Thursday, October 29, 2009


Dictatorships historically have one thing in common. Their champions do not like either promoting or protecting any of the following rights:

1.) The right to free speech
2.) The right to own firearms
3.) The right to worship according to one's faith
4.) The right to dissent from official government policies/politics
5.) The right to travel freely within and outside of country
6.) The right to assemble without government approval
7.) The right to conscience
8.) The right to own property
9.) The right to conduct business for profit
10.) The right to redress government abuse of power
11.) The right of presumption of innocence under the law
12.) The right to a jury of one's peers
13.) The ritght to succeed or fail without government obstruction or intrusion
14.) The right to elect officials to preserve such laws as based upon our national Constitution and to represent the interests of its citizens and the nation
15.) The right to repeal legislation - either through the courts or through our elected officials - which are deemed either un-Constitutional or inimical to those of our nation or to its citizens

Every Marxist and Fascist dictatorship in history has one thing in common with regards to the rights just enumerated: these fundamental rights have been abridged in one form or another. Even in this country, these rights have been abridged by local, state, and federal power to one extent or another, even though our Constitution and Bill of Rights were written to protect these rights which our Founding Fathers claimed were given to every human being by our Creator, G-d.

The same individuals whom many of US have elected to office to oversee these rights have been, and are, the very persons involved in abridging some or all of these rights inumerated above in one form or another through legislation and the courts, the very same institutions which our Founders created to oversee and protect such rights. What's more, many of our elected officials have and continue to promote and enforce poliices which have taken and are taking our Constitution apart piece by piece. It has been a slow and methodical journey in accomplishing this, but over more than eight decades, it has been done as America slept.

There are laws on our books which run completely against the intent and will of our Founding Fathers and our Constitution, but which the highest courts in the land and many of our elected officials and presidents have nonetheless promoted and enforced. International treaties, central banks, monetization of our currency, federal regulations, czars, a president dictating from the Oval Office how private business should run their affairs when such powers are not granted by Constitution to the Executive Branch of our government, and the successive progressive overtaxation of the citizenry; are all signs that the fascist state wheel has turned full circle. The United States has become a fascist state.

A large number of the politicians whom we have elected to public office all pay lip service to the protection of these rights, but every piece of legislation and cause they promote have in some way abridged such rights. The American people are awashed by federal regulation, over-taxation, colossal government spending beyond the means of the American people's ability to be able to support such spending. And every meaasure taken and imposed on all of US our elected officials claim are for our good.

Remember the lessons of history: every measure taken by governments which have resulted in tyranny began with a claim by that government that such measures were taken for the good of the people. Every reform proposed and imposed by every politician has resulted in tyranny and dictatorship. A government policy that is imposed is a government policy to be opposed, because it has left out the very right of the people to redress grievances with regards to policies which it considers would do harm to them and to their fellow citizens.

The current health care "reform" being promoted and being imposed on every citizen regardless of the growing opposition to this legislature is nothing but the tyranny of the federal powers usurped by ideologues within a political party to transform this nation into a fascist/Marxist federal consortium, and is dangerously close to passing. It is one of many measures being proposed by this president and by Marxists and Socialist Progressives posing as democrats within his political party in bringing about the effective transformation of the United States into a nation in which its national Constituion no longer protects its citizens of the rights inumerated above.

The purpose behind this transformation is in order to promote global transnationalism whereby which the United States will lose its sovereignty and be absorbed into a New World International Order through international treaty in commerce and government. The current promotion of the "Green" objectives in business, energy, taxes, and every other facet where laws are enacted to erode the ability of peoples and nations to remain independent of world government, is what is at play in the Green Revolution and Climate Change/Global Warming/Wind Power. Take note that its most ardent proponents in this country have done everything possible to stymy the development of nuclear power, clean coal energy, and the development of America's gigantic untapped natural gas and oil reserves. These alternatives aren't even under consideration though they were aluded to during the last presential elections by all the candidates. They're not, because they would make America completely independent of foreign energy. Remember, the powers that be do not want America independent, but interdependent of these and all things though the politicians make promises and claims to the contrary. They are all liars.

Remember this rule and you won't be fooled: oppose every politician regardless of party or presumed ideology, religious affiliation, or repution, who claims that the policy he or she is imposing on you without your consent is for your good, because there is no so-called reform, policy, legislation, action, or measure which does not possess within itself the abridgement (end) one or all of the following:

1.) Your rights.
2.) Your money.
3.) Your liberty.
4.) Your independence.
5.) Your nationhood.

No dictatorship has ever existed that has not begun without first claiming that what it was doing was for everyone's good. Any attempt by the human race to re-erect the Tower of Babel - is nothing more than man's attempt to exclude G-d and the need to account to Him for one's actions. These attempts have plagued the human race since the beginning of time. They began with Cain's offering to G-d and the emergence of every empire that has ravaged the earth in every age. Today's Green, Progressive, Globalist, Secular Humanist, Gender Bender, and Marxist Movements are all a part of man's latest attempts at re-erecting the Tower of Babel unto himself. To this end, every one of these are mashalling the most impressive wealth and power every assembled to bring it to pass. A defiance of G-d is what is ultimately at play here, just as it has been with all of its previous incarnations.

Never believe politicians who make promises with your money, with your liberties, and with your rights, because if and when you do, you will most assuredly lose them. Politicians who make promises with your money (taxes), with your liberties (gun control, free speech, religious liberty,etc.), and with your rights (hate crime legislation, federal regulations, presidential executive orders) they are using as downpayments for the promises they're making. The abridgement of any of these rights is nothing more than tyranny no matter what promise is being made.

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