Monday, October 5, 2009



Government does not have the right to legislate the private lives of its citizenry, or to officiate over their private affairs.
Government should not allocate the tax of its citizenry towards funding abortion on demand.
Government should not legislate behavior.
It does reserve the right to punish misbehavior when such behavior endangers human life.
Government should not be involved at all; either for, or against abortion.
It should not fund it, outlaw it, or make it into law.
It should stay out of it all together.
This is a matter which should be settled privately by families, clergy, counselors, friends, and institutions whose professionals services can and should provide the services necessary to bring such matters to completion amicably, and humanely.
Keep government out of this.
A government which reserves for itself the right to legislate your private affairs has already taken your freedoms from you without firing a shot.
A government that legislates either for or against abortion has already taken our freedoms from us.
A government which can legislate your life has thus deprived you of your humanity.
Every service government provides, it provides at a cost.
Legislating either for or against abortion on demand (either way) is a price too high to pay as regards our most basic of human rights.
Why? Because it touches the most fundamental rights of human beings; the right to freedom of privacy.
Leave government out of our private affairs.
It has no right to pry into them.
That right is reserved only for our G-d, and those closest to us, and it should be preserved at all costs.
Government (federal) should only consign itself to Constitutional matters of national and international affairs.
Its' intrusion beyond this will border on tyranny.
It is not the role of the federal government to either support or outlaw abortion on demand. Our tax dollars should not go to fund a multi-billion dollar industry which is ethically suspect, morally bankrupt, and takes undue advantage of the dispossessed and disadvantaged.
This is a private matter, and not one which the government has not the Constitutional authority to legislate, or get itself involved in.



Those who support abortion on demand; euphemistically called "the right to choose," and will not think twice, or even feel the slightest pang of guilt or remorse in advocating such an act, (even if there might be the slightest of possibilities---the slightest mind you---- that an innocent is being put to a terrible end---a human being mind you---, even before he/she has had the chance to live and enjoy that life----a life much like yours, and which we have been allowed by our parents, who thankfully respected and revered human life, yes even more than that of animals (PITA catch a breath!) to live and enjoy.
No. Abortion on demand is just a convenient way which gives the irresponsible, and immoral a license to escape and not be held accountable for their own indiscretions, as well as fleeing the responsibility of caring for a child he and she is bringing into this world, but do not wish to take responsibility for.
It is an easy way out of an inconvenience.
But who gives one the right to play God with human life; to decide who lives and who dies at a whim?
And who are we to decide what life is fit live amongst us, and what life is not?
Is this how far we've come?
Are we now no better than the Nazis, who advocated certain racial groups not fit to live among humankind?
Let us now get to the root cause of how some can support abortion on demand, without the slightest thought that they may be advocating the wholesale genocide of innocents (an multi-billion dollar government subsidized industry which has put to death hundreds of millions of babies since the decision Roe v. Wade was decided upon by the Supreme Court), while under the same breath advocate preserving animal life, the rain forest, and the environment.
The issue of abortion, like so many others used by the politicians; but this one particularly, is one which transcends political parties.
It is the evidence more of a fundamental difference on how one views human life than it is of political ideology, or political persuasion. Evidence of this is in the fact that political candidates from both parties have embraced both causes.
It all comes down to the adaptation of ideas.
Ideas and beliefs are powerful.
They have spawned empires, and mighty nations.
They have been the catalyst for conflict; look at the Middle East today.
Abraham Lincoln had an idea which gave enslaved Americans their freedom to live as men and women.
John Kennedy had an idea to put a man on the moon before the end of the decade, and because this, our great nation accomplished it only six years later.
Martin Luther King had an idea which became a dream, and that dream became reality.
Ronald Reagan had a dream that America was shining city upon a hill, and once in office, set about to make that dream a reality.
Four years later, he had accomplished most of it; having restored America's respect abroad, restored our military, brought inflation down from 23% to 8%, reduced unemployment, and many more things which space and time do not allow me to recall here.
But suffice it to say that because of his dream; his idea, America in just under four years was brought back from the very brink of disaster.
There was still much to do, and many more reforms were still needed; but much of the work that needed to be done was done, all due to one man's courage to take on the special interests throughout the nation, and the entrenched beauracrocy in Washington which that monied aristocracy paid off in order to preserve the status quo.
The greatest idea originated from God Himself.
Having created humankind, having witnessed its downfall; He set immediately about to prepare the Way for its reconciliation with Him.
He called a man, who became a nation, and out for that nation, a tribe from which was born a Son, and that Son became the catalyst for reconciliation, regeneration, redemption, and resurrection.
The greatest idea ever to have existed.
Yes, as I've written before, it begins with a thought, which becomes an idea, which becomes a dream, which if put into action; turns into reality. Cause and effect.
What you think will most assuredly affect how you live.
Indeed, whatever goes through a person's mind will determine their actions or inactions to certain stimuli.
Prov. 23:7
In fact, ideas are so powerful that Christ has said they can move mountains.
"...if you have faith as a mustard seed, you shall say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there,' and it shall move; and nothing shall be impossible to you."
Mt. 17:20b. See also Mt. 20:21, 22, Lk. 17:6.
So powerful that elsewhere He has stated that faith, which is an element of one's pure trust and belief in someone; can accomplish anything.
"All things are possible to him who believes."
Mk. 9:23.
So, we see that it all begins with an idea, a thought, a belief, and it turns into a cause.
Yes, you must believe strongly in something before it can grip you and cause you to take it up as your own cause; your passion, if you will.
But we can ask, and rightly so, "How does this explain how a person can advocate the defense of animals, and the environment, and yet support death by abortion?"
Values. A person's value system will determine what causes that person will, or will not take up.
Indeed, it comes down to values and beliefs.
How these values have shaped your thinking.
How these values have molded the way you view yourself, others, and the world around you.
If we believe that human life is precious, no matter how primitive; we are compelled to defend and preserve it at all costs.
However, if we have been taught to believe that humankind is but an advance community of animals with intellect; whose origins are found in one cell amoeba, and just a mass of protoplasm, carbon and water; then life is not quite as hallowed; and the natural progression of this is that fetal life, primitive as it is in "certain stages of development," is no life at all; after all, "It cannot subsist outside of its mother's womb." , as abortion advocates so have stated so many times.
But the argument is specious.
It begins with the faulty premise that just because the underdeveloped child cannot fend for itself outside of the mother's womb, it therefore cannot be a child, but a thing; and thus does not have any rights, much less the right to live.
We know that without the care of its parent, any baby will most assuredly die in time.
If I were to apply this argument to them in general, just as the advocates of abortion do to babies in the first (and the more rabid advocates, to the second trimester), and not just babies, but the elderly; I would be forced to conclude that they do not have a right to live simply on the grounds that they cannot fend for themselves.
Those who hold such views do not even realize that they are basing their estimation of what human life is very much as the Nazis did; by ways of degrees; and measured by abilities of self-preservation.
On the basis of whether an ear has been fully formed, or a person's ability to see, or even intelligence, and motor skills.
Anything that is not up to certain standards (whose, I don't know) must be conveniently done away with; after all it is a lesser life form, and not fit according to the norms mandated by the state to live among human beings.
Survival of the fittest.
You see where we are going with this?
You see the danger?
Again, it begins on where the person bases their own belief on the origin of human beings in general, and human life in particular. Advocates of Darwinian Evolution see life as having evolved from the lesser developed life forms to that of homosapiens.
They do not see human beings as anything unique among the creatures that roam this earth, but simply higher animals which, through selective evolution, have developed intellect.
And the earth in which these animals inhabit itself is equal to its human inhabitants in importance.
If one is to take this reasoning further, the animals which roam and share this great planet of ours are themselves our equal, and because of this, must be protected.
It thus falls to mankind to protect them, since we are the most intellectually developed.
It almost sounds good, doesn't it.
And one finds that one can almost be allured to believe it, and be carried away by the argument.
As a matter of fact, I used to believe it myself.
That is why I know exactly where secular humanists are coming from.
I was once one of them.
But there is something insidious hidden in the way it denies the existence of God.
It cheapens human life; misrepresenting it as nothing more than the result of random chance, and the combination of complex cells coming together through the eons, finally developing into more advance stages of primates.
The argument is taken even further by racists who claim that racial differences are just stages of evolution.
An argument which bigots have used against blacks in every corner of the globe.
But you understand how this progresses into the advocacy also of animal rights.
The argument which espouses the equality of animal and human life must first cheapen human life and elevate animal life in order for it to support its point of view.
But if one begins with a belief in the Biblical creation account we have preserved for us in the Scriptures, and hold to a fervent belief in a divine Creator, and are awed by the complexity of life it even exists.
The complexity of all of creation.
How the earth rotates on its axis, and the slightest movement away from where it is stationed in the universe would wipe all life off in a moment....the mystery of what binds all of matter together, a phenomenon which science calls cohesion, which it cannot explain; just to say it exists...(the Scriptures call this force Jesus; it says all things were created by Him, and for Him, and are held by the Word of His power, and all things find their existence in Him)...........when one understands and views life from these fundamentals, it is clear that life; all life, but especially human life, which is made in the image of God, is special and above all other life forms which roam this planet.
That life human life in all of its stages of development; in all of its complexity is worth preserving; the exception being the criminally insane, who cannot live among others without causing them fatal harm.
As I've written before:
"Look, you're looking at a guy who breaks of animals, how much more for a living human being made in the image of our God?
If I won't harm a fly, how can I knowingly and in all good conscience support the funding of an industry which puts to unborn human beings to death?"
I say, keep the government off the backs of every American, male and female; and keep our tax dollars out of the abortion industry.
No sooner does tax money go into something, soon thereafter follows the beauracracy, and the regulatory agencies not sanctioned by our Constitution, and not empowered by the Congress, Senate, or Supreme Court of the land.
Soon, the agency takes on a life of its own, much the way the IRS has and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms have.
And before you know it, not only does it become a Frankenstein, but with its rise to power, so diminishes the freedoms of the people it was meant to serve.
To summarize this my stance on this issue, I cannot support the carnage which is so conveniently misnamed abortion (or even more euphemistically called "a woman's right to choose," making this crime seem even more innocuous).
I cannot, condone, much less support the premeditated slaughter of human life at any stage of development, because there is just that chance, that iota of a possibility that what medical science is snuffing so ruthlessly out, is the precious life of an indefensive innocent human being who has yet to live the life so many of us take for granted, which in itself is a gift from God.
And while that doubt remains, it is best to be on the side of caution and not be party to murder; particularly, of the murder of indefensive human life.
Heck, we do better with criminals.
Our laws give them the benefit of the doubt.
If there is just the slightest doubt in evidence that is brought against them, they are set free; regardless of the preponderance of evidence against them.
Our unborn deserve much better.
They have committed no wrong.
They deserve to live.
They deserve much better.
That this matter has been politicized and used by both political parties is reprehensible.
It transcends political parties, because it speaks of who we are as a nation, where we've come from as a people; and where we are headed.
It's easy to fall prey to clichés and political rhetoric from both sides, but we must all make decisions for ourselves on the issues, and not be carried away by the politicians who simply wish to use us as pawns to advance their own careers, and financial fortunes.
Accordingly, I implore everyone to do this.
Reexamine your beliefs, and honestly, objectively ask yourselves why it is you believe what you believe.
There must be a reassessment of our values, our beliefs, and our core mores.
This is my personal viewpoint on this issue, but politically I would advise that we should keep our government from getting involved in this either way. A government that can legislate one's private life, can also take those freedoms away at the drop of a hat. Keep government out, and keep our tax dollars out too.

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