Tuesday, September 8, 2020

As we near November 3rd hit pieces and false charges and inventive innuendos against President Donald Trump will multiply and be flung by the media and their allies of the Far Left.
Every day, there arises a new bombshell, expose, family member, or former disgruntled employee who savages Donald Trump for the media. If it’s not a group of so-called “moderate” RINO Republicans, it’s some quick witted Democrat or dim witted Hollywood celebrity or singer; but it is continuous and it is daily, and it has been like this since Donald Trump took office.

Since January 2017, multipronged attacks have levelled daily by the press against this president, because Donald Trump is personal enemy of the people who own the press. As Mark Levin has revealed in his excellent and very revealing bestselling book, Unfreedom of the Press, the press corps is staffed with former Democrat operatives and functionaries, and hard left activists and ideologues that personally harbor a deep personal hatred of the president and they make no qualms about showing it during press conferences.

These people are so demonically charged that they do not hide their personal animus against the president; often heard clearly in their voice and their carefully chosen “gotcha” questions. This isn’t journalism, but politically charged partisan advocacy.

If it’s not the Speaker of the House, it’s the Senate Minority Leader, or some Democrat politician, or some journalist, or some Sunday news anchor; but they’ve all come out of the proverbial political woodwork, openly attacking the president daily.

There is absolutely nothing that this man can do or say that these people will acknowledge as being good. He has brokered a middle east peace between Israel and the United Arab Emirates, yet not one of the alphabet soup channels covered or even mentioned it. This is a pivotal historical event totally ignored by this media. Why? Because they hate Donald Trump as a person and therefore they cannot accept anything he does or say as president that is commendable.

One knows that the press has gone off the rails when one sees and hears daily negative personal attacks against a sitting president. I remember how the press during the Reagan Era attempted, hollowly I might add (you could see through it) to appear and sound objective in their reporting. But today’s news media has completely dispensed any appearance of objectivity and have replaced it with open partisanship, and personal ad hominin attacks against a sitting president it and its Democrat allies “an existential threat” to their hegemony. What we are witnessing is nothing more than a widespread well-organized, well-funded, and well-written daily campaign of defamation against President Donald Trump. It is not news that is being given to the American public, but open partisan personal libel masquerading as journalism.

Its aim is to make the person sitting in the Oval Office as onerous and loathsome as he appears to them. It has become so bad that any impartial observer can sit back and channel surf and hear and see the same Democrat talking points regurgitating from the different news channels. Shawn Hannity and Laura Ingraham and Lou Dobbs have made this clear when airing clips of the various channels “reportage” against the president back to back on their programs. There is no end to this.

And as we see the elections get near, we will see a pent up frenzy of stories and allegations hurled against the president in the swamp media’s efforts to unseat him from office.
Should we be surprised? These people realize that the Democrats have put forward the most corrupt, incompetent, and ill-prepared candidate in their history in Joe Biden against the most effective commander in chief in modern US history, and they’re in panic mode.

Thus, we will hear daily attacks, criticisms, personal “revelations” hurled against him; one more inventive than the other, but all of them lying libels put forward by people who have arrested their journalistic integrity for open partisan activism, even lying when it is necessary for them to slander the president and destroy his credibility.

The press will not tell you that the criticisms hurled against the president by Joe Biden is ridiculous in its face. Someone who has spent six months hiding in a bunker doing absolutely nothing has no right to criticize anyone about anything. Joe Biden has spent six months doing nothing, yet he and his running mate, Kamala Harris, waste no time to daily hurl criticisms of what President Trump has done to combat Wuhan-Corona Virus.

It is startling to see this, because neither Joe Biden nor Kamala Harris has done anything since the virus overtook this country. For them to have the unmitigated gall to criticize this president is the epitome of hypocrisy and vituperation. There is no shame anymore, either from the partisan press, or from congressional Democrats, or from their front runners for the White House.

This is why they have fielded the worst pair of candidates to ever run for office in this country’s history. They expect you to overlook this, disregard it, and cast your vote for them. Their expectations of you should be nothing more than an insult to your intelligence. You are being lied to and they actually believe that you are too dumb to know the difference.

Thursday, September 3, 2020


The Democratic Party is disreputable; its leadership lacks any morals and is absolutely corrupt to the core and without an ounce of integrity. They cheat, they lie, and they invent out of whole cloth all sorts of fictions about their political opposition.

They are the party of baseless accusations, sedition, and treason; fanning the flames of open rebellion in our streets across the country’s inner cities. If the rules don’t fit them, they change them along the way to ones they invent that will give them their desired outcome in the end.

They are untrustworthy and dishonorable. They will turn on you on a dime, and will throw you under the bus the moment you no longer serve their purpose, and are not needed anymore.
Though they claim allegiance to the flag and its nation, their allegiance is not to the nation or the flag, but to themselves and whatever furthers their political power over the people. Their allegiance is only to their party and its cause, whatever it may be at the moment.

They will say and do whatever they deem necessary to get them elected to office. They break their promises and give no thought to their word and their pledge, with the except that it furthers their political power and hold over the nation and its people.

When they switch positions, they justify it by claiming they have “evolved” on that issue. They often contradict themselves without giving it any thought. They use crisis to enact changes they consider advantageous to their goals and whatever their cause is at the moment. They are a party of shifting sands, and moral relativism.

They lionize past leaders such as Harry Truman, John F. Kennedy, and Robert Kennedy, though were these Democrat leaders be alive today and espoused the policies they did in their day, their greatest opposition would come from today’s Democratic Party leaders.

They excuse violence and mayhem when it targets a community, state, or nation they seek to fundamentally change from within by open rioting, revolt, arson, pillaging, destruction of private property, and murder; whatever will destabilize their target which they seek to overthrow through direct action in the streets of inner cities across the nation.

They often do and say things which are unlawful while accusing their opposition of it; projecting their acts and public statements on their political enemies, regardless of the facts or whether there is any truth to what they claim about the other person or people.

They have no allegiance but to themselves, and will easily change sides at any moment, especially when they believe doing so will get them elected to office. For example, when the polls show they are losing support because of their silence in the face of lawlessness, they reluctantly join their opposition in condemning the violence while at the same time criticize the opposition of doing nothing about it, which is precisely what they do.

They are the party of lawlessness, criminality, and violent agitation and destruction. They keep silent as the nation’s cities are their businesses looted, private property destroyed, lives being taken, and police are assaulted with rocks, acid sprayed on them, bottles filled with cement and bricks tossed at them, mace being sprayed in their faces, and other violent physical assaults are mounted against them. In the face of bedlam, they openly criticize the police, and react to the violence against them by defund them and shutting down critical operations in fighting crime. Their Democrat mayors give their local police forces standing orders to disengage and stand down in the face of violent criminal behavior. They do not support law enforcement and prevent them from performing their duties by hemming them in at all sides with unrealistic and impractical policies. Democrat District Attorneys refuse to prosecute criminal behavior by rioters, and openly side with the rioters against the US government’s law enforcement deployed to protect government buildings and employees from vandals. They call the violence “peaceful” and gloss over the well-organized mayhem as nothing but “protests.”

They are completely unethical, amoral, and immoral. Their prime objective is relative and often changes according to their long standing goals, as long as those short temporary goals support their long standing ones in the country’s fundamental transformation, which they seek openly to do.

They are very generous with other people’s money, but very stingy with their own. They are fiscally and politically irresponsible. They are horrendous managers and incompetent and dilatory in their governmental responsibilities when elected to office.

When they govern a city, or a state, and are elected to the nation’s leadership in Washington, they manage terribly and make it evident that they cannot be trusted to hold public office whether that office is at the local, state, or federal level.

They cannot properly lead a nation because they do not know how to. They are the best campaigners and organizers of political and social movements, but they despotic and tyrannical when they hold control of the levers of power.

They are eugenicists and pure political evil and value animal life above human life, and for this reason they feel no remorse taking human life by aborting babies, yet scream to high heaven when an animal is used in testing experimental medications, because the animal’s life is more important to them than that of a new born child – yes, they promote aborting babies that have reached their full term and their mother has reached her full term of nine months – they call this infanticide – “a woman’s right over her body” and her “right to choose” – but never advocate choosing life for that defenseless baby. They give no thought to this, but in elevating plant and animal life above that of a human being, they have “medically” slaughtered and snuffed the life of over sixty-million unborn babies.

They are untrustworthy and without honor and disrespectful. They claim to believe in free speech, but oppose any expression that dissents from their own. Anyone that disagrees with their politically correct worldview is unfriended, their twitter account is suspended and disabled or cancelled, while their minions savagely attack and accuse their opposition of bigotry, racism, and every other epithet that can be hurled at someone to discredit them. They do this because they know that by making such accusations, they do not have account for their indefensible ridiculous political views.

They erase history to rewrite it and interpolate their revisionist interpretation of it in which they depict themselves as the champions of civil rights, equality, social justice, and other catch phrases they use to foment racial violence and divide the nation while they accuse their opposition of doing the same. They speak of tradition and just as easily break from it and destroy historical monuments and change their names to reflect their new “politically correct reality” as they continuously shift positions in order to improve their advantage over their political rivals. This type of political and social modulation makes them untrustworthy and unstable and therefore unreliable as political allies, or much less, as public servants.

Because history bears witness of them as the party the Confederacy, of slavery, the Ku Klux Klan and Jim Crow segregation and lynching, they now seek to erase their connections to that history by advocating the removal and destruction of Confederate monuments across the nation, because this is a history they do not want anyone to be aware of, so they seek to erase it from the books and from the public arena.

They are the party that has officially renounced GOD, and therefore during their convention in late August 2020, GOD was removed from their recital of the Pledge of Allegiance. They did this twice, and made evident that GOD has no place with them.

Should we be surprised by this? In 2012 the Democratic Convention officially as a party renounced GOD. For this reason they will do not and will not include Him during their convention and the recital of the Pledge of Allegiance.

Another thing they did at their 2012 Democratic Convention they officially advocated the LGBTQ Agenda and BDS – divesting from doing business with Israel, and called for the abortion of late term babies, as late as the time of the baby’s birth! They have officially done this as a political party since 2012, and have become increasingly Anti-Semitic in public denunciations of Israel by some of their congresswomen. The absence of any disciplinary action by their leadership of this has made it obvious they do not support Israel and the right for Jewish people to their own homeland. Many of their number are now advocating support for Palestinians against Israel. Should we be surprised by this?

They do not deserve anyone’s vote or trust. They are nothing but a political cult where their rank and file vote unanimously as a party in congress, because as a cult, no one member is allowed to possess their own point of view, but all of members are to tow the party line and vote the party line.

They are the party of BIG government, high taxes, and overregulation and bureaucratic malaise. They believe in the redistribution of wealth. They do not target the rich, but target the middle class for this redistribution. It is the rich who pay and support them politically, so they pass legislation that gives the rich the advantage over the middle class, while keeping the underclass in abject poverty. They claim to be the party of the people, but they are not.

They take our liberties from us, and if necessary for them, they often take people’s properties and their earnings from them, and have taken human life repeatedly in this nation’s history; the bloodiest example of this is the War Between the States in which about 500 thousand Americans lost their lives.

They mismanage their duties when elected to office. They believe they know what is good for everyone else and legislate accordingly to force it down people’s throats regardless of their consent or dissent to their public policies. They should never be elected to office.

They are the masters of public relations and pander to athletes, actors and entertainers, to the gullible and the useful idiots, the ill-informed and misinformed, and to those who are not paying attention to the things occurring around them. They encourage all of these by promising them empowerment over those that do not know better. They claim to take from the wealthy’s surplus for those in need which they have turned into a modus operandi. They resort to baseless sloganeering and empty deceit to get their way. Again, they should never be given a vote or serve in public office.
Now having examined the characteristics of the Democratic Party’s leadership and most of its rank and file, there are exceptions to this rule, but they are few and far between, yet they are there. In Wisconsin there are seven Democrat Mayors who will not vote for Joe Biden, but have come out saying they will vote for President Trump. Like Ronald Reagan said once when he switched from Democrat to Republican, “I didn’t leave the Democratic Party, but the Democratic Party left me.” These seven mayors are saying the same because the Democratic Party is not the same party they once belonged to.

Democrats are leaving the party in droves, precisely because the Democratic Party is but a hollowed out specter of itself, and is now filled with Socialists and radical leftists of all stripes, who influence its leadership to lurch further to the Left. The rank and file Democrat is left by the party and now he/she is leaving it for good and voting for Donald Trump’s reelection.
There is a movement of Democrats who have left the party, and it is called the Walk Away Movement. Brandon Straka, the movement’s founder told Fox News, "We're walking away from the Democratic Party and literally walking toward freedom."

Fox reports:

“People are fed up with what’s happening on the left,” he said, adding that interest skyrocketed after the hearings into sexual misconduct allegations against Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh. “These were really the kind of die-hard loyalists. People in their 60s and 70s who had been Democrats their whole life who said ‘This was the final straw for me.’”
“Scores of video testimonials posted to the #WalkAway Campaign Facebook page give a variety of reasons for switching political allegiances.

“Some said the Democratic Party has become hate-filled and hostile to opposing points of view while moving further to the left. Others say they were tired of the party’s ‘politically correct’ culture.”

Straka said he's most proud that minority groups, such as Latinos, African-Americans and the LGBTQ community, have embraced his movement.

"These minority groups that I think the Democratic Party has had sort of a stranglehold for so long on, they are walking away," he said. "They want to be self-empowered."
The Democratic Party has evolved over time into a political version of a cult, and as such, has all of the characteristics one would expect from a cult towards its membership.

Cults exercise complete control over their members, and it decides for them the matters they will address. And they are not to deviate from these, but the rank and file Democrats are expected to toe the line and follow the leadership in all matters. It is rare to find Democrats who oppose their party. The hate filled rhetoric from its leadership in the House and in the Senate has alienated countless numbers of faithful Democrats, and they see the danger of continuous political insurrection from its leadership while they use Alinskyite tactics to confound their political opponents, and confuse them. As mentioned earlier, they accuse their political rivals and opponents of doing the exact same thing they do all of the time.

True to form, the Alinsky tactic is to claim that President Trump will not concede if he loses as Democrat leaders urge Joe Biden not concede when he loses this November. This is creative thinking. They won’t concede, but will attempt to steal the election by a massive mail in ballot effort in key blue and purple states such as New Jersey, New York, and California.

As they do this, they know that their internal poll numbers are crashing with each day, and no matter what their candidate says or does, he is moving down in them while President Trump’s internal polling indicates an upward surge to victory this November.

They are acutely aware of this, and know that President Donald Trump will win this November. They are the masters of deceit and incredible manipulators of the facts to create illusions they wish the public to fall into. Therefore in reaction to Trump’s poll surges and Biden’s drops like a brick, the Democrats now claim that Trump’s electoral victory will be nothing but a mirage, because though Trump will win by a landslide, the mail in voting will trend to Biden and they claim he will win. This is nothing less than an ingenious ploy to prepare the public for what they will do when President Trump wins reelection, because they plan to resist and delegitimize his victory just as they did in 2016 and have been doing for four years. You can’t have it both ways; you can’t tell your candidate not to concede if you expect to win the election and then turn and claim mail in ballots will secure your candidate’s victory. This is a colossal mind game.

Monday, August 24, 2020


Ø  Joe Biden will most assuredly cut police funding across the country by withholding federal aid to the states of his choosing.  Is this charge true?  Joe Biden and his handlers and supporters claim that he does not support defunding the police.  But what they claim is not what they say they support.  When asked about defunding the police, their presumptive candidate for president, said otherwise; in a Now This interview with activist Ady Barkan, Biden told his interviewer that police forces do not need surplus military equipment because, according to Biden, this is what leads them to become the enemyin a community.  When Barkan asked Biden, But do we agree that we can redirect some of the [police] funding?  Biden’s answer was even more revelatory; his reply was, Yes, absolutely.”

By his own admission, in his own words, Jose Biden supports defunding the police in order to reallocate or redirect city funds into other city budgets.  Moving a fund from the city’s police budget to another is defunding the police budget, because the money is removed from its budget and placed in another’s.

This is defunding; this is redirecting, this is reallocating.  Choose any word to describe what is being proposed by Mr. Biden and his party; in the simplest terms, it is defunding by any other name.  Not only will Democrat Party mayors and their candidate for president slash funding for police departments across the country, their policies, statements, and actions bear witness that they consider rioters, looters, violent mobs “peaceful protestors” and have excused and justified occupations of Seattle and Portland, and consider their own law enforcement “the enemy” as they have federal law enforcement officers, disparagingly calling them:”storm troopers, Trump’s troops, and Nazis.”

Whether Democrat mayors choose to redirect, redistribute, or to reallocate funds; they will defund your police force and slash their budgets, and curtail their ability to serve and protect your communities across the country.  They’ve done it in NYC; they’ve done it in Minneapolis; they’ve done it in Seattle, and they’ll do it where you live, if you elect them to office. 

  Ø  Democrat mayors in over a dozen cities across the nation have displayed reluctance to condemn organized mob violence in their cities.  They have done this by policy and by speech their support for the mobs pillaging their cities and rioting against their communities, while ordering their local police forces to “stand down” and do nothing, but allow the looters, the arsonists, the rioting anarchists and militant radicals to beat people, destroy private and public properties, and assault the local police as they stand by rendered impotent by order of their mayors and police council members.  Some Democrat mayors have come out on the side of the mobs victimizing their communities.  These far Left Democrats have accused President Trump for the violence, but everyone knows that the violence has lasted long before he dispatched federal law enforcement officials to the area; in fact, these violent riots have been occurring in Portland, Oregon for over sixty days.

As a matter of fact, one organization calling itself Occupy Oakland has been involved in protests and civil disobedience since 2011,[1] before Donald Trump took office on January 20th, 2017.  Many organizations such as Antifa, Black Lives Matter, the various Occupy movements, and others’ members are rabidly Anti-Semitic, and are part of the BDS movement who promote divestiture from Israel and support for a Palestinian state.

For Democrat mayors of Minneapolis, Minnesota; Washington, D.C.; Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; New York City, NY; Seattle, Washington; Portland, Oregon; Oakland, California and Chicago, Illinois to blame Trump for the riots absurd and unfair because, like everything else they say about Trump, it has no basis in either truth or reality.

For example, their claim that law enforcement detachments of several federal agencies protecting federal property provokes the mobs to react and fans the flames of violence in their municipalities is patently absurd and false on the face of the evidence against their claim.

The rioters of Seattle and Portland were in those cities long before federal law enforcement officers were dispatched to those cities to protect federal properties in them, and they have continued in their violent assault against the city’s local police long after the federal law enforcement officers left.

These groups are in these cities to riot and destroy private property, and loot people’s businesses, and torch them.  They are organized, paid, and dispatched to harm law enforcement officers, cause maximum mayhem, chaos, and destruction.  They are in these cities to create the appearance that things have gotten out of control in order to blame on the president.  But the president has nothing to do with their activities, no; they are in these cities to cause as much mayhem against the president and the country.  They need no assistance from anyone to provoke to violence; this is their modus operandi, and they’re getting paid handsomely to organize these riots nationwide set our cities on fire.

  Ø  Take note; Democrats in congress or anywhere else will not criticize the rioting mobs and marauders wreaking havoc across the nation’s inner cities.  When a hearing on Antifa was convened by Senator Ted Cruz (R-Texas), Senator Mazie Hirono (D-Hawaii), stormed out in protest against the hearing because she would not condemn Antifa along with the committee.  She did however criticize Senator Cruz and the hearing as she walked out.

There is no parallel to the lawlessness Democrats across the nation have exhibited in the face of such violence against their communities and local law enforcement.  While Senator Hirono did condemn all forms of violent extremism, she did not and would condemn Antifa by name.  Her silence was deafening and her attempt to upstage the hearings by walking on them shows the nation the contempt she has for our country and its law enforcement.  Actions speak louder than words.

Johnathan Turley, a George Washington University law professor and Democrat said that Antifa, is the biggest threat to America's fundamental constitutional right, the freedom of speech.  In his testimony before the hearing, Turley said:

In my three decades of teaching, I have never seen the level of fear and intimidation that we have today on our campuses,” Turley said in testimony to senators Tuesday. “Many professors are afraid to voice dissenting views of the current protests or other issues out of fear that they could be accused of racism or even physically attacked.”

I would add to that the possibility of being fired from one’s place of employ.  The nation’s campuses and work place have become as polarized as congress.  Anything that a person can say that is considered politically incorrect can get them sued as well.  Turley continues:

To put it simply, Antifa and these other extremist groups are winning, and few people seem to be taking notice,” he added.[2]  When Turley, a Democrat, says that “few people are taking notice” of the mayhem and destruction of private property and the deaths across the country, who do you think he is referring to?  Answer: the party he is a member of; the Democratic Party.

  Ø  The Democrats will disarm every citizen and annul their first amendment rights guaranteed to them by law, effectively leaving law abiding gun owners and everyone else at the mercy of criminals across America.  The Democrats have been for decades behind creative legislative efforts to annul the Second Amendment to the Constitution, because it protects every citizen’s right to keep and bear arms and to defend home and country in the nation’s militia, which today is each state’s National Guard and Reserves.

The reasoning behind this effort is to enact gun legislation which systematically removes this right under this amendment piecemeal through progressive anti-gun laws; first against what its proponents call “assault weapons” such as the AR-15 Rifle and the AK-47 Rifle and others like these two of differing brands and models.[3]  It is ironic that while they seek to disarm you and restrict and remove your right to self-defense of life, limb, and property from dangerous criminals, they have taken this lawlessness to another level.

  Ø  The Democrats are now releasing dangerous hardened criminals and felons across the country from jails under their jurisdiction,[4] and are planning to release more into the nation’s communities if they retain power in Washington come this elections.  This effects of this lawless policy is being seen and felt across the country, as dangerous criminals are preying on the communities they have been released to, and the people of those communities are being terrorized into submission by them as they stand defenseless against them, because the Democrat mayors of those cities do absolutely nothing about it.

As lifetime criminals, felons and rapists are released into every community to terrorize and endanger a defenseless and unarmed citizenry, gang bangers roam our neighborhoods and streets.  They have already disarmed law abiding citizens, and defunded their police, now they are releasing the most dangerous people into unsuspecting neighborhoods whom these Democrat politicians have left defenseless for them to prey on.  But it doesn’t end there.

  Ø  The Democrats have vowed time and again, “We will take your fire arms,” indeed, Texas Democrat and former candidate for president, Robert Francis “Beto” O’Rourke, told his audience, “We will take your guns.”[5]  The cat is out of the hat now; and Democrats everywhere are brandishing the Anti-gun agenda full speed ahead in their quest to disarm law abiding citizens.  Ironically, it is these states that have witnessed the worst rioting in years, and continue to do so.  What’s in common with all of them?  They are all Democrat-Controlled cities, townships and municipalities.

Years ago the state of New Jersey; under the governorship of Democrat Joe Florio, convinced his state legislature to make owning AR-15s illegal, and by a stroke of his pen signed the legislature into law and made everyone in his state who owned one of these rifles a felon.  He did not seek their opinion, but signed conceived a law that overnight criminalized owning an AR-15 rifle a felony punishable by law.

The New Jersey statute not only outlawed the sale of AR-15 rifles but, unlike a measure approved a year earlier in California, it ordered current owners of assault guns to render them inoperable or sell them.  Jim Florio also raised New Jersey’s taxes.

These two actions and many others are the signature method Democrats use in treating those who elect them to office.  They take away their Second Amendment rights to own their own weapons and to bear them when needed for their own self-defense.  The Second Amendment guarantees every citizen of this country to keep and bear arms for their own so they may hunt for their food, and if necessary, protect their home and communities as citizen militias against enemies foreign or domestic.

If the Democrats are elected to office, they will do this to you and your relatives.  In fact, when asked about his banning AR-15s, he has said he has no regrets for it, and tells his interviewer,    Why?  Because this is one of their goals on the guise of combating what they euphemistically “gun violence,”[6] but in reality is a ploy and excuse to disarm America.

  Ø  The Democrats’ goal is to disarm every US citizen and to prosecute anyone who attempts to keep their firearm.  If anyone attempts to use their firearm in self-defense, they will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law as felons.  On June 28, 2020 in the city of St. Louis, when BLM rioters threatened the home of Mark and Patricia McCloskey, they took a to stand in front of their property to defend it against marauding rioters brandishing their firearms to deter any of the rioters from despoiling their property.

The city’s radical liberal Democrat circuit attorney, Kimberly Garder, condemned the couple while defending the rioting protestors, and sought to bring charges against them instead of the rioters and looters.

But at the time when Patricia McCloskey had brandished her hand gun in order to ward off the rioting demonstrators who by then had congregated on her front lawn, her handgun was inoperable, but the mob gathered in front of their property did not know it at the time.

In order to file charging documents against her, a St. Louis prosecutor ordered the crime lab technicians to reassemble the gun in working order and then attested that it was “readily capable of lethal us.”

 The couple’s attorney, Joe Schwartz commented about this, “It’s disheartening to learn that a law enforcement agency altered evidence in order to prosecute an innocent member of the community.”

“The McCloskeys responded to a June 28 incident during which George Floyd protesters broke into their gated community while attempting to reach the house of St. Louis mayor Lyda Krewson.

 ““The group began yelling obscenities and threats of harm to both victims,” a police report stated.  “When the victims observed multiple subjects who were armed, they then armed themselves and contacted police,”

Missouri attorney general Eric Schmitt has filed to dismiss the case against the couple.[7]

  Ø  The Democrats are working to radically change the demographics of our nation’s suburbs through forced integration of low cost housing from the inner cities into the nation’s suburbs.  This is something where suburbanites must pay close attention, because Joe Biden and the radical Democrats behind him has assuredly promised to reinstate Barack Obama’s Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing (AFFH) to America’s suburbs if elected to office.

Barack Hussein Obama in 2015 claimed he was fighting “housing segregation” in suburbs, when he issued a regulation known as Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing (AFFH) even though there was a law already on the books, the Fair Housing Act of 1968, which outlawed discrimination in the housing industry.

Writing for the Federalist, Shawn Fleetwood writes, “In 2016, Donald Trump won the suburban vote over Hillary Clinton.  Recent polling has shown the incumbent president trailing in the suburbs, however, particularly among women.  If suburban voters knew what Joe Biden has in store for their communities once elected, they might change who they’re willing to cast their ballot for come November.  From here I quote from Mr. Fleetwood’s extremely informative article.

“According to the New York Post, had the regulation been successfully implemented nationwide, localities across the country would have had to ‘scrap zoning, build bigger water and sewer lines to support high-density living, expand schools and social services and add mass transit.  All pushing up local taxes.’  In essence, virtually all control regarding local governance would be outsourced to the federal government.

“Not only has Biden agreed to implement AFFH if elected, but he has also promised to go much further.  Originally, the AFFH rule used HUD grants as a persuasion tactic to bring suburban communities into compliance, while local communities could still make decisions about whether to pursue these grants or retain local zoning control.

“Biden, however, has signed on to a proposal by Sen. Cory Booker, D-N.J., that would effectively withhold federal transportation grants, used to build and repair highways, unless communities sign on to AFFH.  It would be almost impossible for many communities to decline this funding for critical infrastructure, handing over America’s suburbs to the federal government.

“Stanley Kurtz, a senior fellow at the Ethics and Public Policy Center, recently spoke in an interview with Mark Levin about how a Biden presidency would effectively abolish America’s suburbs as we know them.  ‘It would allow bureaucrats in Washington, in the Department of Housing and Urban Development, to control zoning laws, to control the placement of transportation and business districts, even to some degree the drawing of school districts,’ Kurtz said.  ‘In other words, almost every important local governmental responsibility could, under AFFH, fall into the de facto control of the feds.””

“The Trump administration officially discarded the rule in July, arguing the regulation was a blatant power grab by the federal government.  ‘President @realDonaldTrump and I agree that the best run communities are the ones run locally,’ tweeted HUD Secretary Ben Carson.  ‘Today, we are tearing down the Obama Administration’s Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing rule, which was an overreach of unelected Washington bureaucrats into local communities.”’

“The administration is replacing the Obama-era rule with its own policy, called Preserving Community and Neighborhood Choice.  According to a HUD press release, the new rule ‘defines fair housing broadly to mean housing that, among other attributes, is affordable, safe, decent, free of unlawful discrimination, and accessible under civil rights laws.’  The new regulation also provides more power to local governments with regard to zoning decisions.

“Suburban voters should also know that with AFFH, the crime we routinely see on TV every night, such as the riots in Portland, will likely no longer be exclusive to major cities.  As localities surrounding metropolitan areas begin to be forcibly melted into inner cities, we very well might see city crime begin seeping into once-peaceful suburbs.”

As the projects built under this law come to America’s suburbs, aggravated assaults will shoot up, shootings will shoot up, gang violence will shoot up, rapes and prostitution will come to America’s suburbs, the suburbs will see a rise in carjackings, kidnappings, home invasions, and burglaries as drug addicts, pedophiles, and violent offenders will be unleashed in America’s suburban communities.  Fleetwood continues:

“The very same soft-on-crime policies that have encouraged crime, such as those in New York City, will become the new norm for our suburbs as city police newly encompass suburban police, under worse policies for both.  Following the death of George Floyd, NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio slashed the New York Police Department’s budget by more than $1 billion and disbanded the plainclothes anti-crime unit.  Coupled with the state’s new bail-reform laws, the results have been catastrophic.

“According to the Washington Examiner, ‘In one week in July, shootings in the city increased by 176% compared to the same week last year, with 47 shootings reported compared to 17 shootings last year.  Additionally, killings also increased that week, with 14 killed compared to five during the same period in 2019.’   In addition, the month of July marked more shootings in New York City so far this year than in all of 2019.

“If Biden is elected in November, Americans in the suburbs can kiss their peaceful communities goodbye.  Citizens who moved out of the cities hoping to escape violence would be under a Biden administration more likely to be trapped in the same circumstances they fled.

“There’s a reason the Democrats and mainstream media continue to avoid this issue.  If suburban voters begin to understand what Biden’s AFFH rule would mean for their communities, many would flock to Trump, irrespective of what they think of his tweeting habits.  Americans want to live in safe neighborhoods, where their children can go outside and play.  If Trump can campaign effectively on this issue, his chances for reelection will improve dramatically.”[8]

If Biden and his radical Democrat handlers get their way, chaos and lawlessness will place America’s suburbs at the mercy of violent offenders who will prey on them as they now do in America’s inner cities.

  Ø  The Democrats have vowed to have American citizens pay the medical costs of illegal undocumented aliens while the average American struggles to pay their own medical insurance, while those under the Affordable Care Act – otherwise known as Obamacare – have had their medical rates skyrocket beyond their means to be able to pay them.  They have also vowed to replace everyone’s private insurance with a federal one – Obamacare which restricts a patience access to the physician of their choice and replaces them with one the bureaucracy chooses for them, including their medication.  Additionally, they and their RINO colleagues are responsible for raising the cost of medication.  They have pledged that, if elected, they will push this policy and make it the law of the land for every person.  There is no country on the planet that has done this, but the Democrats have promised they will make it law if they are elected to office.

  Ø  The Democrats have promised to eliminate our borders with Canada and Mexico.  They used to oppose this years ago, but because the president opposes it, they have made one of the main official policies of their party.  If they are elected and are successful in doing this, this country will have terrorists and criminals and spies entering at will as often as they please and as many as they wish.  This is a matter of national security, but the Democrats treat it as a human right.  Elimination of borders is one of the key goals of Democrat and Republican globalists in their march to a New World Order.

  Ø  The radical Democrats have succeeded in convincing a sizable number of our youth that their policies are practical and doable, and they are trying to convince you as well.  They are pulling out all of the stops to achieve this, even quoting a beloved comedian, Charlie Chaplin, in one of their commercials, without disclosing that he left America because he was an avowed Socialist.  They will quote his high sounding words in order to convince you that they are on the side of amicable bipartisanship and peaceful coexistence with their political opponents.  Nothing can be further from the truth; in point of fact, if there is anything that one can get from the last four years of their behavior and rhetoric and outbursts is that they are the angriest and most intolerant people on the planet, and wherever they have obtained political power, they have misused it against the populace they govern over.  Be sure they will do it to you wherever you are if you give them the opportunity with your vote.


Now to conclude my expose, there is one question that everyone, Democrat, Republican, Independent, or Libertarian should ask themselves before they go out and vote this election, and that question is, “What party would have a purportedly outsider who fancies himself an Independent Marxist Socialist (Communist) as one of its leading contenders for the presidency?

Why would the Democratic Party allow and even promote a person who presumably is not a Democrat to run as a Democrat, indeed, as one of its two main contenders for president?  We know better, of course.  We know that the other candidates running against him barely made it didn’t make it to the end; one of them – Kamala Harris – folded her campaign in 2019 before the primaries, because she could barely garner even a percent of the Democrat vote.

But, what political party would include Bernie Sanders, a self-avowed Marxist Leninist Socialist as a potential main candidate?  The answer is clear; a party that has embraced the ideology of that candidate and made its official policy promoted by its leadership and the handlers of its leading candidate, Joe Biden.
There has never been a clearer distinction of choices between two candidates for president before the American people as the one the nation faces today for 2020.  One – Donald Trump’s – has almost four years of a clear track record of accomplishments and achievements that has improved the lives of almost every American – achievements and accomplishments never seen before in a single presidency’s first term in office.  Every one of President Donald Trump’s promises has been kept.  And he has done this without any help, but resistance and opposition from the Democratic Party and its media allies.

The other choice the American people have is one of a record of absolutely no achievements to speak for, and in fact, one in which the candidate has spent the better part of forty-four years on the wrong side of every issue that has come before him in his political career.

Even worse, the candidate, Joe Biden, has moved beyond even his own failed politics to embrace the very policies and goals of his Communist competitor for the presidency, Bernie Sanders, and the most radical far Left elements of his party, people like Alexandra Ocasio Cortez, and the squad of Anti American politicians.  To add insult to injury, he has now made far Left radical Kamala Harris his running mate.
If the Democrats get elected, America as we’ve known it will come to an end.  There will be no place to go, no place to flee to, no place to hide on the face of the earth, and as America goes, so goes the world.
The people who currently call themselves Democrats, who have taken the Democratic Party over will impose on this country and its citizen’s policies that mirror those of Communist China, Cuba, Venezuela, Nicaragua, North Korea, and every failed imprisoned nation.

If they succeed in getting themselves elected, they will push the nation and the world into a new dark age of tyranny the likes of which has seldom been witnessed.  Like the people of those imprisoned nations who lost their country, we too will lose ours.

We have detailed here what the Democratic Party promises to do to this country if they get elected to office and win the presidency in 2020; what it would do to you and to your family and to your way of life.
The choice will be yours when you enter your voting booth and cast your vote this November – your choice will determine your future and the future of the Republic.  When Benjamin Franklin was asked what type nation the American people had when the United States was established, he answered, “A republic, madame, if you can keep it.”  Will we keep our republic or throw it away with our votes this November?  The answer lies with you and who you choose to vote for.

[1] “The Occupy Oakland movement has attracted particularly strong controversy for its tactics.  During protests, police have confiscated knives, scissors, mace, and tear gas, as well as large corrugated metal shields from protesters.  Protesters have also been recorded throwing bottles, metal pipe, rocks, spray cans, improvised explosive devices, and lighting flares at police.  Protesters have slashed tires and invading vacant buildings during protests, and Oakland citizens have expressed concern that the protests have necessitated a large police presence which has made the rest of the city less safe.  Several Occupy organizers and supporters claim that various groups, including some agents provocateurs, infiltrated Occupy Oakland in order to subvert and co-opt the movement, and/or discredit it by causing disruption.  
At an Occupy General Assembly on January 29, protesters expressed a schism in the movement, with some claiming Occupy Oakland had strayed too far from its grassroots ideologies of economic justice, and claiming use of violence was detrimental to the movement in general.  The Occupy Bay Area Jewish Contingent, another Occupy movement, has sought to distance itself from Occupy Oakland, saying it had been "hijacked" by violence.  Members of Occupy Sacramento blamed Occupy Oakland members for at least one incident of violence in their city.”  From Wikipedia, the Online Encyclopedia’s article titled, Occupy Oakland – JB
[2] As quoted in a Fox News August 4th online article titled Turley explains how Antifa is the 'Keyser Soze' of social unrest – JB
[3] Some states that with a Democrat majority of its legislature, that state’s gun legislation is more restrictive than those where Republicans are the majority.  Antigun laws differ from state to state.  For example, in Texas it is legal to both own and to carry AR-15s and AK-47s from one’s home to the firing range and back, whereas in states where Democrats are the majority, such as New Jersey and New York; it is illegal to own and to carry these two weapons and several others.  The goal of these laws, as claimed by its proponents, is to prevent what they call “gun violence,” with background checks, and restrictions such as the ownership of these weapons.
[4] This is being done under the guise of “protecting” the criminal community from the Communist Chinese Wuhan Corona Virus.  If the virus doesn’t kill you, the criminals will.  You can thank your local Democrat legislature for this – JB
[5] As quoted by Jeff Katz in his article titled Democrats: We Are Coming For Your Guns – JB
[6] “Gun violence” is an absurd term, because it is the person who wields the weapon who shoots it, not the weapon itself.  Anyone can use just about any object as a weapon, but you don’t hear anyone saying, “Let’s outlaw this object or that,” because of its absurdity on its surface. 

Sunday, August 23, 2020



All the congressional Democrats have done is to use the same dull rhetoric of complaint and attack against the president and his policies, and now we are hearing them attack the country itself, calling it “systemically racist.”  The reason the Democrats have focused their attention to Donald Trump and not provided the nation with any real substantive policies is because they have nothing to offer, but their opposition to Donald Trump.  This is what Joe Biden and his handlers have to offer in the 2020 presidential elections:
      The Democrats will defund your local police if elected, as some have done already in communities across the country where they hold governorships and the post of mayors of those cities and towns.  In the most extreme cases, the Democrats will shut police departments down, as it is reported they’ve done in Minneapolis, Minnesota.

In New York, the elite police Anti-Crime Unit was shut down and disbanded by the Democrat Mayor Bill De Blasio, who also slashed a billion dollars from city’s police budget.  Policies like these have left cities like New York defenseless against the growing criminal element overwhelming cities across the nation.

The result of these failed policies has been disastrous to America’s inner cities; children have died from drive by shootings, and these policies of appeasing the gang bangers and the rioters and looters has brought disastrous and tragic results to the families of those whose children have fallen to this violence.  Biden, his handlers, and his supporters claim they aren't in favor of defunding the police but rather federal funding should make sure "they meet certain basic standards of decency, honorableness, and, in fact, are able to demonstrate they can protect the community, everybody in the community."  But this is only part of what Biden said in his answer.

The Democrats will raise your taxes to astronomical heights to fund legislation they will place into law to help their lobbyists friends and special interest groups.  The highest taxes in the nation are in places where the Democrats govern the state legislature, the counties, and its municipalities across the country.  It is not a coincidence that the following states have the highest and most confiscatory taxes in the nation;

Ø  California 13.3%
Ø  Hawaii 11%
Ø  Oregon 9.9%
Ø  Minnesota 9.85%
Ø  Iowa 8.98%
Ø  New Jersey 8.97%
Ø  Vermont 8.95%
Ø  District of Columbia 8.95%
Ø  U.S. states with the highest property taxes in 2018 – 2020
Ø  New Jersey: $8,780.[1]
Ø  Connecticut: $7,222.
Ø  New York: $6,947.
Ø  New Hampshire: $6,253.
Ø  Massachusetts: $6,019.
Ø  District of Columbia: $5,480.
Ø  Rhode Island: $5,368.
Ø  California: $5,354.

What do all of those states have in common?  Every one of those states are governed by Democrats.  Wherever Democrats are elected, they either raise existing taxes, or create new ones in order to reach into every person’s wallet to obtain them.  Over-taxation impoverishes and reduces the quality of life of the person it is imposed on.  They reduce the only means of support a person has in order to meet their fiscal responsibilities and live free of burdensome and unnecessary expenses that otherwise goes to pay a politician’s rapacious largesse and corruption.[2]

   The Democrats will run your business to the ground with confiscatory capital gains, income, and payroll taxes, draconian overregulation and minimum wage requirements without any semblance of knowing how these will impact each business’ overhead related to its budget and its ability to fiscally run and stay in afloat without laying any of its employees off and stay solvent as well as profitable enough to meet its responsibilities to its employees and in its service to the public at large.

Additionally, wherever they are the governing majority, they impose the highest sales taxes in the nation.  The Democrat’s plan will result in massive job losses, high crime, social unrest, urban blight and deterioration, much of which we have been seeing in Democrat run cities across the country already.  If they succeed in implementing these the nation will undergo the greatest Depression in its history from which, if it is possible, will take decades to come out of.  The human suffering and toll on life will be astronomical.

   The Democrats will take your property using Eminent Domain to justify their action, which in several cities across the country they have already done in the past; only now they will do it under the guise of the Green New Deal, Climate Change, and protecting the environment.  Eminent Domain has been used in the seizure of private property by several Democrat-controlled municipalities across the country without compensation and against their rights under the US Constitutional protection against unlawful searches and seizures of their person and property.[3]  They’ve used Eminent Domain to justify the seizures of private properties to build strip malls and other “infrastructure” projects the town deems necessary “for the betterment and improvement of quality of life” to the towns people whose properties they’ve seized.  The Democrats have done this to many of your citizens under the radar for decades while the nation slept.

  The Democrats will take possession of our school choice for our children by removing it from US – the parents and reassigning this responsibility to unnamed bureaucrats, teachers’ boards of education and unions.  In doing this, the Democrats will ensure every family in our inner cities and across the nation the inability to choose for their children private or home schooling, in order to support the partisan teachers’ unions who pay them handsomely to get elected every election cycle.  This will result in our children receiving the same sub-standard education inner city schools have suffered for decades across the country, and subject our children to politically correct Leftist propaganda, social and sexual engineering in the guise of education in order to indoctrinate them rather than education them.  If education is the goal, it is education that should be pursued, not indoctrination.  Reading, writing, penmanship, mathematics, and science have little to do with gender neutrality, sex education, and social engineering.  The Democrats think otherwise, and their teachers’ unions have churned out illiterate and under educated children steeped in LGBTQ indoctrination.  The classroom is no place for these, but this is policy for Democrat run municipalities across the country.

  The Democrats will force US to pay for abortions on demand and their support for infanticide through direct taxation levied against every citizen, specifically created in order to fund thousands of abortions across the country.  What is euphemistically called “Late Term Abortion” is when babies who are up to nine months old are cut piece by piece by the use of gruesome inhuman procedures which rip the baby apart and their body parts sucked out while in its mother’s womb.  This is inhuman and nothing short of premeditated murder, because it is the taking of a defenseless innocent human life in the most conceivable gruesome manner.  The abortion industry is a multi-million dollar business and it is run by politicians, bureaucrats, and special interest groups allied to the abortion mill known as Planned Parenthood.[4]

  The Democrats will annul our First Amendment right to free speech and worship by imposing upon every person restrictions which will prohibit the gathering of people, as they are already doing in states they govern across the nation.  Free speech will give way to politically correct dialogue and verbiage as mandated by the state and in the work place, as well as every other venue possible where people gather or converse.  We are already seeing this censorship with the large tech giants’ censorship of some forms of expressions they deem “against the policies of such and such, you fill in the blanks, it is being done every day by these tech giants, and it is implemented by companies to their employees, where they are forced to sit and in some cases sign their consent to sexual preference and terms of the LGBTQ society, whether or not they find agree with them.  It is already being imposed, and people have been sued or lost their job because their religious convictions will not allow them to embrace these beliefs because their Scriptures oppose them.

         The Democrats will effectively end America’s energy independence with their Green New Deal by capping our natural gas and petroleum wells, seriously curtail the refining of fossil fuels, shut down the coal mining industry, confiscate automobiles and require everyone own only electric vehicles.  Every state they govern their citizens are required to pay high gas taxes on their fuel, their utilities, and their energy.  Their Green New Deal will end vast sections of the US economy and put over a hundred twenty million people out of work.  Their proposed Climate Tax will further directly impact industry, create massive job losses in large sectors of our economy, and raise the cost of almost everything, like appliances that consumers use in everyday life.  Millions of high paying occupations will disappear the first year should these militant radicals get elected to office.  With the Green New Deal their plan is to retrofit every property across the country against carbon emissions.  Anyone with a grade school level education can tell that all mammals exhale carbon emissions into the atmosphere, and this is vitally essential for trees in providing oxygen for the planet.  Plants take in the carbon emissions we exhale and then provide oxygen to the earth for us to breathe.  Without oxygen no life can exist on this planet.  These con artists want to tax you for breathing!  They call it Climate Change and want everyone to believe their con job so they can tax everyone and  receive the proceeds the tax would bring in.  California today is like Havana, Cuba; it suffers daily blackouts and brownouts.  California Governor Newsome’s policies have ruined the great golden state and sparked a mass migration away from the overtaxed, overregulated, overburdened state.  Were Democrats like Newsome be elected to office this November, they would turn the entire country into another California.  In the past, when a state has become too onerous and burdensome to settle and earn one’s living in, they would pack up their belongings and move to another state, but if this country is ever taken over by the Democratic Party, there would be no place to escape to, nowhere to go.

[1] Actually, in New Jersey townships like West New York, Union City, Bergenfield, Tenafly, and several municipalities, the yearly property taxes are as high as $12,000 and in some places higher.  Add that cost to a person’s mortgage with all of the others taxes they are required by the state and the federal government and see how it impacts their finances and quality of life – JB
[2] Overall Tax Burden by State
Overall Rank
Total Tax Burden
Property Tax Burden
Individual Income Tax Burden
Total Sales & Excise Tax Burden
New York
New Jersey
Rhode Island
West Virginia
New Mexico
North Carolina
North Dakota
South Dakota
South Carolina
New Hampshire

[3] This protection against government theft of private property is provided by the Fourth Amendment to the Constitution which lays down the law clearly and ambiguously with the following words: “The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.” – JB

[4] In 1921, Sanger founded the American Birth Control League, which later became the Planned Parenthood Federation of America.  Margaret Sanger. (b. September 14, 1879 – d. September 6, 1966)  was a eugenicist.  The definition of a eugenicist is beliefs and practices based upon assumptions that by excluding people and groups judged to be inferior and promoting those judged to be superior in the guise of a presumptive effort to improve the genetic quality of a human population.  The most famous example of the influence of eugenics and its emphasis on strict racial segregation on such "anti-miscegenation" legislation was Virginia's Racial Integrity Act of 1924. The U.S. Supreme Court overturned this law in 1967 in Loving v. Virginia, and declared anti-miscegenation laws unconstitutional.