There is so much that one can include in a single article that just for the length, complexities, and interlocking topics alone, such an article is rendered almost unreadable simply because of its length. Articles are meant to be short and concise, and the best written ones are usually short while keeping its readers well informed.
I tried to do this with this single article, but because of the reasons cited above, I have been unable to keep it short. I've also been unable to keep it as concise as I would like in order to keep the reader from losing interest or being distracted, or going off-topic, but due to the same reasons cited, this is a mammoth post. I have invested a lot into it, as I have labored to put together a Scriptural and therefore, Biblical review of current events, politics, and public service.
What you are about to read below is the fruits of such labor. I hope and pray it speaks to you clearly, and helps you to get above the smoke and mirrors clever campaigns launched by special interest political machines and crafty politicians have clouded by their "complex" view of the world and the issues before US. These are not as complex as they are made out to be if you have a solid Biblical base and are well informed, because one cannot possess one without having the other, and the few who have both are the best leaders.
There is great corruption in the highest offices of our land, and it is interesting how we demand from our allies standards which the leaders we have do not themselves meet. We see corruption in the White House, in the US Senate, in the halls of congress, kickbacks, big labor sweatheart deals with stimilus tax money, as well as ACORN kickbacks and fraud, hundreds of front groups acting as multi-million dollar money laundering machineries to funnel money for local politicians with the implicit knowledge of the leaders of congress and the White House; cronyism, patronization with TARP money by this White House of key supporters and backers of Obama's election campaign, and all sorts of corruption.
We see local politicians like Andrew Cuomo, Charles Rangel of New York, Christopher Dodd of Connnecticut, Barney Frank and others as the most corrupt politicians in our time. Almost every cabinet level appointee to the current administration having misfiled, or not paid income taxes amounting to tens of millions of dollars. If you or I do this, we would have everything we owe confiscated and we'd go to jail.
They, of course, get reelected and their political machinery make sure they're friends are taken care of. One hand washes the other, both hands wash the face; but in their case; what they're using to wash is nothing but their own filth, and the more they hide, the more corrupt they become, and the more corrupt the system gets. Like Dorian Gray, some of them may look as good as their promoters and handlers in the media want to make them look, yet deep inside they are festering and foul. What I write here is a truncated version of a long and perhaps protracted message I am preparing on this topic, because there is great, great hypocracy in our land. When called out on this, we see politicians making excuses for their behavior and closing ranks according to political party. It is disgraceful and and it is dishonest, and disingenuous. The public trust has been betrayed, and they need to be exposed and brought out on it. There is no excuse for them to justify corruption because the person or persons in question are members of their own political party. No excuse at all, and when anyone sees this, they ought to call them out on it, and point out that if they excuse such behavior, they too put their own integrity and honesty into question.
Proverbs 21:2
Proverbs 16:2
Proverbs 16:25
For observant Jews and devout Christians who believe and follow their Bibles, there is a metric which we can use to gauge all leaders regardless of party affiliation, claims, rhetoric, and confessions of faith, and this metric are the Holy Scriptures themselves. I will present here the evidence from Scripture and the policy measures Mr. Obama supports and is active in promoting, and allow from this for the reader to judge for himself/herself from the Holy Scriptures and the evidence at hand, where this nation is being taken, and whether the acts of this president are "good in the sight of the Lord" or "evil in the sight of the Lord" according to what the Holy Scriptures teach US regarding good and bad government and good and bad governance. I will not make any attempts to sway the reader in any way, but allow the policies themselves and what the Scriptures teach to direct the reader to reach their own conclusion.
Barak Obama's original non-Muslim name was Barry Obama, named after his natural father from Kenya. When his mother divorced his father he later took on the name of Barry Soetoro; taking on his stepfather's last name. But later he changed that name to Barak Hussein Obama, taking on the name Hussein. This is a practice that is common when people convert to Islam and take the oath of faith - the Shahada, proclaiming Allah as God and Mohammed as his prophet. At the time of conversion the person is given a Muslim name which they adopt for the rest of their Muslim life. Cassius Clay did this when he converted to Islam and took on the name of Mohammed Ali, as well as Lou Alcinder who took on the Muslim name of Kareem Abdul Jabaar when he converted. When pressed, Mr. Obama will claim that he is a Christian and that he has the Reverend Jeremiah Wright of the Trinity United Church of Christ in Chicago to thank for "bringing me to Jesus." The details of this have been left out, but the words were intentionally used by Obama to curry favor with the Christian Evangelical Community, because most of it was struggling with his support for partial birth late term abortions - infanticide. Yet in an interview with George Stephanapolos, he misspoke about his "Muslim Faith." (See video at this URL: This is what is known in Psychology as a Freudian Slip, that is, a person will in an unguarded moment, speak precisely the truth about what he or she in fact believes. This is the definition of the term as it appears at the following link: "A verbal mistake that is thought to reveal a repressed belief, thought, or emotion." Unknown to most Evangelical Christians and Observant Jews, when Barak Obama lived with his mother, stepfather, and sister in Indonesia, he was registered in 1968 by his parents as a Muslim in Assisi Roman Catholic School in Jakarta, and later was enrolled as a Muslim in a Muslim public school, where he learned to recite the Maghrib Adhan - the Muslim Evening Call to Prayer in perfect Arabic, which he has said is the most beautiful sound he has ever heard, see it here It is said by Muslim scholars that reciting the call to prayer makes one a Muslim, because it is the most central confession of Islam, the Muslim faith. Barak Hussein Obama has said it can recite the Call to Prayer in perfect Arabic. Of course, the White House, with the aid of countless number of volunteers of public supporters have worked hard to debunk any premise that Obama is a Muslim as falsehoods and lies, and branding those whom have exposed this side of the president's personal life as nuts.
Some Muslims believe that they can claim to be a Christians without being one in the Biblical sense of that name because they believe in Jesus was a prophet. and claim to believe in His teachings, though when pressed, they'll tell you that they do not believe in the New Testament, the source and record of Jesus' teachings. Yet when discussing such topics as faith with them, and pressing them on their beliefs, they fall woefully short of proclaiming several tenets of the Christian faith which they consider anathema, such as the deity of Jesus, his unique place within the Shema of G-d - His godhead, His unique relationship with His Father - G-d (they claim that G-d has no Son, yet Scripture declares that He does, Psalm 2:12, Proverbs 30:4, Isaiah 7:14-16, 9:6-7), His death on the Roman cross (Psalm 22), His sacrificial death (Isaiah 53), His resurrection from the dead (Psalm 16:8-11), and other tenets of the Christian faith such as the need for repentance and receiving G-d's Way of salvation in His Son the Messiah Jesus, the power of the blood of Jesus as the only element and agent with power to wash away the sins of the human race; cover and blot out sin, and the need to be born again of the Holy Spirit of G-d.
Since the Koran teaches that Jesus was a prophet, and it teaches to believe the writings of the New Testament which it calls the Injil, a word derived the Greek Evangelion meaning Good News, or Gospel, that Muslims can say that they are Christians when asked, just a Barak Obama has done. Yet Barak Obama does not believe that the Bible as we have it today is G-d's inerrant Word. He belonged to a church - Trinity United Church of Christ - which preaches the Black Liberation Theology of the radical Blank Panthers, and other black militants who preach class warfare, racial hatred, and violent revolution instead of the Gospel of Jesus the Messiah. And it has accursed the churches where it has taken root with a curse which has spread all across our inner cities. The United States is in real danger from this teaching, and it is now within the halls of congress and in the White House, because its proponents and champions have been elected from their districts to the highest and most powerful offices of our land. Today ninety per cent of Americans whom have converted to Islam come from the African American Community, and are between 3 and 4 million in number of the overall Muslim population of the United States (See
What follows are the policies which this president is currently working to implement and make into law, some of which he has already done:
1.) He has pledged to overturn DOMA, the Defense of Marriage Act, signed into law by President Clinton, which defines marriage as an institution between a man and a woman. He's pledged to replace it with ROMA, the Respect of Marriage Act, which defines marriage as an institution between two consenting parties of any sex or sexual preference. And to this end, he recently broke the barrier by nominating the first openly Gay and Lesbian to head the U.S. Marshals. But, below are the various policy measures which this politician has undertaken:
2.) For the first time in US History, the Commander in Chief of the US Armed Forces has issued standing orders to our military to burn Bibles being sent to Afghanistan so as to not "offend" the Muslims these Bibles are intended for.
3.) He has repealed the Mexico City Treaty which the previous administration had enacted that prevented US agencies overseas aiding with tax dollars or as a matter of policy the abortion industry in those countries as a means of birth control or family planning. US agencies are now promoting abortion on demand overseas.
4.) For the first time, the president of the United States did not observe the National Day of Prayer this year, yet he and his family did commemorate the Muslim month of Ramadan. For the first time in our nation's history, a sitting president of the United States has given standing orders to our military to burn Holy Bibles sent to Afghanistan This is a political leader who on the National Day of Prayer decided he would not publicly pray for the nation as its leader, or call it to prayer, but instead claimed he would pray privately to his god. What's more, this president breaks with previous American presidents Washington, Jefferson, Jackson, Lincoln, Roosevelt, Truman, Eisenhower, Kennedy, Reagan, and Bush, who believed this to be a Judeo-Christian nation, and recently a member of congress addressed this and placed it on public record ( effectively rebutting Obama's claim that America is not a Judeo-Christian nation.
5.) This is the first president in this nation's history who has pledged upon assuming office to promote the evil Freedom of Choice Act, or FOCA - which is not about freedom of choice, but a law which supports federally funded abortion on demand as a "fundamental right and entitlement" - the most radical piece of legislation ever devised in going far beyond the dreadful Supreme Court Decision of Roe v. Wade - "in making abortion a government-protected and taxpayer-supported 'right,' right through all nine months of pregnancy." (Governor Mike Huckabee's letter on FOCA) Because this piece of legislation mandates taxpayer-supported and federal protection of abortion throughout all nine months of pregnancy, it will make the crime of infanticide - that is, the willful killing of late term babies who survive abortion - commonplace for the first time in our nation's history on a federal level. This is the first president who has promised to repeal the Defense of Marriage Act (signed into law by President William Jefferson Clinton) which defines marriage as the union of a man and a woman.
6.) This is the first president who has pledged to sign into law the Senate and House's version of the Hate Crimes Law, which makes it illegal to effectively preach the Gospel with regards to deviant lifestyles and behavior and how the Holy Scriptures define all such behavior, because it defines preaching against the "Gay" and "Lesbian" lifestyle as a hate crime, and therefore prosecutable under federal law. H.R. 1913, the Local Law Enforcement Hate Crimes Prevention Act. This legislation will protect “sexual orientation,” “gender,” and “gender identity” as protected categories under federal civil rights laws. Democrats even refused to exclude pedophilia as a protected class under this legislation!
7.) He placed a militant gay on his faith-based counsel. He has also made it clear that faith-based groups, which prohibit gays in their organizations will not receive federal funding under his “faith” program.
8.) He has passed legislation that creates a civilian security force – a force that can be used the same way Hitler used the Brown Shirts – to control and spy on Americans. This act prohibits anyone who receives this federal funding from participating in or conducting religious worship services or evangelism!
9.) He asked that a monogram for Jesus Christ be covered up during a televised speech at a Catholic University in Washington, D.C.
10.) Under his watch, the FDA has approved Plan B, an abortion pill for 17-year-old girls.
11.) He signed an economic agreement at the G20 conference in England, which creates an international governing group that will have control over our economy. He has outsourced capitalism to European socialists.
12.) He has placed numerous far left lawyers in the Department of Justice, including pro-aborts, and a former pornography industry lawyer!
13.) As a Muslim must, he is the only president in US history to have bowed to the King of Saudi Arabia; a foreign Muslim Monarch. As a secret Muslim, he has been compelled to display such obeisance in the presence of Muslim Royalty. He knew what he was doing when he bowed to the king of Saudi Arabia, though none of his advisors could later explain it to anyone's satisfaction, because it can only be understood in the context of what a was; the lesser practitioner of Islam paying respect to the greater practitioner of Islam - a member of the Regal House of Saud who is the one of the heads of his household, and a leader of his nation, and by virtue of his office; a leader of Islam. The matter has been conveniently dropped by the media.
14.) He has praised Daniel Ortega, the Marxist president of Nicaragua, and has kissed the Marxist president of Venezuela - Hugo Caesar Chavez - on the cheek, a sign of comradeship among socialists.
15.) He has endorsed the socialist president of Bolivia, Evo Morales.
16.) Has pledged to Iran that the United States would meet with its leaders without preconditions, thus undercutting any means of negotiations, and has taken no actions against its government in the face of severe repression of pro-democracy movements throughout the country.
17.) He has given billions of dollars to AIG without pre-conditions, and AIG has funneled this money to several banks in Europe where the very rich have their holdings - the greatest swindle in US history. To date, AIG has lost hundreds of billions of dollars without accounting for the loss.
18.) He has expanded the federal bailouts beyond the ones administered by President Bush without accountability.
19.) In eight months, he has tripled our national debt. It had up until his sixth month in office, doubled, but this figure has been revised since. And the debt continues to rise astronomically.
20.) He has terminated the space defense system following North Korea's launch of an intercontinental ballistic missile at American territory in the Pacific Ocean this year.
21.) Despite the urgings of Leon Panetta - his current CIA Chief, and the urgings of four prior CIA Directors, he released information on how the CIA gathers intelligence. But, it does not stop there, Obama's Justice Department under radical attorney Eric Holder, is pursuing every CIA official it deems as having violated the "Constitutional rights" of enemy combatants the Obama Administration has reclassified as "enemy defendants."
22.) Although he had pledged to run the most ethical government, five of his cabinet level members cheated on their taxes and two others withdrew after they couldn't justify their breaking of the tax law.
23.) He spent several weeks circling the globe so he could openly apologize for what he perceived as "America's mistakes" and told the Mexican president that the violence in their country was America's fault.
24.) He has appointed a Homeland Security Chief who quickly identified as "dangers to the nation" groups including veterans of the military, and pro-life groups who oppose abortion on demand, and ordered the word "terrorism" to be stricken from the books, and be replaced with the euphemism "man-made disasters."
25.) He has appointed as Attorney General a man who orchestrated the forced removal, abduction, and expulsion from America to Communist Cuba of a nine year minor whose mother died trying to bring him to their family in Miami and a life of freedom in the United States.
26.) He has politicized the US Census by removing it from the Department of Commerce and moving it into the White House in order to control and manipulate it to gerrymander districts for political control over them for his party.
27.) While saluting as heroes the three Navy SEALs who rescued an American, he announced the next day that members of the Bush Administration would likely stand trial for "torturing" - that is, water boarding a terrorist who had been instrumental in the murder of 3000 Americans in 9/11.
28.) He went out of his way to send his National Defense Advisor to Europe to promise the Europeans that America would no longer give Israel preferential treatment, and that Israel would be alone with the Muslims.
29.) He launched the process of the auto industry's nationalization, and has begun the nationalization of the insurance industry, crucial for his so-called "healthcare reform" - ObamaCare. In doing this, he has ordered hundreds of billions of dollars to the auto unions, without the promise of jobs for its rank and file unemployed members.
30.) He has pledged to pass a strict regulation on emissions with the intent of causing the collapse of the coal industry within the United States. In an interview held several years ago on NPR, he proposed the current Cap and Trade policy in order to force the coal and natural gas industry in the United States to go bankrupt.
31.) Despite numerous campaign pledges to read the budget line-by-line, cut wasteful spending and eliminate earmarks, he has signed an inflated budget with more than 9,000 earmarks.
32.) If he along with Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid are successful in passing their Cap and Trade climate change legislations it will be the single largest tax increase in the history of the world.
33) He has pledged no taxes increases on anyone deemed "not rich." This was quickly broken as he signed a 60-cent excise tax on cigarettes earlier this spring. This regressive tax heavily burdens the working poor.
34) He is using SEIU and other union thugs to beat people who voice opposition to his so-called health care proposals:, and prominent members of the president's Democrat Party are calling average Americans protesting ObamaCare and "mobs," "anti-Americans," and other epithets:
35) He is methodically moving American foreign policy away from support for Israel, and redirecting it towards Israel's enemies. As he continues to do this, and as American foreign and strategic policies adjusts; America will begin to see a pronounced decline as a world economic and military power. As it continues to disband from its tradition Judeo-Christian roots, and its historic support for Israel and its people, this country will steadily decline even below Europe. Eventually, if this trend continues, it will not be even an important player in world events. Don't think it's possible? Who would have predicted 9/11? Or the economic collapse of this nation - both of which are connected to the unfortunate Oslo Accords of President Clinton which he foisted on Israel in the name of peace with the most disastrous consequences in its history; the Intifada and rise of the suicide bombers.
36) The following is from a Chassidic website, and this is what it says about this political leader: "There have been some signs along the way that Obama is Amalek, and fighting a war against G-d - here are a few that come to mind: Since his election, Obama has not attended church, even though in the run-up he made a point of doing so..... (deception)
Obama thinks abortion is a good thing - an obvious give-away that he does not believe in G-d. Obama fumbled his swearing in with the Bible, and did it again the following day, without a Bible.....
37) He has appointed a committed revolutionary Marxist-Leninist with Maoist leanings as his environmental Czar to oversee the implementation of his Climate Change on American industry in order to transform it according to his (and Al Gore's) Green Agenda, the one of two of history's greatest con jobs ever perpetrated by politicians and industry upon the citizens of a nation. See the video at this link:
38) He has filled the White House with the most radical collection of Far Left elites in the history of our nation who are behind the several policy measures he has rammed through congress in his first eight months. Watch this video to see who they are, their connections to each other, and what they have done thus far:
39) He is the first to nominate an openly gay and lesbian pro-homosexual to head the U.S. Marshals.
40 He has pledged to do away with the Clinton Era "Don't ask, don't tell" policy of gays in the military, where they would openly proclaim their sexual preference without the fear of military discipline or reprisals. The "Don't ask, don't tell" policy allowed for discretion in order to keep the cohesion so critical to a military unit. Such personal disclosures would erode this cohesion and has been proven in societies which promote it to have a corrosive effect on the units which have adopted it. It has also proven to erode its fighting ability considerably. Removing the "Don’t Ask, don't tell" policy is defacto proclamation openly espousing the gay and lesbian lifestyle.
41) He is about to sign a United Nations International Panel On Climate Change's treaty which will cede American sovereignty to an unelected world body. It will set up a "World Government" (paragraph 36 and 38 of the treaty). Climate Change Expert, Lord Christopher Moncton says, "They are going to do this whether you like it or not." It will not be an elected government, but it will be a "new vast interlocking bureaucratic entity, a government to redistribute wealth in the name of "climate debt," and it will be enforced by an interlocking series of technical panels which will have the ability and power to enforce its policies over those of the member nations signing this treaty. This political leader is about to sign American sovereignty and its Constitution to a World Government this December, and with this, a Communist World Government will take precedence over our Constitution, and the United States will be the biggest paying country signatory to this treaty, and it will be no more as we have come to know it. Under the Constitution's Article Six, two thirds of the Senate is required to vote to pass this treaty. Our elected officials will be the way in which we can keep this treaty from being enacted into law (
42.) He has allied himself with hard Left Socialist Roman Catholics in opposition to the teachings and tenets of the Catholic Church And his support not only of abortion on demand, but also of late term partial birth abortion not only puts him at odds with the teachings of Christianity (Catholic, Orthodox, and Protestant), but also the teachings of the Judaism; and cements him as one who promotes not just abortion, but infanticide; an abominable act that is condemned by the Holy Scriptures.
43.) He has appointed Kevin Jennings as the head of the Office of Safe and Drug Free Schools. This man is Obama's Safe Schools Czar.Mr. Jennings has authored five books advocating homosexual teaching as part of the public school curriculum, and is also the founder of GLSEN - the Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network. What is this group all about? It is the largest advocacy group in the nation that is dedicated to promoting the homosexual and Lesbian lifestyle to kindergarten children in our public schools. Mr. Jennings once said that the late homosexual Communist member/advocate of NAMBLA (North American Man-Boy Love Association), Harry Hay, who once stated, "If the parents and friends of gays are truly friends of gays, they would know from their gay kids that the relationship with an older man is precisely what 13 -, 14-, and 15-year old kids need more than anything else in the world," (Jeffrey Lord, Democrats Called Foley Guilty of Sex Crimes, The American Spectator, October 9th, 2009) was his inspiration for his advocacy of promoting aggressively the homosexual lifestyle to minors in our public schools (Obama's Lewd Schools Czar; Presidential Appointee Continues to Dodge Scrutiny, as cited by Family News, page 3 for November from Dr. James Dobson). According to Tony Perkins of the Family Research Council, writes this about "...the man in charge of protecting our schools has endorsed a celebration of perversion that includes video pornography, religious defamation, photos of genitalia, and stories of child pornography, cross-dressing, and sadomasochism." (Tony Perkins, Exhibiting Poor [Or Is It Porn?] Judgment, Family Research Council, October 22nd, 2009, as cited by Dr. James Dobson on page 3 of November 2009's Family News.)
44.) Another appointment of Barak Obama is Chai Feldblum to serve as one of five commissioners of the EEOC, Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. What the public does not know is that Ms. Feldblum is at this writing a professor of law [Gay Studies] at Georgetown University. Ms. Feldblum supports polygamy. (Ryan T. Anderson, Beyond Gay Marriage the Stated Goal of these Prominent Gay Activists Is No Longer Merely the Freedom to Live as They Want, The Daily Standard, August 15th, 2006, as cited by Dr. James Dobson on page 4 of November 2009's Family News.)
45.) Obama's Diversity Czar to the FCC, the Federal Communications Commission, is radical Mark Lloyd; who last year publicly applauded Venezuelan Communist dictator Hugo Caesar Chavez's so-called media reform, making the following statement suggesting that Mr. Chavez had directed a "really incredible revolution - a democratic revolution." Tell that to the enslaved people of Venezuela. This appointee of Obama's favors removing free speech rights (Second Amendment Rights) of talk radio commentators such as Glenn Beck, Sean Hannity, Bill O'Reilly, Rush Limbaugh, Michael Savage, Bob Grant, Mark Levin, Michael Gallagher, Michael Medved, Laura Ingraham, Monica Crowley, and many, many more beyond that under the guise of a revitalized and federally enforced "Fairness Doctrine," by imposing draconian Stalinist regulations and enforcing them with stiff fines on talk radio.
46.) Obama's choice for White House Communications Director, Anita Dunn, once praised the ruthless murderer of over 150 million souls - Mao Tze-Tung - as one of her "favorite political philosophers." This person actually holds this monster as her role model! And she directs operations within the White House, with the ear of the most powerful man in the world. (What Would Mao Do? White House Press Strategy is About Absolute Control, The Washington Times, October 20th, 2009, as cited by Dr. James Dobson on page 4 of November 2009's Family News)
47.) Another fan of the murderer Mao-Tze-Tung is Obama's Manufacturing Czar, Ron Bloom. In his capacity as the United Steel Workers Union last year, Mr. Bloom spoke to a forum on what role the union can play in bankruptcy, where he made the following statement, "We kind of agree with Mao that political power comes largely from the barrel of a gun..." (Fight over Afghanistan: Rating Obama, Losing Support? Lou Dobbs Tonight, CNN, October 20th, 2009, as cited by Dr. James Dobson on page 4 of November 2009's Family News)
48.) During his campaign for his party's nomination for president, he was hailed by Nation of Islam Leader Louis Farrakhan "the messiah." That in itself is not a crime at least on his part, because on the surface, it appeared he had no control over it. It was his lack of rejecting such an appellation, such adoration, such worship that betrayed the monstrous ego he possesses. His passive non-responsive is testament to his acceptance of such praise because it serves the image he wishes to craft of himself amongst a vast segment of the American electorate. He has yet to make a public statement rejecting this and many other expressions of misplaced worship from many of his followers.
49.) What's more, it is becoming evident through the investigation by some intrepid independent (non-alphabet soup media) reporters that Obama's White House is using the Department of Education in conjunction with the Teachers' unions' curriculum, through his czars to build on the Cult of Personality the Obama Campaign successfully created during his campaign for the White House, as is evident in the videos at the following links:
THE VIDEOS: and and and and and
Make no mistake about it, there is a well organized and well funded program by Barak Obama and his White House at indoctrination on a mass scale across the nation using the organs and power of government in conjunction with unions, and hundreds of others organizations under the umbrella of ACORN in creating an image of Barak Hussein Obama as someone greater than an elected official in a process whose goal is to elevate him to the status of a savior.
50.) One of the first things President Barak Obama has done early in the new year was to make Amanda Simpson, the first transgender appointment to a federal post of his administration to be Senior Technical Advisor to the Commerce Department. His appointment of such an individual to such a post will send ripples into America's society that will have lasting implications for every facet of this nation's various communities. This is the first such appointment of this type, and it will set a precedence. For article go to the following link:
In light of the above, it is my opinion that we have sufficient information to Biblically measure this leader's policies, and make a determination about his faith and where he is taking this nation. When reading the Sacred Writings of the Holy Scriptures in the Books of 1 and 2 Kings and 1 and 2 Chronicles, one reads often terms used with referring to Israel and Judah's kings as either "having done good in the sight of the Lord" or "having done evil in the sight of the Lord." It measures the acts of these kings with the metric of the Law as given by G-d to Moses. As would be expected of the Messiah, Jesus also used this Law of G-d to teach the people of Israel about how it should interact among family, their community, and when conducting business. Indeed, because the rabbis continually accused Him of teaching lawlessness due to His opposition to the Oral Law (He would not submit or teach the people to submit to the Oral Law or halachot of the rabbis) but only to the Written Law, Jesus was compelled to make the following statement with regards to the Law:
"Do not think that I came to abolish the Law and the Prophets; I did not come to abolish, but to fulfill. For truly I say to you, until heaven and earth pass away, not the smallest letter or stroke shall pass away from the Law, until all is accomplished. Whoever then annuls one of the least of these commandments, and so teaches others, shall be called least in the kingdom of heaven; but whoever keeps and teaches them, he shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven. For I say to you, that unless your righteousness surpasses that of the scribes and Pharisees (their dedication to keeping every facet of the Law), you shall not enter the kingdom of heaven."
Matthew 5:17-20
The metric therefore used to determine right from wrong is the Law and the Prophets; what in Judaism is called the Tanakh, or what Christians call the Old Testament. It is this Law of G-d as preserved and enshrined in 613 commandments given to Moses by G-d to deliver to the Nation of Israel and its descendants to observe throughout all of their generations that is at the center of the moral imperatives of such teachings. It is therefore this Law which measured whether the leaders of Israel "did good in the sight of the Lord" or "did evil in the sight of the Lord."
Later in Israel's history following the death of David and Solomon, after the northern tribes split from Judah and Benjamin, the Jewish people had two kings, and the Books of the Chronicles and Kings record for US their deeds and their misdeeds. It is my personal and firm belief that the leaders of each nation to this day have done either "good" or "evil" in the sight of the Lord, and some day when the Books are opened, they will have to account for the policies they enacted as leaders of their nations.
The leaders of these United States of America, like all of the nations around it, and every nation, empire and civilization that has ever existed, will someday render an account to G-d for the policies and actions they were responsible for with regards to each nation's deeds and for its misdeeds. Many of America's leaders themselves have done "good in the sight of the Lord' even to this day, and many have "done evil in the sight of the Lord" even to this day. And they will render an account for their policies and their acts to the Judge of the living and the dead some day. You see how many excuses they make today before the cameras? These excuses will be meaningless when they stand before G-d to give an account for what they've done with their lives, and especially how what they did impacted the lives of countless others.
We then must discern and know how to judge right from wrong, good policy versus bad; and be able to understand beyond the rhetoric given to justify such policies, whether they meet the Biblical standard without making excuses for them when they do not meet the Scriptural criteria. We can do no less, and to excuse ourselves from our responsibility to G-d and country out of a misguided notion that we can stand to the sidelines and keep from "being political" because we have difficult in criticizing public policy when such policy is being promoted by someone we like is inexcusable. It borders on sinful negligence.
"There is nothing more frightening than active ignorance." - Goethe
Some people within the Christian Community say that there are several reasons why Barak Hussein Obama's ideological world view, public policies, statements, endorsements, and support of legislation which will weaken the family structure as defined by Scripture, blur the definition of moral and immoral behavior as defined by Scripture, as well as past associations and current appointments to the highest levels of our government betray him as one who is not a Christian. Seven of these are presented at the following URLs to the links below:
Reason Number One:
Reason Number Two:
Reason Number Three:
Reason Number Four:
Reason Number Five:
Reason Number Six:
Reason Number Seven:
There is a troubling trend that accelerated at the end of 2008, but which had already occurred for the past decade, where Christians and in some cases observant Jews, have been increasingly the target of criticism and excoriation on the part of elites in every strata of our society for their beliefs. The most recent manifestation of this can be found in the following link,
What is most troubling about it is the fact that it is an abstract written for the U.S. Army, and it is being distributed widely among our officer corps, the men and women who lead our nation's military. It criticizes Christians and casts blame current setbacks to global UN dominance over American foreign policy and anti-world government viewpoints on the influence of Evangelical Christians holding to the doctrine known as A-Millennialists; the belief that Jesus Christ will take up (rapture) Christians at His return and the rise of the Anti-Christ before Jesus' return to save Israel from destruction as found in the prophetic books of the Bible and as interpreted by A-Millennialists. As Brannon Howse writes for his December 16th post to his website World View Radio (
"This report has been posted on the website of the School of Advanced Military Studies, United States Army Command and General Staff College. This report is very troubling on many fronts. It is wrong for the military to use tax-payer money to distribute a report that attacks Christians and their end-times views, regardless if it is a paper for class. Why is such a paper being written and posted? Do our soldiers not have real enemies to study? This is further proof that the military is increasingly being politicized and embracing political correctness. What does such a report have to do with fulfilling the purpose of the U.S. Military? Are Christians with this end-time view the threat or the enemy? The report sure seems to imply they are not making America or the world a better place."
Are we beginning to see the unraveling of the American Republic, and is it time for America to undergo judgment? (please read the article at this link: And if so, can it be averted? Or is it too late? This is a question that every American and every individual must ask within themselves and then seek the G-d of heaven about. Our nation's sins must be expiated, but it begins with each and every one of US. We must turn from electing politicians who serve themselves, cost US more in taxes, and present legislation that throws G-d out of our society, and try to regulate our behavior as it seeks to take the place that only the Almighty deserves.
There are some very troubling trends in America, and more and more people are becoming aware of it. This is why the Rasmussen Poll has Barak Obama's approval rating at a paltry 45 per cent only twelve months into his presidency. As Steve Sjegurud writes:
"Millions of Americans are waking up to the fact that "something is wrong" with our country. Television personalities like Glen Beck are drawing incredible audiences as people try to determine how America came to possess the world's weakest major currency, a broken health care system, and a socialist-leaning president."
Steve Sjegurud, What's Wrong With America Today?
For the first time in the history of the United States, the President of the United States cannot define who the enemy we are fighting is, nor can he state our goals in fighting this enemy, nor can he admit with any authority that we are engaged in a war. Because he is a conflicted leader, this president, cannot define foreign policy with any authority, except for criticizing the United States for alleged "past wrongs," while forgetting the good the United States has done in Europe, the Pacific Region, and in Africa, and the Far East.
But he is quick to show support for and show deference towards Islam as a faith, and Muslims in particular. Not good, because he does not accord Christianity or Judaism the same kind of fealty. Demographics may play a part in this president's ambivalence towards Muslims as he sees the trend throughout Europe and around the world
What lies at the heart of a leader when the decisions he makes with regards to the war in Afghanistan and the war in Iraq, and before the successful end of both wars; decides to unilaterally to drop the War on Terror before a declaration of victory is made over an enemy this country is still at war with?
What are we to make for example, of the president's decision through his Attorney General - Erick Holder - of bringing several of the 9/11 terrorists to NYC, including the Al Qaeda leader, Khalid Sheik Mohammed in order to try them in civil court, rather than trying them in military tribunals?
What motivates this president and his Attorney General to give foreign born non-citizen terrorists and enemy combatants rights they are not given under the Constitution of the United States?
Why is this president rushing to try as criminals law enforcement and intelligence officials of this government, who served this country with distinction in the previous administration? Even exposing them, their families, and their counterparts now serving in the field to exposure, and disclosing how the United States collects and gathers intelligence?
What is at the heart of the president's inability to make a military decision in wartime with regards to troop deployment to Afghanistan some four months after his leading Commander in the field requested an increase in troop assignments, and told him in no uncertain terms to give "US at least forty-thousand more troops or risk mission failure?"
By what sophistry of reason does this president conclude that the tragic incident at Fort Hood might not have been an act of Islamist terrorism when Army Major Hassan had for months given signs that he had been radicalized and had even attempted several times to contact Al Qaeda?
How can the president believe that the first act of terrorism on United States soil in eight years had been anything but an act of pre-meditated terrorism?
And why is he so cautious about Islamists while being quick to call as "stupid" a local police officer's arrest of an offending race bater who went out of his way to be offensive to the law enforcement official?
What motivates the president to close the most secure maximum security prison in the world and move its occupants who are amongst the world's most dangerous and motivated enemies of this country, into the continental United States, when there is absolutely no need to subject the American mainland and its population to this danger, especially in light of the fact that this president swore to defend and protect it precisely from such dangers foreign and domestic?
What motivated this president to order the FBI to discontinue its surveillance of foreign Islamist groups in the US with ties to terror organizations outside of this country?
Why has this president abandoned Iranian pro-democratic movements within Iran, while pulling all of the stops on behalf of a Marxist Honduran politician seeking to extend his presidency indefinitely by changing his country's Constitution?
What motivates this president to alienate allies such as Israel while making overtures of friendship with enemy despotic regimes such as Cuba, Venezuela, and Iran?
And why did he authorize almost a billion dollars in aid to Hamas, a terrorist entity and sworn enemy of this country's ally, Israel, that shoots missiles into Israeli cities with impunity? What would we demand our leaders do if the same were happening to US here? Why is he quick to condemn and criticize Israel when it takes measures to protect its Jewish and Arab civilian population from terrorism?
Why does this president travel extensively abroad to speak from those nations against his own country by apologizing on behalf of it for wrongs he claims it committed against them in the past?
What motivates this president to sign international agreements which subjugate the sovereignty of this nation and the Constitutional rights of its citizens to unelected tribunals, councils, and ministries, especially without congressional oversight?
What kept this president from participating as the leader of the free world in Germany's 20th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall; perhaps one of history's most significant moments and one which signaled the start of the fall of the Soviet Union? Only to see him a week later, travel to the Far East?
The answer to these questions are part of a multi-layered ideologically based world view that has rendered this president and every member of his team dangerously inept and unable to perform the leadership requirements which their respective positions demand of them to meet in order to keep this country safe and to bring the War on Terror to a successful close in the coming years.
When ideology trumps reasoned and seasoned leadership, what results is nothing short of chaos; chaos on so many levels that it renders the person or persons who make them unable to understand the consequences of their well meaning but highly misguided policy decisions.
Lives are ruined and destroyed by such decisions. Nations fall by such decisions. And American life in war is needlessly shortchanged by men who makes such decisions. And such is the current occupant of the White House - Barak Hussein Obama and every person who serves under him as part of his team.
What we are witness to now is the result of a junior senator with no foreign policy experience, no experience outside of his district, and hardly any time having served as a US Senator to have been thrust to the most powerful and most influential, and important executive position on the planet, and then watch as he applies policies based upon a discredited ideology and world view upon the American domestic and foreign areas. This is nothing short than having put a person who is not qualified to do work he is not fit to do, and has no experience in; and then expect success. Barak Hussein Obama and his people - those Marxist ideologues and theorists he's surrounded himself with are out of their league, and we and the world are the worst for it.
Remember that by their fruits you shall know them. Listen closely to what Obama says, and especially look at what he does. Then observe where he goes with it. Afterwards keep a close eye on whom he meets, and how he comports himself, and again how he represents US. Then you will see a pattern.
Barak Hussein Obama is a man who is bound by an irrepressible ego and stifling ideology and world view, the combination of which will be his undoing, because it limits him to predictable actions and reactions which this country's enemies can use against him and US.
Unfortunately, if he is not stopped and his policies reversed, it may also prove to be our undoing as well. Obama is nothing more than a good public speaker, one on par with Ronald Reagan and Bill Clinton, but a terrible wartime president. His is the classic example that good politicians are not necessarily great leaders. Between the two is a universe.
He has half the country completely deceived, and a good portion of the other half asleep at the wheel. The families are the target, because they form the foundation of the nation, because Christ is the head of the families, and if He is not placed as Head of the families, where then goes the nation?
One of the Czars - the Education Czar is a self-proclaimed homosexual who is now using his office to promote several homosexual agendas he wrote about in publications in which he advocates homosexuality be taught at the Kindergarten level. He has worked with NAMBLA (North American Man Boy Love Association), and with other homosexual and Lesbian groups working to promote the gay and lesbian agenda on our society.
But if the family is taught the Word of G-d as it should be taught, the people would not be fooled by wily and crafty politicians, and they'd know not to ever again elect politicians who would promote agendas from groups that advocate lifestyles which should be antithetical to every believer according to the Word of G-d. There is no margin for error in this, and though we are taught to love everyone, and we must if we are to share the Gospel with them in love, we must however not have anything to do with any politician who promotes agendas that defy the teachings and moral precepts of G-d's Word.
That there are many people who will elect such politicians and claim they know Jesus Christ and walk according to His commandments, is nothing short of astonishing. It is only a testament to the level of Biblical illiteracy that permeates our land. But then, we are warned by our Lord Himself who has said that even "the very elect may be fooled," and if they be fooled, then what about the rest mankind?
A modern voice crying out in the wilderness of Cyber Space for these times; for all to awake, be aware, and be prepared today for you don't know the day of His coming.
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Monday, January 18, 2010
My system was hit with a virus that did the following:
1.) It took over my system settings and changed my desktop wallpaper to a green color with bold red letters saying "YOUR COMPUTER HAS BEEN INFECTED BY A VIRUS."
2.) It prevented Internet downloads of antivirus definitions.
3.) When I logged off and attempted to log back on, it immediately logged me off, even after logging on using another user's login, even the Administrator Login.
4.) When I rebooted to SAFTE MODE, and attempted to log on (even under Administrator), it behaved the same way; it logged me off immediately.
5.) When I attempted to use the Windows XP Professional CD to boot up and perform a repair on the operating system, it forced the computer to default right after POST (Power Up Self Test) to the floppy drive "to search for a bootable floppy." By; doing this, it prevented the CD-ROM Drive from initializing the Windows XP CD, effectively preventing any repair of the operating system.
My resolution:
1.) I Rebooted, hit F2 for Setup to enter the System BIOS, and I disabled the floppy drive.
2.) Keeping the Windows XP Professional CD in the CD-ROM Drive, I rebooted the computer.
3.) Upon reboot, immediately following POST, I hit the F12 button, and choose to boot from the CD-ROM Drive.
4.) Ran a repair of the Windows XP.
5.) Rebooted and logged on.
6.) Performed a backup of all critical documents, files, pictures, articles, etc by burning them on to DVD (yes, they were that large). I especially made sure that I had archived two critical folders on my Root Directory (C:\), the DELL and DRIVERS folders onto one of my external drives for later use in restoring the system drivers to the operating system.
7.) Rebooted and repeated steps 2-3.
8.) I deleted all NTFS and the Fat32 partition that comes with all Dell systems for diagnostics (where some sophisticated viruses like the one which infected my system can hide in).
9.) Created one new NTFS Partition and did a slow format of said partition.
10.) Reinstalled Windows XP Professional.
11.) Reinstalled all drivers.
12.) Downloaded all Windows Critical Updates, including Service Pack 3.
13.) Installed Antivirus Software - McAfee, Comodo, Spybot Search and Destroy.
14.) Installed all programs; MS Office 2003, Adobe Acrobat, etc...
15.) Configured e-mail (populated all folders in Outlook by copying my Outlook.pst and Archive.pst into C:\Documents and Settings\jjbernal\Local Settings\Microsoft\Outlook).
16 Performed a MS Office repair to ensure that all folders and my address book were properly imported and functioning.
17.) Performed an upgrade of all antivirus programs.
18.) Ran McAfee scan of all drives.
19.) Configured Comodo to "allow" and "block" various programs and processes.
20.) Updated Spybot Search and Destroy and ran an immunization of system.
And now you are receiving this message as a result of my work. It took two and half to three days to complete these functions, and such a work of file restoration, virus elimination, reinstallation, and configuration would have easily cost me over a thousand dollars if I were to hire some IT professional to do it for me, but I AM AN IT PROFESSIONAL. Physician heal yourself was never more apropos to the situation at hand.
For those receiving this, and think that I am boring you with the details, I just wanted you to know what to do if you face the same problem with your system. But, if you do and you don't know what to do about it, you call somebody like me, to get the job done. But one caveat, be ready to pay that person through the roof for such work, because it does require a lot of work on the professional's part, and not everybody knows how to do it the right way. This is what the computer technician, desktop support professional, and the IT consultant faces several times a week, and is expected to perform such work under a ticking clock while handling multiple other calls of diverse complexities. This is why some of these people earn the money they earn. The best earn the most money, but to whom much is given (your talents and know how and the pay to match the expertise, skills, and experience). much is required, so they do earn their pay.
For others who were wondering why I hadn't posted anything for some time on this site, especially in light of current events; prior to the virus attack, I was having other issues with my system whcih I was working out, which culminated in the action taken above. Well now you know.
1.) It took over my system settings and changed my desktop wallpaper to a green color with bold red letters saying "YOUR COMPUTER HAS BEEN INFECTED BY A VIRUS."
2.) It prevented Internet downloads of antivirus definitions.
3.) When I logged off and attempted to log back on, it immediately logged me off, even after logging on using another user's login, even the Administrator Login.
4.) When I rebooted to SAFTE MODE, and attempted to log on (even under Administrator), it behaved the same way; it logged me off immediately.
5.) When I attempted to use the Windows XP Professional CD to boot up and perform a repair on the operating system, it forced the computer to default right after POST (Power Up Self Test) to the floppy drive "to search for a bootable floppy." By; doing this, it prevented the CD-ROM Drive from initializing the Windows XP CD, effectively preventing any repair of the operating system.
My resolution:
1.) I Rebooted, hit F2 for Setup to enter the System BIOS, and I disabled the floppy drive.
2.) Keeping the Windows XP Professional CD in the CD-ROM Drive, I rebooted the computer.
3.) Upon reboot, immediately following POST, I hit the F12 button, and choose to boot from the CD-ROM Drive.
4.) Ran a repair of the Windows XP.
5.) Rebooted and logged on.
6.) Performed a backup of all critical documents, files, pictures, articles, etc by burning them on to DVD (yes, they were that large). I especially made sure that I had archived two critical folders on my Root Directory (C:\), the DELL and DRIVERS folders onto one of my external drives for later use in restoring the system drivers to the operating system.
7.) Rebooted and repeated steps 2-3.
8.) I deleted all NTFS and the Fat32 partition that comes with all Dell systems for diagnostics (where some sophisticated viruses like the one which infected my system can hide in).
9.) Created one new NTFS Partition and did a slow format of said partition.
10.) Reinstalled Windows XP Professional.
11.) Reinstalled all drivers.
12.) Downloaded all Windows Critical Updates, including Service Pack 3.
13.) Installed Antivirus Software - McAfee, Comodo, Spybot Search and Destroy.
14.) Installed all programs; MS Office 2003, Adobe Acrobat, etc...
15.) Configured e-mail (populated all folders in Outlook by copying my Outlook.pst and Archive.pst into C:\Documents and Settings\jjbernal\Local Settings\Microsoft\Outlook).
16 Performed a MS Office repair to ensure that all folders and my address book were properly imported and functioning.
17.) Performed an upgrade of all antivirus programs.
18.) Ran McAfee scan of all drives.
19.) Configured Comodo to "allow" and "block" various programs and processes.
20.) Updated Spybot Search and Destroy and ran an immunization of system.
And now you are receiving this message as a result of my work. It took two and half to three days to complete these functions, and such a work of file restoration, virus elimination, reinstallation, and configuration would have easily cost me over a thousand dollars if I were to hire some IT professional to do it for me, but I AM AN IT PROFESSIONAL. Physician heal yourself was never more apropos to the situation at hand.
For those receiving this, and think that I am boring you with the details, I just wanted you to know what to do if you face the same problem with your system. But, if you do and you don't know what to do about it, you call somebody like me, to get the job done. But one caveat, be ready to pay that person through the roof for such work, because it does require a lot of work on the professional's part, and not everybody knows how to do it the right way. This is what the computer technician, desktop support professional, and the IT consultant faces several times a week, and is expected to perform such work under a ticking clock while handling multiple other calls of diverse complexities. This is why some of these people earn the money they earn. The best earn the most money, but to whom much is given (your talents and know how and the pay to match the expertise, skills, and experience). much is required, so they do earn their pay.
For others who were wondering why I hadn't posted anything for some time on this site, especially in light of current events; prior to the virus attack, I was having other issues with my system whcih I was working out, which culminated in the action taken above. Well now you know.
Monday, January 11, 2010
I can scarce improve on the following, written by an anonymous reader rebutting the screed that passes these days for journalism about a populist independent minded leader and former governor of America's largest state, who having executive experience as governor of America's largest state - Alaska, possessing political savvy and an honest drive to serve those who put her in office with integrity; took on her own party's political machinery, reformed the way the state did its business, eliminated the bloated state budget, and won the hearts and minds of over eighty-five per cent of her constituency as a result; is now poised to be one of the up and coming new true reformers of this century, but because she is not among the media elite's favorite leftwing feminists; is a constant lightning rod for their vehement vilification. Here is the complete commentary of actual achievements, I quote:
"These are only few accomplishments by Sarah Palin (Originally written by Dewie Whetsell, an Alaskan Fisherman.)
"The last 45 of my 66 years I've spent in a commercial fishing town in Alaska. I understand Alaska politics but never understood national politics well until this last year. Here's the breaking point: Neither side of the Palin controversy gets it. It's not about persona, style, rhetoric, it's about doing things. Even Palin supporters never mention the things that I'm about to mention here.
1- Democrats forget when Palin was the Darling of the Democrats, because as soon as Palin took the Governor's office away from a fellow Republican and tough SOB, Frank Murkowski, she tore into the Republican's "Corrupt Bastards Club" (CBC) and sent them packing. Many of them are now residing in State housing and wearing orange jump suits. The Democrats reacted by skipping around the yard, throwing confetti and singing, "la la la la" (well, you know how they are). Name another governor in this country that has ever done
anything similar.
2- Now with the CBC gone, there were fewer Alaskan politicians to protect The huge, giant oil companies here. So she constructed and enacted a new system of splitting the oil profits called "ACES." Exxon (the biggest corporation in the world) protested and Sarah told them, "don't let the door hit you in the stem on your way out." They stayed, and Alaska residents went from being merely wealthy to being filthy rich. Of course, the other huge international oil companies meekly fell in line. Again, give me the name of any other governor
in the country that has done anything similar.
3- The other thing she did when she walked into the governor's office is she got the list of State requests for federal funding for projects, known as "pork." She went through the list, took 85% of them and placed them in the "when-hell-freezes-over" stack. She let locals know that if we need something built, we'll pay for it ourselves. Maybe she figured she could use the money she got from selling the previous governor's jet because it was extravagant. Maybe she could use the money she saved by dismissing the governor's cook (remarking that she could cook for her own family), giving back the State vehicle issued to her, maintaining that she already had a car, and dismissing her State provided security force (never mentioning - I imagine - that she's packing heat herself). I'm still waiting to hear the names of those other governors.
4- Now, even with her much-ridiculed "gosh and golly" mannerism, she also managed to put together a totally new approach to getting a natural gas pipeline built which will be the biggest private construction project in the history of North America. No one else could do it although they tried. If that doesn't impress you, then you're trying too hard to be unimpressed while watching her do things like this while baking up a batch of brownies with her other hand.
5- For 30 years, Exxon held a lease to do exploratory drilling at a place called Point Thompson. They made excuses the entire time why they couldn't start drilling. In truth, they were holding it like an investment. No governor for 30 years could make them get started... This summer, she told them she was revoking their lease and kicking them out. They protested and threatened court
action. She shrugged and reminded them that she knew the way to the court house. Alaska won again.
6- President Obama wants the nation to be on 25% renewable resources for
electricity by 2025. Sarah went to the legislature and submitted her plan for Alaska to be at 50% renewables by 2025. We are already at 25%. I can give you more specifics about things done, as opposed to style and persona. Everybody wants to be cool, sound cool, look cool. But that's just a cover-up. I'm still waiting to hear from liberals the names of other governors who can match what mine has done in two and a half years. I won't be holding my breath.
By the way, she was content to return to AK after the national election and go to work, but the haters wouldn't let her. Now these adolescent screechers are Obviously not scuba divers. And no one ever told them what happens when you Continually jab and pester a barracuda. Without warning, it will spin around and tear your face off. Shoulda known better.
You have just read the truth about Sarah Palin that sends the media, along with the democrat party, into a wild uncontrolled frenzy to discredit her. I guess they are only interested in skirt chasers, dishonesty, immoral people, liars, womanizers, murderers, and bitter ex-presidents' wives.
So "You go, Girl." I only wish the men in Washington had your guts,
determination, honesty, and morals. I rest my case."
I challenge any politician, Republican, Democrat, or Independent; to present to the American electorate a better resume of true leadership and reform; and a ledger of honest publice service by an elected official in this day and age as hers. There is none better.
"These are only few accomplishments by Sarah Palin (Originally written by Dewie Whetsell, an Alaskan Fisherman.)
"The last 45 of my 66 years I've spent in a commercial fishing town in Alaska. I understand Alaska politics but never understood national politics well until this last year. Here's the breaking point: Neither side of the Palin controversy gets it. It's not about persona, style, rhetoric, it's about doing things. Even Palin supporters never mention the things that I'm about to mention here.
1- Democrats forget when Palin was the Darling of the Democrats, because as soon as Palin took the Governor's office away from a fellow Republican and tough SOB, Frank Murkowski, she tore into the Republican's "Corrupt Bastards Club" (CBC) and sent them packing. Many of them are now residing in State housing and wearing orange jump suits. The Democrats reacted by skipping around the yard, throwing confetti and singing, "la la la la" (well, you know how they are). Name another governor in this country that has ever done
anything similar.
2- Now with the CBC gone, there were fewer Alaskan politicians to protect The huge, giant oil companies here. So she constructed and enacted a new system of splitting the oil profits called "ACES." Exxon (the biggest corporation in the world) protested and Sarah told them, "don't let the door hit you in the stem on your way out." They stayed, and Alaska residents went from being merely wealthy to being filthy rich. Of course, the other huge international oil companies meekly fell in line. Again, give me the name of any other governor
in the country that has done anything similar.
3- The other thing she did when she walked into the governor's office is she got the list of State requests for federal funding for projects, known as "pork." She went through the list, took 85% of them and placed them in the "when-hell-freezes-over" stack. She let locals know that if we need something built, we'll pay for it ourselves. Maybe she figured she could use the money she got from selling the previous governor's jet because it was extravagant. Maybe she could use the money she saved by dismissing the governor's cook (remarking that she could cook for her own family), giving back the State vehicle issued to her, maintaining that she already had a car, and dismissing her State provided security force (never mentioning - I imagine - that she's packing heat herself). I'm still waiting to hear the names of those other governors.
4- Now, even with her much-ridiculed "gosh and golly" mannerism, she also managed to put together a totally new approach to getting a natural gas pipeline built which will be the biggest private construction project in the history of North America. No one else could do it although they tried. If that doesn't impress you, then you're trying too hard to be unimpressed while watching her do things like this while baking up a batch of brownies with her other hand.
5- For 30 years, Exxon held a lease to do exploratory drilling at a place called Point Thompson. They made excuses the entire time why they couldn't start drilling. In truth, they were holding it like an investment. No governor for 30 years could make them get started... This summer, she told them she was revoking their lease and kicking them out. They protested and threatened court
action. She shrugged and reminded them that she knew the way to the court house. Alaska won again.
6- President Obama wants the nation to be on 25% renewable resources for
electricity by 2025. Sarah went to the legislature and submitted her plan for Alaska to be at 50% renewables by 2025. We are already at 25%. I can give you more specifics about things done, as opposed to style and persona. Everybody wants to be cool, sound cool, look cool. But that's just a cover-up. I'm still waiting to hear from liberals the names of other governors who can match what mine has done in two and a half years. I won't be holding my breath.
By the way, she was content to return to AK after the national election and go to work, but the haters wouldn't let her. Now these adolescent screechers are Obviously not scuba divers. And no one ever told them what happens when you Continually jab and pester a barracuda. Without warning, it will spin around and tear your face off. Shoulda known better.
You have just read the truth about Sarah Palin that sends the media, along with the democrat party, into a wild uncontrolled frenzy to discredit her. I guess they are only interested in skirt chasers, dishonesty, immoral people, liars, womanizers, murderers, and bitter ex-presidents' wives.
So "You go, Girl." I only wish the men in Washington had your guts,
determination, honesty, and morals. I rest my case."
I challenge any politician, Republican, Democrat, or Independent; to present to the American electorate a better resume of true leadership and reform; and a ledger of honest publice service by an elected official in this day and age as hers. There is none better.
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
It is interesting that every plan put into motion by the Obama Administration to infuse cash into the nation's largest corporations, insurance interests, brokerage houses, and banks, including auto dealers has backfired miserably. It has neither created jobs, unemployment has arisen to new highs - nor has it spurred growth in the private sector, primarily because the federal government is crowding the private sector out of borrowing, and its profligate spending has enabled the Federal Reserve to monetize this debt into the stratosphere of tens of trillions of dollars by printing more greenbacks to meet the increased liquidity brought on by the spending. The private sector is being hammered by the government with higher regulatory costs, higher taxes, and banks which are unwilling to lend much needed capital for procurements and growth because they are not certain of the current stability of the system itself.
In the face of this reality, the Obama Administration continues on its ideological funk of thinking it can do more along the same lines and get different results. It is in a dreamland of Socialist Leftist ideology which impairs it to even the most common of economic senses - tax reduction on business to spur growth and jobs.
The Obama Administration has become a modern day version of Hitler in the bunker, inasmuch as it is unwilling to see the reality around it, and instead is wed to the Marxist ideology of its key members and its leader, the current occupant of the White House; President Barack Hussein Obama.
In the face of this reality, the Obama Administration continues on its ideological funk of thinking it can do more along the same lines and get different results. It is in a dreamland of Socialist Leftist ideology which impairs it to even the most common of economic senses - tax reduction on business to spur growth and jobs.
The Obama Administration has become a modern day version of Hitler in the bunker, inasmuch as it is unwilling to see the reality around it, and instead is wed to the Marxist ideology of its key members and its leader, the current occupant of the White House; President Barack Hussein Obama.
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