Sunday, July 15, 2012


How do I mistrust Obama, let me count the ways, because they are so many. Let’s take a look at his track record, because unlike almost four years ago; today, he has a track record to go by, though he would like you to ignore it, and at this moment his campaign and the news media allied to his reelection are working in every inventive way to redirect your attention and mine from that track record and instead on to much less relevant matters and topics such as the years after Mitt Romney left Bain Capital or how Donald Trump cuts his hair.

Well, you know what I mean.

Just a sidebar; I once worked for a company named Matrix Instruments out of Orangeburg, New York, which went out of business some years after I left the company in 1989.

Now I have about as much to do with that company and its failure ten years after I left as Mitt Romney had with Bain Capital after he left; yet Obama and his reelection team and the news media allied to him – would like you to think otherwise, and are trying as hard as they can to convince you that it is more relevant than the destruction that Obama’s policies have wreaked upon the American economic landscape, and the destabilization his foreign policies have had on places like the Middle East.

Let’s get into focus. When Obama took the reins of power from George W. Bush, the country had just suffered what most people would call the greatest economic collapse since the Great Depression. But that is not necessarily true.

The economic collapse of 2008 was the greatest, but not since the Great Depression. Does anyone remember the years following Watergate, towards the end of the 70s, otherwise known as the Carter years?

Those were the years that brought US long lines at the gas pump, higher prices, double digit inflation coupled with double digit interest rates.

Jobs were scarce, and many industries were going broke. There were long lines for everything everywhere, and unemployment had reached unprecedented heights.

Those were the years that Ronald Reagan characterized as “a recession is when your neighbor loses his job, a depression is when you lose yours, and a recovery is when Jimmy Carter loses his.”

Those were the years when commodity prices went through the roof. Silver sold at $50 an ounce and gold was at an unprecedented $800 an ounce.

Those were years that America would like to forget, and Democrats like Obama and Clinton and Pelosi would like US to forget them because they serve (up until the Obama years) as the typical model of Democrat/RINO (Republican In Name Only) Politics – high taxes, punitive federal regulatory policies, high inflation of our dollar due to the federal government’s insatiable appetite to borrow and spend more of it, and the Federal Reserve’s providing the liquidity in order to meet the demand of the overspending by printing more and more fiat paper currency.

The result – higher prices for goods and services, diminished returns on investment, and a flailing economy desperate to be resuscitated to life, but not allowed to do so by the very policies put in place by the Democrat machinery in Washington.

Others like myself would remind the public that the truth is the collapse of 2008 was the greatest, but not since the Great Depression, but since the Double Digit Inflationary Super Recession of the Carter years, which gave US a new term in the economics popularly called Stagflation – a state of being where nothing commercial moves and sales drop and where; like a vise high taxes on one end coupled with a devalued over-inflated dollar on one side and punitive federal regulations coupled by high prices due to the devalued over-inflated dollar on the other, crush the life out of the economy and destroy savings, investments, and stifle loans and growth, because of high risk in lending which brings on higher interest rates (the cost to the borrower of borrowing money for capital expenses and growth).

Such a toxic combination is the vehicle by which ideologues in government drive a suffering middle class – the backbone of our economy – into the ground in order to bring about the eventual collapse.

This is where Barack Obama has brought US. President Bush gave US the Great Recession, but Obama through his failed economic policies of spending more than all previous presidents combined, punitive and unrealistic regulatory policies, higher taxes on wages, an insidious hidden tax of a devalued over-inflated currency due to his fiscal policies, and his total and callous disregard for the plight of the poor and middle class of the nation; have combined to give US the Greatest Depression which his allies in the alphabet soup media have dubbed a “jobless recovery.”

Does anyone realize just what this man has done to our economy? And not just to ours, but to those of other countries whose own economies are in many ways intricately tied to ours?

And how this one man and his domestic and foreign policies and initiatives has done more to destabilize the world than any other of those of previous presidents?

Yes, even of Jimmy Carter; who until the presidency of Barack Obama, was by popular consensus, the worst sitting president this nation had ever had?

But Mr. Obama has set new records to just about everything pertaining to government; to spending, to regulating, to policing, to outsourcing jobs overseas, to using the federal agencies to shut down more small businesses throughout the country than any other in the two hundred fifty year history of this republic.

He has bankrupted the country, looted the Treasury, impoverished tens of millions of our fellow citizens, redistributed vast amounts of wealth to his rich supporters through the central banks and front companies they created, and has all but destroyed our unique way of life for at least a generation.

Obama has broken all records, and he seeks to be reelected to continue to this trajectory and finish what he started just three and a half years ago. Oh, he wants it all.

And he’s counting that there will be just enough ignorant and uneducated, uninformed individuals out there who equate him with their well being, to reelect him to a second term.

He doesn’t realize that economic policies – good or bad – have consequences, and that the consequences of his; have made it worse for every American.

And if every American is hurting, the constituency that put him in the White House are hurting even more than the rest, because they are now bearing the brunt of his failed policies through higher prices, less and less job opportunities, and a hopeless future for their children.

They’re hurting, and he can’t blame George Bush or anyone else for it anymore. He owns it, and he must take responsibility for it, and suck it up. He’s failed.

Obama’s foreign policy has done more in a period of three years than any other to destabilize the region of the Middle East, and has brought US to the brink of war.

His decision to ignore the velvet revolution in Iran and instead to focus and support the false Islamist revolutions spurred on by the Muslim Brotherhood throughout the region, has brought more instability, death, uncertainty, and danger to the region than at any other time in modern history.

The “democracy” that his State Department and Soros paid organizing behind the scenes, coupled with CIA Psy-Ops on the native and superstitious mostly illiterate population in the region has fired the Islamist tendencies in these to topple friendly governments and replace them with those run the radical Muslim Brotherhood.

Libya is now run by Al Qaeda, and is flying the Al Qaeda flag. Al Qaeda, with backing from our government and this administration, is working to topple the corrupt and evil Assad government of Syria, and replace it with an Islamist one headed by the Muslim Brotherhood.

In three and a half years, Barack Hussein Obama has destabilized almost everything he had touched and made it worse. There is nothing and no one who can be compared to this president, not even Jimmy Carter, who until the Obama Presidency; had been termed America’s worst president.

But, now that we have come here, what everyone must ask is whether we want to continue to proceed down this path, or do we take another, because – regardless of what you hear from the pundits, Mitt Romney is not another Barack Obama.

Barack Obama is in his own league, and to compare him with anybody else is a disservice, but not a disservice to Barack Obama, but a disservice to that other person; be he Mitt Romney or anybody else.

No one has done more damage to this nation and its interests than Barack Obama, thus he deserves to be categorized in a place all his own.

But, let’s take a moment and go back to almost four years ago, where there were questions we asked which the media did not ask, and have since that time, found answers to, because today there are answers to those questions, because Obama has a track record for US to gauge him by.

Some things are worth repeating, so I am going to repeat the same questions here that I wrote awhile back in one of my reports, which included the same write-up of questions that every voting American must ask themselves at this time, as they will enter the ballot box to cast their vote for the next president of the United States.

Back in October 16th, 2008, during the last days of the presidential campaign, I made the following observation with regards to that election:

I am going to write something here which many Obama supporters and McCain supporters never believed I would say, especially after all that I have written about all of the candidates thus far as I've covered this election since the Democrat and Republican Primaries late last year, and especially earlier this year, right on up to the present.

I celebrate the candidacy of Barak Hussein Obama. Let me repeat, I celebrate the candidacy of Senator Barak Hussein Obama.

I also celebrate the candidacy for Vice President of Governor Sarah Palin.

Both are a watershed. One is a watershed in American politics; the first black/white American, a first for our great republic, and the other is a watershed within the Republican Party, which in my estimation has come of age with its first female candidate for vice president.

Therefore, I celebrate both of these candidacies because they speak louder than anything else that our nation has come of age. It illustrates that this great republic is now mature; it is not perfect, it is full of very imperfect and flawed individuals, but it is the greatest nation in human history, and it is the most blessed.

It has now added two very important reasons why it is the best country in the world on the very self-evident principles of where it is today, and how far it has come that it can boast of these two great examples of its equality and equanimity towards all of its citizens and by all of its citizens.

America is the best! And everybody knows it. This is why friend and foe alike flock to it. There is no other place on this planet quite like it, and there probably will never be.

It is because of the unique Judeo-Christian ethic which this nation has as the bedrock of its foundation from which have come our most cherished beliefs and traditions which has brought US to this day in which a son of an African and an a Caucasian American woman - though not a son of slaves as other black Americans, but still part black and therefore one of a large minority.

And on the other ticket a daughter of the common working class who through hard work and honesty rose through the ranks of her party and even took on corruption in her own political party and in her state amongst both parties - both can aspire to this country's greatest heights of leadership and responsibility because both have great dreams which only this nation and its unique culture could foster and help make a reality.

With very; few exceptions, you cannot find this anywhere else on this planet, and you will certainly not find it in the Islamic World. The only very rare exception was Benazir Bhutto, and we have witnessed what Islamo-Fascists did to her.

But, in spite of these two very good examples for US to celebrate our unique blessings which the Lord has bestowed upon US as a people, and divided as we are; we are a people - we are the American people; this is as far as I come in this praise of my celebration of how far we've come, and return to earth to take a good hard look and ask some very troubling questions about the historic candidacy of Barak Hussein Obama.

Then I followed these observations with a battery of questions I posited to the reader to which I make the following answers to each in light of Obama’s three years as America’s Chief Executive:

Would you trust a man with a checkered past of radicalism and direct action agitation, recruiting and training new militants as a community organizer (code word for agitator and activist), and engaging with Weather Underground leader William Ayers in open Marxist Dialectics in forums which masked it as discussion groups on education and poverty?

No I cannot and will not. President Obama has welcomed some of America’s most radical elements into the very heart of his administration, some of whom have had to resign before being posted because of their extreme expressions made to selected audiences that have leaked out to the public, though ignored by the alphabet soup channel press whose members are teaming with scores of political ideologues allied to and sympathetic towards this president, his policies, and his agenda who are masquerading as editors, anchormen/women, journalists, and news reporters.

Would you trust a man who reads a book which promotes a Muslim Post US World?

The book in question is The Post American World by Fareed Zakaria, and it appears that after candidate Obama read this book, President Obama has been formulating his foreign policy from it. A book written by a Muslim from India who believes the U.S. is past its prime and is currently in its demise.

Good friend John Zogby, who helped Obama along in the primaries by fixing his polls, has also written a book describing what, apparently, he and Obama share as a vision for their post-American world. The Way We’ll Be – The Zogby Report on the Transformation of the American Dream by John Zogby

Obama planning post American world
Posted on May 28, 2008 by creeping

We posted on Newsweek’s anti-American issue (one of many) several weeks ago here. We had no idea that Barack Hussein Obama was reading, studying, and planning to be the leader of the post-American world, or that he got his evolving strategy on Iran from a book.

(from the following link,

No. I would not, because such a person would be reading a book that by its design is crafted so that whoever reads can put into place policy measures to assure a Post-American World, where the United States is no longer the leader of the free world, and will work to reduce the economic, military, diplomatic, political, and cultural influence of this country so that it will easily fit into a Post American World designed as the New World Order which Obama’s banking interests support and for which he was put into prominence to promote.

Obama is a creature of the Liberal Eastern Establishment and Wall Street, and was long ago prepared to serve them within his own Marxist Black Liberation Theology circles who also work for the large rich oligarchs they so often attack in their literature and seminars.

Would you trust a man who was a member of a church which engages in Marxist Black Liberation Theology, and had listened to for many years aggressively vehement Anti-American diatribe from a pastor who inspired this man to write a book?

Would you believe that this man could sit in those pews, even write a book inspired by one of those messages - The Audacity of Hope - and not be affected in the least by it?

No I would not. In light of the activities and associations that Barack Hussein Obama made in his rise to political prominence and the White House, it would be out of character for this man not to have been affected by the preachings of his pastor.

Obama’s whirlwind tour during his campaign and since confirms that the teachings of this radical Anti-American and Anti-Semitic (goes hand in hand doesn’t it.), would be manifested so well in his apologies overseas for what he believes to have been America’s “mistakes and indiscretions.”

Would you trust in a man who believes that the Holy Scriptures suggests slavery, and promotes the homosexual lifestyle and agenda, including total and complete unilateral disarmament?

No I would not. It is not enough to claim that you are a Christian, Jesus said that many would come in His name, and would claim to be followers of His, but He would tell them at the judgment that He never knew them. Obama is no different.

In 2008 his campaign gathered several leading liberal Christian Evangelicals who worked with them to convince enough Evangelicals that Obama was worthy of their vote.

But in two years the wolf in sheep’s clothing has come out. Obama calls the Koran “holy” but disparages the Old and New Testaments; he claims to believe that marriage is defined as the union between a man and a woman, yet this week his Department of Justice under Eric Holder, his Attorney General, declared that they will not support DOMA, the Defense of Marriage Act signed into law by President Bill Clinton, which defines marriage as the union between a man and a woman.

He has appointed avowed homosexuals and lesbian activists to the highest posts in his administration more than any other president before him.

UPDATE: Since writing this, Obama has officially endorsed “same sex marriage,” having given the lame excuse of his previous tepid and vacillating response to the question as his being “in transition” – that his views on the matter were evolving. Well, he has done what no national leader before him has ever done in the history of the human race; he has made a public declaration at redefining marriage. This is significant, because this is the first time in human history when the leader of a nation has made such a public endorsement.

This sets the bar of this nation’s deviancy from the Judeo-Christian edics and precepts at unprecedented levels. Obama has gone beyond what any American president has ever gone in disregarding the commandments of God. Are these the statements and acts of a follower of Jesus Christ? Jesus warned, “You will know them by their fruits.”

Would you trust a man with only 941 days experience in the U.S. Senate, with only half that much actually in the Senate, the other half out campaigning with running our country?

No I would not. Such a person would not be fit to run for the highest office in the land, when he scarcely has finished his service as US Senator. His lack of experience both in foreign and domestic affairs would make him unqualified to hold such an office.

It would be the equivalent of getting somebody off the streets and expect him to effectively run a corporation without any prior experience on the job. Putting Obama in charge of the nation’s foreign and domestic policies is like taking a guy off of the street with no prior experience in running a business, much less a corporation, and putting him in the seat of the greatest corporation on the planet.

This is precisely what the American electorate did in 2008, and look where it’s gotten US!

Other than serving briefly as an Senior Lecturer for the University of Chicago, Indeed, Sen. Obama consistently and falsely claims that he was a law professor

The Sun-Times reported that, "Several direct-mail pieces issued for Obama's primary [Senate] campaign said he was a law professor at the University of Chicago. He is not. He was a senior lecturer (on leave) at the school. In academia, there is a vast difference between the two titles. Details matter."

In academia, there's a significant difference: professors have tenure while lecturers do not. [Hotline Blog, 4/9/07; Chicago Sun-Times, 8/8/04]

Obama has never had a job in the private sector in his entire life. He has never run a company, balanced a budget, or held the office of chief executive of any corporation. This disqualifies him to hold the highest chief executive office in the land.

Would you trust a man who extolled devout Americans in one town, and then to a major city on the Left Coast and ridiculed these same devout Americans as those who hide behind their guns and Bibles?

He made these statements and they can be viewed and heard at the following URL:

For those who did not watch the video above at the URL provided, it contains the following statements made by Obama on June 28th, 2006 in Washington, D.C.:

“Whatever we once were, we are no longer just a Christian nation; we are also a Jewish nation, a Muslim nation, a Buddhist nation, a Hindu nation, and a nation of nonbelievers.

“And even if we did have only Christians in our midst, if we expelled every non-Christian from the United States of America, whose Christianity would we teach in the schools? Would we go with James Dobson's, or Al Sharpton's? Which passages of Scripture should guide our public policy? Should we go with Leviticus, which suggests slavery is ok and that eating shellfish is abomination? How about Deuteronomy, which suggests stoning your child if he strays from the faith? Or should we just stick to the Sermon on the Mount - a passage that is so radical that it's doubtful that our own Defense Department would survive its application? So before we get carried away, let's read our Bibles. Folks haven't been reading their Bibles.”

Read more: TV ad features Obama mocking Bible

These are not the statements of a man of strong Christians convictions, but one of a universalist, pantheistic in his manners and beliefs, while holding the Koran as holy writ (his own words), while disparaging the Holy Scriptures in the Bible.

What’s more, no Bible believing Spirit-filled born again Christian will ever call the Koran “the Holy Koran” as Barack Obama does, not even for the sake of being politically correct. Barack Obama believes the Koran is holy, yet he treats the Bible with contempt as his statements about it and about those who venerate it illustrate.

Would you trust the integrity of a man who promised that he'd run a campaign free of personal attacks and vulgarity, but has allowed such conduct from his campaign staff in various parts of the country?

Of course not. But Barack Obama has made so many public statements disparaging those who disagree with his world view, that when he bemoans the “lack of civility” he claims is displayed by those who disagree with his points of view, he betrays his own hubris and hypocrisy.

Above all others, Obama has led the way in excluding everyone who disagrees with him, and has only allowed those who agree with his own views into the Oval Office.

Would you trust the word of a man who promised not to accept private campaign money, and then turned around and did this anyway?

No I cannot and will not. His campaign raised almost one billion dollars, most of which was from George Soros and from overseas. What did he do with this money?

Did he give what was left of it to the poor families across the nation as an active of true charity? Of course not. But he’s been very generous with tax payer’s money to large corporate interests and others.

Would you trust the honesty of a man who promised he'd run an ethical and clean campaign, but now allows ACORN (an organization that his campaign has contributed $800,000 to an ACORN affiliate CSI to "get out the vote") to rig the elections by registering phantom voters of people who do not exist, are dead, or pay registrants to register hundreds of times in several battleground states across the nation?

No I cannot and will not. ACORN is the community organization for direct action which weaned Barack Obama into politics. It was and continues to be through ACORN and other umbrella groups of radicals throughout the country which has allowed Marxists to rise within the political ranks of the Democratic Party, and gain national prominence.

Community organization through the “direct action” of a community organizer is Barack Obama’s claim to fame, and it was an invention of a Communist agitator by the name of Saul Alinsky (Rules for Radicals).

Would you trust the economic plan of a man who promises to cut taxes on 95 percent of the American people, but does not tell you that approximately forty percent of Americans do not pay income taxes?

And that in order to implement this tax plan (as he calls it), he will have to increase taxes on those Americans who do pay income taxes in order to bankroll his redistribution of America's wealth?

Ladies and gentlemen, in the old days, this was called nothing more than a shell game, and Obama is the con artist who is taking your hard earned money with you the loser. Can you trust a man like this?

No I cannot and will not. A person who would resort to the trickery of fomenting envy among the population has willingly broken the commandment which clearly says that YOU SHALL NOT COVET YOUR NEIGHBOR’S PROPERTY, HIS WIFE, OR HIS BEAST OF BURDEN, THAT IS TO SAY; THE FRUITS OF HIS LABOR.

Barack Hussein Obama has and continues to foment class envy in order to create for himself a following. This pure manipulation of the masses and evil personified, because it incites dissensions and divisions which are used to tear a nation apart.

Are these the actions of a leader who takes charge, or of a manipulator who hides behind class envy in order to manipulate a following for himself? You be the judge.

Would you trust a man who promises who first promised to increase the Capital Gains Tax on small businesses, yet didn't tell his audience that small businesses do not pay Capital Gains Tax, only investors do on the return on their investments when they make money on them?

No I would not. What Obama has not told the public is that investors pay fifteen percent on their capital gains. That is, whatever they have invested has already been taxed, yet when they collect on their investment, they are required through the infamous Capital Gains Tax to pay an additional fifteen percent on their returns.

In other words, they are penalized an additional fifteen percent for getting a return for investing their hard earned money for which they’ve already paid taxes on. Obama wants to raise the penalty, that is; he wants to raise the Capital Gains Tax much higher to around between twenty-five and thirty-five percent!

Would you trust a man who promises to provide free health care - socialized medicine - to every American, but yet doesn't tell you that in order to have it, he will have to tax you to bankruptcy, knowing well that it will be without any guarantees that the health care provided will be the quality he claims congressmen and elected officials get, although he promises this?

No I cannot and will not, because I cannot afford to support such a candidate. My empty wallet would not be able to pay the price.

Would you trust a man who blames the current economic crisis on "eight years of failed Bush economic policies, knowing full well that the current crisis was caused by members of his own party who chaired key oversight committees that were responsible with keeping this from happening, and did nothing to keep it from coming?

People like Barney Frank (D. ), Christopher Dodd (D. Conn.), Harry Reid (D. Nev.), Dick Durban (D. ), Nancy Pelosi (D. Cal.); with himself as the second greatest recipient of federal money from Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae, second only to Christopher Dodd?

No I will not, because such a candidate is making it quite evident and plain that he does not take possession of his duties, therefore he does not take responsibility for his own actions and statements.

Such a person is not a leader, and the nation needs a man who will be forthright with the American electorate and lead them into the next decade.

Would you trust a man who promises to bring a new bi-partisan atmosphere of cooperation to Washington, D.C. and yet has a record with no history of it in his hundred weeks in the Senate, and while campaigning breaks this promise by laying the blame of the current crisis at the feet of "Bush and Republicans, while not taking any responsibility for it himself or his Democrat colleagues?

No I do not, and Barack Obama’s record on this is abysmal. Three years ago, we had precious little to go by. Today, he has a track record, and the man simply is not a team player, does not reach out to the opposition, and has been known to hide behind his party’s talking points when things get a little hot.

Would you trust a man who promises to cut taxes and government growth, yet in the face of the greatest federal nationalization of the American economy in this nation's history, makes grandiose promises of massively increasing federal entitlements and the creation of new ones which he knows he will never be able to keep without bankrupting the American taxpayer and nationalizing the American economy in total?

No I will not. Again, there is a track record for every intelligent voting American to see for themselves. This man is intentionally bankrupting our country, because the people and interests he works for wish to do precisely that.

They wish to bankrupt the United States in order to make it default on its debts, collapse the dollar, and destroy the current economic system so that it may be replaced with a new world global economic order under the control of Obama’s banker elite friends.

Would you trust your financial future and that of your business - if you are a small business owner - when he promises to cut taxes on small businesses, when in reality his economic plan would raise taxes on 50 percent of small businesses and render them unprofitable, forcing them to close or lay off most of their workers?

No I cannot afford to, and will not. I have already articulated my reasons for not supporting such a candidate, but I repeat that Obama has a track record, and his policies have taken what was a seasonal economic recession and turned into a full scale long term depression of global proportions.

Would you trust a man who wants to add a trillion dollars of federal spending, knowing that in order to do this, he will have to tax the productive sector of our economy three times as much in new taxes in order to run government and keep this promise?

No I cannot and will not. We return again to Obama’s track record. In three years, Obama has run up the federal debt to where it is now at sixteen trillion dollars.

He has run up federal spending beyond the combined spending of every American president since George Washington to George W. Bush.

I repeat; Barack Hussein Obama has spent in three years more than all of the presidents of the last two hundred plus years before him.

Small businesses have created 350,000 new jobs, but 750,000 have been lost in this crisis, with 2 trillion dollars of people's life savings and businesses' net worth disappearing in this period, and 14 trillion dollars of stock and real estate value having been decimated; do you really believe that you would trust a man who plans to spend more or your money to fund more federal programs (he's not getting the money from his pocket or the other politicians' pockets) in this economy? And that this would get US out of the current crisis?

No, I cannot and will not trust such an individual. He has shown time and time again that he cannot be trusted.

Would you trust a man who in his 941 days in the Senate has voted consistently to raise taxes on the average tax payer 95 times? This entails a record of raising a million dollars of your tax dollars every day he has sat in the U.S. Senate?

NO. No one in their right mind would vote for a politician whose consistent track record is one of raising taxes consistently whenever it comes up for a vote, and turns around to spend the appropriated money – which the government does not have – on pork barrel projects to funnel money to campaign contributors who’ve bundled money for him before.

Would you trust someone who promises to cut taxes, yet whose record (check the Congressional Record for this) indicates he is the biggest tax and spend politician in Washington?

No, of course not.

Would you trust a man who claims to have compassion for the poor, when he has none for his own poor family in Kenya?

No. Again, it’s not what you say that counts, but what you do that counts. As Jesus warned, “You will know them by their fruits.”

Would you trust the content of a man's character when he allows one of his key congressional supporters to slander the integrity of Senator John McCain by associating him with racist 60s Democrat Governor George Wallace?

As of this writing there has not been either a retraction of this charge by the congressman in question, or an apology from either this candidate or his party for this disgraceful and despicable canard. Would you trust this man as being nothing more than a racist himself?

Especially considering the remarks he's made throughout this campaign, and the opportunistic manner in which he manipulated the race issue in charging others with it whenever it suited him?

No. Obama has injected himself into local matters that have nothing to do with the presidency like some tin pot third world dictator, and injected his own flawed and biased racial beliefs to create friction and division rather than reconciliation in those matters. He has a track record for all to see. He cannot run away from it.

Would you trust a man who's been endorsed and hailed by a America's leading Anti-Semite and Black Supremacist, Louis Farrakhan as the Messiah? Would you trust a man who allows and does not condemn such rank adulation and worship without rebuke?

No, because such a person feeds on the worship and adoration of his supporters much like every false messiah and tyrannical dictator has since the dawn of time, and we have seen what this has led to in every civilization. America is not immune. It can happen here, and is happening here.

Would you trust the veracity of a man who promises to clean up Washington, yet while in Illinois played by the rules of Chicago style politics, rising up its ranks, and promoted by its most corrupt Democratic Machinery?

No. How can I? Obama has shown that of all of the politicians who’ve come to Washington, he is the most corrupt, with one of the largest and most deceptive political machinery in the country – the Chicago Democratic Machinery – of Al Capone and Mayor Daly fame.

It has not changed, will not change, and whatever it has done in Chicago, it has been doing on a national scale since Obama entered the Oval Office right under the noses of the American electorate.

Would you believe this man's promises to put the politics of the past behind him, when he and his campaign staff, activists, and volunteers continue and promote the most disgraceful expressions of vulgarity and personal attacks in efforts to belittle, discredit, and destroy Vice Presidential Candidate Governor Sarah Palin? See the following link:

No. I would not believe a word Barack Obama speaks. He has shown himself to be a man who cannot be trusted, and his word is worthless. He is devoid of honor and has no integrity.

He is nothing more than a cheap and dirty politician from one of the nation’s dirtiest corners where dirty racial politics play a part in machine politics. A man who has arisen within such a machinery and has brought it to our nation’s capital, as have so many others.

Would you believe a man who promises to bring healing from the partisan atmosphere infesting the nation and its capital; allow the most vulgar expressions of hatred ever seen in a campaign go unpunished?

I've never seen anything like this before, certainly not when Al Gore or John Kerry ran for president against George W. Bush. It appears that every four years they seem to be lowering the bar on decency, with this year reaching an all time low.

I have never seen this type of hatred and vulgarity leveled at a person running for office before. I've seen various expressions of hatred, but nothing as bad this.

No. Obama’s campaign promises have been nothing short of hype and lies cleverly crafted by Madison Avenue to project something where nothing exists. Obama is nothing short of a paper candidate created and manipulated by Madison Avenue marketing.

Would you believe a man who promises to bring a "new politics" to Washington when the record shows that he won his first election by throwing out all of his competitors off the ballot?

And how he used his influence as a U.S. Senator to save the corrupt Cook Country Political Machinery when Democrat and Republican reformers tried to challenge the entrenched political bosses who ran and still run the local politics there?

No. Again. This man has a track record, if only people would take the time to examine it for themselves. He not just a bad candidate, but he is one of the worst politicians ever to come to office.

His policies have decimated America. And he wishes for you to repeat the mistake of reelecting him for another four years of greater punishments.

Would you trust a man with your money when he steered taxpayer money to campaign donors supporting his candidacy?

No I would not and will not. Barack Hussein Obama has used our tax dollars to funnel vast amounts of cash into the coffers of his closest supporters in the guise of “Green Jobs.”

He continues to do so without any congressional action to investigate the petty larceny of this man and his money laundering machinery which he has brought to bear upon the American electorate and bankrupted our nation in just three years.

Would you trust the word of a man who promises early in his campaign that he would accept the presidential campaign spending limit, and then turn on his promise when it was inconvenient for him to abide by a promise he made to honor it because it would limit the amount of money he could receive and spend on his campaign?

No. A person’s word is their worth. If a person will not keep their word, then such a person cannot be trusted. Barack Obama has a consistent track record of not honoring his promises. Again, why would I trust this man and elect him again for another four years?

David Freddoso, political reporter for National Review Online, and author of The Case Against Barack Obama says this about Senator Obama:

"As the least experienced politician in at least one hundred years to obtain a major party nomination for President of the United States, Obama appears to be escaping the appropriate examination that any man (or woman) who covets the Oval Office deserves.

Too many of those criticizing Obama have been content merely to slander him - to claim falsely that he refuses to salute the U.S. flag or was sworn into office on a Koran, or he was really born in a foreign country.... Such spurious criticisms have given rise to an intellectual laziness among the very people who should be scrutinizing Obama."

"It took only a couple of years covering Washington and congressional politics for me to learn a sad, simple fact: A disappointingly small number of those who run for office from either party are true reformers.

The ones who are reformers usually lose. Obama has crafted himself an image as one of those rare reformers. This is what prompted me to begin work on this book.

As it became clear that he was going to win the Democratic nomination for president, it seemed irresponsible to stand by as so many were offering admiration, piety, and even worship to - of all things - a politician. Because the idea of Barack Obama as a reformer is a great lie."

From The Case Against Barack Obama

Barak Obama has it all wrong; people are not afraid of him because he doesn't look like the guys on the dollar bills, as he's claimed, no he's wrong on that as he's wrong on almost everything else he says

People fear what he's going to do to their dollar bills if he's elected president that they are afraid of. Let me rephrase that; it is not what you look like that people fear, Senator Hussein Obama; it is what you're about to do with their money that they fear, and they have very good fundamental reasons to because of the promises you've made to redistribute through additional taxes and spending the money they earn, and then "spread the wealth around."

You know that in order for you to keep your promise of a "tax cut for ninety five percent of Americans" you're actually going to raise the taxes on those who work and pay taxes, while writing a welfare check to forty percent of those who don't work and don't pay taxes.

Senator Obama you want to be the Mac Daddy of forty percent of our electorate, whom you know don't pay income taxes while penalizing the rest with the highest tax increases in this nation's history if you get to the White House.

Senator Obama, your plan will bankrupt what is left of our economy and destroy the social fabric of what has defined this nation since its founding.

Obama, while I celebrate that America has grown to be all inclusive, I cannot in good conscience vote for you because there are just too many questions about you, and your questionable past working associations, your plan to redistribute people's money without their consent ("spread the wealth around"), your plan to spend an additional one point three and a half trillion of our tax dollars additional to the already eight hundred fifty billion that you and your congressional colleagues just voted to give to the same fat cats who helped cause the ruination of millions of American' savings and retirement, and your plan to have government literally do almost everything for almost everyone - an impossibility which will destroy this country's economic infrastructure and reduce it into a Marxist "Paradise" like Cuba and Venezuela, and the former Soviet Union; no sir, I cannot support you for president.

When I wrote those words three years ago, there was a track record, but it was local and obscure. Obama had no national track record that we could gauge him by.

What’s more, Mr. Obama who became Senator Obama from Illinois, and then President Obama; as the quintessential Manchurian Candidate – an international man of mystery catapulted into the highest echelons of power by a multinational oligarch of the world’s richest families whose holdings and influence span the globe, and whose intent in putting him there was to do in three to four years what they have sought to do for decades and whose string of world leaders have worked to establish – a New World Economic Order – under their complete iron-clad control.

This is what the Obama presidency is all about, and this is what it will do if America reelects this man to office for another four years. God help US all, God save America! God have mercy on US and spare US all, and deliver US again.

I conclude this report with the words of former Secretary of State under President George W. Bush, Condoleezza Rice, who recently made the following observation about the upcoming presidential election:

"2012 is perhaps a turning point for the United States."

"The upcoming elections loom as one of the most important in my lifetime," she warned. "I'm very often asked to speak about our current foreign policy and the challenges that lie before us. However, we, as a country, are not going to be able to address any of those international challenges unless we first get our domestic house in order."

Saturday, July 7, 2012


I recently visited some relatives in Pennsylvania for a cookout and some good quality family time. During our visit there, we discussed a good many topics, top of which was the state of our republic, the upcoming presidential elections, and the changes that have been made to our government since Obama took office three years ago.

My relative made an observation that I had not made. He told me that my mother looked “scared.” That he had never seen my mother look quite that way before, but that she looked very concerned. He reminded me of the fact that the reason for her concern was that she was seeing the same things happen here in the United States that she saw happen systematically in her native country of Cuba, and it frightens her.

I considered for a moment what my relative said, and recent conversations my mother and I had had about what Obama is doing and plans to do if reelected to a second term, and realized that he was right. Because my mother was aware of much more (you can blame me for that) of what Obama was doing to our Constitution, our civil liberties, and our economy than most of her friends and acquaintances who get their news from the Spanish language Mexican-banker- owned media of Telemundo and Univision, she is awake to much of what is going on, while everybody else around her is asleep and uninformed, just as the media wishes most people to be.

My mother went through much of what we are witnessing happen in this country in her native country of Cuba when Fidel Castro came to power in 1959, and the changes the Communist regime made to that republic are being made right here before her eyes – the abridgement of free being replaced with approved politically correct forms of expression, radio, television, and newspaper writers and commentators who disagreed with the government were increasingly attacked by the government for their points of view; first it was rebuttals, then it was in harsher tones, and finally the writers, commentators, and radio hosts were either forced to toe the government line, or close shop, or leave the country. When Castro took power, there were about a thousand journals, newspapers, radio programs, and others forms of independent media in the country. Within three years, almost all of them disappeared. Within four years, only Revolucion and Granma remained.

We are seeing the same thing in this country. Obama uses his media allies in MSNBC, and other alphabet soup channels to trumpet the administration talking points, and with increased frequency and ferocity, his minions and he are becoming more shrill in their denunciations of all who disagree with their policies or dare to criticize them openly.

With his signing of the NDAA Law, Obama now has dictatorial powers to shoot, incarcerate, kill with a drone attack (they’re weaponizing the drones being used domestically over our cities right now), and assassinate anyone whom he pleases in the name of national or homeland security. This is unprecedented and it is extremely dangerous.

We are seeing increasingly punitive gun laws and fire arms confiscations by federal, state, and local governments, censorship of various forms of opinions, the incarceration without limit and without trial of American Citizens, mysterious deaths of radio commentators and others who were critical of the Obama regime, the favored status of enemies by the Department of Justice, the creation of a Gestapo-KGB-NKVD-G2 type of construct called the Department of Homeland Security, the militarization of our police forces, and on and on one can go.

All of these things she saw in Castro’s first three years, just as she is witnessing in Obama’s first (and hopefully only) three years as president. We are in a lot of trouble, and our nation has been overrun by individuals in government who possess the reins of power, who do not hold our Constitution with the same respect we do. They now view anyone who does as terrorists and enemies of the homeland. We are even beginning to sound more and more like Nazi Germany.

We also discussed how our liberties have been repealed by presidential edict through the Department of Homeland Security, the Supreme Court, and even by both houses of congress through its passing the Patriot Act, and recently the NDAA – National Defense Authorization Act, which President Obama claimed publicly that he opposed and would not sign into law, but privately had been lobbying congress for its passage, and then signed into law on a cold December 31st, night just before the new year of destiny; 2012.

All in all, Obama’s actions have not resembled those of an American president under our laws, but a foreign dictator with a large bureaucracy at his beck and call which he has appointed (over fifty so-called czars), not vetted by congress, not elected by the people, or beholden to anyone but him. What he has done in three years is nothing short than fundamentally changing our system of government right under our noses, and it is incredible that having done all of these things – things which affect every person in this country – there are still a significant part of our population that are considering reelecting him for another four years!

Needless to say, this is extremely dismaying for those among US who value our liberties and treasure our Constitution, and love our nation. But lest there be anyone out there reading this who has the inkling of a doubt as to the accuracy of what I write here. I am including a list here, put together by the TEA PARTY NATION that helps bring home just what Obama has done in three years. This list is from an article put out by the same entitled, The Making of a Dictator. I quote it here in its entirety:

When we think of a dictator, we usually think of someone in another country, wearing a military uniform, watching his troops goose-step down the main boulevard.

It can’t happen to America, can it?

It is happening in America. It is happening right now and we are mostly ignoring it. What is worse, the group that should be jumping up to defend freedom is mostly sitting on the sidelines.

The term dictator comes from the word dictate or to which means to speak or act domineeringly.

Can anyone seriously argue this is not exactly what we are seeing from the Obama Regime?

Does anyone remember Obama’s big slogan, “We can’t wait?” Obama said point blank that he could not wait for Congress nor would he. The man the left likes to point out was a Constitutional law professor (actually he was a mere instructor), either cannot read the Constitution or he willfully ignores it.

The greatest concentrations of power in the Constitution are reserved for three groups: The Congress, the States and the People.

Unfortunately for Obama, all three oppose him so he can’t wait so he acts in a dictatorial fashion.

In 2009, he created Czars to by pass the Constitutional requirement that senior administration officials be permitted only with the advice and consent of the Senate.

When Obama does not like a law, what does he do? He ignores it. The Defense of Marriage Act is the prime example. This law was passed by Congress and signed into law by Bill Clinton. Obama, not the Supreme Court, decided it was unconstitutional. Instead of going back to Congress asking that Congress repeal this law, he announced he would order the Justice Department not to defend the law in Court.

Obama objected to “No Child Left Behind.” While “No Child Left Behind” is a bad law, instead of asking Congress to repeal it, he just grants waivers so the law is effectively gutted.

Obama wanted his DREAM Act passed. When Congress refused, he announced he was not going to enforce immigration laws he did not like. When Congress would not pass Cap and Trade, he directed the EPA to impose it administratively. Congress would not pass Net Neutrality so the FCC in a brazen power grab imposed it.

The list of Obama’s usurpations grows by the day. Anything he does not like, he uses the power of the Federal Government to stop. Anything from oil exploration to fracking to a state’s attempts to protect itself against illegal immigration, if Obama does not like it he will use the overwhelming power of the Federal Government to stop it. He will do so regardless of the wishes of Congress, the American people or the Constitution.

Where are the Republicans while this is going on?

They were nowhere to be found.

In fairness to the GOP, from 2009 until 2011, there was nothing they could do. With the Party of Treason holding a majority in the House and a super majority in the Senate, they were stuck.

Since 2011, what have the Republicans done about Obama?

Not a damn thing.

They have not defunded his czars.

They have not defunded the FCC.

They have not defunded Obamacare.

They have not taken a single action to change Obama’s behavior. When Obama announced that he would no longer defend court challenges to the Defense of Marriage Act, what was the GOP’s response? They hired a law firm to handle the defense. That was it.

What was the GOP’s response to Obama’s amnesty? Not a damn thing.

The only thing the Republicans did was run for the cameras, making the most dangerous spot in America, the space between them and a camera.

The Republicans are now campaigning on the theme of elect them to stop Obama. That’s a great theory but in the last year and a half they have had the tools to at least slow him down.

What do we Americans have to show for that?

Not a damn thing.

America stands at the edge of the cliff. We are about to lose our freedoms to a dictatorship. What will Obama do if he has a second term? What will he do if he is no longer constrained by the prospect of facing the voters again? As Obama told the Russians, wait until after the elections when he is free to do what he wants.

We cannot stand a second Obama term.

What is worse, the Republicans are doing nothing to stop Obama’s radical expansion of power. Does anyone really believe that if Mitt Romney is in fact the nominee and gets elected, he will do anything to reduce the power of the Executive Branch of the Government?

We have a terrible choice this year. We cannot allow under any circumstances a second Obama term. We must do what ever it takes to make certain that the Party of Treason is voted out of power.

It is so true, and the only talk radio hosts are shouting at the top of their lungs about this are Michael Savage and Alex Jones, and rightly so. Where are the Republicans in all of this right now? Why are they sitting idly by allowing this dictator to make mince meat of our Constitution, destroy our national sovereignty, erode of civil and human rights under an NDAA and a Patriot Act, and subject US to Gestapo-KGB-like federal agencies that have been increasingly militarized and radicalized against the domestic public in the last three years?

These are questions that every person of voting age, who will vote in these elections must ask themselves. We cannot stand idly by in apathy and complacency. There are answers to these questions and they go beyond partisan politics. They point to a wealthy oligarchy of the richest and most powerful families in the world, who own finance, banking, and commerce, and yes; our elected officials. It is beyond party and beyond the Left versus Right Paradigm they have used to lull most people’s attention away from themselves and their activities for the past hundred years. But most of the public has been so asleep, so conditioned, and many are so willfully so ignorant in the face of the evidence – evidence and documentation, some by the very people allied to the international banking interests – that they willingly choose to ignore it, and hide their heads in the proverbial sand, thinking themselves immune to the created chaos they see around them.

The time has come for the American people to rise up and vote their consciences for the sake of their children, for the sake of their nation, and for the sake of everything they hold dear. The time of compromise is long past. In 2008 I asked many the question as to how they could elect a person to the highest office in the land who was so diametrically at odds with their own core moral and spiritual convictions. They could not reply. After self-examination, these people retorted deadpan, “I’m still voting for Obama.” Why? Because he was historically the first black president, and they too were black.

If the only reason to vote for a public servant is that he or she belongs to the same race, religion, or ethnicity as oneself, then one can see why our nation has deteriorated to where it is today, and why someone like a Barack Hussein Obama could even be considered to run in a major party’s own primaries, much less; make it to the Oval Office. But, this is the true of America as it was in 2008, and it is hopefully and perhaps to a lesser extent, of America in 2012. We will find out on Election Night, November 4th.

The Democrat Party produced a television ad purporting to show Rep Paul Ryan throwing grandma off the cliff, by opposing ObamaCare.

A couple of San Antonio doctors have responded with an effective ad to counter this injustice. See the ad produced by Drs Jane Hughes and Kris Held

What goes around, comes around! I loved this ad! If you like their ad, please forward widely. And now for the rest of the story:

Recently, I read the following report on why Americans should be very concerned about the second half of 2012. This is what the report said:
“What is the second half of 2012 going to bring? Are things going to get even worse than they are right now? Unfortunately, that appears more likely with each passing day. I will admit that I am extremely concerned about the second half of 2012. Historically, a financial crisis is much more likely to begin in the fall than during any other season of the year. Just think about it. The stock market crash of 1929 happened in the fall. "Black Monday" happened on October 19th, 1987. The financial crisis of 2008 started in the fall. There just seems to be something about the fall that brings out the worst in the financial markets. But of course there is not a stock market crash every year. So are there specific reasons why we should be extremely concerned about what is coming this year? Yes, there are. The ingredients for a "perfect storm" are slowly coming together, and in the months ahead we could very well see the next wave of the economic collapse strike. Sadly, we have never even come close to recovering from the last recession, and this next crisis might end up being even more painful than the last one.

The following are 17 reasons to be extremely concerned about the second half of 2012....

#1 Historical Trends
A recent IMF research paper by Luc Laeven and Fabián Valencia showed that a banking crisis is far more likely to start in September than in any other month. The following chart is from their report....

So what will this September bring?
#2 JP Morgan
Do you remember back in May when JP Morgan announced that it would be taking a 2 billion dollar trading loss on some derivatives trades gone bad? Well, the New York Times is now reporting that the real figure could reach 9 billion dollars, but nobody really knows for sure. At some point is JP Morgan going to need a bailout? If so, what is that going to do to the U.S. financial system?

#3 Derivatives
Last week, Moody's downgraded the credit ratings of 15 major global banks. As a result, a number of them have been required to post billions of dollars in additional collateral against derivatives exposures....
The worldwide derivatives market is starting to show some cracks, and at some point this is going to become a major disaster.
Remember, the 9 largest U.S. banks have a total of more than 200 trillion dollars of exposure to derivatives. When this bubble completely bursts it is going to be impossible to fix.

#4 LEAP/E2020 Warning
LEAP/E2020 has issued a red alert for the global financial system for this fall. They are warning that the "second half of 2012" will represent a "major inflection point" for the global economic system....

#5 Increasing Pessimism
One recent survey of corporate executives found that only 20 percent of them expect the global economy to improve over the next 12 months and 48 percent of them expect the global economy to get worse over the next 12 months.

#6 Spain
The Spanish financial system is basically a total nightmare at this point. Moody's recently downgraded Spanish debt to one level above junk status, and earlier this week Moody's downgraded the credit ratings of 28 major Spanish banks.
According to CNBC, Spain's short-term borrowing costs are now about three times higher than they were just one month ago....
Needless to say, this is very, very bad news.

#7 Italy
The situation in Italy continues to deteriorate and many analysts believe that it could be one of the next dominoes to fall. The following is from a recent Businessweek article....
A recent Fortune article detailed some of the economic fundamentals that have so many economists deeply concerned about the Italian economy right now....

#8 Greece
I have written extensively about the financial nightmare that is unfolding in Greece. Unemployment has soared past the 20 percent mark, youth unemployment is above 50 percent, the Greek economy has contracted by close to 25 percent over the past four years and now Greek politicians are saying that a third bailout package may be necessary.

#9 Cyprus
The tiny island nation of Cyprus has become the fifth member of the eurozone to formally request a bailout. This is yet another sign that the eurozone is rapidly falling apart.

#10 Germany
German Chancellor Angela Merkel continues to promote an austerity path for Europe and she continues to maintain her very firm position against any kind of eurozone debt sharing....
In fact, Merkel says that there will be no eurobonds "as long as I live". This means that there will be no "quick fix" for the problems that are unfolding in Europe.

#11 Bank Runs
Every single day, hundreds of millions of dollars is being pulled out of banks in southern Europe. Much of that money is being transferred to banks in northern Europe.
In a previous article I included an extremely alarming quote from a CNBC article about the unfolding banking crisis in Europe....
In fact, Merkel says that there will be no eurobonds "as long as I live". This means that there will be no "quick fix" for the problems that are unfolding in Europe.

#11 Bank Runs
Every single day, hundreds of millions of dollars is being pulled out of banks in southern Europe. Much of that money is being transferred to banks in northern Europe.
In a previous article I included an extremely alarming quote from a CNBC article about the unfolding banking crisis in Europe....

#13 Global Lending Is Slowing Down
All over the globe the flow of credit is beginning to freeze up. In fact, the Bank for International Settlements says that worldwide lending is contracting at the fastest pace since the financial crisis of 2008.

#14 Sophisticated Cyber Attacks On Banks
It is being reported that "very sophisticated" hackers have successfully raided dozens of banks in Europe. So far, it is being estimated that they have stolen 60 million euros....
What happens someday if we wake up and all the money in the banks is gone?

#15 U.S. Municipal Bankruptcies
All over the United States there are cities and towns on the verge of financial disaster. This week Stockton, California became the largest U.S. city to ever declare bankruptcy, but the reality is that this is only just the beginning of the municipal debt crisis....

#16 The Obamacare Decision
The U.S. economy is already a complete and total mess, and now the Obamacare decision is going to throw a huge wet blanket on it. All over America, small business owners are saying that they are going to have to let some workers go because they cannot afford to keep them all under Obamacare. It would be hard to imagine a more job killing law than Obamacare, and now that the Supreme Court decision has finally been announced we are going to see many businesses making some really hard decisions.

#17 The U.S. Election
It is being reported that Barack Obama is putting together an army of "thousands of lawyers" to deal with any disputes that arise over voting procedures or results. It certainly looks like this upcoming election is going to be extremely close, and there is the potential that we could end up facing another Bush v. Gore scenario where the fate of the presidency is determined in court. This campaign season is likely to be exceptionally nasty, and I fear what may happen if there is not a decisive winner on election day. The possibility of significant civil unrest is certainly there.

We definitely live in "interesting" times.

Personally, I am deeply concerned about the September, October, November time frame.

The other day, Joe Biden delivered a speech in which he made the following statement....

"It's A Depression For Millions And Millions Of Americans"

And what Biden said was right for once. Millions of Americans are out of work right now and millions of Americans have fallen out of the middle class in recent years. If you have lost everything, it does feel like you are living through a depression.
When people lose everything, they tend to get desperate. And desperate people do desperate things - especially when they are angry.
A whole host of recent opinion polls have shown that anger and frustration in the United States are rising to unprecedented levels. The ingredients are certainly there for an explosion. Someone just needs to come along and light the fuse. We truly do live in frightening times.

Let us hope for the best, but let us also prepare for the worst.”
From the article titled, 17 Reasons To Be EXTREMELY Concerned About The Second Half Of 2012

The second article which I must cite and quote here in its entirety is the following one written by Conor Murphy for the Washington Times, which mirrors precisely my sentiments, which I’ve expressed before in other reports on the state of our nation and our economy, and our elected leaders. I quote:

WASHINGTON, July 7, 2012 — Yet another 4th of July has come and gone.
Most people spend this celebration of independence with family or friends watching fireworks, throwing a party, or grilling some burgers. We often forget about the brave men who revolted against Great Britain and declared the independence that we celebrate. Worse, we forget what our Founding Fathers truly believed with regard to freedom and liberty. Would statesmen like Washington or Jefferson be as respected as they are if they were alive today? Would they even be electable?
Although we respect and admire our Founding Fathers, we no longer hold true to their vision and the founding principles that are the backbone of this country. In his farewell address Washington stated, “the Constitution which at any time exists, til changed by an explicit and authentic act of the whole people, is sacredly obligatory upon all. The very idea of the power and the right of the people to establish government presupposes the duty of every individual to obey the established government.”

Does this sound like the Republicans, who convinced us to support the USA Patriot Act, which completely disregards the fourth amendment of our Constitution? It certainly doesn't sound like the Democrats, who turned our admittedly flawed healthcare system into an even worse government-run monopoly. Ironically, politicians with Washington's views would have a difficult time getting elected to public office.
Benjamin Franklin would probably be ostracized today for his political opinions. “Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.” Neither Democrats or Republicans believe this (some even think that his love of liberty would make Franklin a terrorist); both Parties passed the National Defense Authorization Act of 2012. In a country that has accepted drones flying over its own skies, Franklin's words give a very strong reminder of the freedoms that citizens should demand from their government.

War was often warned against by our founders. James Madison, the father of the Constitution, warned: “Of all the enemies of public liberty, war is perhaps the most to be dreaded, because it comprises and develops the germ of every other.” Unfortunately, even though he helped craft the Constitution, Madison has been ignored in modern day politics. Both major parties have clamored for war and inflated defense budgets. This is certainly not the foreign policy of our Founding Fathers, who preached that we must go to war cautiously.

Perhaps one of the most ignored Founding Fathers is none other than our third President, Thomas Jefferson. He warned of central banking and debt, “If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around [the banks] ... will deprive the people of all property until their children wake-up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered.” Republicans and Democrats have both been guilty of ignoring him on this. Other than Ron Paul's annual Audit the Fed bill, which until recently received little to no attention, there is almost no concern over the Federal Reserve from the Congress, the Obama administration, or the courts. Jefferson's prescient words have been almost completely ignored by modern America.

It isn't just politicians who have forgotten the message of freedom and liberty; the American people have forgotten as well. The American public has greatly lowered its standards for those running for public office. Through our elected representatives, it is easy to see that liberty is no longer the primary objective of voters. In fact, it might not even make the top five. American voters have become content with choosing between the lesser of two evils, and sacrificing liberty in return for safety and security.

The United States is facing a true identity crisis. Will we still promote individualism and civil liberties, or do we no longer believe in these values? It is not up to politicians and public officials to change their policies. This will not happen unless liberty once again becomes the primary goal of America and her citizens.

When something is so well expressed and articulated in writing in such a precise and clear manner, it must be shared from one person to another, because in so doing, there is created in those who take such actions the reminder that our liberties are not to taken for granted, representatives and public servants whom we elect to office, and those who serve US, must be accountable and their actions restrained by the Constitution; otherwise we most certainly will (and have descended as of this writing) into tyranny.

We are teetering on the precipice of our own demise. No one has brought US here, we have done this to ourselves. We have lived for a generation believing that we can ignore our national conscience without paying the price for our collective rebellion against all that has governed US since the founding of our great republic.

We have believed the lie that our abundance was a product of our own doing, of our own sweat and efforts, and that we are self-sufficient and accountable only to ourselves. We have dispensed with the norms that governed our distinct way of life for over two hundred years, replacing its Judeo-Christian principles with the shifting sands of secular humanistic relativism – and have produced brutes for children – adopting the law of the jungle of anything goes.

Our national leaders for a generation now, have been increasingly reflecting our own new humanist and relativist values, and have bankrupted US while redistributing the wealth of our great nation to a very small few of oligarchs for whom they owe their careers. We have believed the lie, and have come to the point where our young ask, “Who is the Lord?” Please take the time after reading my report to view the following links below, and listen closely to the message, for it is for these times.

We have sowed the wind and have reaped the whirlwind, and yet we have considered not the mercies of our Creator who waits for our return into His tender yet all powerful arms. We have believed our misguided leaders who’ve increasingly removed G-d’s Commandments from our public buildings, have stricken laws on our books based upon Judeo-Christian precepts which have governed this nation since its founding, having been built upon the bedrock of Biblical precepts which are eternal cannot and should not be tampered with.

We have removed G-d from our public discourse and have removed His teachings from our society and prayers for His guidance from our public schools. The class room now teaches relativism and in place of the very basics of reading, writing, arithmetic, and the social sciences; we have replaced our classroom curriculum with increasingly deviant sex education, which only a generation ago, we had to the good sense to exclude from our schools.

Pedophiles have overrun our society, and deviant behavior and alternative lifestyles have replaced the pillars of our society; the monogamous marriage between a man and a woman, the child of a married couple, and the sanctity of human life. We have truly deviated from what we once lived by and so many of our hallowed dead fought to preserve in the wars this nation fought. We have come a long, long way from the nation we once were.

We have been given harbingers as signposts; warnings of what may come from the lessons of history within the pages of Holy Scripture, and yet even some members of our own religious community can do no better than to attack without grounds the message given to our nation at this very late hour. The very people whom one would believe have been entrusted with the Good News that there is another way, the Way of Life in the One for whom we all live and move and have our being, and from whom every family on the earth obtains its name; and yet the best these so-called avatars of the Gospel can do is criticize and distract from the warning we must all heed at this late hour.

The message of the harbingers which have come upon US as warnings that we must heed, and listen to, learning from the fate of ancient Israel, what could befall modern America, if we do not pay close attention and turn, turn from the trajectory which our nation has been heading, and return and restore the values that made this the greatest nation that ever existed; what President Ronald Reagan once called “the last best hope of mankind.”

Three years ago, the person who holds the highest office in our land – our president, declared that this was no longer a Christian nation – that is to say, that it no longer embraced the Judeo-Christian Precept and concept of natural law based upon the G-d of all Creation, what some of our Founders called “ nature’s God.” Listen to the words of President Abraham Lincoln, and consider just how far we have strayed:


AT this second appearing to take the oath of the Presidential office there is less occasion for an extended address than there was at the first. Then a statement somewhat in detail of a course to be pursued seemed fitting and proper. Now, at the expiration of four years, during which public declarations have been constantly called forth on every point and phase of the great contest which still absorbs the attention and engrosses the energies of the nation, little that is new could be presented. The progress of our arms, upon which all else chiefly depends, is as well known to the public as to myself, and it is, I trust, reasonably satisfactory and encouraging to all. With high hope for the future, no prediction in regard to it is ventured.

On the occasion corresponding to this four years ago all thoughts were anxiously directed to an impending civil war. All dreaded it, all sought to avert it. While the inaugural address was being delivered from this place, devoted altogether to saving the Union without war, insurgent agents were in the city seeking to destroy it without war—seeking to dissolve the Union and divide effects by negotiation. Both parties deprecated war, but one of them would make war rather than let the nation survive, and the other would accept war rather than let it perish, and the war came.

One-eighth of the whole population were colored slaves, not distributed generally over the Union, but localized in the southern part of it. These slaves constituted a peculiar and powerful interest. All knew that this interest was somehow the cause of the war. To strengthen, perpetuate, and extend this interest was the object for which the insurgents would rend the Union even by war, while the Government claimed no right to do more than to restrict the territorial enlargement of it. Neither party expected for the war the magnitude or the duration which it has already attained. Neither anticipated that the cause of the conflict might cease with or even before the conflict itself should cease. Each looked for an easier triumph, and a result less fundamental and astounding. Both read the same Bible and pray to the same God, and each invokes His aid against the other. It may seem strange that any men should dare to ask a just God's assistance in wringing their bread from the sweat of other men's faces, but let us judge not, that we be not judged. The prayers of both could not be answered. That of neither has been answered fully. The Almighty has His own purposes. "Woe unto the world because of offenses; for it must needs be that offenses come, but woe to that man by whom the offense cometh." If we shall suppose that American slavery is one of those offenses which, in the providence of God, must needs come, but which, having continued through His appointed time, He now wills to remove, and that He gives to both North and South this terrible war as the woe due to those by whom the offense came, shall we discern therein any departure from those divine attributes which the believers in a living God always ascribe to Him? Fondly do we hope, fervently do we pray, that this mighty scourge of war may speedily pass away. Yet, if God wills that it continue until all the wealth piled by the bondsman's two hundred and fifty years of unrequited toil shall be sunk, and until every drop of blood drawn with the lash shall be paid by another drawn with the sword, as was said three thousand years ago, so still it must be said "the judgments of the Lord are true and righteous altogether."

With malice toward none, with charity for all, with firmness in the right as God gives us to see the right, let us strive on to finish the work we are in, to bind up the nation's wounds, to care for him who shall have borne the battle and for his widow and his orphan, to do all which may achieve and cherish a just and lasting peace among ourselves and with all nations.”

From the following link:

And consider if you will, the following words which are taken from George Washington’s Inaugural Address:

“Such being the impressions under which I have, in obedience to the public summons, repaired to the present station, it would be peculiarly improper to omit in this first official act my fervent supplications to that Almighty Being who rules over the universe, who presides in the councils of nations, and whose providential aids can supply every human defect, that His benediction may consecrate to the liberties and happiness of the people of the United States a Government instituted by themselves for these essential purposes, and may enable every instrument employed in its administration to execute with success the functions allotted to his charge.

In tendering this homage to the Great Author of every public and private good, I assure myself that it expresses your sentiments not less than my own, nor those of my fellow-citizens at large less than either.

No people can be bound to acknowledge and adore the Invisible Hand which conducts the affairs of men more than those of the United States.

Every step by which they have advanced to the character of an independent nation seems to have been distinguished by some token of providential agency; and in the important revolution just accomplished in the system of their united government the tranquil deliberations and voluntary consent of so many distinct communities from which the event has resulted can not be compared with the means by which most governments have been established without some return of pious gratitude, along with an humble anticipation of the future blessings which the past seem to presage.

These reflections, arising out of the present crisis, have forced themselves too strongly on my mind to be suppressed. You will join with me, I trust, in thinking that there are none under the influence of which the proceedings of a new and free government can more auspiciously commence.”

In these honorable qualifications I behold the surest pledges that as on one side no local prejudices or attachments, no separate views nor party animosities, will misdirect the comprehensive and equal eye which ought to watch over this great assemblage of communities and interests, so, on another, that the foundation of our national policy will be laid in the pure and immutable principles of private morality, and the preeminence of free government be exemplified by all the attributes which can win the affections of its citizens and command the respect of the world.

I dwell on this prospect with every satisfaction which an ardent love for my country can inspire, since there is no truth more thoroughly established than that there exists in the economy and course of nature an indissoluble union between virtue and happiness; between duty and advantage; between the genuine maxims of an honest and magnanimous policy and the solid rewards of public prosperity and felicity; since we ought to be no less persuaded that the propitious smiles of Heaven can never be expected on a nation that disregards the eternal rules of order and right which Heaven itself has ordained; and since the preservation of the sacred fire of liberty and the destiny of the republican model of government are justly considered, perhaps, as deeply, as finally, staked on the experiment entrusted to the hands of the American people.”

Having thus imparted to you my sentiments as they have been awakened by the occasion which brings us together, I shall take my present leave; but not without resorting once more to the benign Parent of the Human Race in humble supplication that, since He has been pleased to favor the American people with opportunities for deliberating in perfect tranquility, and dispositions for deciding with unparalleled unanimity on a form of government for the security of their union and the advancement of their happiness, so His divine blessing may be equally conspicuous in the enlarged views, the temperate consultations, and the wise measures on which the success of this Government must depend.”

And President Abraham Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address again illustrates what is obvious to all who read it for themselves – then there was a time when our national leaders invoked the G-d of the Bible, and even a New Birth of Freedom for our nation, as Lincoln did in his eloquent dedication of Gettysburg. I include it here.

“Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent a new nation, conceived in liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal.

Now we are engaged in a great civil war, testing whether that nation, or any nation, so conceived and so dedicated, can long endure. We are met on a great battle-field of that war. We have come to dedicate a portion of that field, as a final resting place for those who here gave their lives that that nation might live. It is altogether fitting and proper that we should do this.

But, in a larger sense, we can not dedicate, we can not consecrate, we can not hallow this ground. The brave men, living and dead, who struggled here, have consecrated it, far above our poor power to add or detract. The world will little note, nor long remember what we say here, but it can never forget what they did here. It is for us the living, rather, to be dedicated here to the unfinished work which they who fought here have thus far so nobly advanced. It is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us—that from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotion—that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain—that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom—and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.”

I ask then, “What has happened to our great republic?” We began calling upon and invoking the G-d of heaven, indeed the Lord G-d of all Creation; the G-d of the Hebrew and Christian Scriptures, and prayed to Him from our great halls, from our schools, and churches and synagogues, from our homes, and even from our public places once.

What has overtaken our national psyche that we have so brazenly and callously disregarded our past, and though have done the right and correct thing before our Maker of freeing our enslaved fellow countrymen, and have ascribed to them their due right to vote and full citizenship as free men and women among our nation; now have made retrograde movements in regards to human dignity and liberty by allowing our national leaders to sign into law measures which abridge the very liberties our Constitution protects, and allowing the same to assault our rights through onerous legislation and regulation, and now taxation deemed by the highest court in our land – the Supreme Court – to be within the norms of Constitutional governance, when in fact it is an assault on our liberties and free choices?

How have the mighty fallen. How has the republic fallen. How have the righteous fallen among US. America consider your ways. America consider your ways. Do not think that you are exempt from the same fate as that which befell previous civilizations that degenerated from civil and moral order.

The harbingers which have befallen US are a reminder that the clock is ticking, but that there is yet the opportunity to turn the nation around. There is yet the opportunity to abandon the current course, and to return our country to its Judeo-Christian origins. The corruption and criminality which plagues our highest offices currently are a reflection of the apathy of an amoral and immoral public.

That a church in our land – the largest black church in the nation – has allied itself to the criminal attorney general is nothing short than a disgrace, and the arrogance and brazenness of this president is beyond anything that our nation has seen since its founding. There is no comparison. The worst act of Nixon cannot compare to the criminal and corrupt activities of the Oval Office. Our nation must turn.

At one time, I had advocated that we not pray for these people, because to do so was either a waste of time (as I saw it – I was terribly wrong), or it would help these people get reelected. So I thought. Then in a conversation to a relative’s counsel on the subject, I learned the following.
Jesus said, “But I say to you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you.” (Matthew 5:44)

When Jesus taught this, He was not advocating, as some erroneously believe; pacifism, as I once also thought. What He was saying was that if you love your enemies and pray for them, G-d will work the situation in their lives to either change them and their relationship with Him and you, or He will remove them out of the way.

They are in error, and they need enough compassion from you that you will consider praying on their behalf so that G-d, who can do all things, will enact His will and change things around to benefit both you and they. If after you have prayed and G-d has provided through your prayers and His grace, the opportunity for them to turn, and they do not; then they run the risk of being removed from office, or from whatever position they are in to do you harm.

We must pray for ourselves, our leaders, and our nation. We must stop compromising with the world, as so many of US have done; and must again return to being the salt of our nation, the light of our world, a force for good among our people and communities, and elect men and women of integrity who will uphold the finest of our laws, return our nation to its Judeo-Christian past, and restore our national conscience to individual accountability for our actions.

Let US heed the harbingers, and do what is right. We can do it beginning right now. Beginning this day. Beginning this year. This is the year of destiny, and our nation must turn from its wickedness, drop its lawlessness, expose and vote out the criminals we’ve elected to high office, and elect a president who will not usurp our rights and take away our freedoms because of some misguided sense of social justice of his which he wishes to impose on the rest of US against our wishes.

America come back. America return. America repent. America the hour is late. Very late. While there is still time, turn. Turn now. Turn.