Recently Lord Christopher Monckton, a Climate Change expert and Insider who's had access to Climate Change Agreements and legislation now before congress, gave a speech (at the following link:, and in this speech he warned about what the loss of American sovereignty will mean to the world. It was most alarming.
When I first heard about the organizations and movements working towards world government during the late 70s, and considered it all a bunch of conspiracy theories back then. But as the years rolled on and continual politicians - both conservative and liberal - Republican and Democrat Administrations continued to surrender American sovereignty piecemeal every year to UN edicts and unelected international tribunals headed by shadowy individuals, I began to realize that we had a real type of Star Chamber at work, and that politicians within our own government were behind these projects.
I began to investigate the politicians behind this movement, and discovered that they had one thing in common; they were members of an organization named the Council on Foreign Relations and the Trilateral Commission. To my dismay, I learned that President George H.W. Bush (the elder Bush; or Bush 41, as he has been called) was not only a member of both organizations, but that he had been a director of the Trilateral Commission. His son, George W. Bush is also a member of that organization, and I would recommend everyone to obtain a copy of the Glenn Ford motion picture titled, The Brother of the Bell. It is a story about a secret society called the Bell comprised of the powerful elites of our society. It is the only motion picture of its kind, and it is a rare gem.
It is this organization and many like it (the British variant of it is the Royal Institute for International Affairs), which have been the driving forces behind the surrender of American sovereignty by successive American presidents, and why even the so-called "conservative" ones have turned tail at one point in their political careers to promote globalism in the guise of international free trade. This is how time and time again we see people who on the surface appear to be at opposite ends of the political spectrum; like Newt Gingrich, a conservative Republican (but CFR Member in good standing), and Al Gore (also a CFR Member in good standing) both promoting climate change legislation, and other measures that would surrender American sovereignty to a global government and saddle hard working struggling Americans with a UN Climate Tax (Obama has pledged US to).
This is how large corporations headed by prominent CFR Members in business and finance are promoting the so-called "Green Revolution" - everyone falling into lockstep with the pied piper of the New World Order that the elder President Bush spoke about fresh on the heels of the success of Desert Storm. This is why GE, Ford, British Petroleum, and large multinational conglomerates are falling into place promoting this Green Revolution, including your local utility companies. They all stand to make incredible profits in this scam and have been promised by the Obama Administration to receive subsidies at tax payer expense as they will slam the hard working beleaguered tax payer with a double whammy of higher energy costs and Obama's higher taxes to offset the exponential growth in federal spending required to support these subsidies. The companies don't care, they'll be taken care of by this government
Ladies and gentlemen, unless the American people rise up and do something about this, the president that many of you supported, campaigned and voted for will surrender you country and mine to the coming Anti-Christ System of the Beast. It can be averted, it can be slowed down, and it can be stopped, but it is up to US; every last one of US. And please, do US all a favor, next year, vote every congressman and senator out of office. They do not represent your best interests or those of this nation. What's more, do yourself and all of US a favor; make sure that the next congress votes term limits for congressmen and senators. There are people who have been too long in the House of Representatives and in the United States Senate. They do not deserve your support because they do not look after your interests, but the interests of the large unions, interest groups, and lobbyists. Their allegiance is to their political party before nation and before their constituents. They do not deserve your vote. Don't vote for them. Get them out of there, but do it intelligently. Make sure that the person whom you are voting to be your representative is not worst than the one you are voting out. To do this, you will have to be aware of the issues and see beyond the mesmerizing rhetoric of this president and those allied to him in congress and in the media.
The totalitarian tendencies are evident before US. Dissent is squelched, and alternative opinions to those of this president are quickly dismissed as "right wing" and those expressing them are ridiculed, pilloried, personally attacked, and vilified by the members of the press, entertainment media, and even the White House itself. Stand up. Be heard. Make your opinions known. This is what our country is all about, not the "glorious conformity" that the White House and the press corpse are trying to impose on US. Free speech, and right of conscience, the right to assemble, and right to express oneself as one sees fit are all protected by the Constitution and Bill of Rights that these people wish to overrun with international treaties and political measures, economic policies, and financial entanglements.
Literally, what we are seeing before US is the unraveling of our way of government, as this White House works feverishly to push legislation and treaties without the consent of those governed whose interests they should be looking out for, but are not. There are two overriding reasons why they have been successful thus far; Biblical illiteracy and moral depravity. One goes with the other and the two cannot be separated. When American abandoned G-d in the classroom and His Commandments was progressively stricken from our courthouses and public places, we changed. And we have been changing for forty years. It has been a slow and deliberate change, but a change nonetheless. And the change we are now seeing which we were promised, is the coming at US at the speed of a runaway locomotive. But if enough of US become informed on the issues, know why we support them, and elect public officials to represent US because they share our values, the runaway locomotive of the Obama Nation can be stopped and derailed from its tracks.
We must do it now while we still can. The future of our children and the free world is at stake. We dare not be asleep at the wheel, but must blow the trumpet because the walls are broken in and the enemy is in our camps. Use the power of the vote, the power of the pen, and the power of the free and open exchange of ideas and opinions to make the changes necessary that can conceivably bring a renaissance to our nation and spiritual revival to our land. G-d bless America, but more importantly, America must once again bless G-d.
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