Thursday, August 9, 2012


The state of the country is in critical economic distress on the level of a Great Depression, though the media is not reporting it. If one were to contrast the media spin with how it reported on the economy almost daily during the years of Reagan’s first term; we should be hearing a very different story in today’s reporting.

Although by the end of Reagan’s first term in office, the economy had begun to turn around significantly, the media continued to report as though it hadn’t, and in fact a documentary put out by PBS on the Reagan Presidency, parrots the same.

But, for those of US who lived through the Reagan Years and remember them with fondness, we lived a different reality (as we do now) than what the media was reporting then, and the same holds true for the present time.

On a nightly basis we were reminded of the high unemployment of 5.6 percent and the high price of fuel and food – inflation – just as today, the opposite holds true in most media outlets.

Whenever the economy is brought into focus, the media blurs it with its spin, painting the current state of our businesses, financial institutions, manufacturing, jobs, and the costs of goods and services in the best light possible under the circumstances, while under-reporting the hardships most people are feeling and the high costs of living and lack of work, they’re experiencing; like no other time in recent memory.

The media also is missing the boat in their report on the Colorado and Wisconsin shooters. In another report, I have reported the troubling connections between these two, and how both of these have resulted in the call for disarming law abiding citizens, with greater assaults against the right to own and bear arms by the usual globalist politicians and pundits from both parties.

I also reported that both of these men had too many things in common to call them random. What’s more, there are other points to make about these two shootings, and why we should expect perhaps one or two more before the elections this November.

Both tragedies occurred the states of Colorado and Wisconsin – two of six battleground states in the upcoming presidential elections – which were Romney to win, they would help him secure 228 of the required 277 electoral votes he needs to win the White House and wrest the presidency from Barack Obama.

As Dick Morris observes, ”To win the election, Romney would then have to carry Florida where he trails by two points, and either Virginia (behind by two) or Ohio where he’s down by only one.

“If he carries all three of these states and also wins all the others where Obama is now at 50% or less – Iowa, New Mexico, Michigan, Minnesota, Pennsylvania, and New Jersey — he will get 351 electoral votes, a landslide about equal to Obama’s 363 vote tally in 2008.

The strong probability is that Romney does, in fact, carry Florida, Ohio, and Virginia and a share of the other states where Obama is below 50% of the vote.”

This is not lost on Obama or his campaign handlers, nor is it lost on the alphabet soup government/media complex working hard for his reelection, so they are out and out spiking specific stories – in journalism parlance that means that they’re not reporting them; while other stories that put Obama in the best possible light, they’re accentuating with vigor.

The Spanish-speaking channels are notorious in doing this. Recently, they reported that Obama’s poll numbers were way ahead of Romney’s, when in fact as of this writing (August, 2012); they’re not, and Romney is beating Obama at the moment. Were the elections held today, Romney would defeat Obama in what appears to be a landslide victory.

But, back to the point; were there be a connection between the Colorado and Wisconsin shootings – as this writer believes there is – and were they to be false flag operations conducted by rogue elements within our military working with this White House (remember, it has been discovered that it was not beyond this White House to stage another false flag operation – Operation Fast and Furious – gunrunning automatic weapons into Mexico, which has resulted in the deaths of hundreds of innocents, including a border agent, and wounding a good many others in order to use the fallout from the killings to promote Obama’s anti-gun agenda and present him as a crime fighter – the very opposite of what he is and what he and the highest officials of his administration have sought to do, as has been discovered by Subpoenaed documents and internal mail within the administration and the Department of Justice by Congressman Darryl Isa’s (R. Cal.) Committee.

The last four years have shown to US that there is nothing that is beyond this administration, and that it will do anything, break any law, circumvent any Constitutional restriction through Executive Order, kill any American (Anwar Al Awlaki) by use of drones without trial, incarcerate any American indefinitely under false charges; in short, do anything to get what he wants, when he wants, and how he wants it, when he believes he deserves it.

Nothing is beyond these people. They’re ruthless and they currently control the reins of power in Washington and around the country, and have a good portion of our law enforcement and the military in their back pockets.

So, I hope against hope that they won’t be so ruthless, so cunning, so evil; that they will not stage another false flag attack in another of the battleground states in order to influence public opinion and get the public’s attention away from their misery, the depressed economy, the various scandals that have plagued this presidency, and the failed policies of a man who should never have made it to the White House in the first place.

If we witness another false flag event occur between now and November in another of the following states; Indiana, New Hampshire, Nevada, and North Carolina – they’ve already occurred in Colorado and Wisconsin – or were they to occur in Iowa, New Mexico, Michigan, Minnesota, Pennsylvania, or New Jersey – and the crimes follow the same patterns of the previous two; then know that these were staged events, carried out by a rogue element of our military-industrial complex allied to this White House, using Psy-Ops against the American electorate just months from a crucial presidential election they wish Obama not to lose.
Why do I mention Iowa, New Mexico, Michigan, Minnesota, Pennsylvania, and New Jersey along with the key battleground states of Indiana, New Hampshire, Nevada, North Carolina, Colorado, and Wisconsin? Because the Obama campaign team knows that were Obama to lose these states, Romney would win over Obama with an electoral landslide of 351 Electoral Votes.

Oh by the way, I didn’t say this; Dick Morris did in his excellent write-up on the so-called polls put out by the mainstream media, and he’s almost always right, not always, but almost always. (See The Real Poll Numbers)

Wednesday, August 8, 2012


On the heels of the shooting at Aurora, Colorado, we now hear of another shooting, this time in a Sikh Temple in Milwaukee, involving what appears to be a lone white gunman who murdered 6 innocent bystanders in cold blood, before being shot by police; bringing to the total dead at 7.

Obama quickly put out a statement to the Sikh community, whose vote is crucial in his reelection bid, "At this difficult time, the people of Oak Creek must know that the American people have them in our thoughts and prayers, and our hearts go out to the families and friends of those who were killed and wounded."

Is it too much a coincidence to point out that the Milwaukee gunman – Wade Michael Page – and the Aurora gunman – James Holmes – were both products of the Army’s elite psychological and neuroscience programs. Wade Michael Page was a psychological operations specialist out of Fort Bragg, North Carolina, and had received “jump training” as well as had been a recipient of the National Defense Service Medal, and had a good conduct record.

This is what is known about these types of operatives who work for our government as reported from in an article written by Susanne Posel for August 7th, 2012:

“Domestic terrorism has come to light with the Sikh shooting. The US government is not only coming after the 2nd Amendment, but now framing US Army veterans in a false flag operation where extremists are the new threat.
Mainstream media (MSM) are pushing the gunman’s background as an Army veteran who “may have been a white supremacist” with a “9/11 tattoo”. US investigators are saying that the suspect shot by police, Wade Michael Page, was a psychological operations specialist from Fort Bragg, North Carolina. Page was trained in parachute deployment and had a good conduct record while also receiving the National Defense Service Medal.
Page’s work as a psy-op specialist would have consisted of analysis, development and distribution of intelligence used to coerce the general population for a specific and desired psychological effect. While some MSM reports are claiming that psy-ops are reserved for foreign nations, it is clear that the US military conduct them on Americans routinely.
The US government’s definition of a psychological operation is an “integrated employment of the core capabilities of electronic warfare, computer network operations, psychological operations, military deception, and operations security, in concert with specified supporting and related capabilities, to influence, disrupt, corrupt or usurp adversarial human and automated decision making while protecting our own. Also called IO.”
Greg Haanstad, First Assistant US Attorney in Milwaukee was the official who identified the killed shooter as Page. The description is that Page was a “frustrated neo-Nazi” who led a white supremacy band claims the Southern Poverty Law Center(SPLC). Page is also a native from Colorado.
The SPLC states that Page, supposed front man for the white supremacist rock band, “also attempted to purchase goods from the neo-Nazi National Alliance, then America’s most important hate group.”
The National Alliance has a history with the FBI. One of its leaders worked for the federal agency with original order to infiltrate the organization.
More misleading reports point to the gunman being a radical , while he only have traffic tickets on his criminal record.
Even police , prior to any knowledge from proper investigations, are touting that the lone gunman was assumed to “belong to a hate group or some other violent group.”
In April, members of the House of Representatives wrote a letter to Attorney General Eric Holder and FBI Director Robert Muller, warning about this exact type of incident and requesting that the FBI monitor Sikh temples.
Joseph Crowley, House Representative who wrote the letter to Holder and Muller said that Sikh-Americans could be targets for “hate crimes” because of the Sikh’s “distinct identity and common misperceptions with respect to their attire and appearance” saying that this group is often erroneously believed to be “affiliated with extremists and were somehow responsible for the September 11 terrorist attacks.”
The point is to shift the social meme in one direction, ignore the initial and eye witness reports that contradict the official story, and move forward with the narrative that veterans and ultimately gun owners and constitutionalists are dangerous.
The Sikhs are often misperceived by Americans are Islamic extremists, or Muslims who were involved with the 9/11 attacks. While the police only killed one man, it is clear from eye witness reports that there were actually four – white males, dressed in “dark clothing”. This description is common of government operations where trained military conduct a mission, then disappear; leaving only the clues they wanted to be discovered.
The Chairman of the Sikh Temple commented that a “few suspicious men were seen on the Temple premises” furthering the fact that eye witnesses saw more than a lone wolf shooter; as the MSM and law enforcement would have us believe.
And other witnesses say that these four men were coordinated, as if carrying out a mission while inside the Sikh temple.
The Milwaukee police and FBI were on the scene; with the police chief announcing that the FBI was conducting the investigation at the crime scene. Since then, the FBI have made it clear that they are claiming this shooting as a domestic terrorist plot against the Sikhs with DHS intelligence leading officials to this most likely theory.
The latest shooting, coinciding with the Batman shooting, is creating a national narrative about gun control and planting into the social meme that domestic threats are more likely than the average American thinks.
Interestingly, new gun legislation in Wisconsin allow for concealed weapons to be carried with a permit, as of November 2011.
While budget cuts in Wisconsin state legislator and other state agencies may play a role in justifying the need for more law enforcement, the US government have specialized Marine MPs that can and probably will be deployed to assist the local police – if they have not arrived already.
The Deli Sikh Gurdwara Management Committee has requested of the US government that the prevailing “gun culture” in America be curbed and “expose the conspiracy behind the shooting”, in a letter to Nancy Powell, US Ambassador. The DSGMC condemned the shooting as an “inhuman act of killing innocent people” and that the US government needs to make sure that this does not happen again.
The dialogue about gun restriction has not only become a global debate, but as American society is viewed as violent because of our 2nd Amendment rights, we must have those rights taken from us to curb the propensity toward “hate crime” murders.
Obama, speaking about the Sikh and Batman shooting that these two incidents have happened too close together to be coincidental and that Americans should “do some soul searching to examine additional ways that we can reduce violence.”
In their own globalist-way, by creating the Problem and encouraging the Reaction, they are hoping for a specific Solution. Two gun-related shootings involving government planted stooge; one more shocking than the other with the hopes of getting the American public to give-up their guns.”
Susanne Posel’s blog is Occupy Corporatism.
Tags: Constitution, Domestic News, Gun Rights, Police state


I agree. Everything about this shooting and the shooting in Aurora Colorado by James Holmes, wreak of two false operations run by an administration eager to overturn Constitutional law – specifically our Second Amendment right as citizens to fire arms – by means of psychological warfare conducted by rogues elements allied to it within our own military-industrial complex.

They were made to appear as random shootings by lone crazed gunmen, but everything about the background of these two men, and everything else surrounding the cases, as well as the questions the mass media is not bringing up; with an administration beset with corruption within the Department of Justice, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms, Homeland Security, and other federal agencies, and going all the way up to this White House; all portend an administration that is unscrupulous in its pursuit of its agenda whatever that agenda may be – a administration willing to pay any price to hold power.

In light of the illegal gun-running operation – Fast and Furious - and the agenda discovered by Darryl Isa’s congressional committee of memos and e-mails that detail how the Obama Administration had planned to use this gun-running operation and the subsequent deaths it would bring – as a means of conducting psychological warfare on an unsuspecting American public, in order to convince it to pass stricter gun laws and eventually repeal all gun rights under the upcoming UN gun treaty Obama wants passed; in light of all of these things – it is not a stretch, or is it far fetch for the American electorate to be suspicious of just about everything this administration is seeking to do in the last months of its struggling life, provided we are seeing the last days of the failed Obama presidency just prior to the elections.

Like the gunman in the Milwaukee shooting at the Sikh Temple; the gunman at the Aurora, Colorado shooting was himself a PHD student in neuroscience. People who knew Holmes all without exception said that he was not the type to shoot people, yet there is evidence that Holmes had undergone some type altered state of mind control program coupled with psychotropic drugs – a deadly combination by any standards. Where did he get it?

The tragedy at Aurora, Colorado, like those at Columbine, and at other places where a lone gunman, or a group of gunmen have murdered in cold blood innocent bystanders who were unable to defend themselves against the violence.

My heart goes out to the families of the dead and injured, and this tragedy must be thoroughly investigated, because there are questions about it which remain unanswered at this moment.

Where did this unemployed young man procure the money and the means to purchase expensive hardware and the training and means to use it, including booby-trap his apartment?

The various programs he was involved in with the government – how did these affect him? Who conducted these? Are there others like this young man, waiting in the wings to be activated and triggered to run go on a murderous rampage? Where do these programs get their funding? What agency do they fall under? Who are the higher ups involved in them and their backgrounds? What purpose is behind these programs?

These are questions that must be pursued, investigated, and answered by law enforcement and other interested parties. There is much more to this incident and others like it than meets the eye. There are elements that the media has not pursued for reasons of its own, and were the known, there would be a fire storm of indignation against the parties involved within our own government and within various agencies and corporations behind them.

Another very revealing article posits the same questions and provides a plethora of information regarding the Wisconsin Shooter. I quote entirely:
“As facts continue to surface, it is becoming more and more clear that massacre at a Wisconsin Sikh temple has all the hallmarks of a false flag black operation, complete with the same patterns and narratives as the many other ‘lone gunman’ mass shootings that have taken place throughout the years.
The corporate media is now reporting that the alleged shooter is a former US Army soldier who worked in psychological operations.
US investigators were hunting for answers on Monday after a former psy-ops soldier attacked at a Sikh temple in Wisconsin and killed six people before he was shot dead by police.
Officials identified the slain suspect as Wade Michael Page, a 40-year-old white male formerly attached to the US Army base in Fort Bragg, North Carolina as a “psychological operations specialist.”
This fact on its own is absolutely startling and follows the same pattern as other mass shooters who almost always have some sort of connection to black ops and or mind control.
A major question that remains in regards to Wade Michael Page is whether or not he was actually the live shooter or was set up as a patsy like so many other lone gunman in the past.
Following almost exactly the same pattern as the Colorado Theater Batman Shooting, numerous eyewitnesses have reported at least 4 different shooters just as the FBI claims that there is no reason to believe there was more than one shooter.
Family members of victims in the shooting reported that there were multiple shooters and one eyewitness even noted that men were seen casing the area beforehand.
“Between ten and ten-thirty, four white males who were dressed darkly, dressed in all black clothing, came in and opened fire on our congregation.”
The leader of the temple also confirmed that he had seen at least two suspicious looking men looking over the area before the shooting.
Clearly this shooting seems to be an organized operation and is being covered up by the corporate media as they push the lone gunman neo-nazi narrative down the throats of America, completely ignoring all witness accounts and other inconvenient facts that would expose this horrific false flag.
Right on cue, the Southern Poverty Law Center’sMark Potok, the man the government uses to link false flag attacks to racists, patriots, anti new world order activists, and just about anyone that is a threat to the coming world government, has published a blog post that claims Page was in a Neo-Nazi band and tried to purchase goods from the FBI controlled National Alliance.
The man who allegedly murdered six people at a Sikh temple in suburban Milwaukee, identified in media reports as Wade Michael Page, was a frustrated neo-Nazi who had been the leader of a racist white-power band.
In 2000, the Southern Poverty Law Center has found that Page also attempted to purchase goods from the neo-Nazi National Alliance, then America’s most important hate group.
In the days ahead we may even see the SPLC link the shooter to legitimate non racists patriot organizations as the push to label any and all opposition as possible terrorists continues nationwide.
It is also important to note that the SPLC has had connections with false flag terrorism and shady double agents in the past.
To top it off, this attack has been labeled an act of domestic terrorism which plays directly into the hands of the FBI and the Department of Homeland Security who has slowly but surely shifted the focus in the war on terror from al qaeda to everyday gun owning Americans.
Operation Gladio in America?
Could these last two false flag mass shootings in a span of two weeks be a sign that, just as many in the alternative media have wondered or claimed, Operation Gladio and or the NATO Option have actually been activated in the United States?
Operation Gladio and other connected black ops started as a series of false flag terror attacks in Europe that were carried out by the CIA and MI6.
“Operation Gladio culminated in the assassination of the Italian Prime Minister Aldo Moro in 1978 by the Red Brigades, a terrorist organization infiltrated by the Italian and US secret services,” wrote Kurt Nimmo.
A 1992 BBC Documentary also fully exposed the once secret state sponsored terrorism program.
Richard Cottrell’s outstanding book, “Gladio: NATO’s Dagger At The Heart Of Europe” extensively documents Gladio and it’s continued existence.
The recent attack on Libya laid bare the iron fist behind the velvet glove of slogans like “human rights” and “international community.” This latest aggression, like the destruction of Yugoslavia and the rape of Afghanistan, proceeds under the cover of NATO. And what is NATO? Author Richard Cottrell tells the story of mayhem, murder and subversion behind the “alliance for peace.”
The covert units of NATO continue to operate and their fingerprints are found on many different world events. Swedish premier Olof Palme and Italian ex-PM Aldo Moro were assassinated. Pope John Paul II was shot by Turkish gangsters who had regular work as Gladio guns for hire. The shootings in Norway in July 2011, and in Belgium, France and Italy in 2012, all bore the classic stripe of Gladio false-flag operations.
Has Operation Gladio been activated within the United States as we lead up to the November elections?”
From an article titled: Wisconsin Sikh Shooting False Flag: Multiple Shooters, Army Psy-OPs, the FBI, Operation Gladio, and the SPLC, written by Alex Thomas.
But there is more.


It is most telling that we are seeing the same reaction from the same people who have little or no regard for the Second Amendment, and have little or no regard for our Constitution; call for more stringent gun legislation, and some are even calling for a total abridgment of the Second Amendment right that every American has protected by our Constitution.

The same politicians who have little or no knowledge of our Constitution, and the liberties it protects against tyrannical fascism/communism; are calling for gun legislation to confiscate all of our fire arms. These are the same politicians who have been working at this piecemeal for decades.

They have passed additionally punitive gun legislation, against an innocent electorate, and all of their laws have done nothing to curb the violence of the criminal elements, yet it is not enough for these people. These are the same people who have legislated away the right of smokers to smoke in public places, and even now in their own homes.

These are the same people who pass zoning laws that abridge the rights of property owners, and who use the same laws under Eminent Domain to seize private property so that they can then pass that private property over to their supporters, friends, and relatives who turn the profits from these to lucrative kickbacks to the same politicians.


Disarming a population will not in any way prevent the criminal elements of that civilization from procuring fire arms for themselves. Gun control laws by their very nature, do nothing to prevent the criminal element within a society from purchasing and using fire arms among themselves.

Gun control laws and fire arms confiscation only serve to register the non-criminal population, and do nothing to secure the population at large from the criminal element or a military tyranny, should any of these two occur.

As long as nation’s populace have easy access to the means by which it can protect itself from both the criminal element or a government tyranny; that population will be able to guard against both the criminal element and a tyrannical government.

Remove the means by which that population can arm and protect itself, then you have effectively removed that population’s ability to rise up against a tyrannical government , should the day arrive when such a government manifests itself.

This is why, without any exceptions, every fascist and communist dictatorship has first disarmed the populace before it has removed all of its other rights and liberties. A disarmed populace is easy to control, and gun control has always been the means by which brutal dictators have kept uprisings from taking place within their own borders.

Had we the right to carry and to use for self defense our fire arms (we did at one time), the tragedy at Aurora, Colorado Friday night would have been lessened considerably, and mitigated by an armed public, who would have reacted immediately to neutralize the crazed gun man.

But because we have been effectively “de-fanged” as a people through continued legislation and litigation via a corrupt court system, and well meaning but extremely misguided politicians, and others with hidden agendas to disarm Americans and abridge our Second Amendment rights under our Constitution; no one in that theater was able to defend themselves from the hail of bullets that ripped through their bodies, resulting in twelve dead and dozens of others injured.


There are reasons cited above to believe that this was a staged and well planned false flag event. We have asked the questions above. But, consider this; the tragic events of this past Friday have done several things in this election year, just months from November when the nation will choose for itself its next president.

This event took place just about two weeks from the UN gun confiscation which President Obama has stated he publicly supports. This UN Law would effectively abridge and make null the Constitution of the United States; specifically the Second Amendment to the Constitution that protects our rights as citizens of the United States to keep and bear fire arms.

The same politicians who have effectively removed the right to sell and drink soda, to smoke in public places, and now in your own homes, to eat certain foods, and to assemble at public places to pray or conduct religious observances independent of the state are behind President Obama’s desire to submit our nation under the UN ban on fire arms.

This will happen in the next two weeks. Obama knows he might lose this election, and he wishes to pass this law before he leaves office. The timing could not be better and this tragic event where people were killed and maimed is the gift that keeps on giving for these callous, cynical, and calculating politicians; and predictably they are using it to the hilt.


Some of you will think at this juncture that this is nothing but another wild eyed conspiracy theory concocted by people with over fertile imaginations. I would agree with you were the circumstances and the timing different, but they are not, and we are not dealing with a normal administration here; but one that has been caught in using every federal agency within the Department of Justice in an illegal gun-running operation ordered from the highest levels of this government – some charge even the White House – to smuggle high powered fire arms and grenades into Mexico in order to supply the drug cartels in their war against the Mexican government.

Now, you might ask, and with good reason, “Why would the Obama Administration conduct an illegal gun smuggling operation through various branches of the federal government – specifically the Department of Justice and the ATF with some Homeland Security assets involved – to ship high powered automatic fire arms and grenades into Mexico to the drug cartels with the Mexican government is at war with at this time, when Janet Napolitano and others of the administration have claimed to be aiding the Mexican government in their fight with the same cartels the administration is arming?”

Such a question makes sense, and should be asked, and the answer to it, would not be forthcoming if not for the discovery of the gun running operation called Fast and Furious conducted by ATF (the Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms) on the testimony of those who were involved in it at the ground level, who were ordered by their superiors not to speak to anyone about these operations.

When irregularities were reported by the same federal agents, they were told to shut up and speak no more about it. Investigations into this operation have unearthed evidence that the highest levels of the Obama Administration, including the White House, were involved in Fast and Furious; and a memo was discovered which indicated that the purpose of the operation was nothing more than a PsyOp (Psychological Operation) in order to influence public opinion in support for Obama’s assault on the Second Amendment.

The operation went bad when it was discovered that fire arms purchased by the drug cartels were used against border agents, in which one was killed and others wounded by the same fire arms, and to this day the Obama White House has yet to apologize to the family of those who were hurt in the line of duty and the agent who was killed by these firearms because of his own costly ideological agenda.

The tragic events at Aurora, Colorado have served to distract the public of this before the presidential elections, and soften the public up to the UN Treaty Obama wants to pass. It has also given Mexico’s president – who supports the UN Treaty banning personal private fire arms ownership – to call Obama to “review” this country’s gun laws.

It could not have happened at a more propitious moment for this president. Poll numbers dropping like dead weight, the economy going deeper into Depression, Europe’s economies imploding, the dollar collapsing, gasoline prices at the pump stubbornly above the three dollar mark for regular, jobs continuing the go overseas, and city after city in bankruptcy across the country. And the elections just four months away. This man’s in trouble.

Now, an event has just occurred that feeds right into his struggle to confiscate all of the tens of millions of firearms in private hands out of the hands of the people and remove fire arms from every law abiding citizen in this country, while the criminal outside of the law continues their use of fire arms they’ve procured illegally while they continue their criminal enterprise unabated by the president’s anti-gun measures.

The goal; the only people who will possess and carry firearms in the United States, Canada, and Mexico will be the military, federal and federalized state and local law enforcement, and criminals and terrorists, while the citizens of this great country will be totally and completely disarmed. Anyone outside those parameters will be considered criminals and terrorists and will be systematically murdered as such regardless of whether or not they are law abiding citizens; since the laws of the land will be superseded by the globalists and the United Nations under the New World Order.

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Presidential Executive Orders Are Anathema to Liberty

You think you live in a free country? Think again.

The country you and I live in is not the one we grew up in, nor are our politicians like the ones we had just a generation ago.

And though the current crop of politicians have all taken the oath to uphold, protect, and defend our Constitution from enemies, foreign and domestic, very few of them do; and the vast majority of them do not.

There is no end to the federal bureaucracy and today there is a labyrinth of federal powers across the landscape that did not exist just a generation ago.

Liberty and freedom in this country have both taken on new meaning in this politically correct climate.

As harbingers of what was to come, and Obama’s direct assault on religious liberty and his contempt for the Judeo-Christian Ethics which govern the Pro-Life Movement, Christians and Observant Jews across the land, and which no other sitting president has ever tampered with; Obama has done the following:

Obama aides during his campaign in 2008 requested that Georgetown University officials hide a religious emblem that was displayed behind Obama's podium before he spoke to an audience there.

Secretary Janet Napolitano's Department of Homeland Security published a report pegging pro-life activism as a domestic terror threat.

What's more, under Obama, Eric Holder, and Janet Napolitano; the focus of Homeland Security has turned against the American electorate itself - against the citizenry amongst whom are considered "extremists" if they believe in First and Second Amendment Rights, or whether they're returning veterans, Evangelical Christians with strong political views, believe that the government under our Constitution is constrained from much of what it now does, and the list goes on.

Obama's Department of Veterans Affairs banned any mention of Jesus Christ during burials at Houston National Cemetery.

The administration created a new rule under the Public Service Loan Forgiveness program, so that student loans will not be forgiven for public services related to religion.

His federal ruling through the Food and Drug Adminstration against religious institutions (and especially to the charities tied to them) that do not provide contraceptive pills that abort pregnancies; is an affront to the free practice of religion and the right not to abort due to the individual’s or institution’s conscience stemming from their religious convictions.

It is nothing short to be a direct affront to religous liberty itself!

Nothing like it has ever been seen before, and it is not just in these areas where this president has broken new ground in diminishing our Constitutional liberties.

There are many more; more than any previous president. Obama has broken all records.

In an article titled The Chilling List of Obama’s Executive Orders by the Washington Times, we begin to see and appreciate the scope of Obama’s federal takeover of the reins of power within our federal government.

He has usurped these from Congress and the Supreme Court, and has assumed for himself powers not enumerated by our Constitution.

There have been over 900 Executive orders put forth from Obama, and he is not even through his first term yet.

He is creating a martial law ‘Disney Land’ of control covering everything imaginable. Some of the executive orders he has signed recently have been exposed thanks to ‘Friends of Conservative Action Alerts.’

They have compiled a choice list of ‘Emergency Powers, Martial law executive orders’: Get your headache medication out while you still can without a prescription.

Here are a few:

* Executive Order - Obama order moves U.S. toward world governance

* Executive Order - President signs executive order to control fracking

* Executive Order - Obama authorizes himself to declare martial law
Read the original article at The Western Center for Journalism

Below is a comprehensive list of Obama’s most flagrant violations of our Constitution through the passage of over nine hundred Executive Orders he has issued since taking office three and a half years ago.

I have culled this list from The Western Center for Journalism website, and have included it here for your own examination of them.

You have no idea just how much this man has done to “fundamentally transform the United States of America” from a Constitutional Representative Republic to a Socialist Dictatorship of the Proletariat according to Carl Marx’s model and along the lines of Vladimir Lenin’s own version of a working Socialist Command Economy under a Communist Government.

Here is the List:

(Editor’s correction: This is a list of executive orders in force that outline Emergency Powers. Some of these were signed by prior US Presidents going back all the way to JFK. Obama specifically has signed executive orders starting with the number EO-13489 and forward. But these all reference powers Obama could use to limit your freedoms. Here is a full list of Obama Executive Orders.)

* Executive Order 10990 allows the Government to take over all modes of transportation and control of highways and seaports.

* Executive Order 10995 allows the government to seize and control the communication media.

* Executive Order 10997 allows the government to take over all electrical power, gas, petroleum, fuels, and minerals.

* Executive Order 11000 allows the government to mobilize civilians into work brigades under government supervision.

* Executive Order 11001 allows the government to take over all health education and welfare functions.

* Executive Order 11002 designates the Postmaster General to operate a national registration of all persons.

* Executive Order 11003 allows the government to take over all airports and aircraft, including commercial aircraft.

* Executive Order 11004 allows the Housing and Finance Authority to relocate and establish new locations for populations.

* Executive Order 11005 allows the government to take over railroads, inland waterways, and public storage facilities.

* Executive Order 11049 assigns emergency preparedness function to federal departments and agencies, consolidating 21 operative Executive Orders issues over a fifteen-year period.

* Executive Order 11051 specifies the responsibility of the Office of Emergency Planning and gives authorization to put all Executive Orders into effect in times of increased international tensions and economic or financial crisis.

* Executive Order 11310 grants authority to the Department of Justice to enforce the plans set out in Executive Orders, to institute Industrial support, to establish judicial and legislative liaison, to control all aliens, to operate penal and correctional institutions, and to advise and assist the President.

* Executive Order 11921 allows the Federal Emergency Preparedness Agency to develop plans to establish control over the mechanisms of production and distribution of energy sources, wages, salaries, credit, and the flow of money in U.S. financial institutions in any undefined national emergency. It also provides that when the president declares a state of emergency, Congress cannot review the action for six months.
It is more than clear that Obama is planning for the total control and takeover of America via Martial Law. Food, energy, transportation, work, banking, and health…he has it covered.

While Obama is busy pulling executive orders out of the sky to control everything inside our country, he has been issuing executive orders to force us to submit to international regulations instead of our Constitution.

Sher Zieve exposed this in one of her recent articles. Damn the U.S. Constitution, damn the American people and damn U.S. sovereignty.

We must send faxes, emails, and make calls to all congressman and demand they stop Obama’s perverted, extreme, and Unconstitutional abuse of Executive Orders.

It is time to demand our elected leaders start protecting America, our sovereignty, and our Constitution.

So far, they seem to be protecting the Obama – Marxist takeover plans…peppered with a little U.N. and Islam.

From an article titled A Comprehensive List of Obama’s Executive Worst Orders from The Western Center for Journalism website.

My dear friends from Communist North Korea, Communist Viet Nam, Communist Laos, Communist Venezuela, Communist Nicaragua, Communist Zimbabwe, Communist Mozambique, and every dictatorship known to man; you thought it could not happen here?

Well, it’s happening right under our noses, as we sleep.

And it’s been happening for longer than you and your friends realize, yes; even before Obama was sworn into office, though it has never been happening quite at the rate and speed as it has the last three years.

The radicalization of America began in the 1930s and progressed right down through the 1950s and the Red Scare, and continued right up until the 1960s and 70s, during which time, a sea change took place as the Greatest Generation of the Great Depression and the Second World War began to retire and their children took the reins of power and entered the workforce.

By the 1980s, a good part of our society had been successfully radicalized, and these new radicals began to run for office and win elections, moving into the halls of power and government for the first time.

They had others who had come before them, but not quite in the numbers they possessed, and as they continued to grow within our government bureaucracy and our legislatures, they began to replace the older more “conservative” leadership in those places.

By the 1990s these “new Democrats” and Progressives,” as they preferred to be called; had all but taken over the Democrat Party and the mass media, as well as the large trade unions.

They had already successfully infiltrated the great universities of our nation, and had penetrated the highest levels of our public education system; but now they possessed the power – the machinery of all of these organized into a collective force for radical politics.
This produced the current crop of Democrats we see on our national stage.

The GOP had its own liberal wing – the Rockefeller RINO (Republican In Name Only) operatives who worked to undermine conservative candidates within their party and elevate “Progressives” in the other party during elections.

Both of these have had one thing in common – a yearning for globalist status quo – promotion of a New World Order – first made public after Operation Desert Shield/Storm by then President George Herbert Walker Bush – himself a former Director of the Council On Foreign Relations and the Trilateral Commission, and a member of the secret society Skull and Bones; of which both his son and many others like Senator John Kerry, and President Barack Hussein Obama have also been members of.

So, are we to be surprised by the classic Marxist rhetoric used by Barack Obama – a lifelong Marxist (according to those who knew him in college)? The exiles of Cuba, Viet Nam, North Korea, China, Venezuela, and every tin pot Marxist dictatorship on the planet know this rhetoric well.

And others of former Communist “satellite” – countries like Poland, Romania, Albania, Hungary, the former artificial construct once called Yugoslavia, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Georgia; all recognize the rhetoric and policies of a police state.
Jews who survived the onslaught of Nazi persecution in Europe and escaped to the United States, also recognize the face of Fascism and know that it is the flip side of the same Socialist Coin of government repression and tyranny over the people.

They recognize it, because it was used against them back in their countries of origin. So now, they’re hearing it here, and it is scaring them. They never believed that the American electorate would ever allow a naked Marxist rise to the presidency, much less vote for one; but they did in 2008.

Three years later, the nation has had a foretaste of what Obama will most assuredly complete if elected for another four years.

The devastation is not quite complete. There is still a middle class. It is bloodied, it is down for the count, having been beaten to a pulp by continuous federal, state, and local regulatory agencies all complying with the “new normal” under Obama.

And with the tragedies visited upon innocents from crazed gun-toting maniacs in our society, the call from the police state and their political minions on the Left will use the recent tragedy in Colorado and others like it, to increase their call for further repressive anti-gun legislation and confiscations against innocent civilians – that produce nothing to stem criminal violence from our streets, but assault the right of every citizen to arm and protect themselves, their families, and their property from the criminal element which the Constitution protects; and disarms them while doing nothing to the criminal element that will break all laws regardless of whether or not they’re on the books.

But as sure as this economy is in what appears to be its death throes after three punishing years of this man’s policies; another four years will most assuredly destroy what is left of the nation.

Another four years will continue to see the abridgement of religious liberty and free speech, of the right to keep and bear arms, the right to assembly, the right to your opinion, the right to express your opinion as you see fit, the right of conscience, the right a free press – be it paper, radio, television, or Internet, the right to conduct commerce, whether local or interstate, or internationally without federal harassment.

All of these will disappear with higher regulations and penalties if Obama is reelected to a second term.

The saddest thing will be that the very people from whom Obama gets his greatest support, will themselves suffer most from his destructive policies, and they will never understand what came over them to have put this man in office in the first place.

They will have no one but themselves to blame for what will follow, and they will curse the day they put this man in office.

The Unliked Cuban-American

A lot of people don’t like US. Why? Because we don’t fit nicely into the niche of Leftwing political correctness, and do not allow ourselves to be wedded to a single political party.

We know the difference between soft and hard tyranny – NONE – and can see it from a mile away when it’s coming.

And nobody can pull a wool over our eyes with “hope and change,” promising everything short of scratching our backs for US; nor are we fooled by those phony Neocons who pretend to be conservatives and are nothing more than naked globalists imbedded within the GOP to move US and our agenda away from liberty and into the soft tyranny of the New World Order.

We are opinionated; we are outspoken; we are articulate, and we are powerfully filled with the conviction of countless numbers of our fellows who came before US and saw the tyranny, and have passed on the torch to each successive generation to keep the light of Liberty alive no matter what land we may reside in and what political party we may belong to; because when all is said and done – we will not stand idly by and lose the most precious gift G-d has given nations – individual liberty – to kiss the hand of the next tyrant who shows his/her face on the national scene to bewitch a generation.

Every generation has a Stalin, a Hitler, a Mao, a Castro; but we will not follow the crowd; why?

Because we think for ourselves and do not need someone to do our thinking for US. Who are we? We are Cuban-Americans!