Monday, December 14, 2009

White House Chanukah Party Spawns Anger

An artical appearing on CBS's December 11th Political Hotsheet Website which the Drudge Report links (at to illustrate one of many problems this administration is having with the Jewish Community in general and Israeli policies in particular.

The very petiness of much of what the article is about - whether this administration or the previous one - invited more Jewish guests for its yearly Chanukah Celebration at the White House - pales by comparison and detracts from what are much more important and troubling signs that Barak Obama and is an Anti-Semite regardless of his political appointments to several White House posts in his administration.

Perhaps the best public relations machinery in the history of the Democrat Party is running the activities of this White House, and even it cannot mask the seething, pent up, but well controlled and hidden Anti-Semitism of Barak Hussein Obama. He may have been successful in fooling all of the people some of the time, and some of the people all of the time, but he will never be able to fool all of the people all of the time.

Barak Hussein Obama may fool those who are emotionally attached to some dream his most ardent followers have of him, but the act he's put up until now, and for the duration of his presidency; is wearing thin. It's been showing cracks even before his first year in the Oval Office is up. The veneer around the image carefully crafted by his public relations people and his followers in the press is showing more and more cracks, and small bits of the real Obama have been manifesting itself to the public in ever more frequent ways. How? Oh, let me count the ways.

1.) He has pledged to overturn DOMA, the Defense of Marriage Act, signed into law by President Clinton, which defines marriage as an institution between a man and a woman. He's pledged to replace it with ROMA, the Respect of Marriage Act, which defines marriage as an institution between two consenting parties of any sex or sexual preference. And to this end, he recently broke the barrier by nominating the first openly Gay and Lesbian to head the U.S. Marshals. But, below are the various policy measures which this politician has undertaken:

2.) For the first time in US History, the Commander in Chief of the US Armed Forces has issued standing orders to our military to burn Bibles being sent to Afghanistan so as to not "offend" the Muslims these Bibles are intended for.

3.) He has repealed the Mexico City Treaty which the previous administration had enacted that prevented US agencies overseas aiding with tax dollars or as a matter of policy the abortion industry in those countries as a means of birth control or family planning. US agencies are now promoting abortion on demand overseas.

4.) For the first time, the president of the United States did not observe the National Day of Prayer this year, yet he and his family did commemorate the Muslim month of Ramadan. For the first time in our nation's history, a sitting president of the United States has given standing orders to our military to burn Holy Bibles sent to Afghanistan This is a political leader who on the National Day of Prayer decided he would not publicly pray for the nation as its leader, or call it to prayer, but instead claimed he would pray privately to his god.

5.) This is the first president in this nation's history who has pledged upon assuming office to promote the evil Freedom of Choice Act, or FOCA - which is not about freedom or choice, but a law which supports federally funded abortion on demand as a "fundamental right and entitlement" - the most radical piece of legislation ever devised in going far beyond the dreadful Supreme Court Decision of Roe v. Wade - "in making abortion a government-protected and taxpayer-supported 'right,' right through all nine months of pregnancy." (Governor Mike Huckabee's letter on FOCA) Because this piece of legislation mandates taxpayer-supported and federal protection of abortion throughout all nine months of pregnancy, it will make the crime of infanticide - that is, the willful killing of late term babies who survive abortion - commonplace for the first time in our nation's history on a federal level. This is the first president who has promised to repeal the Defense of Marriage Act (signed into law by President William Jefferson Clinton) which defines marriage as the union of a man and a woman.

6.) This is the first president who has pledged to sign into law the Senate and House's version of the Hate Crimes Law, which makes it illegal to effectively preach the Gospel with regards to deviant lifestyles and behavior and how the Holy Scriptures define all such behavior, because it defines preaching against the "Gay" and "Lesbian" lifestyle as a hate crime, and therefore prosecutable under federal law. H.R. 1913, the Local Law Enforcement Hate Crimes Prevention Act. This legislation will protect “sexual orientation,” “gender,” and “gender identity” as protected categories under federal civil rights laws. Democrats even refused to exclude pedophilia as a protected class under this legislation!

7.) He placed a militant gay on his faith-based counsel. He has also made it clear that faith-based groups, which prohibit gays in their organizations will not receive federal funding under his “faith” program.

8.) He has passed legislation that creates a civilian security force – a force that can be used the same way Hitler used the Brown Shirts – to control and spy on Americans. This act prohibits anyone who receives this federal funding from participating in or conducting religious worship services or evangelism!

9.) He asked that a monogram for Jesus Christ be covered up during a televised speech at a Catholic University in Washington, D.C.

10.) Under his watch, the FDA has approved Plan B, an abortion pill for 17-year-old girls.

11.) He signed an economic agreement at the G20 conference in England, which creates an international governing group that will have control over our economy. He has outsourced capitalism to European socialists.

12.) He has placed numerous far left lawyers in the Department of Justice, including pro-aborts, and a former pornography industry lawyer!

13.) As a Muslim must, he is the only president in US history to have bowed to the King of Saudi Arabia. As a secret Muslim, he has been compelled to display such obeisance in the presence of Muslim Royalty. He knew what he was doing when he bowed to the king of Saudi Arabia, though none of his advisors could later explain it to anyone's satisfaction. The matter has been conveniently dropped by the media.

14.) He has praised Daniel Ortega, the Marxist president of Nicaragua, and has kissed the Marxist president of Venezuela - Hugo Caesar Chavez - on the cheek, a sign of comradeship among socialists.

15.) He has endorsed the socialist president ob Bolivia, Evo Morales.

16.) Has pledged to Iran that the United States would meet with its leaders without preconditions, thus undercutting any means of negotiations..

17.) He has given billions of dollars to AIG without pre-conditions, and AIG has funneled this money to several banks in Europe where the very rich have their holdings - the greatest swindle in US history.

18.) He has expanded the federal bailouts beyond the ones administered by President Bush without accountability.

19.) In eight months, he has tripled our national debt. It had up until his sixth month in office, doubled, but this figure has been revised since. And the debt continues to rise astronomically.

20.) He has terminated the space defense system following North Korea's launch of an intercontinental ballistic missile at American territory in the Pacific Ocean this year.

21.) Despite the urgings of Leon Panetta - his current CIA Chief, and the urgings of four prior CIA Directors, he released information on how the CIA gathers intelligence.

22.) Although he had pledged to run the most ethical government, five of his cabinet level members cheated on their taxes and two others withdrew after they couldn't justify their breaking of the tax law.

23.) He spent several weeks circling the globe so he could openly apologize for what he perceived as "America's mistakes" and told the Mexican president that the violence in their country was America's fault.

24.) He has appointed a Homeland Security Chief who quickly identified as "dangers to the nation" groups including veterans of the military, and pro-life groups who oppose abortion on demand, and ordered the word "terrorism" not be used any longer, but that it be replaced with the euphemism "man made disasters."

25.) He has appointed as Attorney General a man who orchestrated the forced removal, abduction, and expulsion from America to Communist Cuba of a nine year minor whose mother died trying to bring him to their family in Miami and a life of freedom in the United States.

26.) He has politicized the US Census by removing it from the Department of Commerce and moving it into the White House to control it.

27.) While saluting as heroes the three Navy SEALs who rescued an American, he announced the next day that members of the Bush Administration would likely stand trail for "torturing" - that is, water boarding a terrorist who had been instrumental in the murder of 3000 Americans in 9/11.

28.) He went out of his way to send his National Defense Advisor to Europe to promise the Europeans that America would no longer give Israel preferential treatment, and that Israel would be alone with the Muslims.

29.) He launched the process of the auto industry's nationalization, and has begun the nationalization of the insurance industry, crucial for his so-called "healthcare reform" - ObamaCare.

30.) He has pledged to pass a strict regulation on emissions with the intent of causing the collapse of the coal industry within the United States.

31.) Despite numerous campaign pledges to read the budget line-by-line, cut wasteful spending and eliminate earmarks, he has signed an inflated budget with more than 9,000 earmarks.

32.) If he along with Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid in passing their Cap and Trade climate change legislations it will be the single largest tax increase in the history of the world.

33) He has pledged no taxes increases on anyone deemed "not rich." This was quickly broken as he signed a 60-cent excise tax on cigarettes earlier this spring. This regressive tax heavily burdens the working poor.

34) He is using SEIU and other union thugs to beat people who voice opposition to his so-called health care proposals:, and prominent 5embers of the president's Democrat Party are calling average Americans protesting ObamaCare and "mobs," "anti-Americans," and other epithets:

35) He is methodically moving American foreign policy away from support for Israel, and redirecting it towards Israel's enemies. As he continues to do this, and as American foreign and strategic policies adjusts; America will begin to see a pronounced decline as a world economic and military power. As it continues to disband from its tradition Judeo-Christian roots, and its historic support for Israel and its people, this country will steadily decline even below Europe. Eventually, if this trend continues, it will not be even an important player in world events. Don't think it's possible? Who would have predicted 9/11? Or the economic collapse of this nation - both of which are connected to the unfortunate Oslo Accords of President Clinton which he foisted on Israel in the name of peace with the most disastrous consequences in its history; the Intifada and rise of the suicide bombers.

36) The following is from a Chassidic website, and this is what it says about this political leader: "There have been some signs along the way that Obama is Amalek, and fighting a war against G-d - here are a few that come to mind: Since his election, Obama has not attended church, even though in the run-up he made a point of doing so..... (deception)

Obama thinks abortion is a good thing - an obvious give-away that he does not believe in G-d. Obama fumbled his swearing in with the Bible, and did it again the following day, without a Bible.....

37) He has appointed a committed revolutionary Marxist-Leninist with Maoist leanings as his environmental Czar to oversee the implementation of his Climate Change on American industry in order to transform it according to his (and Al Gore's) Green Agenda, the one of two of history's greatest con jobs ever perpetrated by politicians and industry upon the citizens of a nation. See the video at this link:

38) He has filled the White House with the most radical collection of Far Left elites in the history of our nation who are behind the several policy measures he has rammed through congress in his first eight months. Watch this video to see who they are, their connections to each other, and what they have done thus far:

39) He is the first to nominate an openly gay and lesbian pro-homosexual to head the U.S. Marshals.

40 He has pledged to do away with the Clinton Era "Don't ask, don't tell" policy of gays in the military, where they would openly proclaim their sexual preference without the fear of military discipline or reprisals. The "Don't ask, don't tell" policy allowed for discretion in order to keep the cohesion so critical to a military unit. Such personal disclosures would erode this cohesion and has been proven in societies which promote it to have a corrosive affect on the units which have adopted it. It has also proven to erode its fighting ability considerably. Removing the "Don;'t Ask, don't tell" policy is defacto proclamation openly espousing the gay and lesbian lifestyle.

41) He is about to sign a United Nations International Panel On Climate Change's treaty which will cede American sovereignty to an unelected world body. It will set up a "World Government" (paragraph 36 and 38 of the treaty). Climate Change Expert, Lord Christopher Moncton says, "They are going to do this whether you like it or not." It will not be an elected government, but it will be a "new vast interlocking bureaucratic entity, a government to redistribute wealth in the name of "climate debt," and it will be enforced by an interlocking series of technical panels which will have the ability and power to enforce its policies over those of the member nations signing this treaty. This political leader is about to sign American sovereignty and its Constitution to a World Government this December, and with this, a Communist World Government will take precedence over our Constitution, and the United States will be the biggest paying country signatory to this treaty, and it will be no more as we have come to know it. Under the Constitution's Article Six, two thirds of the Senate is required to vote to pass this treaty. Our elected officials will be the way in which we can keep this treaty from being enacted into law (

42.) He has allied himself with hard Left Socialist Roman Catholics in opposition to the teachings and tenets of the Catholic Church And his support not only of abortion on demand, but also of late term partial birth abortion not only puts him at odds with the teachings of Christianity (Catholic, Orthodox, and Protestant), but also the teachings of the Judaism; and cements him as one who promotes not just abortion, but infanticide; an abominable act that is condemned by the Holy Scriptures.

43.) He has appointed Kevin Jennings as the head of the Office of Safe and Drug Free Schools. This man is Obama's Safe Schools Czar.Mr. Jennings has authored five books advocating homosexual teaching as part of the public school curriculum, and is also the founder of GLSEN - the Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network. What is this group all about? It is the largest advocacy group in the nation that is dedicated to promoting the homosexual and Lesbian lifestyle to kindergarten children in our public schools. Mr. Jennings once said that the late homosexual Communist member/advocate of NAMBLA (North American Man-Boy Love Association), Harry Hay, who once stated, "If the parents and friends of gays are truly friends of gays, they would know from their gay kids that the relationship with an older man is precisely what 13 -, 14-, and 15-year old kids need more than anything else in the world," (Jeffrey Lord, Democrats Called Foley Guilty of Sex Crimes, The American Spectator, October 9th, 2009) was his inspiration for his advocacy of promoting aggressively the homosexual lifestyle to minors in our public schools (Obama's Lewd Schools Czar; Presidential Appointee Continues to Dodge Scrutiny, as cited by Family News, page 3 for November from Dr. James Dobson). According to Tony Perkins of the Family Research Council, writes this about "...the man in charge of protecting our schools has endorsed a celebration of perversion that includes video pornography, religious defamation, photos of genitalia, and stories of child pornography, cross-dressing, and sadomasochism." (Tony Perkins, Exhibiting Poor [Or Is It Porn?] Judgment, Family Research Council, October 22nd, 2009, as cited by Dr. James Dobson on page 3 of November 2009's Family News.)

44.) Another appointment of Barak Obama is Chai Feldblum to serve as one of five commissioners of the EEOC, Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. What the public does not know is that Ms. Feldblum is at this writing a professor of law [Gay Studies] at Georgetown University. Ms. Feldblum supports polygamy. (Ryan T. Anderson, Beyond Gay Marriage the Stated Goal of these Prominent Gay Activists Is No Longer Merely the Freedom to Live as They Want, The Daily Standard, August 15th, 2006, as cited by Dr. James Dobson on page 4 of November 2009's Family News.)

45.) Obama's Diversity Czar to the FCC, the Federal Communications Commission, is radical Mark Lloyd; who last year publicly applauded Venezuelan Communist dictator Hugo Caesar Chavez's so-called media reform, making the following statement suggesting that Mr. Chavez had directed a "really incredible revolution - a democratic revolution." Tell that to the enslaved people of Venezuela. This appointee of Obama's favors removing free speech rights (Second Amendment Rights) of talk radio commentators such as Glenn Beck, Sean Hannity, Bill O'Reilly, Rush Limbaugh, Michael Savage, Bob Grant, Mark Levin, Michael Gallagher, Michael Medved, Laura Ingraham, Monica Crowley, and many, many more beyond that under the guise of a revitalized and federally enforced "Fairness Doctrine," by imposing draconian Stalinist regulations and enforcing them with stiff fines on talk radio.

46.) Obama's choice for White House Communications Director, Anita Dunn, once praised the ruthless murderer of over 150 million souls - Mao Tze-Tung - as one of her "favorite political philosophers." This person actually holds this monster as her role model! And she directs operations within the White House, with the ear of the most powerful man in the world. (What Would Mao Do? White House Press Strategy is About Absolute Control, The Washington Times, October 20th, 2009, as cited by Dr. James Dobson on page 4 of November 2009's Family News)

47.) Another fan of the murderer Mao-Tze-Tung is Obama's Manufacturing Czar, Ron Bloom. In his capacity as the United Steel Workers Union last year, Mr. Bloom spoke to a forum on what role the union can play in bankruptcy, where he made the following statement, "We kind of agree with Mao that political power comes largely from the barrel of a gun..." (Fight over Afghanistan: Rating Obama, Losing Support? Lou Dobbs Tonight, CNN, October 20th, 2009, as cited by Dr. James Dobson on page 4 of November 2009's Family News)

No matter what the image, no matter what the rhetoric to one group and the promises made to another, and no matter how much of this is not reported by the alphabet soup so-called news outlets across the nation; the information you've just read can no longer be kept from the American people, since these outlets no longer possess the media and information monopoly they once enjoined. They won't report this information to you, but other outlets such as the Internet, talk radio, bloggers, and information journals are getting this out to more and more people. And as Barak Obama is making moves towards precisely what is reported here (and these are just 47 points - 47 fronts he is attacking), he is making it plain and evident that his agenda is not one that the vast majority of America can support. Oh, yes, there are some people out there who regardless of what Obama's agenda is, they will continue in their support of this man. This is the crowd that is emotionally or psychologically attached to this man. As mentioned above, perhaps it is on some emotional level, or the dream he once (and in their minds continues) to represent, or perhaps it is on a racial level - perhaps the most base and lowest of all, because it means the person defines their world view on the simplest and perhaps most prejudiced level possible - the one of race. Whatever the reason may be, make no mistake about it, there are at least several million people who still support Barak Obama and his policies, and will continue to do so, because "they feel good about him, " as one of them recently told me. That was the best he could write, but it is the kind of knee jerk emotional response that the man engenders to many. But to the vast majority of America, the man and the militant Communists he has appointed to the most sensitive offices in our government, and his radical far Left agenda for the nation, is the greatest danger this nation has faced since September 11th, 2001, because it will steer the direction of this country for the foreseeable future from the most powerful levels of our government.

You can fool all of the people some of the time, some of the people all of the time, but you cannot fool all of the people all of the time.

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