Thursday, October 15, 2009


It appears that regardless of how bad it gets, we are being told by our politicians and members of the news media that "things are getting better, the DOW just broke 10K, and that there is light at the end of this tunnel." Before anyone begins believing this, let's get both our feet back in the ground, and look at the reality instead of what we are being told that reality is, because Wall Street is not Main Street, and the only reason Wall Street is doing so good right now is because the entire financial structure is being papered over by the federal Reserve, and bankrolled by the Chinese Communist Government in Beijing.

Another reason Wall Street is doing so good is because the largest technology corporations have cut back on hiring, moved their hiring overseas where they can obtain cheaper labor at half the overhead, and continue to shed more jobs here in the United States where the labor market continues to contract. This is not a recovery, this is another sign of what the economists were saying just weeks ago, and earlier this year; that they expected this "recession" to continue well into the next two years at best, and did not expect a recovery until at least 2012. What we are being told is a bold and callous lie.

About 18 per cent of our population are currently out of work. A good half of those have been out of work for more than a year, while many more have exhausted all of their unemployment benefits. Of those there are many more who are living off of public assistance in some way. Some have become homeless, others unable to pay the most common bills such as water, utilities, or even food. And because they are no longer looking for work, the government has written them off, and they no longer "exist," therefore they are not included when states such as New Jersey, California, Michigan, Connecticut, and Florida (who have the highest unemployment rates in the country) release their press glowing reports monthly.

It is incredible. It's almost as if there are two realities in this country; the elected officials who are telling US that times are "tough" yet "things are looking up," and the rest of US who can't pay our bills, can barely afford our meals, stopped paying utilities months ago to pay our mortgages, and are late paying almost everything else. We read of incredible corruption at the highest levels of our society, from the halls of congress (Charles Rangel's [D.NY] misdeeds, the NEA (National Education Association) and AFT (American Federation of Teachers) connections to the White House, and ACORN's connections to this White House, also SEIU's connections to ACORN, to the TIDES FOUNDATION, and to this White House, and the manipulation of information and willful disinformation for political purposes going on between this White House, and all of these entities, as disclosed on Fox News, and such programs as the Glenn Beck Show, Sean Hannity Show, Bill O'Reilly, and on talk radio. Corruption indeed is in high places in America, and the American people are suffering because of it.

There is an old cliché' which is over-used but fits this situation, it is: If it quacks like a duck, looks like a duck, and smells like a duck, then it's a duck. Well, my fellow Americans, we have ducks in government at every level, and in the media at every level, and in almost every other place where information is dispensed to the public. We're being told one thing, and the reality just does not fit the rhetoric. We were promised by this government in the last days of the waning Bush Presidency that the multi-billion (almost a trillion dollars) of tax payer bailouts to the country's richest institutions owned by the country's wealthiest was necessary in order to prevent massive layoffs and a depression. What happened? We got exactly that. Now we have recently discovered that everything former Treasury Secretary Paulson and current Federal Reserve Chairman Bernanke said were lies, and the entire bailout to the nation's wealthiest institutions owned by the richest was nothing more than history's greatest swindle - the largest money laundering operation in the history of not just this country, but in history. No one is going to jail folks, and no one is being investigated.

Why? Because many of the faces behind this, voted for the bill, and were themselves part of what caused the collapse of our economy in the first place. They are just too many, too powerful, and they control the key committees which would have investigatory powers over these affairs. They know how to protect themselves, and they know that there isn't a darn thing that anybody will or can do to stop them short of voting them out of office come the next two elections cycles, which they expect to win handily thanks to the work of their allies in the media, the unions, and the entrenched political machineries back home. Thus one hears the likes of a Barney Frank, a Christopher Dodd, a Charles Rangel, and Robert Menendez continue to tell US how they work for the common guy, for the little people, while their collective political careers point to the kind of government waste and corruption that created the situation we are in right now. Oh, but don't expect them to take responsibility for it; they're too busy telling US how they are on our side, how they voted for this project or that which would "help" our seniors, put food on the poor's table, and secure more growth in the creation of new jobs. They're on our side you know. Right. The standard of living you now have speaks more to the reality than all of their bombastic rhetoric to the contrary.

And since Chicago style politics has come to the White House, and the White House Chief of Staff is micro-managing every government activity with the aid of over 30 so-called unelected czars for the president, we are seeing now an unprecedented growth in both the level of federal activity and control over almost every facet of our personal affairs in our lifetime. The corruption, lying, cheating (almost every one of the president's cabinet level appointees are chronic tax cheats), and malfeasance in this government is eroding the very fabric of our country's moral infrastructure. But this is not new to this administration; we have been in this decline for quite some time. The office of the presidency has been tarnished for quite some time, and by several individuals who never should have been elected, let alone made it passed their respective party's primaries. But, what we have sown, we have also reaped. Our politicians are US, and we have hell to pay for our own actions.

Remember, during the last presidential elections Obama paid SEIU over a quarter of a million dollars with money coming from billionaire Leftist George Soros into Obama's campaign war chest, this after candidate Obama had pledged not to accept private donations and go with the government campaign contributions which would have limited him from accepting limitless money from undisclosed sources had he kept his pledge which he didn't. This is how the agent of change was able to raise almost a billion dollars as more Americans became impoverished. He would have done better had he given each one of these impoverished Americans a million dollars each to start out, and still would have had more than his rival's contributions. But you see, Obama, like Rangel, like Menendez, like Frank, and like Dodd, Pelosi, Reid, and the rest of big spenders like to be magnanimous with money and with programs for "the poor" but not with their own money, which they keep insulated from taxation and regulation, but with other people's money.

Thus, we hear about from media cheer leaders for Obama Care from the alphabet soup channels now brazenly allied to this White House, how "the people" are with this public option" and how "most Americans support Obama's plan" and how those who oppose it are nothing more than "plants of the big insurance companies," and "Republican agents" "Nazis," Racists, and angry gun totting white bigots. This is what it's come to America. If you disagree with certain elements of your government, your opinion is written off as rants and hate, and you are classified under Janet Napolitano's Homeland Security as a potential terrorist. This is the Obamanation. This is what where we have arrived just months after the elections. This is where you were warned we would be taken, and this is where we are. The very foundations of this republic and the world are being shaken to its very core, and the powers are trembling. Judgment is coming.

For the first time in our history, the National Day of Prayer was not observed by our nation's president. For the first time in our nation's history the Muslim month of Ramadan was observed at the White House by this president and his family. For the first time in this nation's history Holy Bibles sent to Afghanistan were confiscated and on orders from the president, burned. For the first time in this nation's history, Islam is being promoted in our nation's public schools through education plans fostered in the name of multiculturalism and inclusion, and homosexual and pedophilia are being taught to minors in the guise of sex education without their parents' consent. For the first time in our nation's history, the president of the United States has appointed an openly homosexual to head the U.S. Marshal's Office. For the first time in our nation's history a sitting president has ordered 900 million dollars to Hamas - a sworn enemy of the United States - over the objections of Israel, America's premier ally in the Middle East.

And while all of the above is happening right under our eye and without out consent; a health care proposal which will federally fund abortions on demand, as well as cut significant number of seniors and poor from getting help, and cut Medicare Advantage to seniors and Medicaid to the poor, as well as increase the cost of healthcare, raise taxes, and destroy competition by crowding it out in a government run monopoly; is being rammed down the throats of every citizen of this nation because what Obama wants, Obama gets; of course, all in the name of "helping the little guy." Oh, did I forget to mention, Obama Care is not what Obama, his family, and members of congress have for themselves, not by a long shot, and it they have no intention of swapping what they have for Obama and Congress' "public option," or anything they have before committee right now. It appears that what's good for the goose is not good for the gander when it comes to our elected officials. The rules they play by are not the rules they set out for everybody else.

And while they debate in out of committee this monstrosity of a health care bill (there are many being debated), the people who are hurting most, those unemployed, and especially those whose unemployment benefits were exhausted months ago, are being put aside to make way for Obama's obsession. We are seeing how the Senate is stalling, while over five hundred thousand Americans and a good many more who have fallen through the cracks find it impossible to pay for bare necessities while they compete with fifteen to twenty others for that "one job" while these senators continue living high on the six figure salaries, enjoying the healthcare coverage they deny to everyone else and won't even consider for all US Citizens as a birthright, especially those whom have served this nation. Welcome home America, the chickens have indeed come home to roost.

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