Proverbs 29:2b
Psalm 109:8
In an article that appeared on Israel Today on Thursday, March 19th, 2009, the following was disclosed by a former top US official:
“A former top US intelligence official warns that the Obama Administration is about to break America's long ties of friendship with Israel, and maybe even take steps toward the dissolution of the Jewish state.
Speaking on condition of anonymity to Douglas Hagmann of the Northeast Intelligence Network, the source said:
"I have every reason to believe, based on what I’ve seen at my level of [security] clearance especially over the last several years, that Israel will soon be completely on their own… or worse."
He went on to note that the betrayal likely won't happen in one dramatic moment, but rather subtly, behind the scenes, and over the course of several years.
The Obama Administration is preparing to "provide more support to Arab countries [with] financial and military aid, undercutting Israel’s defense efforts all while pushing Israel to succumb to the pressure of unreasonable demands designed to end with their political annihilation as a nation," said the source.
Israeli officials have of late noted a marked increase in the pressure from Washington to more rapidly acquiesce to Arab land-for-peace demands, and US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has clarified that Washington is none to(sic) pleased with incoming Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's refusal to commit to the creation of a sovereign Palestinian Arab state with Jerusalem as its capital.”
Under the caption, Obama About to Betray Israel, Says Former Intel Official, Israel Today Magazine
I will not posit much on the above article except to say that since that article appeared, we witnessed the Obama Administration provide the terrorist Hamas Organization in Gaza with a staggering $900 million of tax payer money on the pretext that it was helping the Palestinians rebuild Gaza after Israel retaliated against Hamas’ daily barrage of missiles into Israeli cities which the terrorist organization was conducting and has been conducting unabated since before the aid was earmarked to the terrorists that year. And though the Obama Administration claimed that the money would be distributed through the UN and “other” channels, and would not be distributed through Hamas, there is no doubt where the money would end up, as indeed it did, and Hamas was rearmed with American money, and later resumed and has continued firing missiles into Israeli cities almost on a daily basis since then without a peep from the Obama Administration about it.
Obama has courted the Muslim World, not necessarily the Arab World, because he has done or said almost nothing about Arab Christians who have been killed and persecuted in Iraq, the Sudan, and more recently in Egypt, and has made it clear where his sympathies lie with regards to the Middle East and here in the United States. In his State of the Union Address, and in many other public statements he has released and has made since taking office, Barack Hussein Obama has gone out of his way, and taken great pains to underscore the Muslim sector of our population, which is expected to grow with immigration and births to more than six million in the United States in the next five years; a powerful voting bloc he is courting for himself and for the Democrat Party.
Since taking office, Barack Obama has been very selective as to who his and presumably America’s friends are; he has embraced the Communists in Bolivia, Cuba, Guatemala – recently giving the Chinese Communists a state dinner and reception while allowing them to pay an Anti-American Hymn within the confines of the White House itself; an affront to the sensitivities and a betrayal to the oath of office Obama took upon becoming president on January 20th, 2009. A while promoting, and aiding and abetting America’s enemies overseas, he was most selective in completely ignoring the Pro-Democracy Movement in Shiite Islamist Iran, and sat idly by as the corrupt terrorist regime brutally crushed its opposition and drove it underground, while more recently Obama and Hillary Clinton have encouraged the Islamist hordes now uprising in Tunisia, Egypt, and other parts of the Middle East.
But it has not been enough to do this. When Israel’s Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu visited the White House last year, Obama committed what is perhaps the greatest affront any US president has ever given a visiting head of state; he abruptly left Prime Minister Netanyahu by himself while he went to have lunch, and did not return to wish him well or walk him out. Something similar was done to the Dalai Lama, the leader of the Tibetan people who are suffering under the iron rule and occupation by Red China, when he was escorted out of the White House through a back entrance near the trash. Not only has Obama mistreated the heads of states loyal to the United States, but he has coddled some of America’s longstanding enemies as well. The actions of this president has put America and its allies in jeopardy, because it has sent mixed signals to our allies and our enemies alike – to our allies – that it is better to be an enemy of America than it is to be its ally and friend. Israel is finding this out under this administration increasingly every day. The Barack Obama Administration is no friend of Israel or to Israel, and it has made this very clear, all claims to the contrary notwithstanding.
And it if he keeps the nation and its foreign and domestic policy on its current trajectory, we may not have a nation in two years. Barack Hussein Obama, either knowingly or unknowingly has set this country both domestically and in its current foreign policy on a collision course with disaster and judgment. If he does not change course, and do it now – and all indications are that he is not, all claims to moving to the center are evidently nothing more than just political ploys – and I am inclined to believe that this is just what it is – hiding his true agenda which he had made evident the previous two years, and couched in his drab State of the Union Address which he gave the other night – these considerations aside – he will bring this nation and its interests overseas to the brink, if it is not already at the brink, of ruin from which it may never be able to emerge successfully.
The heavy handedness of federal, state, and local governments in the lives of every day citizens, and their high taxes, crushing federal, state, and local regulations and ordinances are chocking the life out of our economic system. Obama’s federal mandates and spending have given US fourteen trillion dollars of deficits which are impoverishing the average American while enriching the central bankers as they print dollars to cover the interest on this debt, and continue buying US bonds, and as the federal government continues to grow unabated, so is its profligacy towards spending more than it takes in. In the process, in order to service the huge debt, the government borrows from the central banks, and they in turn print more and more dollars, taking US down a hyperinflationary spiral from which this country will not emerge. This in turn, is eroding the purchasing power of the dollar, which is why goods and services, and commodity prices have skyrocketed, and why so many people who can, are moving most of their assets to hard money – real wealth – precious metals such as gold and silver. As the dollar is debased by the Federal Reserve, foreign currencies like the Canadian dollar (see Canadian Dollar Reaches Highest Level Since May 2008 on Economic Growth...) are gaining on the dollar. This is happening almost day to day.
As the 2012 presidential elections get closer, the Federal Reserve and the powers that be, are doing everything possible to pump up the economy with money in order to make it appear that we are in recovery, when in fact we are in a depression-like great recession, and have not really emerged from it, as some of their people misleadingly claim we did in late 2009. This is being done intentionally; the central bankers and their interests are becoming richer and more powerful, as the average American is losing his/her power, because the politicians are beholden to them and not to the will of the people, the last election notwithstanding. Right now, they are trying to mitigate the effects of that election by placing their key people in powerful and influential positions within both houses of congress in both political parties. The last thing the elites want is real mavericks who represent the people and the interests of America first before any other.
We are being intentionally lied to and misled, not only by this White House and its minions in the various federal agencies that are posting bogus figures to spin this depression into a “recovery,” but what is perhaps worst, is this is not being exposed by the press, rather, the press is acting as an extension of this White House, and increasingly we are even seeing this being done by many on, of all places, the Fox News Channel, which up until last year, had been even handed in its reports, but as of late, has become more apologetic towards this White House.
The rate of inflation is being misreported by our government because they have chosen not to include the true metrics of measuring inflation such as energy and food, which for the last three years have skyrocketed. This is being done so as to present inflation way below its true level in order to mislead the public into believing that it is low, whereas true inflation has been steadily increasing quarterly since President Bush left office and President Obama assumed the presidency. But regardless of the bogus figures and reports being put out by the government and its extension in the news media, the average person who has been paying higher prices for energy and for food is not being fooled by them.
The same is being done with the unemployment figures. In my last post, I made the following observations:
The government’s recent figure for the unemployed is at 9.4 per cent of the overall population of over 307,006,550, but this figure is misleading, because the Department of Labor only counts those who are currently collecting unemployment checks as “the unemployed.” It is explained in the following manner:
“The Bureau of Labor Statistics derives its "headline" unemployment number (identified as U-3 in BLS charts) by tabulating data collected from the state unemployment offices. These offices keep tabs on laid-off workers collecting unemployment insurance benefits. So far so good. But once an unemployed person exhausts their benefits (or extended benefits, "Emergency Unemployment Compensation") and stops reporting their weekly job search efforts to the state office, then they fall off the roster of unemployed people and are instead counted as "marginally attached to the labor force." This category also includes so-called "discouraged" job seekers and those who have formally stopped looking for work for reasons other than discouragement.
There are 2.3 million "marginally attached" unemployed by the BLS count. Various other unemployed people don't make it into the official count. For example, those people who are hired but let go before they reach 14 weeks of employment -- the period needed to qualify for unemployment insurance -- won't be counted under "initial jobless claims" even though they lost their jobs. Clearly, undercounting the unemployed lowers the official unemployment rate. See full article from Daily Finance: http://srph.it/cjIBRi (from the following link: http://www.dailyfinance.com/story/real-unemployment-rate-is-far-higher-than-the-headlines/19276437/)
It does not factor in or include the over twenty million who have exhausted all of their unemployment benefits and are no longer collecting. As far as the government is concerned, these long term unemployed – called 99ers because they’ve not been able to secure work and have exhausted the maximum 99 weeks of unemployment insurance and extensions available – these people have ceased to exist and no longer even on the radar. The government also does not include in their figure the over seventeen million under-employed, who are either holding two part-time jobs, one part-time job, or a full time job, all of which do not offer these people the level of income they once earned before the economy bottomed out. If one is to factor in the number of those who are no longer counted by the Department of Labor and those who are underemployed, the total figure is a staggering thirty-seven to forty per cent of our total population. That is, almost forty per cent of 307,006,550. That comes to a staggering figure of 116,477,460.7 Americans who fall into one of these three categories! This is clearly one third of the population. Do you realize the amount of panic it would cause if the government were to admit that this many Americans are either out of or marginally at work?
Since that time, the actual numbers have gotten worse. While the government reports that unemployment is at 9.0, see UNEMPLOYMENT AT 9.0% +36,000 JOBS... the Gallop Poll reports that it is actually at 9.9, just under 10 per cent, and the ranks of the under-employed have swelled from 17 per cent to 19.2 per cent, see GALLUP: Unemployment actually at 9.9%... 'Under-employment' at 19.2%... Anyone who doubts these figures needs to remember that this is one of the primary reasons why it has been reported that up to half of our population does not pay income taxes. A good number of them do not pay income taxes because they are out of work and have been for quite some time, not just months, but years. In other words, up to half of the three hundred million Americans living in this country are in some sort of public assistance, and as many as forty-three million Americans purchase their food with Food Stamps. With eight million jobs lost since 2008, six million since 2009, and no real net gain in job numbers, the figures cited above prove the point that we are in a really deep Great Depression. But in order to prop up Obama’s numbers, every week, they are not reporting this, because to do so would be political disaster to this administration. Thus, they massage the numbers in order to make them as palatable as possible under these extreme circumstances which this economic crisis has brought US to. You are being lied to and they expect you to believe them, but your pocket books and your eroding purchasing power are telling you a different story.
The housing market , the cost of energy, the cost of living, the declining labor market (see ) tell a different story. And because no new real jobs are materializing, and jobs continue to go overseas where the devalued dollar goes a long way in labor costs and the governments practice better business friendly policies, we continue to see the following week after week, month after month Home sales hit 13-year low...
New-home sales in 2010 lowest in 47 years... and Foreclosure activity up across metro areas... and 11% of All US Homes Are Now Empty... and Over 43 Million Americans Now on Food Stamps Then they insult our intelligence by calling this a recovery, a “jobless recovery.” Ladies and gentlemen, this is not a recovery, not in a long shot. During the 80s when the numbers were much less severe the economy was in recovery, the news media almost on a nightly basis reported negatively about the state of the economy and the employment numbers, and questioned whether we were in recovery back then. Why aren’t they doing the same today? Because they do not want to jeopardize Obama’s reelection. Yet they did everything they could to jeopardize President Reagan’s reelection every night by reporting negatively on the job and economic numbers. Without the Internet, and other alternative medium such as talk radio, and Fox News, the American people who felt the recovery in a very real way, reelected Ronald Reagan to a second term in what is the greatest landslide in this nation’s history. With the exception of Walter Mondale’s Michigan, President Reagan carried forty-nine of the fifty states and won by the largest electoral margin ever. Regardless of how the Obama Administration and the government-media complex of the alphabet soup new media channels try to spin it, the American people were not fooled and the mid-term elections proved it. They can claim recovery, but Americans still feel that they are worse off today than they were three years ago. You can’t argue with that.
In my previous post I also made the following observation:
Foreclosures up, and have now beaten the levels not seen since the Great Depression. In some places throughout the US, there are entire sections of blocks after blocks of empty foreclosed and abandoned properties, what used to be somebody’s home. Like every other federal bailout program the Obama Administration has undertaken, the Making Homes Affordable Plan is a dismal failure.
The people who the administration claims these programs would help have not been helped by them. In fact out of the millions of distressed home owners who have applied for HAMP only 495,898 U.S. borrowers have received permanent loan modifications. Like every promise it makes, the Obama Administration has fallen far short of the nine million it claimed this program would help. In fact, more than forty-eight per cent of those who apply fall out of HAMP, most of them being disqualified by the bank. Is it any wonder then in the face of all of this that the Housing Market Slips Into Depression Territory...? Who then are these people trying to kid? We are in a DEPRESSION, not a recovery. Even the Fed Chairman admits that the job market will not rebound for another five years.
And the only reason the stock market has rallied is because it is being massively propped up with paper money, not because there is real growth in the economy. Had there been real sustainable growth in this economy, we would have seen it in an average of five hundred thousand jobs being created in the private sector on a weekly basis, and not a net job loss of between four hundred thousand and more jobs every week since this depression began with the collapse of the housing market as early as the summer of 2006. Companies are showing profits because the figures are not true net profits but inflated numbers in inflated dollars, which the Fed is printing twenty-four seven, three sixty-five. It is a shell game, with the politicians and their counterparts in the central banks, and the media are playing US up for. The aim of the devaluation and the disinvestment of the dollar as the world’s reserve currency is so that it will be replaced with a global reserve currency such as the Chinese Yuan, or the Indian Rupee, or the Russian Ruble, which is why those three governments have been increasing their stockpile of gold in recent years to hedge their currency against the ravages of a falling dollar. Their central banks and politicians know something that ours are not telling US, and they see the handwriting on the wall, and are preparing for it.
The greatest swindle in history took place when our government convinced our politicians to authorize the creation of $787 billion of tax payer funded wealth to be transferred to the private accounts of the heads of central banks, brokerage houses, insurance interests, and a host of other unnamed elites, and the various banking, insurance, and securities interests here and overseas, and to this day our politicians have not accounted for where most of this money went and to whom. At the time when Henry Paulson, the former Treasury Secretary (CFR), and Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke told a congressional committee that what came to be called TARP (Troubled Asset Relief Program) would help our country and the countries of Europe avert financial disaster, but it did not, and the economies of the Western Democracies have been in free fall since that time. And though there has been a claim that some of this money has been paid back, thus we read the following, “Of the $245 billion invested in U.S. banks, over $169 billion has been paid back, including $13.7 billion in dividends, interest and other income, along with $4 billion in warrant proceeds as of April 2010. AIG is considered "on track" to pay back $51 billion from divestitures of two units and another $32 billion in securities.[4] In March 2010, GM repaid more than $2 billion to the U.S. and Canadian governments and on April 21 GM announced the entire loan portion of the U.S. and Canadian governments' investments had been paid back in full, with interest, for a total of $8.1 billion,[6]” however it concedes the following: This was, however, subject to contention because it was noted that the automaker had only paid back its outstanding debt, while the much larger portion of the governments' investment would continue to be tied up in the company's stock.[7]”
This is an amazing admission, but it doesn’t tell the whole story and it doesn’t account for the hundreds of millions of dollars that went overseas which has not been accounted for, though it is one admission the writers of the article must make in light of the vast sums of dollar denominated currency that has been printed since then (QE1 and QE2, QE, meaning Quantitative Easing, which is when a central bank creates money which it uses to buy government bonds and other financial assets, in order to increase the money supply and the excess reserves of the banking system; this also raises the prices of the financial assets bought which lowers their yield.[1]) The American people and the people of the free world are being robbed of their earnings, investments, and retirement by these institutions and the politicians who allow it, and who advocate more of the same through increased spending by our government, and increased taxation.
The elites and the central banking interests want Obama reelected, and are doing whatever they can to prop his numbers up - thus, the talk from usual talking heads who represent them in the media and the political arena. Arizona Senator John McCain, as always can be counted by these people to do his part to help polish Obama’s image. Is it any wonder then that all of a sudden, we see the daughters of the elites such as Megan McCain and Barbara Bush championing liberal causes, with McCain the more vocal critic of conservatives and the T.E.A. Party?
We see former White House Press Secretary Dana Perino on Fox News Channel (Bush 43), and former Secretary of State James Baker (Bush 41) praising Obama’s mishandling of the Egyptian Crisis, and going of their way to justify every mistake he’s made thus far, including the active role of several of his past associations and current far left supporters and their role, in fomenting unrest in that troubled land recently, which the news media has conveniently spiked. The goal is to make the uprising appear to be completely democratic, while radical elements from the Muslim Brotherhood move in unawares and unreported, and take power immediately upon Mubarak’s abdication. We are now reading that Clinton cautiously welcomes Brotherhood talks... and Tide turns in favor of Brotherhood in revolt... as the White House, the State Department, and the media work feverishly to destabilize the situation so as to force an immediate abdication by Mubarak, and the entrance of the Muslim Brotherhood into power. They believe they can work with the Muslim Brotherhood, just as they believed that they could work with the Ayatollah Khomeini in Iran thirty years ago, and just as they have done in Iraq by allowing the militant radical Anti-American and Anti-Semitic cleric Muqtada al-sadr’s return from his self-imposed exile in Iran to Iran. This radical cleric has been an active agent of Iran against his own country for years, yet our government has allowed him free passage into Iraq. They’ve even allowed him and his party to take part in the Iraqi government, while he continues his work to undermine democracy in his own country and serve the interests of his Shiite Masters in Revolutionary Iran.
It is 1979 Iran all over again, and a weak and inexperienced hard leftist president sits in the Oval Office as one did thirty-four years ago, except that this time, even elements of our news media and our own government and this administration, are trying to convince US that the Muslim Brotherhood “sharing” power in a Post-Mubarak Egypt will be acceptable, even desirable to having a stable transition of power over the next several months into a full democratic government. Like 1977 Iran, Obama like Jimmy Carter – does not want a slow and gradual transition of power from autocracy to democracy, but a quick and chaotic revolution, where the world’s most radical Anti-American, Anti-Western, and Anti-Semitic elements will take power. If this is not done properly and correctly, this is what they will get, and Egypt will become another Iran, and the Middle East will be plunged into total war and terrorism spreading throughout the planet like a plague at an even faster rate than it has the last three years. The deceit in our government is so great that it has only been recently discovered that the Obama Administration has agreed to disclose to Russia the codes to the United Kingdom’s nuclear arsenal against their wishes!
Indeed, there is great wickedness and deceit in the highest levels of government in this hemisphere and practically throughout every nation on this planet, but beginning with this nation, which is the one that the others emulate when a hard leftist occupies the Oval Office as is the case at this juncture of our history. This nation and the world is in great peril and we are not only seeing it in the political arena, but we are seeing it in the economic convulsions here, in Europe, the Middle East, and the Far East. The markets are in convulsion, and also the people in those parts are feeling the unrest that is engulfing their lands, There is unrest also in nature, and there is not one area of the world that is not being affected by it. In my previous post I also wrote the following and will leave you with its thoughts for you to consider:
And it is not just the economy which is depression and the finances of so many are in a state of flux, but nature itself is in upheaval. The United States and Europe have witnessed the coldest winters in recent history. And it is getting worst. Monster storms, tsunamis in diverse places, killer earthquakes, displacement of whole populations in various locations around the planet, and the mystery of massive numbers of dead birds, fish, and fowl around the planet; green lakes, etc., are all happening just as you’re reading this report. What is all this about? Why are the storms and hurricanes becoming more devastating in recent years? What has coincided with them in the geo-political arena in regards to Israel? What is the United States and the nations of Europe doing wrong? Our leaders are clueless, and because they know precious little about Biblical prophecy and the ramifications of their foreign policy towards the Middle East, there is no indication that things are going to improve in the near future.
But regardless of what may befall this nation and the West, remember one very important thing; the world has seen upheavals of historic proportions before, and G-d’s people have lived through every one of them. The sign that those who put their faith and trust in G-d and call on His name for their security and are faithfully preserved and protected, yes, even through every violent upheaval that has happened before and without a doubt those which will occur again; is all around US. Israel today is in the Holy Land not just because of the tenacity of the intrepid Zionist pioneers who braved land and sea to return to their homeland, but because of the faithfulness of G-d who, in spite of every attempt that man has made to try to exterminate them and wipe them off of the face of the earth, they live and thrive to this day, while their enemies are nothing but a disgraced historic byword and memory.
Regardless of what you see around you; what you hear in the news (though much is not being reported by the alphabet soup news media); and what may befall the dollar; do not lose heart. Put your trust in G-d and pray for your family, for your nation, for your leaders, and pray that judgment may be averted, because things are only as inevitable as you allow them to be. Nineveh was placed under judgment, it was eminent, yet when everyone in Nineveh humbled themselves and prayed for G-d’s forgiveness, judgment was averted. Read the story, it is in the Book of Jonah. America can do the same. We stand at a fork in the road, we can either go one way or the other; the choice is ours as individuals, as Americans, and as a nation.