oslo Accords), forced Israel to abandon land in the Gaza Strip for the so-called Land for Peace deal which left Israel vulnerable to daily missile attacks from Hamas. Now the current occupant of the White House along with the United Nations, and the Anti-Semitic World are dictating to Israel where it can and cannot build homes for its people.

I tell you now, this man leading this nation, and the nations of the world which follow; is doing a great evil in the sight of G-d against Israel, and as it was in the days of ancient Israel, so it is today; whenever a king did evil in the sight of the Lord, so did the people, and when there exits an evil ruler who does not fear the Lord, but fears the gods of the pagans (Allah), great suffering comes upon that nation. Woe unto the man who thumbs his nose at G-d by forcing His people to break a covenant with their G-d! Woe unto that man, and woe unto those who follow!

The Lord is not a plaster demigod, or the world the hood, nor Israel’s leaders gang leaders that they should be treated like gangbusters haggling over territory at some pow wow held by the head gangsta Barack Obama’s behavior towards Israel, Israel’s leader, Benjamin Netanyahu, and the Jewish people is nothing short than reprehensible. It is the evidence that he is too small for the job he now occupies, and that regardless of where he’s made it to, he has no class whatsoever, and is nothing more than a con.