The demonstrations on Wall Street and throughout the country are being run by George Soros – that self hating Meshumod (traitor) – with money he’s given to the Tides Foundation,, Code Pink, the AFL/CIO, the SEIU, the NFT, NEA, ACORN, Obama’s own Organizing for America, and a host of other hard core Communist and Nazi organizations.
This is now taking on a global dimension as these demonstrations – some violent – are spreading to Europe, with clashes with police. These demonstrations remind me of the Hitler Brown Shirts – the SA – who beat and brutalized innocent Jewish bystanders, and accused them of all sorts of crimes. These people are beginning to sound the same, and they have one thing in common; they support and are supported by this White House and Barack Hussein Obama – the most Anti-Semitic president this nation has ever had.
Keep an eye on these organizations and watch out for any Anti-Semitic remarks and charges directed at Jewish bankers specifically, that is a codeword for their next step; open attacks against Jewish Communities, and eventually to those who support Israel, including Evangelicals and others in the US and Europe. Expect the Muslims to begin taking part in these demonstrations as they become increasingly Anti-Semitic, with the tacit approval of this White House, and the approbation of such Democrat stalwarts as Nancy Pelosi (D. Cal.), Michael Bloomberg (leftist self-hating Meshumod), Charles Schumer (another liberal Meshumod Democrat from NY who supports Obama), and the usual culprits; such as the Congressional Black Caucus – all of the people who opposed the Tea Party and have been slandering them all along.
Keep an eye on these things, because it is beginning to look like Berlin before Kristallnacht, watch the following video, it is eerie and surreal; This riot didn’t occur in New York City, but in Vancouver, British Columbia. In Canada! It’s getting ugly out there, and the fires of these mobs are being kindled by Obama’s political machinery with Soros money. It is very well organized and funded, and it is global in nature. The Arab Spring was the beginning.
Barack Hussein Obama and politicians within the Democrat and Republican Parties, who think as he does, and have an Anti-Semitic/Anti-West Pro-Communist/Socialist Anti-Judeo-Christian World View must be voted out of office next November. I fear that if these demonstrations continue to grow, Barack Hussein Obama may declare martial law, suspend what’s left of the Constitution, and begin hauling US into concentration camps – the so-called FEMA Camps I’ve heard Alex Jones and others talk about.
I listened to Aaron Klein today on 77AM WABC Talk Radio as I do every Sunday, between 2:00PM and 4:00PM, and he was clear as to the aims and who are the people behind these well organized and well funded and coordinated demonstrations. It is scary. It can’t happen here? It can’t happen in Europe? It can’t happen again. That’s what they were saying when Hitler came to power in Germany. I’m sure that is what a lot of people thought after the October Revolution in 1917 in Russia, and subsequent years after that.
Some years ago, I met some Jews from Russia, and they all told me that the Communists forced them to carry ID cards with the designation of “Jew” on them, and recently my rabbi spoke about Stalin having had a plan to exterminate the Jews of Russia, but he died before he was ever able to implement this plan as Hitler had done in Germany, Poland, and throughout Europe during WWII. No one can convince me that it cannot happen it again, because it has happened too many times in too many places throughout history.
We are witnessing the same kind of corruption and criminal activities within the highest levels of our government as had happened under the Communists and the Nazis, the excesses and abuse of power that followed later as they took the complete reins of power from their governments. Our congress is becoming more and more irrelevant as the Obama Administration continues to unilaterally violate the limitations placed upon it by our Constitution. The federal handouts of billions of tax payer money without congressional oversight or approval to key political supporters of Obama by this administration, the wholesale smuggling of thousands of illegal firearms by the Department of Justice, the ATF, the FBI, on orders from this White House and the Attorney General Eric Holder; the mishandling of cases against terrorists, according them Constitutional rights as though they were American citizens, while stripping many who served with distinction in our intelligence community under President George W. Bush of their own rights, and trying them as criminals; the kickbacks to political allies to the tune of billions of dollars, and the abandonment by the Justice Department on orders by Eric Holder and the Obama White House, to drop the cases against the New Black Panther Party – a rabidly Anti-White/Anti-Semitic organization of violent black radicals; all of these presage the need for vigilance, because these are the same signs that preceded the rise of the Nationals Socialists in Germany and the Bolsheviks in Russia – Hitler and Stalin – are two names one can conjure up which instill fear in the hearts of many who lived through their horrific regimes and survived to talk about it. We are seeing the same things today here in the United States. Can't happen here, you say? Think again.
I never thought I’d see a sitting US president mistreat an Israeli head of state as Barack Obama did Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. I never thought I’d hear a US president lecture the Prime Minister of Israel on how and where his government should build its cities, as this president has. I never thought I’d witness a sitting US president travel to the Middle East as this one has, to apologize to the Muslim Brotherhood for alleged wrongs committed by our country in its past, and then treat a country that has been at war with the United States and Israel since its inception in 1979 – the Islamic Republic of Iran – as an equal, even a friend, as this president has. And I’ve never thought that I would witness a sitting US president demand that Israel cede its borders to its enemies and retreat to the dangerous pre-1967 borders, which everyone who knows history knows is really the borders Israel had in 1948. Oh, and be expected to do this without so much as a single acknowledgement on the part of Israel’s enemies of Israel’s right to exist! But, Barack Hussein Obama has done all of the above, and we are expected to somehow think that he is a Truman Democrat? Are they out of their minds?!
Barack Hussein Obama is not Harry Truman and today's Democrat Party is not the Democrat Party of Harry Truman, Scoop Jackson, Larry McDonald, Zell Miller, and John F. Kennedy.
Barack Hussein Obama and all who espouse his ideology of Black Liberation Theology see the Palestinian Hamas and Fattah as movements for national liberation and are allied to them by philosophical fundamentals that the average American has little understanding of. I know of it because both my parents came from a Communist country, and like Michael Savage, whose grandparents fled Communist Russia, inculcated to him the same keen understanding of knowing how these radicals think and how they see the world; so did my own parents do with me. I know what these so-called movements of national liberation work, and this is why the PLO, Hamas, the PFLP, Islamic Jihad, Al Qaeda, and the Muslim Brotherhood all consider Israel “occupied land,” because they see Israeli Jews as foreign occupiers and Eretz Israel as occupied territory they must wrench from the grip of what they consider the Zionist Interlopers. They see themselves as liberators, and their movements as movements of national liberation, much as Obama sees himself and far left organizations here in America as movements of national liberation which he is using to fundamentally change the United States of America. All of these groups and individuals and those who bankroll them and organize and train them have one thing in common; they see themselves as national liberators – community organizers – and their movements as movements of national liberation to create Socialism in their target nations, which eventually they hope will develop all over the world into their Nirvana – World Socialism – or Communism.
Stalin and Hitler manipulated propaganda through control of their press; so the Left is doing here in the US and in Europe. The press is not free, it is bought and paid for by people whose world view coincides with those of Barack Obama. They are his advocates. They do not report the news, they package and present it as Obama’s White House directs them to via their own editorial boards, and those above them dictate to them to do. Remember, these people pay their salaries. What’s more, much of those who report the news are themselves hardcore leftists sympathetic to Obama and his agenda. All one needs to do is listen not just to what they report, but the manner in which they report it. Consider if you will the manner in which they have treated Obama from day one, as to how they have mistreated the predominant Republican candidate for president, Herman Cain. It would be unthinkable of this press ever questioning Obama in the same manner as it has Herman Cain, but there you have it, and that is just one case. There are many more that I need not cite here.
These are all signs of what is to come, and it’s not pretty. It’s happened before in other lands, and at other times, and it has all been a precursor to violence, abuse of power, corruption, persecution, war, and genocide. It’s happened so often in history that as unthinkable as it may seem as ever happening here, there is absolutely no reason why it shouldn’t. In fact, even if we were to cite the US Constitution as that one document that would preclude such abuse of power, let me remind the reader that there are several example in our history of abuse of federal power against the citizenry of this country – Jackson’s trail of tears, Abraham Lincoln’s suspension of Habeas Corpus, the Indian Wars out west, Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s confiscation of private ownership of gold bullion, and the various New Deal programs he enacted, and dozens of Executive Orders signed by subsequent presidents that have eroded our Constitutional rights. If Barack Obama has violated our rights in any way, he is not unique in doing this, he’s standing in good company. But he is unique in commanding the greatest unilateral power by a chief executive in modern US history, indeed perhaps wielding more federal power than any other president in this country’s two hundred thirty-five year history. What makes him stand out from the rest is that of all of the presidents this country has ever had, he is the only one whose purpose is to “fundamentally change the United States of America.” A fundamental change entails the type of change that would destroy our system of government with its G-d-given liberties protected by our Constitution, and replacing it with nothing short of tyranny. Whose tyranny? Obama’s tyranny, his form of government; his ideas, his unilateral acts of transforming America into his image, and this no other president sought to do. In this he stands alone amongst those who preceded him to the presidency. And this makes him a real threat to our liberties and our national security.
This is why I disagree with those who claim that it cannot happen here. I would posit that it’s been happening for decades now, and Obama has just sped up the process without so much as a token resistance by the opposition. This is why I believe that it is happening even has happened to a very large extent since Obama took office three years ago.
And I am aware of prophecies that indicate that it will happen again, perhaps in our own lifetime. We already see the tide of Anti-Semitism and with it, Anti-Christian sentiments and rhetoric rise, not only in the Middle East where it is white hot, but all over Europe; in France, in Great Britain, in Scandinavia, and Canada and here in the US. What is reprehensible is that those who support such groups claim to do it for "the little guy." That's a lie. This has happened so many times before in almost every instance where pogroms were incited and unruly crowds became coordinated mobs of murder against unsuspecting Jewish Communities, and Christians in different lands. The Occupy Wall Street handlers behind the scenes and their media allies want America to believe that Obama is against the corporate and banking interests they're protesting, but in fact Obama and many like him are creatures of the very same elites these crowds are unknowingly demonstrating against.
Here in America, the Left is fanning the flames of hatred and class war and envy, and it is finding expression in the Occupy Wall Street mobs. These are the same crowds and organizations that have been ranting against the Tea Party, against conservatives, against Evangelical supporters of Israel, and against observant Jews and Christians who oppose the same sex marriage laws, federal funding of abortion on demand, and are conservative on social issues because of the Biblical mandate that require US to support them. Keep a keen eye on the events unfolding before US, and watch out for the same signs that preceded the tragic events of the Assyrian invasion of Judah and the divided kingdom, the Greeks, the Romans, the Spanish Inquisition, the various Crusades, the Muslim invasion of southern Europe, particularly Spain, the Holocaust,
Anyone who thinks that it cannot happen here, consider then that our own Justice Department and the various departments of our federal government are now nothing but an appendage of the will of one man – Barack Hussein Obama – under his Attorney General, Eric Holder, and they are misusing their power to enforce their will upon the American electorate, just as previous tyrants and dictators have in history.
The statement that "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing" is often attributed to Burke. Burke never said this but, in 1770, he wrote in Thoughts on the Cause of the Present Discontents that "when bad men combine, the good must associate; else they will fall, one by one, an unpitied sacrifice in a contemptible struggle." And we must heed the words of Spanish-born American philosopher George Santayana, who wrote in his Reason in Common Sense (pg 284), “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.”
Let US hope that enough of US remember our pasts, enough to do something to prevent that it is not repeated in our day. For what we do or fail to do now in the face of such abuses and corruption will determine whether the rule of law and liberty predominates the American landscape in this generation and subsequent ones to follow, or whether we bequeath to our posterity not a shining city on a hill – a magnificent republic founded upon the ideals of individual liberty and the pursuit of happiness within our Judeo-Christian framework, but a totally different one where the rule of law is set aside to make way for the whims an uncertain mind and the tyranny of its imaginations, enforced by endless nameless bureacrats of a dictatorship of the proletariat enforcing over our own wills it own.
A modern voice crying out in the wilderness of Cyber Space for these times; for all to awake, be aware, and be prepared today for you don't know the day of His coming.
Sunday, October 16, 2011
Monday, October 10, 2011
Occupy Wallstreet's Arab Summer Is Nothing But an Airhead Autumn
The United States is broke and out of money. It currently owes more than it takes in every month. For every $40 billion dollars it receives in revenue every month, it pays $60 billion dollars to its creditors, and what it owes currently stands at $16 trillion dollars and rising. This is not counting credit default swaps which some say stands at a staggering $600 trillion dollars. No one in the know expects our government to pay any of these amounts just mentioned. Just the interest alone on the national debt is astronomical. Generations of Americans yet to be born will be saddled with the debt of this profligate and irresponsible self seeking politicians who’ve made millions for themselves while in office as they secured trillions for others – the key insiders within the banking industry.
What’s more, the so-called “bi-partisan plan which congress just passed (or rammed through both houses) this past summer will not even begin to address the problem of spending, much less curtail it, or even put a dent on the growing mushroom cloud of debt our politicians have signed into law for the next ten years! When House Majority Leader John Boehner (R. Ohio), and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R. Kentucky) fought conservatives in their own party to pass legislation that raised the debt ceiling to levels Barack Obama and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D. Nev.), and House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D. Cal.) demanded; they betrayed the people who helped elect a majority of Republican conservatives to the house and retake some key Senate seats. In fact, the betrayal was to all Americans who may be saddled with another four years of Obama’s presidency. The money was nothing more than a $4.2 trillion dollar slush fund for paybacks Obama owes to the unions and other groups he would need for his reelection, and these two men strong armed enough “moderate” and liberal Republicans to help pass it.
In 2008 the US government spent $2 trillion dollars, this year alone, it will spend more than $3.8 trillion dollars, with no end in sight. Over 46 states face financial short falls. States are so broke, so high in debt, that they are taking unprecedented steps to meet their budget shortfalls. The state of Arizona is selling government buildings, in California, the state is opening its prisons, and over six thousand prisoners will be released to the public. State governments are cashed starved and broke, local municipalities are using every possible means to maintain their revenue stream through higher taxes on properties, new tax initiatives for local projects, police checkpoint charlies to catch and fine motorists while local town inspectors are ferreting out to catch and fine homeowners for various violations unelected bureaucrats have created and are creating as this report is being written. And the federal government is in worse shape than the state governments, but unlike the states, it prints more currency to meet its debt obligations.
The irresponsibility of this government and how it has treated the economy is unraveling our social infrastructure. Mobs of youths are rampaging across American streets, breaking into stores, and brazenly taking anything they want at will, while local police departments are being slashed of manpower and money. There are reports of gang bangers breaking into people’s homes and robbing them at gunpoint. Small pockets of what appears to be race wars are occurring all across America’s inner cities, with reports of hundreds of black youths beating whites all across the country.
And now we have the Occupy Wall Street demonstrations that began in New York City, and have spread across the country, almost simultaneously, with some liberals calling it America’s Arab Summer ,alluding to the Arab Spring organized by the Muslim Brotherhood and funded by Soros money via radical organizers from Europe and America with demonstrations that took the Middle East by storm and overthrew several corrupt but relatively stable governments have been replaced with even more unstable ones with ties to the Muslim Brotherhood. This isn’t an Arab Summer, it’s an Airhead Autumn.
What appeared to have begun with a simple demonstration in Wall Street against the corruption of this White House with phony crony capitalists with deep pockets who support Obama, and the kickbacks given to the same – all campaign supporters of this president; has been infiltrated and hijacked by community organizers and activists from Code Pink, Organizing for America (Obama’s political campaign front group), People for the American Way, the Services Employees International Union (SEIU), the Teamsters, the United Auto Workers, the National Organization for Women (NOW) and several others whose union bosses are major Obama contributors and whom have gotten trillions of dollars in tax payer funded kickbacks from the White House via the various stimulus legislation passed by Democrat controlled congresses in recent years. All of the stimulus money has been nothing more than gigantic slush funds and money laundering schemes between the large banks and the politicians – mostly Democrats, but especially this president. There is an undercurrent of frustration and anger across the nation that these protests would ordinarily tap into, but which has been hijacked by the Far Left, with Soros money and logistics, and union organization and muscle.
Another far left radical Soros funded group of professional agitators is In an article titled “Occupy Wall Street” Revealed To Be All About Obama Front Groups We have the following description and brief history of this insidious extreme Left organization.
“What is is a lobbying organization that routinely backs Democratic candidates. The group aggressively supported Barack Obama’s 2008 election campaign and is now “Perhaps the lead lobby organization for his policies….apart from Obama’s own Organizing for America,” reports Source Watch.
The group also received a $5 million dollar donation from George Soros, who is a keen supporter.
“Join us on Wednesday to create a huge show of support for anti-Wall Street actions nationwide. Together, we’ll add hundreds of thousands of voices expressing our solidarity with the protests at Occupy Wall Street and across the country targeting the bankers who wrecked our economy,” states’s website.
Yes – the very same bankers – Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan Chase and Citigroup prime amongst them – who financed the Obama campaign, the same campaign vehemently supported by
Why does Occupy Wall Street’s support for represent a problem? Because is little more than a lobbying front for the Obama administration, which itself is a creature of Wall Street.
For those who wish to read the entire insightful article, they can access it at the following URL:
Apart from the obvious mayhem created by these groups, the aim is to foment multiple violent and loud strikes at various locations throughout the country. These are the riots that Bloomberg – an insider of the Eastern Liberal Establishment of which Soros and Obama are a part – and which Communist agitator and ex-Obama Greens Czar Van Jones threatened would be the October surprise that would hit the nation and rally a “progressive counterbalance to the T.E.A. Party.” We are now witnessing the well organized and funded demonstrations taking shape across the country. Amongst the demonstrators were heard Anti-Semites shouting all sorts of charges against “the Jewish bankers,” with almost every Leftist group well represented among the throng of protestors.
Off the Grid News has the following about this:
“Just a few days ago, Mayor Bloomberg of New York warned about riots in the streets if high unemployment rates continue. Bloomberg has voiced what many politicians are afraid to - that with the economy spiraling ever downward, the threats to life and property are rising.
And it's not just those who live in lower income areas. Even wealthy areas are more vulnerable than ever before. In news reports earlier this week, a Chicago man confessed to using Google Maps to target homes in wealthy neighborhoods. The break-ins occurred between 8 and 10pm (when most people are home) and the burglar made away with over $100,000 in property.
When the economy sinks, crime rises. Chances are, you and your family are more vulnerable than you ever imagined.”
Off the Grid News
On the one side, you have a George Soros funded and organized Hate Fest against “Wall Street” and “Corporate America” being used as a rallying cry to drum up and mobilize Obama’s base to get them out to vote next year, at the other end you have conservative talk radio hosts like Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, and others blowing smoke by debating the dumbest of them out there, who are clueless as to what’s really going on, and the whole thing is being hijacked by Soros and Obama’s political reelection machinery and being presented as “Obama and ‘the people” against the greedy corporate rich who don’t pay their fair share.”
The aim, to present a united front in support of the White House, creating the false image that the somehow Wall Street and this White House are at odds with each other (a complete fiction), and to build and organize support for the president’s waning base. The ultimate aim is to create chaos and to foment rioting across the country, while deflecting attention away from the various scandals rocking the Obama Administration in regards to its illegal activities within the Justice Department (Operation Fast & Furious), obtaining half a billion dollars in tax payer funding for a defunct solar company (Solyndra) which was a large supporter of Obama’s political campaign, as well as exclusively obtaining hundreds of billions of dollars for other “green” companies of owners with deep pockets for Obama’s political reelection.
The real reason anyone should protest is not being presented – the multi-trillion dollar bailouts of the 300 richest families and their financial interests at tax payer’s expense; the overspending in Washington which is a cover for political slush funds being laundered through different agencies – Solyndra is just the tip of the ice berg that has been uncovered, but would otherwise have gone under the radar if not for Drudge and others – and the passing in the dead of night of draconian legislation which are being used by globalists and the New World Order crowd in destroying our Constitutional rights piece by piece. This is what Sean and Rush and the other conservatives are not reporting, and what the Soros organized/hijack of this protest is doing with this whole mess.
Rather than focus on the criminality of the Federal Reserve, the Treasury Department, the Executive Branch of government – specifically, President Obama getting kickbacks for his reelection by selectively granting hundreds of billions of tax payer money to his corporate supporters who help promote his “green agenda” – Sean Hannity spends his time focusing instead on the top one percent of our population paying forty percent of the federal taxes, and the ignorance of the protestors he’s interviewing. Rush Limbaugh is doing the same.
With all of the smoke these conservatives are blowing up, you’d suspect they were members of the elite Eastern Liberal Establishment Council on Foreign Relations, and/or Trilateral Commission. I think Alex Jones has accused them as such. Though Alex Jones does expose the fact that these protests are being hijacked and used by Soros and the Obama political machinery for their own purposes of mobilizing and activating Obama’s radical base for his reelection efforts, just as I have explained above.
There is a lot more to what’s going on than just Right versus Left, and the usual rhetoric from the Right and from the Left help masquerade the Wizard of Oz behind the curtain conveniently hiding what’s really going on; federal power growing, liberties being abridged, the Constitution being trashed, and globalist bankers getting richer and richer at the expense of the American taxpayer, while their politicians do their bidding, and their political movements help to rally support for their agenda on the streets.
I don’t trust any of them. All of these are growing signs of increased anxiety and discontent throughout the country of the reality of the Depression the country finds itself in regardless of the media’s feverish attempt at presenting as an optimistic picture as they can, calling eighty-three thousand new jobs last month “modest growth” while the loss of over four hundred thousand jobs just the past week alone is glossed over, and called “a surprise in the surge of new unemployment claims.” These people know that for years now, the loss of hundreds of thousands of jobs across the country on a weekly basis without abatement, has created the Depression the nation finds itself in today.
They know that in order for there to be sustained economic growth, there has to be two key components which we do not have right now, and will not have as long as this president continues to follow his so-called jobs plan and brings his agenda to completion by the end of this term; and those two key components missing are; a sustain growth of four hundred thousand new jobs every month between now and the end of next year; and the contraction of government spending in real terms for the next five to ten years, otherwise this Depression will be a long one and a very deep and severe one. It already is for a growing number of Americans that number in the tens of millions now.
The uncertainty that Obama’s healthcare reform – Obamacare – has brought to the fore is destroying key industries, with more than 14.5 million known unemployed – the uncertainty of Obamacare is only making the rehiring process that much an impossibility under this president. These people may not work again in their lives, and that is a reality that neither this White House or congress has even remotely considered. The current unemployment rates are at the worst levels since the Great Depression, and because of the loss of revenue, forty-six states are insolvent, and municipalities across the country are bankrupt and laying off thousands in each township and city. This is adding to the roster of the already unemployed.
The Congressional Budget Office has said that at current levels, the government will grow to a staggering sixty-two percent of Gross Domestic Product by the end of this year! This cannot continue, and the politicians with the media are not telling the public the whole story. Those who propose higher taxes on those who earn $150 thousand dollars and higher, are not telling the American people that what they propose is nothing more than a new tax on the Middle Class, because the forty-six percent of Americans who don’t pay taxes be most devastated by these new taxes on the so-called wealthy through trickled down higher costs for goods and services and higher prices on food, and consumables. The so-called tax on those earning $1 million dollars yearly being proposed by Harry Reid and the Senate Democrats will finish private businesses for good, and will destroy what is left of the private sector jobs.
Small and medium size businesses earn about one to five million dollars yearly when one includes overhead (the cost of doing business). When you subtract the overhead from the TCO (Total Cost of Ownership), the profits the business is left with range at about one million to one and a half million dollars per small business, and two and half to five million dollars per medium size business. The new tax increases will destroy what is left of this, and will bring a new wave of layoffs that will prolong the current depression for another eight years. It will destroy what is left of private industry.
There is a type of mindset and process of thinking and perception that is called Consensual Delusion. It is defined as that state of mind that engenders a stubborn and continual delusion in the face of evidence that goes contrary to that person’s idea, doctrine, ideology, or opinion. I’ll repeat it in case anyone reading this missed the point: consensual delusion is a stubborn and continual (I might add willful) delusion in the face of evidence that goes contrary to that person’s idea, doctrine, ideology, or opinion. Why do I bring this up?
I bring this up because, either this president and his party are under the most extreme form of consensual delusion, or what they are doing is on purpose. There are some, like Glenn Beck and Alex Jones, who believe that these people are not under consensual delusion, but that they know precisely what they are doing and will not relent until they have accomplished what they are out to do, which is the total economic and social collapse of the United States of America in order to bring to it their type of fundamental change.
There are others, current writher included, who believe that these people are so ensconced in their own ideology that it has created this consensual delusion that has their judgment impaired and imprisoned in a world view that simply does not allow them to see their failures as failure, but as necessary components and milestones to reach in order to achieve socialism and thereby attain true communism. This is the mind of the revolutionary, and in order to understand what is going on, one must understand Marxist Dialectics and those who espouse it. Barack Obama and the current Democratic leadership of the DNC are such people.
This is the only way that an enigma such as Barack Obama and the current Democrat Party can be understood, including their union allies and allies throughout the news media, academia, and the entertainment industry. They are ideologically wed to the delusion of so-called popular socialism, and this ideology prevents them from understanding any worldview either than their own, and explains how they can continue to justify and support the record number of failed policies they have promoted for an entire generation; policies which now are becoming due, and for which there is not enough money to support.
This is the only way that in light of over four hundred job losses per week for more than fourteen straight weeks, and an actual job loss number well into 11.7 million the past ten years, with most of them having taken place the past three, and with most 17 to 34 year olds looking for work, and between 43 and 45 percent of our population not paying any income taxes, and in some cases no taxes whatsoever, and four hundred forty thousand new applicants signing up for unemployment benefits every week, and one out of every six Americans receiving Food Stamps, and the net worth of every white household diminished by 24 percent and the median worth of every black household has diminished by 84 percent in the last three years; it is no wonder that our government and our society are straining on the edge of collapse.
America has lost its greatness because its leaders do not believe in it, and even oppose it, because to them in their view of the world, America does not deserve to be great, and its people do not deserve to be great. This mindset attributes all sorts of evil and injustices upon the nation and its institutions, because it does not believe in individual responsibility, but in collective responsibility, therefore it promotes the idea of collective redemption, rather than the Biblical concept of individual redemption. Because it sees everything as a collective, it cannot promote individuality, and is why those who promote it, are always blaming others for their own failures rather than taking responsibility for them themselves.
This is why one of the first things Barack Obama did when assuming the presidency, was to travel overseas to the Muslim nations of the Middle East to apologize for what he perceived to be American injustices, and has worked assiduously behind the scenes to replace regimes friendly with previous administrations that in his view committed these injustices with those who in his opinion, will be more amenable to his worldview – a Pan-Islamic Worldview – not necessarily friendly to the interests of the United States, but which suites Barack Obama fine, because this is what he seeks both as a Neo-Marxist Revolutionary seeking fundamental change of the established order, and as a Neo-Muslim Sympathizer with strong Islamic proclivities he’s had since a very young age, much of which works well with his Black Liberation Theology indoctrination which he embraced and continues to embrace to this day.
America has lost its greatness, because its current leaders do not believe in it. America can only be great if Americans take their country back, and after taking their country back, give it back to the Lord G-d upon whose precepts it was founded. Then and only then, will America be great again. The day America is great again, it will again elect great leaders.
What’s more, the so-called “bi-partisan plan which congress just passed (or rammed through both houses) this past summer will not even begin to address the problem of spending, much less curtail it, or even put a dent on the growing mushroom cloud of debt our politicians have signed into law for the next ten years! When House Majority Leader John Boehner (R. Ohio), and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R. Kentucky) fought conservatives in their own party to pass legislation that raised the debt ceiling to levels Barack Obama and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D. Nev.), and House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D. Cal.) demanded; they betrayed the people who helped elect a majority of Republican conservatives to the house and retake some key Senate seats. In fact, the betrayal was to all Americans who may be saddled with another four years of Obama’s presidency. The money was nothing more than a $4.2 trillion dollar slush fund for paybacks Obama owes to the unions and other groups he would need for his reelection, and these two men strong armed enough “moderate” and liberal Republicans to help pass it.
In 2008 the US government spent $2 trillion dollars, this year alone, it will spend more than $3.8 trillion dollars, with no end in sight. Over 46 states face financial short falls. States are so broke, so high in debt, that they are taking unprecedented steps to meet their budget shortfalls. The state of Arizona is selling government buildings, in California, the state is opening its prisons, and over six thousand prisoners will be released to the public. State governments are cashed starved and broke, local municipalities are using every possible means to maintain their revenue stream through higher taxes on properties, new tax initiatives for local projects, police checkpoint charlies to catch and fine motorists while local town inspectors are ferreting out to catch and fine homeowners for various violations unelected bureaucrats have created and are creating as this report is being written. And the federal government is in worse shape than the state governments, but unlike the states, it prints more currency to meet its debt obligations.
The irresponsibility of this government and how it has treated the economy is unraveling our social infrastructure. Mobs of youths are rampaging across American streets, breaking into stores, and brazenly taking anything they want at will, while local police departments are being slashed of manpower and money. There are reports of gang bangers breaking into people’s homes and robbing them at gunpoint. Small pockets of what appears to be race wars are occurring all across America’s inner cities, with reports of hundreds of black youths beating whites all across the country.
And now we have the Occupy Wall Street demonstrations that began in New York City, and have spread across the country, almost simultaneously, with some liberals calling it America’s Arab Summer ,alluding to the Arab Spring organized by the Muslim Brotherhood and funded by Soros money via radical organizers from Europe and America with demonstrations that took the Middle East by storm and overthrew several corrupt but relatively stable governments have been replaced with even more unstable ones with ties to the Muslim Brotherhood. This isn’t an Arab Summer, it’s an Airhead Autumn.
What appeared to have begun with a simple demonstration in Wall Street against the corruption of this White House with phony crony capitalists with deep pockets who support Obama, and the kickbacks given to the same – all campaign supporters of this president; has been infiltrated and hijacked by community organizers and activists from Code Pink, Organizing for America (Obama’s political campaign front group), People for the American Way, the Services Employees International Union (SEIU), the Teamsters, the United Auto Workers, the National Organization for Women (NOW) and several others whose union bosses are major Obama contributors and whom have gotten trillions of dollars in tax payer funded kickbacks from the White House via the various stimulus legislation passed by Democrat controlled congresses in recent years. All of the stimulus money has been nothing more than gigantic slush funds and money laundering schemes between the large banks and the politicians – mostly Democrats, but especially this president. There is an undercurrent of frustration and anger across the nation that these protests would ordinarily tap into, but which has been hijacked by the Far Left, with Soros money and logistics, and union organization and muscle.
Another far left radical Soros funded group of professional agitators is In an article titled “Occupy Wall Street” Revealed To Be All About Obama Front Groups We have the following description and brief history of this insidious extreme Left organization.
“What is is a lobbying organization that routinely backs Democratic candidates. The group aggressively supported Barack Obama’s 2008 election campaign and is now “Perhaps the lead lobby organization for his policies….apart from Obama’s own Organizing for America,” reports Source Watch.
The group also received a $5 million dollar donation from George Soros, who is a keen supporter.
“Join us on Wednesday to create a huge show of support for anti-Wall Street actions nationwide. Together, we’ll add hundreds of thousands of voices expressing our solidarity with the protests at Occupy Wall Street and across the country targeting the bankers who wrecked our economy,” states’s website.
Yes – the very same bankers – Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan Chase and Citigroup prime amongst them – who financed the Obama campaign, the same campaign vehemently supported by
Why does Occupy Wall Street’s support for represent a problem? Because is little more than a lobbying front for the Obama administration, which itself is a creature of Wall Street.
For those who wish to read the entire insightful article, they can access it at the following URL:
Apart from the obvious mayhem created by these groups, the aim is to foment multiple violent and loud strikes at various locations throughout the country. These are the riots that Bloomberg – an insider of the Eastern Liberal Establishment of which Soros and Obama are a part – and which Communist agitator and ex-Obama Greens Czar Van Jones threatened would be the October surprise that would hit the nation and rally a “progressive counterbalance to the T.E.A. Party.” We are now witnessing the well organized and funded demonstrations taking shape across the country. Amongst the demonstrators were heard Anti-Semites shouting all sorts of charges against “the Jewish bankers,” with almost every Leftist group well represented among the throng of protestors.
Off the Grid News has the following about this:
“Just a few days ago, Mayor Bloomberg of New York warned about riots in the streets if high unemployment rates continue. Bloomberg has voiced what many politicians are afraid to - that with the economy spiraling ever downward, the threats to life and property are rising.
And it's not just those who live in lower income areas. Even wealthy areas are more vulnerable than ever before. In news reports earlier this week, a Chicago man confessed to using Google Maps to target homes in wealthy neighborhoods. The break-ins occurred between 8 and 10pm (when most people are home) and the burglar made away with over $100,000 in property.
When the economy sinks, crime rises. Chances are, you and your family are more vulnerable than you ever imagined.”
Off the Grid News
On the one side, you have a George Soros funded and organized Hate Fest against “Wall Street” and “Corporate America” being used as a rallying cry to drum up and mobilize Obama’s base to get them out to vote next year, at the other end you have conservative talk radio hosts like Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, and others blowing smoke by debating the dumbest of them out there, who are clueless as to what’s really going on, and the whole thing is being hijacked by Soros and Obama’s political reelection machinery and being presented as “Obama and ‘the people” against the greedy corporate rich who don’t pay their fair share.”
The aim, to present a united front in support of the White House, creating the false image that the somehow Wall Street and this White House are at odds with each other (a complete fiction), and to build and organize support for the president’s waning base. The ultimate aim is to create chaos and to foment rioting across the country, while deflecting attention away from the various scandals rocking the Obama Administration in regards to its illegal activities within the Justice Department (Operation Fast & Furious), obtaining half a billion dollars in tax payer funding for a defunct solar company (Solyndra) which was a large supporter of Obama’s political campaign, as well as exclusively obtaining hundreds of billions of dollars for other “green” companies of owners with deep pockets for Obama’s political reelection.
The real reason anyone should protest is not being presented – the multi-trillion dollar bailouts of the 300 richest families and their financial interests at tax payer’s expense; the overspending in Washington which is a cover for political slush funds being laundered through different agencies – Solyndra is just the tip of the ice berg that has been uncovered, but would otherwise have gone under the radar if not for Drudge and others – and the passing in the dead of night of draconian legislation which are being used by globalists and the New World Order crowd in destroying our Constitutional rights piece by piece. This is what Sean and Rush and the other conservatives are not reporting, and what the Soros organized/hijack of this protest is doing with this whole mess.
Rather than focus on the criminality of the Federal Reserve, the Treasury Department, the Executive Branch of government – specifically, President Obama getting kickbacks for his reelection by selectively granting hundreds of billions of tax payer money to his corporate supporters who help promote his “green agenda” – Sean Hannity spends his time focusing instead on the top one percent of our population paying forty percent of the federal taxes, and the ignorance of the protestors he’s interviewing. Rush Limbaugh is doing the same.
With all of the smoke these conservatives are blowing up, you’d suspect they were members of the elite Eastern Liberal Establishment Council on Foreign Relations, and/or Trilateral Commission. I think Alex Jones has accused them as such. Though Alex Jones does expose the fact that these protests are being hijacked and used by Soros and the Obama political machinery for their own purposes of mobilizing and activating Obama’s radical base for his reelection efforts, just as I have explained above.
There is a lot more to what’s going on than just Right versus Left, and the usual rhetoric from the Right and from the Left help masquerade the Wizard of Oz behind the curtain conveniently hiding what’s really going on; federal power growing, liberties being abridged, the Constitution being trashed, and globalist bankers getting richer and richer at the expense of the American taxpayer, while their politicians do their bidding, and their political movements help to rally support for their agenda on the streets.
I don’t trust any of them. All of these are growing signs of increased anxiety and discontent throughout the country of the reality of the Depression the country finds itself in regardless of the media’s feverish attempt at presenting as an optimistic picture as they can, calling eighty-three thousand new jobs last month “modest growth” while the loss of over four hundred thousand jobs just the past week alone is glossed over, and called “a surprise in the surge of new unemployment claims.” These people know that for years now, the loss of hundreds of thousands of jobs across the country on a weekly basis without abatement, has created the Depression the nation finds itself in today.
They know that in order for there to be sustained economic growth, there has to be two key components which we do not have right now, and will not have as long as this president continues to follow his so-called jobs plan and brings his agenda to completion by the end of this term; and those two key components missing are; a sustain growth of four hundred thousand new jobs every month between now and the end of next year; and the contraction of government spending in real terms for the next five to ten years, otherwise this Depression will be a long one and a very deep and severe one. It already is for a growing number of Americans that number in the tens of millions now.
The uncertainty that Obama’s healthcare reform – Obamacare – has brought to the fore is destroying key industries, with more than 14.5 million known unemployed – the uncertainty of Obamacare is only making the rehiring process that much an impossibility under this president. These people may not work again in their lives, and that is a reality that neither this White House or congress has even remotely considered. The current unemployment rates are at the worst levels since the Great Depression, and because of the loss of revenue, forty-six states are insolvent, and municipalities across the country are bankrupt and laying off thousands in each township and city. This is adding to the roster of the already unemployed.
The Congressional Budget Office has said that at current levels, the government will grow to a staggering sixty-two percent of Gross Domestic Product by the end of this year! This cannot continue, and the politicians with the media are not telling the public the whole story. Those who propose higher taxes on those who earn $150 thousand dollars and higher, are not telling the American people that what they propose is nothing more than a new tax on the Middle Class, because the forty-six percent of Americans who don’t pay taxes be most devastated by these new taxes on the so-called wealthy through trickled down higher costs for goods and services and higher prices on food, and consumables. The so-called tax on those earning $1 million dollars yearly being proposed by Harry Reid and the Senate Democrats will finish private businesses for good, and will destroy what is left of the private sector jobs.
Small and medium size businesses earn about one to five million dollars yearly when one includes overhead (the cost of doing business). When you subtract the overhead from the TCO (Total Cost of Ownership), the profits the business is left with range at about one million to one and a half million dollars per small business, and two and half to five million dollars per medium size business. The new tax increases will destroy what is left of this, and will bring a new wave of layoffs that will prolong the current depression for another eight years. It will destroy what is left of private industry.
There is a type of mindset and process of thinking and perception that is called Consensual Delusion. It is defined as that state of mind that engenders a stubborn and continual delusion in the face of evidence that goes contrary to that person’s idea, doctrine, ideology, or opinion. I’ll repeat it in case anyone reading this missed the point: consensual delusion is a stubborn and continual (I might add willful) delusion in the face of evidence that goes contrary to that person’s idea, doctrine, ideology, or opinion. Why do I bring this up?
I bring this up because, either this president and his party are under the most extreme form of consensual delusion, or what they are doing is on purpose. There are some, like Glenn Beck and Alex Jones, who believe that these people are not under consensual delusion, but that they know precisely what they are doing and will not relent until they have accomplished what they are out to do, which is the total economic and social collapse of the United States of America in order to bring to it their type of fundamental change.
There are others, current writher included, who believe that these people are so ensconced in their own ideology that it has created this consensual delusion that has their judgment impaired and imprisoned in a world view that simply does not allow them to see their failures as failure, but as necessary components and milestones to reach in order to achieve socialism and thereby attain true communism. This is the mind of the revolutionary, and in order to understand what is going on, one must understand Marxist Dialectics and those who espouse it. Barack Obama and the current Democratic leadership of the DNC are such people.
This is the only way that an enigma such as Barack Obama and the current Democrat Party can be understood, including their union allies and allies throughout the news media, academia, and the entertainment industry. They are ideologically wed to the delusion of so-called popular socialism, and this ideology prevents them from understanding any worldview either than their own, and explains how they can continue to justify and support the record number of failed policies they have promoted for an entire generation; policies which now are becoming due, and for which there is not enough money to support.
This is the only way that in light of over four hundred job losses per week for more than fourteen straight weeks, and an actual job loss number well into 11.7 million the past ten years, with most of them having taken place the past three, and with most 17 to 34 year olds looking for work, and between 43 and 45 percent of our population not paying any income taxes, and in some cases no taxes whatsoever, and four hundred forty thousand new applicants signing up for unemployment benefits every week, and one out of every six Americans receiving Food Stamps, and the net worth of every white household diminished by 24 percent and the median worth of every black household has diminished by 84 percent in the last three years; it is no wonder that our government and our society are straining on the edge of collapse.
America has lost its greatness because its leaders do not believe in it, and even oppose it, because to them in their view of the world, America does not deserve to be great, and its people do not deserve to be great. This mindset attributes all sorts of evil and injustices upon the nation and its institutions, because it does not believe in individual responsibility, but in collective responsibility, therefore it promotes the idea of collective redemption, rather than the Biblical concept of individual redemption. Because it sees everything as a collective, it cannot promote individuality, and is why those who promote it, are always blaming others for their own failures rather than taking responsibility for them themselves.
This is why one of the first things Barack Obama did when assuming the presidency, was to travel overseas to the Muslim nations of the Middle East to apologize for what he perceived to be American injustices, and has worked assiduously behind the scenes to replace regimes friendly with previous administrations that in his view committed these injustices with those who in his opinion, will be more amenable to his worldview – a Pan-Islamic Worldview – not necessarily friendly to the interests of the United States, but which suites Barack Obama fine, because this is what he seeks both as a Neo-Marxist Revolutionary seeking fundamental change of the established order, and as a Neo-Muslim Sympathizer with strong Islamic proclivities he’s had since a very young age, much of which works well with his Black Liberation Theology indoctrination which he embraced and continues to embrace to this day.
America has lost its greatness, because its current leaders do not believe in it. America can only be great if Americans take their country back, and after taking their country back, give it back to the Lord G-d upon whose precepts it was founded. Then and only then, will America be great again. The day America is great again, it will again elect great leaders.
Sunday, October 9, 2011
A Critique of the Article "What Everyone Is Too Polite to Say About Steve Jobs"
When the world heard news of Apple founder and CEO, Steve Jobs’ passing the other day, the news was followed by all sorts of glowing remembrances of the man. Some commentaries were as well written and as large as the man they sought to describe; how he had revolutionized the technological world of gadgetry and created an entire industry with specialized niches which the public could not have enough of.
Other commentaries of the man’s life downplayed the man’s influence, or at the very least attempted to bring it down to earth, and describe him as a visionary who had taken was already well established market – communications – computing – Internet – gaming – and wedded all of these into a single package small enough for people to carry in their pockets, when such uses in the market did not exist, and miniaturized components were beginning to have an impact on the world of cellular communications. But whether or not the man was as great or not as great as all of the above try to describe him, depends on just how his influence has impacted the industry of portable miniaturized communication devices and computing.
The ideas that spawned these inventions were his, and he took them and gathered the best technical minds and engineers he could find, and feverishly put them to work on the gadgets people today take for granted and use daily. What is missing from all of the glowing descriptions of Mr. Jobs is the fact that all of his ideas would not have been made possible if not for the development of miniaturized surface mounted components, and the manufacturing of multiple layered breadboards into which these would be soldered onto.
The rise and development of Nanotechnology only accelerated the development of these gadgets, since it took surface mounted technology (SMT) and gave it new and innovated, almost limitless potential uses. This was the era of incredible strides being made in medical science, graphics, and personal computing. All of these were impacted in some way by Mr. Jobs’ vision and Apple’s development of its own product line, but would not have been possible without the technology having been developed in the first place. To his credit, while he did not invent the technology, but he certainly knew how to put it to good use, and he did; and we have all benefited in some way by his vision.
With all of the glowing commentaries on the man having practically run the gamut, it was only a matter of time before an article would appear that would draw another picture of the same man whom the others almost elevated to god-like status; an absurdity that human beings do with one another, and have been doing since the dawn of time. Well, such an article is the one below, well written, with some good points of where Mr. Jobs failed, according to the writer, as a manager, and even as a human being.
The story, titled What Everyone Is Too Polite to Say About Steve Jobs, appears on a blogsite at the following URL and it does not list the author’s name, though one can go to the site and then navigate to its home page and look up the blog’s writer. Whether or not this is important is debatable, though what is not debatable is the content of a person’s heart and mind in writing such a hit piece, yes I call it a hit piece, and I will explain why at the end of this write-up.
The article is well written, after the author praises Mr. Jobs as “polymath, a skilled motivator, a decisive judge, a farsighted taskmaker, an excellent showman, and a gifted strategist; he/she wastes no time in finding fault with Mr. Jobs’ character and behavior as CEO of Apple, describing him “rude, dismissive, hostile, spiteful,” and attributes Apple’s success not so much as determined by market forces such as demand, but to Chinese slave labor, as though this alone was unique to Apple in an industry rife with such abuses, and lays the entire blame on Job’s lap.
He/she also describes Jobs as authoritarian, and accuses him of “imposing centralized control of who could say what on his devices and his company.” Such charges and epithets must be taken one by one and examined under the light of reason, but importantly tempered by the fact that while abuses are what characterize the imperfections of man, to explain them is not necessarily to agree with them or to make excuses for them. We will try to do neither while attempting to do the former here.
The writer to the article describes what he/she calls Mr. Jobs’ “lowlights” by comparing the freedom the Internet has presented to the world of information and communication, a freedom that has revolutionized how we get our news, and one which has brought about the end of monopoly news information, by opening up almost instantaneously events around the world, even as they are happening, without having to wait, as we did for a synopsis of the news delivered by over-paid anchormen over the six o’clock news via the alphabet soup channels of CBS, NBC, ABC, and some minor others.
There was a time when the news was controlled and spoon fed to the public through the prism of these three main news channels at a specific time of the day, and they held a monopolistic control over it; censoring what they wished to censure and broadcasting whatever they wished to broadcast. Over time, such news became nothing more than public advocacy of various liberal causes, and this too spawned programs such as 60 Minutes, and others. But we digress; the Internet has done away with such controls.
But the writer to the article about Mr. Jobs forgets that while the Internet is a public domain venue used by almost everyone, a company such as Apple is a private enterprise owned by at the time, Mr. Jobs and his associates, and as such, is subject to the policies and practices of the owner/s of such a company. It is only fare that if I work hard to build a company up from the ground and develop the tools that others could use, I am entitled by reason that I am its proprietor to certain and various rights of which the public and my employees do not share; they are the sole property of the owner. No one, and not even the writer to the article, can dispute that the products developed and produced by Apple, were the property of Mr. Jobs and of his company, therefore, where does it stand to reason that I or anyone else for that matter have any rights to dictate to him what his policies will be with regard to content and use of said products?
With every charge of authoritarianism, there is an underlying political aspect to the charge, and the writer’s charge appears in bold relief before US when he/she writes:
“In the name of protecting children from the evils of erotica — "freedom from porn" — and adults from one another, Jobs has banned from being installed on his devices gay art, gay travel guides, political cartoons, sexy pictures, Congressional candidate pamphlets, political caricature, Vogue fashion spreads, systems invented by the opposition, and other things considered morally suspect.”
Therein lies the rub; Mr. Jobs astute judgment of preventing his products from being misused by pedophiles, and other social deviants is being attacked by the writer, because he/she sees such actions as nothing but censorship and authoritarianism. Well too bad. The products are developed and sold by HIS company, and they are HIS intellectual property; and he determines, as would the owner/proprietor of any company, to have sole rights over the product/s, good and services, their company produces.
If he wishes to keep his products from being misused by those whom he correctly sees as doing children harm, it is his right and prerogative to do whatever is necessary to prevent it from taking place within the parameters of his own product. If he/she tries to do the same with another’s intellectual/technical property, then it is open for debate, but not in regards to one’s property.
Whatever Apple or any other company creates and develops and then decides to put or not to put into their product is their right, because it is their intellectual property of which he/they as creator/s has/have exclusive rights to. To call this “un-American” as the writer does betrays an ignorance of the liberties we as Americans enjoy and have enjoyed precisely because of personal freedom and responsibility; something that is being taken away from US by the strong arm of government in support of such fallacious political correctness.
As to the charge that Apple employs Chinese slave labor, I cite the following observation made by a reader who calls him/herself as Anonymous:
“Just a note on this subject. Jobs obsessed on US manufacturing when the Macintosh and later the NeXT Computers were first announced. He did everything the company could do to make state-of-the-art manufacturing facilities in the US.
However the competition from the rest of the industry and demand for low-cost devices pushed the company to China where Apple Computer could compete with the rest of the industry.
As for Foxconn, they do not exclusively produce for Apple Computer, those facilities produce products for the following companies: Acer, Amazon(Kindle), Asus, Intel, Cisco, HP, Dell, Nintendo, Nokia, Microsoft, MSI, Motorola(Google), Sony Ericsson and Vizo.
Apple Computer increased pressure on their production line partners to improve their conditions and systematically weeded out the ones that failed to improve.
In 1997 Apple Computer was on the brink of going out of business, the company had to make decisions to reduce consumer costs and increase the value of the computers. This inevitably led to decisions to look at Chinese manufacturing.
For those of you who always complained that Apple Computer products cost too much, this was one of the solutions - ahh the invisible hand of the free market.
If you want to draw a picture of the failures of Apple's manufacturing that ink stains every company today producing computers and consumer electronics. (Edit comment)”
The reality of today’s market is that there is not a single product of which Americans enjoy that is not being manufactured either in Communist China or in Latin America, in places of questionable surroundings, some in the harshest of environments, and under rigorous taskmasters, with wages that we consider in this country a pittance (comparably to ours, which is why they’ve moved their operations “over there”); but for which we do not object as long as we continue to be able to purchase our toys cheaply. It is cheap because of cheap labor. If it weren’t cheap labor, it would not be cheap, though Apple products are by no means cheap or affordable, but people buy them anyway.
The Western World bought into this moral relativism long ago, and everyone has in some way been impacted by it. It is amoral, it is reprehensible, and it is something that in the deepest of our being we find revolting, but too many of US still buy the products even knowing where they’re made, because in today’s world, the products are being manufactured in these places by these people.
On the flip side, some would argue, and I am not one of them, that even under such austere conditions, the employment of millions of such laborers in these places has allowed them a level of living they otherwise would not “enjoy” if not for our business, because life in such places is so adverse, so below our own, that even under those conditions, their lot has improved somewhat, and this is in some small measure to American industry moving overseas and relocating in their communities throughout Asia and Latin America. The reader gets the point; Apple does not hold exclusive rights to slave labor; it is one of hundreds of companies and corporations whose products we use that shares it. As another reader observes, “To be fair, Apple is hardly the first or only corporation that puts profit above ethics; it's pervasive in today's global economy. Nonetheless, it doesn't make it right.”
Reading the comments section is almost as interesting as the article itself, some positing some very well reasoned and salient points of view which are being borne out by market forces here and overseas. Another reader makes the following excellent observation that historically has proven to be true, at least with regards to our own country and that of the Western Democracies:
“This thinking, at least in respect to Apple, ignores that the supply for labor is global. Cheap, efficient labor is one of China's main current competitive advantages in the global economy. All of the Asian Tigers (and all industrialized and post-industrialized countries have gone through this stage of development).
Gradually, the wages and standard of living in China will rise (it's already happening). Labor protections and wages are necessarily relative, not absolute. A Chinese worker will get far more marginal utility than an American will from the same wage. You may find their working conditions horrific, but they find them less so. No one forces these people to work at Foxconn, they do so willingly. If you asked them, I'm sure they'd much rather have Apple source in China than not.
Similarly, if, for example, a sub-Saharan African country could get themselves politically stable and built a container port infrastructure as efficient as Shanghai, every electronics company in the world would relocate their operations there and literally pour capital into their economy. Wages would start dirt cheap and working conditions would not be ideal, but over time the capital infusion would lift both of these as their economy developed.
This kind of global commerce does not, as you say, cause wages to race to the bottom. Quite the opposite. It's a cycle that's been seen again and again and again.
I suggest you take a look at Taiwan, Singapore, South Korea, and Hong Kong now, and then compare their working conditions to fifty years ago.
It is in no way predatory or immoral. It's the process by which poor countries develop their economies and become rich. (Edit comment)”
This moral relativism has come with a price however, because as manufacturing (like so many other industries), has moved overseas through outsourcing, so have American jobs, and with it American affluence. Years ago we could afford that new car or that new house because many of US held good jobs that enabled US to earn a decent wage, some even a very good wage, with decent benefits.
But, with the outsourcing of key industries overseas in the last four years, more and more Americans have lost that economic edge they once had over the rest of the world. And while Americans can enjoy the cheap and not so cheap little toys that companies like Apple produce, they have found that the price for such enjoyment has cost them their own jobs here at home, and with it their own prosperity and financial stability, as well as the diminution of its skilled work force.
An entire generation has been impacted by this, and even these jobs were to return, America lacks enough of the skilled labor necessary to meet the demands that would be put upon it to produce what is being produced overseas. As it stands currently, there is not enough skilled labor to even meet the diminished demands of the shrinking job market in technology today, which is the most compelling reason technical recruiters and employers give for the flood of H1 Visas given to foreigners in the industry.
As to the charge that Mr. Jobs was a less than exemplary philanthropist because he removed all public philanthropic connections between Apple and the various so-called “charities,” there are some very good reasons why anyone in his position would want to do this, and they run the gamut. In almost every case, many of these so-called philanthropies have in one way or another political connections to causes and other organizations the owner of a company such as Apple may not want to participate in.
For example, a religious organization such as World Vision International might wish to not participate in activities sponsored by the United Way because of the United Ways stated acceptance of homosexual/Lesbian/Transgender causes and organizations. This is not to say that the United Way is involved in this, but we use these names as examples in our illustration.
Another very compelling reason is the Scriptural injunction not to make philanthropic and charitable work a public matter, at least as individuals are concerned. It’s understandable that organizations such as World Vision International would wish to make its activities public, because it depends upon public donations for its work, and thereby is accountable to those who contribute to it.
But, it is quite another matter if, for example, Mr. Jobs did not want his personal charitable work made public, and to that end, he ended all public charitable work precisely for that reason. We may never know in this life whether this is so, but we know that it is not fare for writers such as the one to the article to berate Mr. Jobs’ decision, because there were some very good reasons (at least to Jobs) why he made them.
Whether it was good or not, only G-d who looks into men’s hearts, can be the judge of that, because He and Mr. Jobs, and perhaps those closest to him; know for sure why he removed all public philanthropic work from Apple. And while the writer draws comparisons between Bill Gates who has publicly given upwards of $60billion in charitable donations with Mr. Jobs who has not, it is the one who gives generously without making a public show of it that is to be commended, because he/she has done it out of the kindness of their heart, and not for public praise.
In conclusion, if there is one thing that everyone who reads articles such as these, either from the perspective that Mr. Jobs was a genius or a scoundrel; can come away with; Mr. Jobs was just a man. He was one of US, with all of the foibles and weaknesses that accompany the Company of Man; the Human Race – that unique creation of G-d – whom He made in His image, but who has corrupted his way and is inclined to do evil, though from time to time, also does good, though not without its dark flipside, because no one is perfect and no one is sinless but G-d.
Other commentaries of the man’s life downplayed the man’s influence, or at the very least attempted to bring it down to earth, and describe him as a visionary who had taken was already well established market – communications – computing – Internet – gaming – and wedded all of these into a single package small enough for people to carry in their pockets, when such uses in the market did not exist, and miniaturized components were beginning to have an impact on the world of cellular communications. But whether or not the man was as great or not as great as all of the above try to describe him, depends on just how his influence has impacted the industry of portable miniaturized communication devices and computing.
The ideas that spawned these inventions were his, and he took them and gathered the best technical minds and engineers he could find, and feverishly put them to work on the gadgets people today take for granted and use daily. What is missing from all of the glowing descriptions of Mr. Jobs is the fact that all of his ideas would not have been made possible if not for the development of miniaturized surface mounted components, and the manufacturing of multiple layered breadboards into which these would be soldered onto.
The rise and development of Nanotechnology only accelerated the development of these gadgets, since it took surface mounted technology (SMT) and gave it new and innovated, almost limitless potential uses. This was the era of incredible strides being made in medical science, graphics, and personal computing. All of these were impacted in some way by Mr. Jobs’ vision and Apple’s development of its own product line, but would not have been possible without the technology having been developed in the first place. To his credit, while he did not invent the technology, but he certainly knew how to put it to good use, and he did; and we have all benefited in some way by his vision.
With all of the glowing commentaries on the man having practically run the gamut, it was only a matter of time before an article would appear that would draw another picture of the same man whom the others almost elevated to god-like status; an absurdity that human beings do with one another, and have been doing since the dawn of time. Well, such an article is the one below, well written, with some good points of where Mr. Jobs failed, according to the writer, as a manager, and even as a human being.
The story, titled What Everyone Is Too Polite to Say About Steve Jobs, appears on a blogsite at the following URL and it does not list the author’s name, though one can go to the site and then navigate to its home page and look up the blog’s writer. Whether or not this is important is debatable, though what is not debatable is the content of a person’s heart and mind in writing such a hit piece, yes I call it a hit piece, and I will explain why at the end of this write-up.
The article is well written, after the author praises Mr. Jobs as “polymath, a skilled motivator, a decisive judge, a farsighted taskmaker, an excellent showman, and a gifted strategist; he/she wastes no time in finding fault with Mr. Jobs’ character and behavior as CEO of Apple, describing him “rude, dismissive, hostile, spiteful,” and attributes Apple’s success not so much as determined by market forces such as demand, but to Chinese slave labor, as though this alone was unique to Apple in an industry rife with such abuses, and lays the entire blame on Job’s lap.
He/she also describes Jobs as authoritarian, and accuses him of “imposing centralized control of who could say what on his devices and his company.” Such charges and epithets must be taken one by one and examined under the light of reason, but importantly tempered by the fact that while abuses are what characterize the imperfections of man, to explain them is not necessarily to agree with them or to make excuses for them. We will try to do neither while attempting to do the former here.
The writer to the article describes what he/she calls Mr. Jobs’ “lowlights” by comparing the freedom the Internet has presented to the world of information and communication, a freedom that has revolutionized how we get our news, and one which has brought about the end of monopoly news information, by opening up almost instantaneously events around the world, even as they are happening, without having to wait, as we did for a synopsis of the news delivered by over-paid anchormen over the six o’clock news via the alphabet soup channels of CBS, NBC, ABC, and some minor others.
There was a time when the news was controlled and spoon fed to the public through the prism of these three main news channels at a specific time of the day, and they held a monopolistic control over it; censoring what they wished to censure and broadcasting whatever they wished to broadcast. Over time, such news became nothing more than public advocacy of various liberal causes, and this too spawned programs such as 60 Minutes, and others. But we digress; the Internet has done away with such controls.
But the writer to the article about Mr. Jobs forgets that while the Internet is a public domain venue used by almost everyone, a company such as Apple is a private enterprise owned by at the time, Mr. Jobs and his associates, and as such, is subject to the policies and practices of the owner/s of such a company. It is only fare that if I work hard to build a company up from the ground and develop the tools that others could use, I am entitled by reason that I am its proprietor to certain and various rights of which the public and my employees do not share; they are the sole property of the owner. No one, and not even the writer to the article, can dispute that the products developed and produced by Apple, were the property of Mr. Jobs and of his company, therefore, where does it stand to reason that I or anyone else for that matter have any rights to dictate to him what his policies will be with regard to content and use of said products?
With every charge of authoritarianism, there is an underlying political aspect to the charge, and the writer’s charge appears in bold relief before US when he/she writes:
“In the name of protecting children from the evils of erotica — "freedom from porn" — and adults from one another, Jobs has banned from being installed on his devices gay art, gay travel guides, political cartoons, sexy pictures, Congressional candidate pamphlets, political caricature, Vogue fashion spreads, systems invented by the opposition, and other things considered morally suspect.”
Therein lies the rub; Mr. Jobs astute judgment of preventing his products from being misused by pedophiles, and other social deviants is being attacked by the writer, because he/she sees such actions as nothing but censorship and authoritarianism. Well too bad. The products are developed and sold by HIS company, and they are HIS intellectual property; and he determines, as would the owner/proprietor of any company, to have sole rights over the product/s, good and services, their company produces.
If he wishes to keep his products from being misused by those whom he correctly sees as doing children harm, it is his right and prerogative to do whatever is necessary to prevent it from taking place within the parameters of his own product. If he/she tries to do the same with another’s intellectual/technical property, then it is open for debate, but not in regards to one’s property.
Whatever Apple or any other company creates and develops and then decides to put or not to put into their product is their right, because it is their intellectual property of which he/they as creator/s has/have exclusive rights to. To call this “un-American” as the writer does betrays an ignorance of the liberties we as Americans enjoy and have enjoyed precisely because of personal freedom and responsibility; something that is being taken away from US by the strong arm of government in support of such fallacious political correctness.
As to the charge that Apple employs Chinese slave labor, I cite the following observation made by a reader who calls him/herself as Anonymous:
“Just a note on this subject. Jobs obsessed on US manufacturing when the Macintosh and later the NeXT Computers were first announced. He did everything the company could do to make state-of-the-art manufacturing facilities in the US.
However the competition from the rest of the industry and demand for low-cost devices pushed the company to China where Apple Computer could compete with the rest of the industry.
As for Foxconn, they do not exclusively produce for Apple Computer, those facilities produce products for the following companies: Acer, Amazon(Kindle), Asus, Intel, Cisco, HP, Dell, Nintendo, Nokia, Microsoft, MSI, Motorola(Google), Sony Ericsson and Vizo.
Apple Computer increased pressure on their production line partners to improve their conditions and systematically weeded out the ones that failed to improve.
In 1997 Apple Computer was on the brink of going out of business, the company had to make decisions to reduce consumer costs and increase the value of the computers. This inevitably led to decisions to look at Chinese manufacturing.
For those of you who always complained that Apple Computer products cost too much, this was one of the solutions - ahh the invisible hand of the free market.
If you want to draw a picture of the failures of Apple's manufacturing that ink stains every company today producing computers and consumer electronics. (Edit comment)”
The reality of today’s market is that there is not a single product of which Americans enjoy that is not being manufactured either in Communist China or in Latin America, in places of questionable surroundings, some in the harshest of environments, and under rigorous taskmasters, with wages that we consider in this country a pittance (comparably to ours, which is why they’ve moved their operations “over there”); but for which we do not object as long as we continue to be able to purchase our toys cheaply. It is cheap because of cheap labor. If it weren’t cheap labor, it would not be cheap, though Apple products are by no means cheap or affordable, but people buy them anyway.
The Western World bought into this moral relativism long ago, and everyone has in some way been impacted by it. It is amoral, it is reprehensible, and it is something that in the deepest of our being we find revolting, but too many of US still buy the products even knowing where they’re made, because in today’s world, the products are being manufactured in these places by these people.
On the flip side, some would argue, and I am not one of them, that even under such austere conditions, the employment of millions of such laborers in these places has allowed them a level of living they otherwise would not “enjoy” if not for our business, because life in such places is so adverse, so below our own, that even under those conditions, their lot has improved somewhat, and this is in some small measure to American industry moving overseas and relocating in their communities throughout Asia and Latin America. The reader gets the point; Apple does not hold exclusive rights to slave labor; it is one of hundreds of companies and corporations whose products we use that shares it. As another reader observes, “To be fair, Apple is hardly the first or only corporation that puts profit above ethics; it's pervasive in today's global economy. Nonetheless, it doesn't make it right.”
Reading the comments section is almost as interesting as the article itself, some positing some very well reasoned and salient points of view which are being borne out by market forces here and overseas. Another reader makes the following excellent observation that historically has proven to be true, at least with regards to our own country and that of the Western Democracies:
“This thinking, at least in respect to Apple, ignores that the supply for labor is global. Cheap, efficient labor is one of China's main current competitive advantages in the global economy. All of the Asian Tigers (and all industrialized and post-industrialized countries have gone through this stage of development).
Gradually, the wages and standard of living in China will rise (it's already happening). Labor protections and wages are necessarily relative, not absolute. A Chinese worker will get far more marginal utility than an American will from the same wage. You may find their working conditions horrific, but they find them less so. No one forces these people to work at Foxconn, they do so willingly. If you asked them, I'm sure they'd much rather have Apple source in China than not.
Similarly, if, for example, a sub-Saharan African country could get themselves politically stable and built a container port infrastructure as efficient as Shanghai, every electronics company in the world would relocate their operations there and literally pour capital into their economy. Wages would start dirt cheap and working conditions would not be ideal, but over time the capital infusion would lift both of these as their economy developed.
This kind of global commerce does not, as you say, cause wages to race to the bottom. Quite the opposite. It's a cycle that's been seen again and again and again.
I suggest you take a look at Taiwan, Singapore, South Korea, and Hong Kong now, and then compare their working conditions to fifty years ago.
It is in no way predatory or immoral. It's the process by which poor countries develop their economies and become rich. (Edit comment)”
This moral relativism has come with a price however, because as manufacturing (like so many other industries), has moved overseas through outsourcing, so have American jobs, and with it American affluence. Years ago we could afford that new car or that new house because many of US held good jobs that enabled US to earn a decent wage, some even a very good wage, with decent benefits.
But, with the outsourcing of key industries overseas in the last four years, more and more Americans have lost that economic edge they once had over the rest of the world. And while Americans can enjoy the cheap and not so cheap little toys that companies like Apple produce, they have found that the price for such enjoyment has cost them their own jobs here at home, and with it their own prosperity and financial stability, as well as the diminution of its skilled work force.
An entire generation has been impacted by this, and even these jobs were to return, America lacks enough of the skilled labor necessary to meet the demands that would be put upon it to produce what is being produced overseas. As it stands currently, there is not enough skilled labor to even meet the diminished demands of the shrinking job market in technology today, which is the most compelling reason technical recruiters and employers give for the flood of H1 Visas given to foreigners in the industry.
As to the charge that Mr. Jobs was a less than exemplary philanthropist because he removed all public philanthropic connections between Apple and the various so-called “charities,” there are some very good reasons why anyone in his position would want to do this, and they run the gamut. In almost every case, many of these so-called philanthropies have in one way or another political connections to causes and other organizations the owner of a company such as Apple may not want to participate in.
For example, a religious organization such as World Vision International might wish to not participate in activities sponsored by the United Way because of the United Ways stated acceptance of homosexual/Lesbian/Transgender causes and organizations. This is not to say that the United Way is involved in this, but we use these names as examples in our illustration.
Another very compelling reason is the Scriptural injunction not to make philanthropic and charitable work a public matter, at least as individuals are concerned. It’s understandable that organizations such as World Vision International would wish to make its activities public, because it depends upon public donations for its work, and thereby is accountable to those who contribute to it.
But, it is quite another matter if, for example, Mr. Jobs did not want his personal charitable work made public, and to that end, he ended all public charitable work precisely for that reason. We may never know in this life whether this is so, but we know that it is not fare for writers such as the one to the article to berate Mr. Jobs’ decision, because there were some very good reasons (at least to Jobs) why he made them.
Whether it was good or not, only G-d who looks into men’s hearts, can be the judge of that, because He and Mr. Jobs, and perhaps those closest to him; know for sure why he removed all public philanthropic work from Apple. And while the writer draws comparisons between Bill Gates who has publicly given upwards of $60billion in charitable donations with Mr. Jobs who has not, it is the one who gives generously without making a public show of it that is to be commended, because he/she has done it out of the kindness of their heart, and not for public praise.
In conclusion, if there is one thing that everyone who reads articles such as these, either from the perspective that Mr. Jobs was a genius or a scoundrel; can come away with; Mr. Jobs was just a man. He was one of US, with all of the foibles and weaknesses that accompany the Company of Man; the Human Race – that unique creation of G-d – whom He made in His image, but who has corrupted his way and is inclined to do evil, though from time to time, also does good, though not without its dark flipside, because no one is perfect and no one is sinless but G-d.
Monday, October 3, 2011
THE TRUTH BEHIND 9/11 Not What You Might Think, Consider.......
On Friday, September 7th, 2001, an old colleague from work called me and we discussed terrorism. During our conversation, he brought up the World Trade Center, and the 1993 bombing which Ramsey Joseph and others plotted and carried out in order to bring down the Twin Towers. It didn’t succeed.
The reason for this was that the towers had been built on a solid foundation deep into the bedrock of lower Manhattan Island, with dozens of steel frames criss-crossing the entire perimeter of what constituted the inside of the towers and its deep well constructed foundations.
I told my friend that this was the reason why the bombing of 1993 failed to bring them down, but that the only way that I could foresee those towers being brought down was that two large commercial or military planes would have to crash into them at full speed, and not just at any level, but three quarters of the way up, where the impact would case the greatest effect on the structure of the towers themselves. What’s more, it could not be predicted the level of damage the towers’ destruction would cause, because there was the distinct possibility that the towers themselves would fall across the island of Manhattan and crash into other buildings and cause a chain reaction that would be even greater than what happened on that day. Were that to have happened there would have been more people killed, because the towers crashing into those other buildings would have brought them down as well. The loss of life would have been incomprehensible. And even the way things turned out, it was. What I said to my friend was prophetic.
That Tuesday, on September 11th, two commercial planes crashed into the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center. Interesting however, was how all of the structures at Ground Zero fell; they all imploded and fell like pancakes one on top of the other, until the all three buildings that constituted the World Trade Center, had imploded and fell. I am not suggesting some grandiose conspiracy as many fanatics have been quick to surmise and then cleverly create using computer generated models and slick presentations.
I have always believed that since the 1993 bombing of the World Trade Center, all three buildings and those surrounding them, were lined throughout their foundations with explosives just in case of such eventuality as that which occurred on 9/11. The reason for this? Because of the scenario I had given my friend that previous Friday on the phone; were the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center and Building Three and all of the other buildings in the perimeter; to fall in the manner that I explained above – with these buildings falling across Manhattan, the destruction and loss of life would have been much greater, and costly. For this reason, all of these buildings had been previously lined with explosives by demolition experts, and these explosives were used when all hope had been given up on trying to rescue the survivors high above in the higher elevations of the Twin Towers. Once they – and I don’t know who they were – had reached that conclusion and the decision had been made to “play G-d” with their lives, the order was given – again by whom I do not know – to implode all of the buildings. Again, this was done for the reason cited above.
Conspiracy theorists wish to make out of this something that it never was, and in the process, they have caused confusion, and have trivialized the lives of those who lost them on that dreadful day, and the hard work of all of those involved in rescuing and evacuating the remaining survivors. If my theory is correct, whoever gave the order to implode all of the buildings on Ground Zero, would have much to answer for, inasmuch as he/she/they were also responsible for the loss of those firemen, EMT personnel, policemen, and others who were in the process of trying to reach the people in the higher elevations. In effect, however gave this order, literally pulled whatever foothold these people had to do their courageous work out from under them. This person/people has/have the blood of these heroes and those on the higher elevations on their hands. Again, the only way that I could see that anyone would sanction such a course of action was to prevent greater tragedy from taking place with the collapse of the Twin Towers across lower Manhattan, and for that reason, all of these buildings were imploded as they were.
We can understand and see why the authorities would not want to pursue an investigation into this, because a whole lot of heads would roll, and a good many people, some perhaps we have thought of as heroic leaders on that day, might find themselves in some very hot water. Careers would end, and a lot of people would go to jail, and these people are too high up the food chain to be indicted, or much less, convicted of any crime. No grand conspiracy, just a course of action that was less than what anyone would have wanted in order to prevent a much greater catastrophe on that awful and dreadful day.
The reason for this was that the towers had been built on a solid foundation deep into the bedrock of lower Manhattan Island, with dozens of steel frames criss-crossing the entire perimeter of what constituted the inside of the towers and its deep well constructed foundations.
I told my friend that this was the reason why the bombing of 1993 failed to bring them down, but that the only way that I could foresee those towers being brought down was that two large commercial or military planes would have to crash into them at full speed, and not just at any level, but three quarters of the way up, where the impact would case the greatest effect on the structure of the towers themselves. What’s more, it could not be predicted the level of damage the towers’ destruction would cause, because there was the distinct possibility that the towers themselves would fall across the island of Manhattan and crash into other buildings and cause a chain reaction that would be even greater than what happened on that day. Were that to have happened there would have been more people killed, because the towers crashing into those other buildings would have brought them down as well. The loss of life would have been incomprehensible. And even the way things turned out, it was. What I said to my friend was prophetic.
That Tuesday, on September 11th, two commercial planes crashed into the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center. Interesting however, was how all of the structures at Ground Zero fell; they all imploded and fell like pancakes one on top of the other, until the all three buildings that constituted the World Trade Center, had imploded and fell. I am not suggesting some grandiose conspiracy as many fanatics have been quick to surmise and then cleverly create using computer generated models and slick presentations.
I have always believed that since the 1993 bombing of the World Trade Center, all three buildings and those surrounding them, were lined throughout their foundations with explosives just in case of such eventuality as that which occurred on 9/11. The reason for this? Because of the scenario I had given my friend that previous Friday on the phone; were the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center and Building Three and all of the other buildings in the perimeter; to fall in the manner that I explained above – with these buildings falling across Manhattan, the destruction and loss of life would have been much greater, and costly. For this reason, all of these buildings had been previously lined with explosives by demolition experts, and these explosives were used when all hope had been given up on trying to rescue the survivors high above in the higher elevations of the Twin Towers. Once they – and I don’t know who they were – had reached that conclusion and the decision had been made to “play G-d” with their lives, the order was given – again by whom I do not know – to implode all of the buildings. Again, this was done for the reason cited above.
Conspiracy theorists wish to make out of this something that it never was, and in the process, they have caused confusion, and have trivialized the lives of those who lost them on that dreadful day, and the hard work of all of those involved in rescuing and evacuating the remaining survivors. If my theory is correct, whoever gave the order to implode all of the buildings on Ground Zero, would have much to answer for, inasmuch as he/she/they were also responsible for the loss of those firemen, EMT personnel, policemen, and others who were in the process of trying to reach the people in the higher elevations. In effect, however gave this order, literally pulled whatever foothold these people had to do their courageous work out from under them. This person/people has/have the blood of these heroes and those on the higher elevations on their hands. Again, the only way that I could see that anyone would sanction such a course of action was to prevent greater tragedy from taking place with the collapse of the Twin Towers across lower Manhattan, and for that reason, all of these buildings were imploded as they were.
We can understand and see why the authorities would not want to pursue an investigation into this, because a whole lot of heads would roll, and a good many people, some perhaps we have thought of as heroic leaders on that day, might find themselves in some very hot water. Careers would end, and a lot of people would go to jail, and these people are too high up the food chain to be indicted, or much less, convicted of any crime. No grand conspiracy, just a course of action that was less than what anyone would have wanted in order to prevent a much greater catastrophe on that awful and dreadful day.
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